%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2011-xxxx SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause %% header /** @file Sorted and unsorted data storage in AVL trees or double linked lists. CRT on Windows: Optional. */ #ifndef DK4CONF_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_BUILDING_DKTOOLS4 #include "dk4conf.h" #else #include #endif #endif #ifndef DK4TYPES_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_BUILDING_DKTOOLS4 #include "dk4types.h" #else #include #endif #endif #ifndef DK4ERROR_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_BUILDING_DKTOOLS4 #include "dk4error.h" #else #include #endif #endif /** Evaluation result for an object. */ typedef union { double d; /**< Evaluation to double. */ float f; /**< Evaluation to float. */ long l; /**< Evaluation to long. */ unsigned long ul; /**< Evaluation to unsigned long. */ int i; /**< Evaluation to int. */ unsigned int ui; /**< Evaluation to unsigned int. */ short s; /**< Evaluation to short. */ unsigned short us; /**< Evaluation to unsigned short. */ char c; /**< Evaluation to char. */ unsigned char uc; /**< Evaluation to unsigned char. */ } dk4_object_eval_res_t; /** Internal node for dk4_sto_t. This structure is used internally by the dksto module. */ struct dk4__sto__node { struct dk4__sto__node *p; /**< Parent node in tree. */ struct dk4__sto__node *l; /**< Left child (tree) or neighbour (list). */ struct dk4__sto__node *r; /**< Right child (tree) or neighbour (list). */ void *o; /**< Object to store. */ dk4_object_eval_res_t v; /**< Object evaluation of @a o. */ short b; /**< Balance flag (used in tree only). */ short w; /**< Direction to walk. */ }; /** Internal node for dk4_sto_t. */ typedef struct dk4__sto__node dk4_sto_node_t; /** Pointer to internal node for dk4_sto_t. */ typedef dk4_sto_node_t *dk4_sto_node_p; /** Evaluation functions. These function type are used to evaluate and compare objects stored in a sorted dk4_sto_t. */ /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef char dk4_fct_eval_c_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef unsigned char dk4_fct_eval_uc_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef short dk4_fct_eval_s_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef unsigned short dk4_fct_eval_us_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef int dk4_fct_eval_i_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef unsigned int dk4_fct_eval_ui_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef long dk4_fct_eval_l_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef unsigned long dk4_fct_eval_ul_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef float dk4_fct_eval_f_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object evaluation function for sorted storage. */ typedef double dk4_fct_eval_d_t(void const *obj, int crit); /** Object comparison function for sorted storage. When comparing to objects while inserting a new object into a storage both @a o1 and @a o2 are object pointers. When this function is called from dk4sto_it_find_like() the @a o1 argument is an object pointer from the storage, @a o2 is the pointer passed to dk4sto_it_find_like(). */ typedef int dk4_fct_comp_t(void const *o1, void const *o2, int crit); /** Choice for object evaluation function. */ typedef union { dk4_fct_eval_c_t *c; /**< Evaluate to char. */ dk4_fct_eval_uc_t *uc; /**< Evaluate to unsigned char. */ dk4_fct_eval_s_t *s; /**< Evaluate to short. */ dk4_fct_eval_us_t *us; /**< Evaluate to unsigned short. */ dk4_fct_eval_i_t *i; /**< Evaluate to int. */ dk4_fct_eval_ui_t *ui; /**< Evaluate to unsigned int. */ dk4_fct_eval_l_t *l; /**< Evaluate to long. */ dk4_fct_eval_ul_t*ul; /**< Evaluate to unsigned long. */ dk4_fct_eval_f_t *f; /**< Evaluate to float. */ dk4_fct_eval_d_t *d; /**< Evaluate to double. */ dk4_fct_comp_t *comp; /**< Compare two objects. */ } dk4_object_eval_fct_t; /** Object storage. A storage can be used to store pointers to objects. */ typedef struct dk4__sto__t { dk4_object_eval_fct_t e; /**< Comparison or evaluation function. */ dk4_sto_node_p *d; /**< Critical path for delete operations. */ dk4_sto_node_t *r; /**< Tree root or start of list. */ void *i; /**< Double-linked list of iterators. */ int h; /**< Selection for comparison or evaluation. */ int c; /**< Comparison or evaluation criteria. */ int t; /**< Flag: Use tree, 1=tree, 0=list. */ short l; /**< Path length of critical path. */ } dk4_sto_t; /** Storage iterator. This structure can be used to iterate through a dk4_sto_t. */ struct dk4__sto__iterator { struct dk4__sto__iterator *l; /**< Left neighbour (preceeding iterator). */ struct dk4__sto__iterator *r; /**< Right neighbour (following iterator). */ dk4_sto_t *s; /**< Owner storage. */ dk4_sto_node_t *c; /**< Current node, current position. */ }; /** Storage iterator. Can be used to iterate through a dk4_sto_t. */ typedef struct dk4__sto__iterator dk4_sto_it_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Create new storage. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Pointer to new storage on succcess, NULL on error. Use dk4sto_close() to destroy the storage when done with it. Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
if elsize or nelem is 0, - DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW
on numeric overflow when calculating the product of elsize and nelem, - DK4_E_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED
with mem.elsize and mem.nelem set if there is not enough memory available. */ dk4_sto_t * dk4sto_open(dk4_er_t *erp); /** Destroy storage, release memory. @param st Storage to destroy. */ void dk4sto_close(dk4_sto_t *st); /** Remove all pointers from a storage. @param st Storage. */ void dk4sto_remove_all(dk4_sto_t *st); /** Remove one pointer from storage. Warning: Do not use dk4sto_it_next() on any iterator of the storage after removing data from a storage. Reset the iterator! @param st Storage. @param o Object pointer to remove. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error (not found). Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
if st or o is NULL, - DK4_E_NOT_FOUND if o was not found in st. */ int dk4sto_remove(dk4_sto_t *st, void *o, dk4_er_t *erp); /** Add object pointer to storage. @param st Storage. @param o Object pointer to add. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error (not enough memory). Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
with mem.elsize and mem.nelem set if there is not enough memory available. */ int dk4sto_add(dk4_sto_t *st, void *o, dk4_er_t *erp); /** Create iterator for storage. @param st Storage. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Pointer to new iterator on success, NULL on error. Use dk4sto_it_close() to destroy the iterator when done with it. When closing/destroying a storage all iterators for that storage are destroyed automatically. Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
with mem.elsize and mem.nelem set if there is not enough memory available. */ dk4_sto_it_t * dk4sto_it_open(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_er_t *erp); /** Destroy iterator. @param it Iterator to destroy. */ void dk4sto_it_close(dk4_sto_it_t *it); /** Reset iterator (next call to dk4sto_it_next() will return the first object pointer. @param it Iterator. */ void dk4sto_it_reset(dk4_sto_it_t *it); /** Return next object pointer. @param it Iterator. @return Pointer to next object on success, NULL on error (no more pointers available). */ void * dk4sto_it_next(dk4_sto_it_t *it); /** Find a pointer exactly. @param i Iterator. @param o Object pointer. @return Object pointer on success, NULL on error (object not found). The next calls to dk4sto_it_next() will return pointers to objects after the specified object \a o. */ void * dk4sto_it_find_exact(dk4_sto_it_t *i, void const *o); /** Find object pointer for object evaluating equally to \a o. @param i Iterator. @param o Object pointer. @param cr Comparison criteria. @return Object pointer on success, NULL on error (no such object). */ void * dk4sto_it_find_like(dk4_sto_it_t *i, void const *o, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to a char. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_c(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_c_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to an unsigned char. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_uc(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_uc_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to a short. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_s(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_s_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to an unsigned short. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_us(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_us_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to an int. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_i(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_i_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to an unsigned int. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_ui(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_ui_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to a long. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_l(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_l_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to an unsigned long. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_ul(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_ul_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to a float. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_f(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_f_t *f, int cr); /** Set evaluation function. @param st Storage. @param f Function evaluating a pointer to a double. @param cr Evaluation criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_eval_d(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_d_t *f, int cr); /** Set comparison function. @param st Storage. @param f Function comparing two object pointers. @param cr Comparison criteria. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_set_comp(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_comp_t *f, int cr); /** Allow use of tree structures. This function must be called before adding any data. @param st Storage. @param ok Flag: Trees may be used. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk4sto_use_trees(dk4_sto_t *st,int ok); /** Find object pointer at the trees root. @param s Storage. */ void * dk4sto_find_root(dk4_sto_t const *s); /** Find object pointer for the parent node of the last found object. @param i Iterator. @return Object pointer on success, NULL on error. */ void * dk4sto_it_find_parent(dk4_sto_it_t const *i); /** Find object pointer for node on left child of the last found object. @param i Iterator. @return Object pointer on success, NULL on error. */ void * dk4sto_it_find_left(dk4_sto_it_t const *i); /** Find object pointer for node on right child of the last found object. @param i Iterator. @return Object pointer on success, NULL on error. */ void * dk4sto_it_find_right(dk4_sto_it_t const *i); /** Find object pointer at the trees root. @param i Iterator. */ void * dk4sto_it_find_root(dk4_sto_it_t const *i); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif %% module #include "dk4conf.h" #if DK4_HAVE_ASSERT_H #ifndef ASSERT_H_INCLUDED #include #define ASSERT_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif #include "dk4sto.h" #include "dk4mem.h" #if 0 #ifndef STDLIB_H_INCLUDED #include #define STDLIB_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif #if DK4_HAVE_ASSERT_H #ifndef ASSERT_H_INCLUDED #include #define ASSERT_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif $(trace-include) /** Comparison criteria for comparing nodes. */ enum { DK4STO_COMPARE_NONE = 0, /**< Do not compare the objects (unsorted). */ DK4STO_COMPARE_FCT , /**< Use comparison function. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_CHAR , /**< Evaluate objects to char values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_UCHAR , /**< Evaluate to unsigned char values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_SHORT , /**< Evaluate to short values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_USHORT , /**< Evaluate to unsigned short values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_INT , /**< Evaluate to int values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_UINT , /**< Evaluate to unsigned int values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_LONG , /**< Evaluate to long values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_ULONG , /**< Evaluate to unsigned long values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_FLOAT , /**< Evaluate to float values. */ DK4STO_COMPARE_DOUBLE /**< Evaluate to double values. */ }; /* GENERAL STATIC FUNCTIONS */ /** Initialize storage node for object. @param n Storage node. @param o Object. @param s Storage. @param crit Comparison/evaluation criteria used by storage. */ static void dk4sto_node_init_for_object( dk4_sto_node_t *n, void *o, dk4_sto_t *s, int crit ) { $? "+ dk4sto_node_init_for_object PTR=%d PTR=%d PTR=%d %d", TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(o), TR_IPTR(s), crit n->p = n->l = n->r = NULL; n->b = n->w = 0; n->o = o; switch(s->h) { case DK4STO_COMPARE_CHAR: (n->v).c = (*((s->e).c))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UCHAR: (n->v).uc = (*((s->e).uc))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_SHORT: (n->v).s = (*((s->e).s))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_USHORT: (n->v).us = (*((s->e).us))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_INT: (n->v).i = (*((s->e).i))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UINT: (n->v).ui = (*((s->e).ui))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_LONG: (n->v).l = (*((s->e).l))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_ULONG: (n->v).ul = (*((s->e).ul))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_FLOAT: (n->v).f = (*((s->e).f))(o,crit); break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_DOUBLE: (n->v).d = (*((s->e).d))(o,crit); break; } $? "- dk4sto_node_init_for_object" } /** Copy data from one storage node to another. @param d Destination node. @param s Source node. @param st Storage. */ static void dk4sto_node_data_copy( dk4_sto_node_t *d, dk4_sto_node_t const *s, dk4_sto_t *st ) { $? "+ dk4sto_node_data_copy PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(d), TR_IPTR(s) d->o = s->o; switch(st->h) { case DK4STO_COMPARE_CHAR: (d->v).c = (s->v).c ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UCHAR: (d->v).uc = (s->v).uc ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_SHORT: (d->v).s = (s->v).s ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_USHORT: (d->v).us = (s->v).us ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_INT: (d->v).i = (s->v).i ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UINT: (d->v).ui = (s->v).ui ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_LONG: (d->v).l = (s->v).l ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_ULONG: (d->v).ul = (s->v).ul ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_FLOAT: (d->v).f = (s->v).f ; break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_DOUBLE: (d->v).d = (s->v).d ; break; } $? "- dk4sto_node_data_copy" } /** Compare two storage nodes. @param l Left node. @param r Right node. @param s Storage. @param c Comparison criteria. @return Comparison result. */ static int dk4sto_node_compare( dk4_sto_node_t const *l, dk4_sto_node_t const *r, dk4_sto_t const *s, int c ) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_node_compare PTR=%d PTR=%d PTR=%d %d", TR_IPTR(l), TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(s), c /* Static code analysis: Result of operation is garbage or undefined. Clang static code analysis complains the right operand in comparisons (r->v).xxx could be garbage. I think this is not correct. It assumes the default branch is taken in dk4sto_node_init_for_object() as s->h does not match any of the case values. The same case values are are used here, and there is no change of s->h meanwhile. */ switch(s->h) { case DK4STO_COMPARE_FCT: { $? ". compare by function" back = (*((s->e).comp))((void *)(l->o),(void *)(r->o),c); if(back < 0) back = -1; if(back > 0) back = 1; } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_CHAR: { $? ". compare character" if(((l->v).c) > ((r->v).c)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).c) < ((r->v).c)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UCHAR: { $? ". compare unsigned character" if(((l->v).uc) > ((r->v).uc)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).uc) < ((r->v).uc)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_SHORT: { $? ". compare short" if(((l->v).s) > ((r->v).s)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).s) < ((r->v).s)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_USHORT: { $? ". compare unsigned short" if(((l->v).us) > ((r->v).us)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).us) < ((r->v).us)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_INT: { $? ". compare int" if(((l->v).i) > ((r->v).i)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).i) < ((r->v).i)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_UINT: { $? ". compare unsigned int" if(((l->v).ui) > ((r->v).ui)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).ui) < ((r->v).ui)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_LONG: { $? ". compare long" if(((l->v).l) > ((r->v).l)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).l) < ((r->v).l)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_ULONG: { $? ". compare unsigned long" if(((l->v).ul) > ((r->v).ul)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).ul) < ((r->v).ul)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_FLOAT: { $? ". compare float" if(((l->v).f) > ((r->v).f)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).f) < ((r->v).f)) { back = -1; } } } break; case DK4STO_COMPARE_DOUBLE: { $? ". compare double" if(((l->v).d) > ((r->v).d)) { back = 1; } else { if(((l->v).d) < ((r->v).d)) { back = -1; } } } break; } $? "- dk4sto_node_compare %d", back return back; } /* UNSORTED DATA HANDLING */ /** Remove node from an unsorted storage. @param ro Root node. @param n Node to remove. @return New root node. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_unsorted_remove(dk4_sto_node_t *ro, dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *l = NULL; /* Left element. */ dk4_sto_node_t *r = NULL; /* Right element. */ $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_remove PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(ro), TR_IPTR(n) back = ro; l = n->l; r = n->r; if(r) { r->l = l; } if(l) { l->r = r; } else { back = r; } $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_remove PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Add node to an unsorted storage. @param r Old root node. @param n Node to add. @return New root node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_unsorted_add(dk4_sto_node_t *r, dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_add PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(n) back = n; n->r = r; if(r) { r->l = n; } $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_add PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Release all nodes in an unsorted storage. @param r Root node. */ static void dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes(dk4_sto_node_t *r) { dk4_sto_node_t *c; /* Current element. */ dk4_sto_node_t *n; /* Next element. */ $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(r) c = r; while(c) { n = c->r; c->p = c->l = c->r = NULL; c->o = NULL; c->b = c->w = 0; dk4mem_free(c) ; c = n; } $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes" } /** Find next node in an unsorted storage. @param n Current node. @param r Root node. @return Pointer to next node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_unsorted_find_next_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_node_t *r) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_find_next_node PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(r) if(n) { back = n->r; } else { back = r; } $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_find_next_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find last node in an unsorted storage. @param n Root node. @return Last node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_unsorted_find_last_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n) if(n) back = n->l; $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find node for an object in an unsorted storage. @param r Root node. @param o Object. @return Node for object or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact(dk4_sto_node_t *r, void const *o) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *c; /* Current node. */ $? "+ dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(o) c = r; while(c && (!back)) { if((c->o) == o) { back = c; } c = c->r; } $? "- dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /* SORTED DATA HANDLING */ /** Direction to walk to. */ enum { DK4STO_WALK_LEFT = 1, /**< Go to left. */ DK4STO_WALK_RIGHT = 2 /**< Go to right. */ }; /** Perform left rotation at node. @param p Subpath to modify. @return New subpath root node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_left_rotation(dk4_sto_node_t *p) { dk4_sto_node_t *p1; $? "+ dk4sto_left_rotation PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) p1 = p->r; p->r = p1->l; if(p->r) (p->r)->p = p; p1->l = p; if(p) p->p = p1; $? "- dk4sto_left_rotation PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p1) return p1; } /** Perform right rotation at node. @param p Subpath to modify. @return New subpath root node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_right_rotation(dk4_sto_node_t *p) { dk4_sto_node_t *p1; $? "+ dk4sto_right_rotation PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) p1 = p->l; p->l = p1->r; if(p->l) (p->l)->p = p; p1->r = p; if(p) p->p = p1; $? "- dk4sto_right_rotation PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p1) return p1; } /** Increment balance field of a storage node. @param p Node to modify. */ static void dk4sto_inc_balance(dk4_sto_node_t *p) { short x; /* New balance value. */ $? "+ dk4sto_inc_balance PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) x = p->b; $? ". old balance %d", x x++; if(x > 3) x = 0; p->b = x; $? "- dk4sto_inc_balance %d", p->b } /** Decrement balance field of a storage node. @param p Storage node. */ static void dk4sto_dec_balance(dk4_sto_node_t *p) { short x; /* New balance value. */ $? "+ dk4sto_dec_balance PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) x = p->b; $? ". old balance %d", x x--; if(x < 0) x = 3; p->b = x; $? "- dk4sto_dec_balance %d", p->b } /** Set mark for "left node deleted". @param p Node. @param h Pointer to balance variable. @return New root node for path behind \a p. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_left_deleted(dk4_sto_node_t *p, short *h) { $? "+ dk4sto_left_deleted PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p), TR_IPTR(h) switch(p->b) { case 0: *h = - *h; /* fall-through */ case 3: $? ". going to increment balance field of PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) dk4sto_inc_balance(p); $? ". balance field incremented" break; case 1: { switch((p->r)->b) { case 0: (p->r)->b = 3; *h = - *h; p = dk4sto_left_rotation(p); break; case 1: (p->r)->b = 0; p->b = 0; p = dk4sto_left_rotation(p); break; case 3: p->b = (((((p->r)->l)->b) == 1) ? 3 : 0); (p->r)->b = (((((p->r)->l)->b) == 3) ? 1 : 0); p->r = dk4sto_right_rotation(p->r); if(p->r) (p->r)->p = p; p = dk4sto_left_rotation(p); p->b = 0; } } } $? "- dk4sto_left_deleted PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) return p; } /** Set mark for "right node deleted". @param p Node. @param h Pointer to balance variable. @return New root node for path behind \a p. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_right_deleted(dk4_sto_node_t *p, short *h) { $? "+ dk4sto_right_deleted PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p), TR_IPTR(h) switch(p->b) { case 0: *h = - *h; /* fall-through */ case 1: dk4sto_dec_balance(p); break; case 3: { switch((p->l)->b) { case 0: (p->l)->b = 1; *h = - *h; p = dk4sto_right_rotation(p); break; case 3: (p->l)->b = 0; p->b = 0; p = dk4sto_right_rotation(p); break; case 1: p->b = (((((p->l)->r)->b) == 3) ? 1 : 0); (p->l)->b = (((((p->l)->r)->b) == 1) ? 3 : 0); p->l = dk4sto_left_rotation(p->l); if(p->l) (p->l)->p = p; p = dk4sto_right_rotation(p); p->b = 0; } } } $? "- dk4sto_right_deleted PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(p) return p; } /** Add node to tree storage. @param root Root node. @param newnode Node to add. @param st Storage. @return New root node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_avlt_add(dk4_sto_node_t *root, dk4_sto_node_t *newnode, dk4_sto_t *st) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *p = NULL; /* Current node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *q = NULL; /* Father of p. */ dk4_sto_node_t *r = NULL; /* Critical node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *s = NULL; /* Father of r. */ $? "+ dk4sto_avlt_add PTR=%d PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(root), TR_IPTR(newnode), TR_IPTR(st) back = root; p = r = root; q = s = NULL; /* Search place for insertion, write direction into the "w" field in each node. The final new node has an empty "w" field. */ while(p) { /* q is either NULL (in first pass) or the parent of the current node in p. */ if(p->b) { s = q; r = p; } q = p; if(dk4sto_node_compare(p,newnode,st,st->c) > 0) { p->w = DK4STO_WALK_LEFT; p = p->l; } else { p->w = DK4STO_WALK_RIGHT; p = p->r; } } /* q is either NULL or the last node visited. r is the last unbalanced node (critical node). s is either NULL or the parent of the last unbalanced node. */ p = newnode; if(NULL == back) { /* When inserting into an empty tree we are done here. */ back = p; } else { /* The tree is not empty. The new node p is concatenated to the parent q. */ if(dk4sto_node_compare(q,newnode,st,st->c) > 0) { q->l = p; q->w = DK4STO_WALK_LEFT; } else { q->r = p; q->w = DK4STO_WALK_RIGHT; } p->p = q; /* Now we must balance the tree again if necessary. */ if(r) { /* There is a critical node. */ p = r; /* Modify balance fields from critial node until we find our new node. */ while(p->w) { if(p->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { dk4sto_dec_balance(p); p = p->l; } else { dk4sto_inc_balance(p); p = p->r; } } p = r; /* Now look whether we are dis-balanced, correct if necessary. */ if((p->b) == 2) { /* We must balance */ if(p->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { if((p->l)->b == 3) { p->b = 0; p = dk4sto_right_rotation(p); } else { /* Static code analyis: Potentially dereferencing NULL pointer. I do not think so. We have to balance at p because the left subtree is too deep. We did not add the new node to the left childs left subtree, so we must have added it to the left childs right subtree. So the left childs right child can not be NULL. */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert (NULL != (p->l)->r); #endif p->b = (((((p->l)->r)->b) == 3) ? 1 : 0); (p->l)->b = (((((p->l)->r)->b) == 1) ? 3 : 0); p->l = dk4sto_left_rotation(p->l); if(p->l) (p->l)->p = p; p = dk4sto_right_rotation(p); } } else { if((p->r)->b == 1) { p->b = 0; p = dk4sto_left_rotation(p); } else { /* Static code analyis: Potentially dereferencing NULL pointer. I do not think so. We have to balance at p because the right subtree is too deep. We did not add the new node to the right childs right subtree, so we must have added it to the right childs left subtree. So the right childs left child can not be NULL. */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != (p->r)->l); #endif p->b = (((((p->r)->l)->b) == 1) ? 3 : 0); (p->r)->b = (((((p->r)->l)->b) == 3) ? 1 : 0); p->r = dk4sto_right_rotation(p->r); if(p->r) (p->r)->p = p; p = dk4sto_left_rotation(p); } } p->b = 0; /* Balance at the critical nodes father (if there is one) or create new root. */ if(s) { if(s->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { s->l = p; } else { s->r = p; } if(p) p->p = s; } else { back = p; } } } } if(back) { back->p = NULL; } $? "- dk4sto_avlt_add PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find last node in a tree storage. @param n Node to start search from. @return Last node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_find_last_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *c; /* Current node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *p; /* Father of c. */ $? "+ sorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n) if(n->l) { back = n->l; while(back->r) { back = back->r; } } else { c = n; p = c->p; while(p && (!back)) { if((p->r) == c) { back = p; } else { c = p; p = c->p; } } } $? "- sorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Remove storage node from tree storage. @param root Root object. @param node Node to remove. @param delpath Deletion path (used for tree balancing). @param st Storage. @param success_indicator Pointer to success variable. @param toremove Node to remove. @return New root object. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_avlt_delete( dk4_sto_node_t *root, dk4_sto_node_t *node, dk4_sto_node_t **delpath, dk4_sto_t *st, int *success_indicator, dk4_sto_node_t **toremove ) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *p = NULL; /* Current node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *q = NULL; /* Father of p. */ dk4_sto_node_t *r = NULL; /* Critical node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *todel = NULL; /* Node to delete. */ dk4_sto_node_t *itn = NULL; /* Iterator node. */ dk4_sto_it_t *iterat = NULL; /* Iterator */ short x1 = 0; /* Balance value. */ short delroot = 0; /* Flag: Delete tree node. */ int can_continue = 1; /* Flag: Can continue. */ back = root; todel = node; $? "+ dk4sto_avlt_delete PTRS=%d %d %d %d %d", TR_IPTR(root), TR_IPTR(node), TR_IPTR(delpath), TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(success_indicator) /* Make sure the node to delete has max. 1 subtree. */ if((todel->l) && (todel->r)) { $? ". finding another node to delete" todel = todel->l; while(todel->r) todel = todel->r; dk4sto_node_data_copy(node,todel,st); /* 2019-03-24 Change iterators again. */ itn = dk4sto_tree_find_last_node(todel); iterat = (dk4_sto_it_t *)(st->i); while(NULL != iterat) { if ((iterat->c) == todel) { iterat->c = itn; } iterat = iterat->r; } } if(!(todel->p)) { $? ". deleting the root node" delroot = 1; } /* Mark the way in the "w" fields. */ *toremove = todel; todel->w = 0; while(todel->p) { if((todel->p)->l == todel) { $? ". walk left" (todel->p)->w = DK4STO_WALK_LEFT; } else { $? ". walk right" (todel->p)->w = DK4STO_WALK_RIGHT; } todel = todel->p; } p = back; q = r = NULL; x1 = 0; can_continue = 1; while(can_continue) { $? ". new while loop 1 %d", x1 #if VERSION_BEFORE_20150821 if(p) { $? ". have current node" #endif if(p->w) { $? ". not final node" if(p->b == 0) { x1 = 0; $? ". current node is balanced" } delpath[x1++] = p; $? ". adding current node to delpath %d", (x1 - 1) if(x1 >= st->l) { $? ". x1 out of range" /* x1 too large */ *success_indicator = 0; goto error_mark; } if(p->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { $? ". going down left" p = p->l; } else { $? ". going down right" p = p->r; } } else { can_continue = 0; $? ". we are at the final point" } #if VERSION_BEFORE_20150821 } else { can_continue = 0; $? ". no more nodes to visit" } #endif } #if VERSION_BEFORE_20150821 r = p; #endif /* 2015-08-21 Static code analysis complains p could be NULL. I think it can not. */ if(NULL != p->l) q = p->l; else q = p->r; if(x1 == 0) { if(delroot) { $? ". setting new root node" back = q; } } while(x1 > 0) { $? ". begin of while loop 2 %d", (x1 - 1) x1--; p = delpath[x1]; if(p->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { $? ". going to left" p->l = q; if(q) q->p = p; q = dk4sto_left_deleted(p, &x1); $? ". after dk4sto_left_deleted" } else { $? ". going to right" p->r = q; if(q) q->p = p; q = dk4sto_right_deleted(p, &x1); $? ". after dk4sto_right_deleted" } if(x1 == 0) { $? ". final node" if(delpath[x1] == back) { $? ". setting new root node" back = q; } } if(x1 < 0) { $? ". finished" p = delpath[0 - x1 - 1]; if(p->w == DK4STO_WALK_LEFT) { p->l = q; } else { p->r = q; } if(q) q->p = p; } } error_mark: if(back) { back->p = NULL; } $? "- dk4sto_avlt_delete PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find storage node for an object evaluated like a given object. @param root Root node. @param testnode Node of the given object. @param st Storage. @param crit Comparison criteria. @param cand Pointer for candidate. @return Pointer to storage node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_find_like( dk4_sto_node_t *root, dk4_sto_node_t *testnode, dk4_sto_t *st, int crit, dk4_sto_node_t **cand ) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *c = NULL; /* Current node. */ int testval = 0; /* Comparison result. */ $? "+ sorted_find_like PTR=%d PTR=%d PTR=%d %d", TR_IPTR(root), TR_IPTR(testnode), TR_IPTR(st), crit c = root; while(c) { testval = dk4sto_node_compare(c,testnode,st,crit); switch(testval) { case -1: { if(cand) *cand = c; c = c->r; } break; case 0: { back = c; c = c->l; } break; default: { c = c->l; } break; } } $? "- sorted_find_like PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Add node to a tree. @param r Root node. @param n New node to add. @param s Storage. @return Node pointer on success, NULL on error. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_add(dk4_sto_node_t *r, dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_t *s) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; back = dk4sto_avlt_add(r,n,s); return back; } /** Release all nodes in a tree storage. @param r Root node. */ static void dk4sto_tree_release_all_nodes(dk4_sto_node_t *r) { $? "+ sorted_release_all_nodes PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(r) if(r) { dk4sto_tree_release_all_nodes(r->l); dk4sto_tree_release_all_nodes(r->r); r->l = r->r = r->p = NULL; r->o = NULL; r->b = 0; r->w = 0; dk4mem_free(r) ; } $? "- sorted_release_all_nodes" } /** Find next node in a tree storage. @param n Current node. @param r Root node. @return Pointer to next node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_find_next_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_node_t *r) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *c = NULL; /* Current node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *p = NULL; /* Parent of c. */ $? "+ sorted_find_next_node PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(r) /* if(n) { if(n->r) { back = n->r; while(back->l) { back = back->l; } } else { c = n; p = c->p; while(p && (!back)) { if((p->l) == c) { back = p; } else { c = p; p = c->p; } } } } else { back = r; if(back) { while(back->l) { back = back->l; } } } */ if(n) { if(n->r) { back = n->r; while(back->l) back = back->l; } else { c = n; p = c->p; while(p && (!back)) { if(p->l == c) { back = p; } else { c = p; p = c->p; } } } } else { back = r; if(back) { while(back->l) back = back->l; } } $? "- sorted_find_next_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find node for object in tree storage (exact search). @param r Root node. @param o Object to find node for. @param s Storage. @return Pointer to node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_find_exact(dk4_sto_node_t *r, void const *o, dk4_sto_t *s) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t testnode; /* Test node for comparisons. */ dk4_sto_node_t *c; /* Current node to test. */ dk4_sto_node_t *candidate; /* Candidate for found node. */ int testval = 0; /* Comparison result. */ $? "+ sorted_find_exact PTRS= %d %d %d", TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(o), TR_IPTR(s) dk4sto_node_init_for_object(&testnode, (void *)o, s, s->c); c = dk4sto_tree_find_like(r, &testnode, s, s->c, &candidate); while(c && (!back)) { testval = dk4sto_node_compare(c, &testnode, s, s->c); if(testval == 0) { if((c->o) == o) { back = c; } else { c = dk4sto_tree_find_next_node(c, r); } } else { c = NULL; } } $? "- sorted_find_exact PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Remove storage node from tree storage. @param ro Root node. @param n Node to delete. @param st Storage. @param sci ??? @param toremove Node to remove. @return New root node. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_tree_remove( dk4_sto_node_t *ro, dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_t *st, int *sci, dk4_sto_node_t **toremove ) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; back = dk4sto_avlt_delete(ro,n,st->d,st,sci,toremove); return back; } /* USE DOUBLE LINKED LIST */ /** Find node for an object evaluated like a given object in a list storage. @param root Root node. @param testnode Node with object for comparison. @param st Storage. @param crit Comparison criteria. @param cand Test candidate. @return Pointer to storage node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_find_like( dk4_sto_node_t *root, dk4_sto_node_t *testnode, dk4_sto_t *st, int crit, dk4_sto_node_t **cand ) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t *c = NULL; /* Current node. */ int testval = 0; /* Comparison result. */ $? "+ sorted_find_like PTR=%d PTR=%d PTR=%d %d", TR_IPTR(root), TR_IPTR(testnode), TR_IPTR(st), crit c = root; while(c && (!back)) { testval = dk4sto_node_compare(c,testnode,st,crit); switch(testval) { case -1: { if(cand) *cand = c; c = c->r; } break; case 0: { back = c; c = NULL; } break; default : { c = NULL; } break; } } $? "- sorted_find_like PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find node for an object (exact search). @param r Root node. @param o Object. @return Pointer to the objects node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_find_exact(dk4_sto_node_t *r, void const *o) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; $? "+ sorted_find_exact PTRS= %d %d", TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(o) back = dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact(r,o); $? "- sorted_find_exact PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Add node to list storage. @param r Root node. @param n New node. @param s Storage. @return Pointer on success, NULL on error. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_add(dk4_sto_node_t *r, dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_t *s) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; dk4_sto_node_t *larger = NULL; /* Last found larger entry. */ dk4_sto_node_t *current = NULL; /* Current node. */ dk4_sto_node_t *smaller = NULL; /* Last found smaller entry. */ int ende; $? "+ sorted_add PTRS= %d %d %d", TR_IPTR(r), TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(s) back = r; if(r) { larger = smaller = NULL; current = r; ende = 0; while(!ende) { if(dk4sto_node_compare(current,n,s,s->c) >= 0) { larger = current; ende = 1; } else { smaller = current; } if(current->r) { current = current->r; } else { ende = 1; } } if(larger) { n->r = larger; larger->l = n; if(smaller) { smaller->r = n; n->l = smaller; } else { back = n; } } else { if(smaller) { smaller->r = n; n->l = smaller; } } } else { back = n; } $? "- sorted_add PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Release all nodes of a list storage. @param r Root node. */ static void dk4sto_list_release_all_nodes(dk4_sto_node_t *r) { $? "+ sorted_release_all_nodes" dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes(r); $? "- sorted_release_all_nodes" } /** Find next node. @param n Current node. @param r Root node. @return Pointer to next node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_find_next_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_node_t *r) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; $? "+ sorted_find_next_node PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(r) back = dk4sto_unsorted_find_next_node(n,r); $? "- sorted_find_next_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find last (previous) node. @param n Current node. @return Pointer to previous node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_find_last_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; $? "+ sorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n) back = dk4sto_unsorted_find_last_node(n); $? "- sorted_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Remove storage node from list storage. @param ro Root node. @param n Node to remove. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_list_remove(dk4_sto_node_t *ro, dk4_sto_node_t *n) { dk4_sto_node_t *back; $? "+ sorted_remove PTRS= %d %d", TR_IPTR(ro), TR_IPTR(n) back = dk4sto_unsorted_remove(ro,n); $? "- sorted_remove PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /* COMMON STATIC FUNCTIONS */ /** Get object node (traverse storage). @param it Storage iterator. @param o Object to find storage node. @return Pointer to node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_traverse_iterators_for(void *it, void *o) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; dk4_sto_it_t *c = NULL; /* Current node. */ $? "+ dk4sto_traverse_iterators_for PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(it), TR_IPTR(o) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != it); assert(NULL != o); #endif if(it) { c = (dk4_sto_it_t *)it; while(c && (!back)) { if(c->c) { if(((c->c)->o) == o) { back = c->c; } } if(!back) c = c->r; } } $? "- dk4sto_traverse_iterators_for PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Find last storage node. @param n Current storage node. @param st Storage. @return Pointer to last node or NULL. */ static dk4_sto_node_t * dk4sto_find_last_node(dk4_sto_node_t *n, dk4_sto_t *st) { dk4_sto_node_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_find_last_node PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(n), TR_IPTR(st) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif if(st->h) { if(st->t) { back = dk4sto_tree_find_last_node(n); } else { back = dk4sto_list_find_last_node(n); } } else { back = dk4sto_unsorted_find_last_node(n); } $? "- dk4sto_find_last_node PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } /** Initialize storage. @param st Storage to initialize. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ static int dk4sto_storage_init(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_er_t *erp) { int back = 0; short l = 0; /* Critical path length. */ $? "+ dk4sto_storage_init PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(st) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif /* delpath begin address and length */ st->d = NULL; st->l = 0; /* root node */ st->r = NULL; /* comparison method */ st->h = 0; /* comparison criteria */ st->c = 0; /* iterators list */ st->i = NULL; st->l = l = 1536; st->d = dk4mem_new(dk4_sto_node_p,l,erp); st->t = 1; if(st->d) { back = 1; } $? "- dk4sto_storage_init %d", back return back; } /** Close the storage, release memory. @param st Storage to close. */ static void dk4sto_storage_end(dk4_sto_t *st) { $? "+ dk4sto_storage_end PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(st) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif /* release iterators */ { dk4_sto_it_t *c = NULL; /* Current iterator. */ dk4_sto_it_t *n = NULL; /* Next iterator. */ c = (dk4_sto_it_t *)(st->i); st->i = NULL; while(c) { $? ". going to release iterator PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(c) n = c->r; c->r = NULL; c->l = NULL; c->c = NULL; c->s = NULL; dk4mem_free(c) ; c = n; } st->i = NULL; } $? ". iterators released" /* release nodes */ { if(st->h) { if(st->t) { dk4sto_tree_release_all_nodes(st->r); } else { dk4sto_list_release_all_nodes(st->r); } } else { dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes(st->r); } st->r = NULL; } $? ". nodes released" /* release delpath */ { dk4_sto_node_p *p; p = st->d; dk4mem_free(p); st->d = NULL; st->l = 0; } $? ". delpath released" /* set pointers to NULL */ { st->h = 0; st->c = 0; } $? ". function pointers resetted" $? "- dk4sto_storage_end" } /* PUBLIC INTERFACES */ dk4_sto_t * dk4sto_open(dk4_er_t *erp) { dk4_sto_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_open" back = dk4mem_new(dk4_sto_t,1,erp) ; if(back) { if(!dk4sto_storage_init(back,erp)) { dk4mem_free(back); back = NULL; } } $? "- dk4sto_open PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } void dk4sto_close(dk4_sto_t *st) { $? "+ dk4sto_close PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(st) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif if(st) { dk4sto_storage_end(st); dk4mem_free(st) ; } $? "- dk4sto_close" } void dk4sto_remove_all(dk4_sto_t *st) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif if(st) { /* reset all iterators */ dk4_sto_it_t *c = NULL; /* Curent iterator. */ dk4_sto_it_t *n = NULL; /* Next iterator. */ c = (dk4_sto_it_t *)(st->i); while(c) { n = c->r; c->c = NULL; c = n; } /* remove all nodes */ if(st->r) { if(st->h) { if(st->t) { dk4sto_tree_release_all_nodes(st->r); } else { dk4sto_list_release_all_nodes(st->r); } } else { dk4sto_unsorted_release_all_nodes(st->r); } } st->r = NULL; } } int dk4sto_remove(dk4_sto_t *st, void *o, dk4_er_t *erp) { int back = 0; dk4_sto_node_t *node_to_remove = NULL; /* Node to remove. */ dk4_sto_node_t *ln = NULL; /* Last node. */ dk4_sto_it_t *iterator = NULL; /* Traverse all iterators. */ $? "+ dk4sto_remove PTR=%d PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(o) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != o); #endif if((NULL != st) && (NULL != o)) { node_to_remove = dk4sto_traverse_iterators_for(st->i, o); if(!node_to_remove) { if(st->h) { if(st->t) { node_to_remove = dk4sto_tree_find_exact(st->r,o,st); } else { node_to_remove = dk4sto_list_find_exact(st->r,o); } } else { node_to_remove = dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact(st->r,o); } } if(node_to_remove) { back = 1; ln = dk4sto_find_last_node(node_to_remove,st); iterator = (dk4_sto_it_t *)(st->i); while(iterator) { if((iterator->c) == node_to_remove) { iterator->c = ln; } iterator = iterator->r; } if(st->h) { if(st->t) { st->r = dk4sto_tree_remove(st->r,node_to_remove,st,&back,&node_to_remove); } else { st->r = dk4sto_list_remove(st->r,node_to_remove); } } else { st->r = dk4sto_unsorted_remove(st->r,node_to_remove); } node_to_remove->l = node_to_remove->r = node_to_remove->p = NULL; node_to_remove->o = NULL; dk4mem_free(node_to_remove); } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_NOT_FOUND); } } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } $? "- dk4sto_remove %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_add(dk4_sto_t *st, void *o, dk4_er_t *erp) { int back = 0; dk4_sto_node_t *n = NULL; /* New node. */ $? "+ dk4sto_add st=PTR:%d o=PTR:%d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(o) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != o); #endif if((NULL != st) && (NULL != o)) { n = dk4mem_new(dk4_sto_node_t,1,erp); if(n) { dk4sto_node_init_for_object(n,o,st,st->c); if(st->h) { if(st->t) { st->r = dk4sto_tree_add(st->r, n, st); } else { st->r = dk4sto_list_add(st->r, n, st); } } else { st->r = dk4sto_unsorted_add(st->r, n); } back = 1; } } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } $? "- dk4sto_add %d", back return back; } dk4_sto_it_t * dk4sto_it_open(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_er_t *erp) { dk4_sto_it_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_it_open PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(st) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif if(st) { back = dk4mem_new(dk4_sto_it_t,1,erp); if(back) { back->s = st; back->l = NULL; back->r = (dk4_sto_it_t *)(st->i); back->c = NULL; st->i = (void *)back; } } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); }$? "- dk4sto_it_open PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } void dk4sto_it_close(dk4_sto_it_t *it) { dk4_sto_it_t *l = NULL; /* Left iterator. */ dk4_sto_it_t *r = NULL; /* Right iterator. */ dk4_sto_t *s = NULL; /* The storage. */ $? "+ dk4sto_it_close PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(it) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != it); #endif if(it) { s = it->s; l = it->l; r = it->r; if(l) { l->r = r; } else { s->i = (void *)(r); } if(r) { r->l = l; } it->s = NULL; it->l = it->r = NULL; it->c = NULL; dk4mem_free(it) ; } $? "- dk4sto_it_close" } void dk4sto_it_reset(dk4_sto_it_t *it) { $? "+ dk4sto_it_reset PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(it) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != it); #endif if(it) { it->c = NULL; } $? "- dk4sto_it_reset" } void * dk4sto_it_next(dk4_sto_it_t *it) { void *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_it_next PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(it) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != it); #endif if(it) { if(it->s) { if((it->s)->h) { if((it->s)->t) { it->c = dk4sto_tree_find_next_node(it->c, (it->s)->r); } else { it->c = dk4sto_list_find_next_node(it->c, (it->s)->r); } } else { it->c = dk4sto_unsorted_find_next_node(it->c, (it->s)->r); } if(it->c) { back = (it->c)->o; } } } $? "- dk4sto_it_next PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_exact(dk4_sto_it_t *i, void const *o) { void *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4sto_it_find_exact i=PTR:%d o=PTR:%d", TR_IPTR(i), TR_IPTR(o) #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); assert(NULL != o); #endif if((NULL != i) && (NULL != o)) { if(i->s) { if((i->s)->h) { if((i->s)->t) { i->c = dk4sto_tree_find_exact((i->s)->r, o, i->s); } else { i->c = dk4sto_list_find_exact((i->s)->r, o); } } else { i->c = dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact((i->s)->r, o); } } if(i->c) { back = (i->c)->o; } } $? "- dk4sto_it_find_exact PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_like(dk4_sto_it_t *i, void const *o, int cr) { void *back = NULL; dk4_sto_node_t testnode; /* Test node for comparisons. */ dk4_sto_node_t *candidate = NULL; /* Candicate node. */ $? "+ dk4sto_it_find_like i=PTR:%d o=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(i), TR_IPTR(o), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); assert(NULL != o); #endif if((NULL != i) && (NULL != o)) { if(i->s) { candidate = NULL; if((i->s)->h) { dk4sto_node_init_for_object(&testnode, (void *)o, (i->s), cr); if((i->s)->t) { i->c = dk4sto_tree_find_like((i->s)->r, &testnode, i->s, cr, &candidate); } else { i->c = dk4sto_list_find_like((i->s)->r, &testnode, i->s, cr, &candidate); } } else { i->c = dk4sto_unsorted_find_exact((i->s)->r, o); } if(i->c) { back = (i->c)->o; } else { i->c = candidate; } } } $? "- dk4sto_it_find_like PTR=%d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_c(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_c_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_c st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).c = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_CHAR; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_c %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_uc(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_uc_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_uc st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).uc = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_UCHAR; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_uc %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_s(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_s_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_s st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).s = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_SHORT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_s %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_us(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_us_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_us %s %s %d", TR_PTR(st), TR_PTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).us = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_USHORT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_us %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_i(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_i_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_i st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).i = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_INT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_i %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_ui(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_ui_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_ui st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).ui = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_UINT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_ui %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_l(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_l_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_l st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).l = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_LONG; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_l %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_ul(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_ul_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_ul st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).ul = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_ULONG; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_ul %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_f(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_f_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_f st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).f = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_FLOAT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_f %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_eval_d(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_eval_d_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_d st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).d = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_DOUBLE; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_d %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_set_comp(dk4_sto_t *st, dk4_fct_comp_t *f, int cr) { int back = 0; $? "+ dk4sto_set_eval_d st=PTR:%d f=PTR:%d %d", TR_IPTR(st), TR_IPTR(f), cr #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); assert(NULL != f); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { back = 1; (st->e).comp = f; st->c = cr; st->h = DK4STO_COMPARE_FCT; } } $? "- dk4sto_set_eval_d %d", back return back; } int dk4sto_use_trees(dk4_sto_t *st,int ok) { int back = 0; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != st); #endif if(st) { if(!(st->r)) { st->t = (ok ? 1 : 0); back = 1; } } return back; } void * dk4sto_find_root(dk4_sto_t const *s) { void *back = NULL; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != s); #endif if(s) { if(s->r) { back = (s->r)->o; } } return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_parent(dk4_sto_it_t const *i) { void *back = NULL; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); #endif if(i) { if(i->c) { if((i->c)->p) { back = ((i->c)->p)->o; } } } return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_left(dk4_sto_it_t const *i) { void *back = NULL; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); #endif if(i) { if(i->c) { if((i->c)->l) { back = ((i->c)->l)->o; } } } return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_right(dk4_sto_it_t const *i) { void *back = NULL; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); #endif if(i) { if(i->c) { if((i->c)->r) { back = ((i->c)->r)->o; } } } return back; } void * dk4sto_it_find_root(dk4_sto_it_t const *i) { void *back = NULL; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != i); #endif if(i) { if(i->s) { back = dk4sto_find_root(i->s); } } return back; } /* vim: set ai sw=2 : */