# # If you think the *.spec files need corrections, please send me a # complete working *.spec file, not just a bug report. # I moved my laptop from Scientific Linux to Debian (they still # provide a 32 bit version with recent software), so I do no longer # have access to machines I could use to test *.spec files. # Name: dktools Version: 4.8.3 Source: file:///home/krause/work/dktools-4.8.3.tar.gz Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Dirk Krause's tools and libraries Vendor: Dirk Krause # Packager: Dirk Krause Group: Applications/System License: BSD URL: http://dktools.sourceforge.net/index.html BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) BuildRequires: mysql-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel net-snmp-devel wxGTK wxGTK-devel Requires: zlib bzip2 openssl mysql-libs libpng libjpeg libtiff net-snmp wxGTK Conflicts: dktools-rescue Prefix: %{_prefix} # ___PROVIDES___ %description A set of tools for graphics conversion, text conversion, software development, administration and printing and some general-purpose tools. bmpp / wxbmpp Convert PNG/JPEG/TIFF to PS/EPS/PDF fig2lat Convert FIG to PGF,EPS+TeX,PDF+TeX,EPS,SVG wximgsz Suggest good sizes to rescale bitmap images htmlbook Publish HTML like a book dkct / wxdkct Preprocessor for C, C++, Objective-C and Java (debugging/tracing, state machines, wxWidgets GUIs) dkwxwiz Create project skeleton for wxWidgets+dktools based programs wxdkhtb Viewer for *.htb help files itadmin Use a MySQL database to manage your IT dk-ls ls clone, configurable column order dk-fic File integrity checker dk-bmm Backup media manager (10 tape rotation) dk-blks Correct data stream blocksize (for use with dd) dk-eradisk Create data stream to erase a disk dk-hex Show data in hexadecimal or octal notation dk-cat cat clone, recoding between ASCII/UTF-8/UTF-16 dk-sort sort clone, processes ASCII/UTF-8/UTF-16 dk-t2h Text to HTML converter dk-t2l Text to LaTeX converter dk-sqlsplit Split overlong SQL lines from mysqldump dk-uid Find user ID in given range dk-pwgen Create passwords, PINs and WiFi keys dk-send Send data stream to one or multiple recipients over TCP dk-recv Receive data stream from a dk-send process dkdbt Tool for simple databases printqd Print quota enforcement for LPRng print systems wxpqdic GUI client to check print quota addctrld Add CTRL-D to end of data stream if not yet present wxdkclock Simple clock, one alert plpdftex Output driver for octpgfpl %prep %setup -q # %setup %build %configure --enable-packaging make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README bsdlic.txt %{_bindir}/* %{_libdir}/libdk3*.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4*.so.* %{_datadir}/applications/* %{_datadir}/dktools %{_datadir}/dk4app %{_datadir}/man/man1/* %{_datadir}/man/man5/* %{_sysconfdir}/printqd/printqd.conf.sample %{_sysconfdir}/rshdown/rshdown.conf.sample %config %{_sysconfdir}/dk3app/dk3paper.conf %post # ##### ATTEMPT TO GUESS USER AND GROUP FOR LPRng LPD DAEMON # LPUSER=`getent passwd | grep '^daemon:' | cut -f 1 -d :` if [ "X$LPUSER" = "X" ] then LPUSER=`getent passwd | grep '^lp:' | cut -f 1 -d :` fi if [ "X$LPUSER" = "X" ] then LPUSER="root" fi LPGROUP=`getent group | grep '^daemon:' | cut -f 1 -d :` if [ "X$LPGROUP" = "X" ] then LPGROUP=`getent group | grep '^lp:' | cut -f 1 -d :` fi if [ "X$LPGROUP" = "X" ] then LPGROUP="root" fi # # ##### # # # # ##### LINUX DISTRIBUTION PACKAGERS # ##### If your distribution contains the LPRng software, please # ##### uncomment the two lines below and set LPUSER and LPGROUP to # ##### the user and group used to run the LPRng lpd daemon on # ##### your distribution. # ##### Optionally remove the lines above attempting to guess these names. # # LPUSER="daemon" # LPGROUP="daemon" # # ##### for i in /var/printqd /var/log/printqd /var/run/printqd do [ -d $i ] || mkdir -p $i chown -R ${LPUSER}:${LPGROUP} $i chmod 770 $i done ldconfig %postun if [ "X$1" = "X0" ] then [ ! -d /var/run/printqd ] || rm -fr /var/run/printqd [ ! -d /var/log/printqd ] || rm -fr /var/log/printqd fi ldconfig # # The rescue sub-package installs only those binaries useful on # a rescue live system. # %package rescue # # The devel sub-package installs developer support. # Summary: Only those DK tools binaries useful on a rescue live system Group: Applications/System Requires: zlib bzip2 openssl Conflicts: dktools Prefix: %{_prefix} %description rescue On live systems for system rescue we only need the dknet and dkt program. %files rescue %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README bsdlic.txt %{_bindir}/dk-send %{_bindir}/dk-recv %{_bindir}/dk-blks %{_bindir}/dk-cat %{_bindir}/dk-eradisk %{_bindir}/dk-ls %{_libdir}/libdk4socka.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4sock.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiodh.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maio8h.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4app.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4c.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiodd.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maiowd.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4maio8d.so.* %{_libdir}/libdk4base.so.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-send.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-recv.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-cat.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-blks.* %{_datadir}/dktools/en/dk-ls.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-send.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-recv.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-cat.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-blks.* %{_datadir}/dktools/de/dk-ls.* %post rescue ldconfig %postun rescue ldconfig %package devel Summary: Development files for libraries from the DK tools project Group: Development/Libraries Requires: dktools = %{version}-%{release} mysql-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel libpng-devel openssl-devel libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel net-snmp-devel gcc wxGTK wxGTK-devel Prefix: %{_prefix} %description devel If you want to use modules from the DK tools project in your programs, you need the libraries from the dktools-lib package and the header files provided by this project. %files devel %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_includedir}/* %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/dktools.pc %{_libdir}/libdk3*.so %{_libdir}/libdk4*.so %changelog * Tue Mar 28 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.3-0.0.1 - Followed improvement suggestions from the CTAN team. * Fri Mar 24 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.2-0.0.1 - Modified bmpp to write a /CropBox in addition to /MediaBox in PDF output. * Wed Mar 22 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.1-0.0.1 - Modified dk-send to stop reading input if all clients disconnected unexpectedly. * Sun Mar 19 2017 Dirk Krause 4.8.0-0.0.1 - Library libdk4maioxd added (wxChar numbers input and output). - Package lshw added to package list for DKtoolian. - Configure script and Makefile.in modified to have less warnings from Debian package building. * Fri Feb 03 2017 Dirk Krause 4.7.0-0.0.1 - "xxxx" can be used as copyright end year in the "copyright year" setting in options sections of *.ctr, *.wxc and *.cpt files. - New modules dk4paper and dk4papea to read papersizes configuration files. * Sun Dec 11 2016 Dirk Krause 4.6.0-0.0.1 - New functions in dk4memrs, dk4str8, dk4strw and dk4str to sanitize buffers and strings. * Thu Oct 27 2016 Dirk Krause 4.5.0-0.0.1 - Added support for meta/description and meta/keywords tags to htmlbook. - New modules for arithmetic operations on int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t. - New modules to serialize data to stream, unserialize from stream. - New module for compressed/encoded output on a dk4_stream_t. * Wed Sep 07 2016 Dirk Krause 4.4.0-0.0.1 - Configuration option for itadmin to release lease on shutdown. - Markers in dhcpd.conf produced by itadmin for easier post-processing. - New module dk4strmw to open a file stream for writing. - New module dk4fpe to check for floating point exceptions. - New modules to read double from string and write double to string. - Mathematical operations on int16_t, int32_t, uint16_t and uint32_t including error checking. - Inline functions or macros to copy, reset and compare memory buffers. - Modules dk4mai8dbl, dk4maiddbl, dk4maiwdbl, dk4mao8dbl, dk4maoddbl and dk4maowdbl to read double from string and write double to string. - API change in dk4stream_write(): the buffer argument is const now. - Optimization in dk4stream_write(). - Bugfixes in GUI applications: No wxXXX objects must survive OnExit(). - Bugfixes in the dk4strw module. - Bugfixes in checking for mysql.h file. - Code cleanup in DkWxBmepsApp.cpt, DkWxImgszApp.cpt and DkWxTraceApp.cpt to improve readability. * Tue Jul 12 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix for Windows (try multiple sources to get home directory). - Replacements for GetVersionEx() function in Windows. - Docu update for installation using stow. * Sat Jul 02 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.5-0.0.1 - New hint special command for htmlbook. - Scripts to produce live systems. * Fri Jun 10 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.4-0.0.1 - Added span.hint to style.css for htmlbook. - Smaller changes related to Debian packaging. * Sat May 28 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.3-0.0.1 - Debian packaging changed, developer package is dktools-lib-$(4.8)-dev. - RPM packaging changed, shared library symlinks now in devel package. - New script to generate debian/changelog from dktools-el6.spec.in file. * Fri May 27 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.2-0.0.1 - New special command "htmlname" in htmlbook program. - Directory structure in build process changed due to lintian complaints. - Bugfix in dktools.pc, Libs.private now set correctly. - Script itaclean.sh renamed to itaclean (due to lintian complaints). * Mon Apr 25 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.1-0.0.1 - Printqdc now accepts empty input lines. * Tue Apr 19 2016 Dirk Krause 4.3.0-0.0.1 - Printqd and related programs rewritten completely. - Rshdown is back on a users request, ported to library version 4. - Print order character 'N' added to dk-ls (do not show symlink target). - Option -b for dk-pwgen on non-Windows systems (create binary random data). - New program dk-rand to generate binary random data. - Modifications to dk4_app_t and dk3_app_t modules: create log and tmp directories only when needed. - Modified dk4inst.h header: Compiler constant texts for directories. - Module dk4dmt added, tool functions for standing daemons. - Modified dk4sock13 module, delete existing UNIX domain sockets. - Modified DkWxFrame and Dk4WxFrame, restore position when frame is shown. - Bugfix in dkwxwiz data files, typo corrected. - Bugfix in dk4dbi module, must set ulen, not size when retrieving data. - Retired dk3sock module, all networking programs use library version 4 now. * Fri Jan 22 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.2-0.0.1 - Modified dk-cat, dk-hex, dk-pwgen, dk-t2h, dk-t2l, dk-db2t: No error message for SIGPIPE received. - Some modifications following suggestions from clang static code analysis. * Tue Jan 19 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.1-0.0.1 - Modifications in Makefile.in and scripts/dkmkproto.pl for SVR4 packaging. * Mon Jan 18 2016 Dirk Krause 4.2.0-0.0.1 - Performance fix for dk-send/dk-recv: Use larger buffers. - Performance fix for dk-ls: Avoid unnecessary size calculations. - Programs dk-t2db, dk-db2t and dk-dbco to replace dkdbt. - Libraries dk4dbia and dk4dbi added to replace dk3dbi. - Bugfix in dk4loc module, set encoding even if no LANG variable available. * Mon Dec 14 2015 Dirk Krause 4.1.0-0.0.1 - Added -s option to dk-ls, show summary at end. - Manpage installation avoided, when building on Debian (manpage installation on Debian is done by package management). - New functions to retrieve and expand strings from Windows registry. - Changes in makefiles for Visual Studio for Desktop on Windows. - Bugfix in dk4user module: Must expand user profile string from registry. - Bugfix in DkClockFrame.wxc: Minimum size specified. - Bugfix in DkWxImgszFrame.wxc: Format specifier corrected. - Bugfix in DkWxImgszApp.cpt: Load all image handlers wxInitAllImageHandlers() * Fri Dec 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.10-0.0.1 - Man pages added, required for Debian packaging. - Build process on Windows can now use different library directories. - Bugfix in dkdbt program: No longer error messages for comment lines. - First release after changing Linux distribution to Debian on my laptop. * Tue Nov 10 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.9-0.0.1 - Bugfix in Makefile.in: Some programs were mentioned twice. * Sun Nov 08 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.8-0.0.1 - Number of duplicated files in source archive reduced by use of hard links. * Fri Oct 16 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.7-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dk4loc module: Use "en" as default language. - Bugfix in configure.ac: Install shared libraries for rescue systems too. * Sat Oct 10 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.6-0.0.1 - Added -t option to dk-sort. - Only one AC_OUTPUT line in Makefile.in. * Tue Oct 06 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.5-0.0.1 - Help text for dk-recv corrected, host and port are mandatory. - Compiler flags for wxcs added in Makefile.in. - Removed some dead assignments after static analysis. * Wed Sep 23 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.4-0.0.1 - Makefile.in: Use C++ compiler to drive linker if any C++ module in project. - Makefile.in: libdk4wx.a in the LIB_ST_GUI group, not LIB_ST_CLI. - dktools.pc.in: Correct variable for version number used now. - dk3strkv/dk-sqlsplit: S_ERROR replaced by ST_ERROR. - configure.ac: No -Bdynamic -dy -KPIC -D_REENTRANT for static builds. - configure.ac: Option --with-corrections for some Solaris systems. * Tue Aug 11 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.3-0.0.1 - Module dk3uc2l rewritten to use the *.t2l files. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.2-0.0.1 - Setting for tooltip flag added to dkct. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.1-0.0.1 - dkct: Special placeholders in $? format string. - dkct: Option -p added for portable debug output code. * Tue Aug 04 2015 Dirk Krause 4.0.0-0.0.1 - New rewritten library modules dk4*. - Simplified error reporting from callee to caller via dk4_er_t structure. - Reduced use of runtime library on Windows systems. - Text stream processing functions recognize BOM at start of data. - Multiple dk4sock* modules instead of one large module. - wxdkfcs: GUI program to inspect file checksums. - dkt: Replaced by multiple smaller programs. - dkct: Cell contents for wxGrid in wx gui section. * Thu Jul 09 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.10-0.0.1 - dk-tape: Code simplified. * Thu Apr 02 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.9-0.0.1 - Modified configure script and Makefile for --enable-packaging option. * Fri Mar 13 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.8-0.0.1 - Modified configure script and Makefile. * Sat Feb 21 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.7-0.0.1 - dkct: Bugfix, doxygen allows pure @file lines. * Wed Jan 28 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix in plpdftex: smash used only for texts aligned by base line. * Thu Jan 22 2015 Dirk Krause 3.18.5-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dkt tape: wrong number printed. - Bugfix in plpdftex: smash not for texts in boxes. - Modified pjsnmp: Added pjsnmpreadystates configuration option - Modified pjsnmp: Message texts modified, distinction errors/warnings. * Mon Dec 08 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.4-0.0.1 - Bugfix in plpdftex: sometimes invalid *.tex output. * Mon Dec 01 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.3-0.0.1 - Bugfix in UTF-16 encoding: Surrogate range was wrong. * Wed Nov 26 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.2-0.0.1 - Modified dkct: No @file line added if @file line is already present. - Data type dk3_c32_t changed to unsigned if unsigned is 4 bytes long. - Check whether password memory really was reset. * Tue Oct 21 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in multiplication overflow detection in dk3mas/dk3mai/dk3mal modules. * Thu Oct 16 2014 Dirk Krause 3.18.0-0.0.1 - Copyright year check in dkct. - API bugfix in dk3str32/dk3str16: Use correct character size now. - Bugfix in htmlbook for using dkChar. - Bugfix in dkdbt for using dkChar. - Splitted dk3mastr module into several modules. - Most uses of sscanf() and dk3sf_sscanf3() replaced by other functions. * Wed Sep 24 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.2-0.0.1 - Bugfix in dk3sock: WSAEWOULDBLOCK is used for connect in progress. * Fri Sep 12 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in archive creation: Permissions are correct now. * Wed Sep 03 2014 Dirk Krause 3.17.0-0.0.1 - Appendices k, M, G for block size added for dkt blks/ dkt ed/dkt rnd. - Bugfix in fig2lat: EPS/PDF/PGF output driver, corner radius. - Bugfix in wxbmpp dk3paper module. - Bugfix in wxbmpp: Fitting to a paper size. * Thu Aug 07 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.3-0.0.1 - Changed build process for Linux/Unix. * Tue Aug 05 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.2-0.0.1 - Changed build process for Linux/Unix, removed options from configure. * Tue Aug 05 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.1-0.0.1 - Use wxFD_OPEN instead of wxOPEN. - Bugfix in makefile: CLFAGS was a typo. * Mon Jul 28 2014 Dirk Krause 3.16.0-0.0.1 - New program plpdftex added, output driver for octpgfpl. - Prefer sigaction() over sigset(). - Function-like macros replaced by functions. - Modified overflow check for conversion from unsigned long to size_t. - Modified dk3ma module: Splitted into several smaller modules. - Functions dk3strm_double_c8_no_sci()... added. - Function dk3pdf_write_double() treats small numbers as 0. * Sat Jun 28 2014 Dirk Krause 3.15.0-0.0.1 - Source code reorganized. * Thu Jun 19 2014 Dirk Krause 3.14.0-0.0.1 - Options -S... added to dkct and wxdkct. - Memory usage reorganized for bit matrices. - Cache friendly algorithm for bit matrix expansion. - dktools.spec file modified to build sub-packages lib and devel. * Tue May 27 2014 Dirk Krause 3.13.0-0.0.1 - Modified htmlbook: Line numbering for source code. - Modified dkt html: Line numbering for source code. - Added *.desktop files for GUI programs. * Wed Apr 30 2014 Dirk Krause 3.12.0-0.0.1 - New application wxdkhtb added to view help text files. - Modified htmlbook: enable/disable full text search in *.chm output. - Installation bugfix: Forgot to install libdk3wx.so. - HTML files for online help now created by htmlbook. - API change in DkWxFrame class: Methods added. * Wed Apr 23 2014 Dirk Krause 3.11.0-0.0.1 - htmlbook: Writing project.xml file. - htmlbook: New option chm full text search. - htmlbook: Section number optional before section title in index and pos. - htmlbook: Titles for links in keyword index. - htmlbook: Bugfix, all *.html files listed in files section. - htmlbook: Bugfix, added missing closing OBJECT tag. - htmlbook: Bugfix, copy index.hhp, index.hhc and index.hhk to destination. - htmlbook: Bugfix, root object now in TOC as first object. - printqd: Attempt to remove existing local socket before creating new one. - printqd: Bugfix, endless loop. - wxdkclock: Save changed options immediately. * Mon Mar 31 2014 Dirk Krause 3.10.0-0.0.1 - Modified fig2lat: Fast splines for arrowheads. - Modified fig2lat: Configurable base line width. * Mon Mar 24 2014 Dirk Krause 3.9.0-0.0.1 - Bugfix in bmpp/wxbmpp: Bits per component analysis rewritten. * Sun Mar 02 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.3-0.0.1 - Bugfix bmpp/wxbmpp: Automatic bits per component analysis disabled. - Modified htmlbook: New classes for table cells added to style.css file. * Thu Feb 06 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.2-0.0.1 - Modified htmlbook: New no-vspace option for img special command. - Modified htmlbook: Shortcuts for images. * Wed Jan 29 2014 Dirk Krause - Modified htmlbook: Set permissions for destination directory contents. - Modified htmlbook: Change in style.css, added top and bottom margin. - Bugfix in htmlbook: Crashes on filenames without suffix. * Tue Jan 21 2014 Dirk Krause 3.8.0-0.0.1 - New application htmlbook added. - Bugfix in dk3enc module: Wrong range delimiter for Unicode characters. * Fri Nov 29 2013 Dirk Krause 3.7.0-0.0.1 - Modified dkt latex: Euro currency symbol added to translation table. - Modified dkma: long long, unsigned long long, intmax_t, uintmax_t. * Thu Nov 14 2013 Dirk Krause 3.6.0-0.0.1 - Modified fig2lat: New cofop option for filled open graphics paths. - Bugfix in fig2lat: Must encode some characters. - Modified dk3ma: Function and constants names changed for consistent naming. * Wed Oct 23 2013 Dirk Krause 3.5.0-0.0.1 - Modified wxbmpp: No automatic start when running on a directory. * Tue Oct 01 2013 Dirk Krause 3.4.0-0.0.1 - Modified dkt blocksize: Performance optimizations, use memcpy(). - Modified dk3sock module: Handle incomplete send requests. - Modified dk3str module: Use existing functions if available. * Fri Sep 20 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.3-0.0.1 - Option -s for dkt blocksize added. - Modified itadmin: Increased possible length for DHCP options values. - Bugfix in itadmin: DHCP options for hosts are written now. * Tue Jul 30 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.2-0.0.1 - Modified dk3sto module: Keyword const added to some functions. * Mon Jul 29 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.1-0.0.1 - Bugfix in distribution and build system. * Sun Jul 28 2013 Dirk Krause 3.3.0-0.0.1 - API change, comparison and evaluation functions operate on const * pointers. * Wed Jul 24 2013 Dirk Krause 3.2.2-0.0.1 - More useful error message for malformed path to dkt ls on Windows (paths in double quotes where backslash escapes closing double quote). * Thu Mar 20 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.6-0.0.1 - dkct enhanced for unknown classes. * Wed Mar 20 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.5-0.0.1 - Bugfix: Use AddButton method of wxStdButtonSizer, not Add. * Sun Mar 17 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.4-0.0.1 - The dk3sock4 module was added. * Sat Mar 16 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.3-0.0.1 - Online documentation updated for the -f option in dknet. * Thu Mar 14 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.2-0.0.1 - The dknet program is more verbose now when run as sender. * Sun Feb 03 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.1-0.0.1 - The dkwxwiz program was added. - The winprint program (for Windows) was added. - The wprclean program (for Windows) was added. - The lprngcl program (for Windows) was added. - Option bbts for fig2lat. - Bugfix in Win32 setup: The dk3paper.conf file was not installed. * Thu Jan 31 2013 Dirk Krause 3.0.0-0.0.12 - Code for 3.0.0 release finished. * Wed Nov 02 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.22-0.0.1 - Bugfix in the configure script: Unnecessary call to wx-config removed. * Tue Nov 01 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.21-0.0.1 - The hostsadm.pl script now adds a netgroup triple containing the IP address to the netgroup.ldif file. - The "ctrl database-cleanup" operation for prqd now removes print accounts and page counts with value 0. * Sun Jun 06 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.20-0.0.1 - Program imgsize renamed to chimgsize to avoid name conflicts with perl-Image-Size RPM. * Sun Apr 19 2011 Dirk Krause 2.2.19-0.0.1 - Bugfix in text2htm, wrong format specification. * Sun Nov 14 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.18-0.0.1 - The function dkstr_w_cat() (a fallback implementation for systems without the wcscat() function) was added. - New programs kwintool and kwindown for Windows. * Tue Oct 26 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.17-0.0.1 - New option ``create accounts automatically'' for prqd. By default we avoid to create personal print accounts automatically to keep the database small. - Improvements in the GUI of the PrintLimit application. * Sun Oct 24 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.16-0.0.1 - New Java application PrintLimit for users of LPRng/prqd to show users print quota information. - The dklibsj.html page was improved. Tutorial and short reference added. * Wed Oct 20 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.15-0.0.1 - The LANG environment variable is now tested for both ".UTF-8" and ".utf8" to indicate the use of UTF-8 encoding. * Wed Sep 15 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.14-0.0.1 - Documentation update: Notes about differences in the appearance of interpolated splines in Xfig/transfig and fig2vect. Recommendations how to modify the sources of Xfig and transfig. * Tue Sep 14 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.13-0.0.1 - Corrected typographic errors in the DKrause::Diagram documentation. * Tue Sep 13 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.12-0.0.1 - The *.jar files were missing in the Windows executable setup of 2.2.11. Here they are back. * Tue Aug 31 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.11-0.0.1 - Unnecessary line end correction removed from fig2vect. - New Perl module DKrause::Diagram added * Tue Jul 20 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.10-0.0.1 - Documentation corrections. * Fri Jul 16 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.9-0.0.1 - Bugfix in tracecc, application group name corrected. * Mon Jul 12 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.8-0.0.1 - Modifications in configure script for build process on Mac. * Sat Jun 26 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.6-0.0.1 - Bugfix in bmeps, bits per component reduction disabled. - Modifications in HTML documentation due to validation results. - New option "doxygen comments" for genau. - Script "make-pkg.sh" to build SVR4 packages. - Doxygen comments added. * Fri Jun 18 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.5-0.0.1 - Modified hostsadm: UTF-8 to ISO-LATIN-1 conversion. - Code cleanup. * Sun Jun 13 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.4-0.0.1 - File dktools.spec added. - Start scripts for prqd, rshdown, useraud now installed to /etc/init.d. * Sat Jun 12 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.3-0.0.1 - DESTDIR variable added to makefile for RPM builders. * Thu Jun 03 2010 Dirk Krause 2.2.2-0.0.1 - Bugfix for preference file location.