%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2011-xxxx SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause %% header #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Get default message texts. @return Default message texts in English. */ dkChar const * const * dkct_str_get_message_texts(void); /** Get string table file name. @return String table file name. */ dkChar const * dkct_str_get_string_table_file_name(void); /** Get array of source file suffixes. @return Suffix list. */ dkChar const * const * dkct_str_get_source_suffixes(void); /** Get array of destination file suffixes. @return Output file name suffix list. */ dkChar const * const * const * dkct_str_get_dest_suffixes(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif %% module #include "dk4conf.h" #if DK3_USE_WX #include "dkwxtrace.h" #else #include "dkct.h" #endif /** Message texts in English, texts in the users preferred language are used instead, if found. */ static dkChar const * dkct_str_message_texts[] = { $!string-table macro=dkT # # 0 / 1: Error: Not an input file (wrong suffix): "..."! # Not an input file (wrong suffix): " "! # # 2 / 3: Error: Illegal type: "..."! # Illegal type: " "! # # 4: Error: Copyright owner redefined! # Copyright owner redefined! # # 5: Error: Copyright year redefined! # Copyright year redefined! # # 6: Error: License redefined! # License redefined! # # 7 / 8: Error: Unknown license type: "..."! # Unknown license type: " "! # # 9: Error: Syntax error, value expected! # Syntax error - Missing value! # # 10 / 11: Error: Syntax error, unknown option "..."! # Syntax error!\nUnknown option: " "! # # 12 / 13: Error: Output file name contains non-ASCII: "..."! # Output file name contains non-ASCII: " "! # # 14: Error: Missing file name! # Missing file name! # # 15: Error: Failed to open pipe: "..."! # Failed to open pipe: " "! # # 17: Error: No popen() function available here! # No popen() function available on this system! # # 18: Error: Problem while writing output! # Problem while writing output! # # 19: Error: Either macro= or prefix= allowed, not both! # The macro= and prefix= settings are exclusive! # # 20 / 21: Error: Failed to open file "..."! # Failed to open file " "! # # 22: Error: Source line too long! # Source line too long! # # 23 / 24: Error: No such built-in function: "..."! # No such built-in function: " "! # # 25: Error: Missing function name! # Missing function name! # # 26 / 27: Error: File name too long: "..."! # File name too long: " "! # # 28: Error: Redefinition of state machine name! # Redefinition of state machine name! # # 29: Error: Not enough memory! # Not enough memory! # # 30: Error: Syntax error (boolean expected)! # Syntax error - Boolean expected! # # 31: Error: Syntax error (not a number)! # Syntax error - Not a number! # # 32: Error: Redefinition of state, input, or output! # Redefinition of state, input, or output! # # 33: Error: Syntax error! # Syntax error! # # 34 / 35: Error: Undeclared state, input, or output: "..."! # Undeclared state, input, or output: " "! # # 36 / 39: Error: Conflict with previous rule (line ...)! # Conflict with previous rule (line # # 37: Error: Syntax error (incomplete section name)! # Syntax error - Incomplete section name! # # 38: Error: Numeric overflow! # Numeric overflow! # # 39: End of message 36 # )! # # 40: Error: No states declared! # No states declared! # # 41: Error: No inputs declared! # No inputs declared! # # 42: Error: Not outputs declared! # No outputs declared! # # 43 / 44: Error: Syntax error (unknown header ...)! # Syntax error!\nUnknown header " "! # # 45: Error: Class name already set! # Class name already set! # # 46: Error: Missing window ID for object! # Missing window ID attribute for object! # # 47: Error: Splitter window requires exactly 2 children! # Splitter window requires exactly 2 children! # # 48: Error: Container element has no contents! # Container element has no contents! # # 49: Error: Missing text attribute for object! # Missing text attribute for object! # # 50: Error: Grid setup invalid or missing for object! # Grid setup invalid or missing for object! # # 51: Error: Missing bitmap attribute for object! # Missing bitmap attribute for object! # # 52: Error: Missing or invalid choices attribute for object! # Missing or invalid choices attribute for object! # # 53: Error: Missing or invalid size attribute for object! # Missing or invalid size attribute for object! # # 54: Error: Missing rows or columns attribute for radio box! # Missing rows or columns attribute for radio box! # # 55: Warning: Attribute ignored (usable for root object only)! # Attribute ignored (allowed for root object only)! # # 56: Warning: Attribute ignored (not applicable to this class)! # Attribute ignored (not supported by class)! # # 57: Error: Not enough memory! # Not enough memory (RAM/swap)! # # 58: Error: Syntax error - Missing object name! # Syntax error - Missing object name! # # 59: Error: Syntax error - Missing closing bracket! # Syntax error - Missing ']'! # # 60: Error: Syntax error - Redefinition of id! # Syntax error - Redefinition of id! # # 61: Error: Syntax error - ID undefined! # Syntax error - ID undefined! # # 62: Error: Syntax error - Redefinition of text! # Syntax error - Redefinition of text! # # 63: Error: Syntax error - Unknown top level window type! # Syntax error - Unknown top level window type! # # 64/65: Error: Syntax error - Not a numeric value: "...."! # Syntax error!\nNot a numeric value: " "! # # 66: Error: Syntax error - Empty line! # Syntax error - Empty line! # # 67: Error: Syntax error! # Syntax error! # # 68: Error: Syntax error - No current element yet! # Syntax error - No current element yet! # # 69: Error: Syntax error - Missing value! # Syntax error - Missing value! # # 70: Error: Syntax error - Not a boolean value! # Syntax error - Not a boolean value! # # 71: Error: Syntax error - Empty ID! # Syntax error - Empty ID! # # 72: Error: Syntax error - Only one direction allowed here! # Syntax error - Only one direction allowed! # # 73: Error: Syntax error - Not a direction! # Syntax error - Not a direction! # # 74/75: Warning: Attribute redefinition discards previous value! # Attribute redefinition, previous value " " discarded! # # 76/77: Error: Unknown keyword "..."! # Syntax error!\nKeyword " " not acceptable here! # # 78: Error: Missing class name for object! # Syntax error - Missing class name for object! # # 79: Error: Dependency loop detected! # Syntax error - Dependency loop detected! # # 80: Warning: Constructor specified, not recommended for this class! # Constructor specified, not recommended for this class! # # 81: ERROR: Don't know how to add object to parent! # Syntax error - Don't know how to add object to parent! # # 82/83: Error: Number out of range: "..."! # Syntax error!\nNumber out of range: " "! # # 84/85/86: Error: Can't add object "..." to parent object "..."! # Syntax error!\n\tObject " ", parent object " ":\n\tDon't know how to add contents.! # # 87: UNUSED Object/class name: Not specified. # # # 88/89/90: Illegal parent/child class combination: ".../..."! # Syntax error!\nIllegal parent/child class combination: " / "! # # 91: Error: Missing name for parent object! # Syntax error - Missing name for parent object! # # 92: Error: Missing parent object! # Syntax error - Missing parent object! # # 93/94: Error: Syntax error - Missing class name for object "..."! # Syntax error!\nMissing class name for object " "! # # 95/96: Warning: Redeclaration of object "..."! # Redeclaration of object " "! # # 97: Error: Root element must have exactly one sizer as contents! # Root element must have exactly one sizer as contents! # # 98: Error: Command too long! # Command too long! # # 99/100: Error: Illegal section name for state machine "..."! # Illegal section name " "! # # 101: Error: File name too long in trace function! # File name too long in trace function! # # 102/203: Error: File name "..." contains non-ASCII characters! # File name " " contains non-ASCII characters! # # 104: Error: Pipe started but not processing current directory! # Pipe started, but not processing current directory! # # 105: Progress message: All output files up to date. # All output files up to date. # # 106: Progress message: Start processing. # Start processing. # # 107: Progress message: Processing finished. # Processing finished. # # 108/109: Progress message: Writing file "...". # Writing file " ". # # 110/111: Progress message: File "..." is up to date. # File " " is up to date. # # 112: Error: Sizes must not be negative! # Sizes must not be negative! # # 113 # Copyright end year is not current year! # # 114 # Preprocessor instructions and file=... used in $!text section! # # 115 # Redefinition of tooltip flag! # # 116-121 # State number already in use! Input number already in use! Output number already in use! # # 122-123 # Not a C identifier: " "! # # 124 # Missing "text" attribute for wxNotebook contents element! # # 125 # Element is not a container!\n\tAttribute contents will be ignored. # # 126 127 # No parent object for " "! # # 128 ERROR: SPDX-License-identifier redefined! # SPDX-License-identifier redefined! $!end }; /** String table file name. */ static dkChar const dkct_str_string_table_file_name[] = { dkT("dkct3.str") }; /** Source file name suffixes. The order here must match the order in dkct_src_dest_suffixes. */ static dkChar const * const dkct_str_source_suffixes[] = { /* 0 */ dkT(".ctr"), /* 1 */ dkT(".cpt"), /* 2 */ dkT(".mtr"), /* 3 */ dkT(".jtr"), /* 4 */ dkT(".wxc"), NULL }; /** Destination file suffixes for C (.ctr input). */ static dkChar const * const dkct_dest_c_suffixes[] = { dkT(".c"), dkT(".h"), NULL }; /** Destination file suffixes for C++ (.cpt and .wxc input). */ static dkChar const * const dkct_dest_cpp_suffixes[] = { dkT(".cpp"), dkT(".h"), NULL }; /** Destination file suffixes for Objective-C (.mtr input). */ static dkChar const * const dkct_dest_m_suffixes[] = { dkT(".m"), dkT(".h"), NULL }; /** Destination file suffixes for Java (.jtr input). */ static dkChar const * const dkct_dest_j_suffixes[] = { dkT(".java"), NULL }; /** Array of destination file suffix lists. The order of lists must match the order in dkct_str_source_suffixes. */ static dkChar const * const * const dkct_str_dest_suffixes[] = { dkct_dest_c_suffixes, dkct_dest_cpp_suffixes, dkct_dest_m_suffixes, dkct_dest_j_suffixes, dkct_dest_cpp_suffixes, NULL }; dkChar const * const * dkct_str_get_message_texts(void) { return dkct_str_message_texts; } dkChar const * dkct_str_get_string_table_file_name(void) { return dkct_str_string_table_file_name; } dkChar const * const * dkct_str_get_source_suffixes(void) { return dkct_str_source_suffixes; } dkChar const * const * const * dkct_str_get_dest_suffixes(void) { return dkct_str_dest_suffixes; } /* vim: set ai sw=2 : */