%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2016-xxxx license = bsd %% header #ifndef DK4STRM_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4strm.h" #endif #ifndef DK4MEMBUF_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4membuf.h" #endif #ifndef DK4ERROR_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4error.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Open stream to write to memory buffer. Closing the resulting stream does not close the memory buffer. @param mb Destination memory buffer. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Valid pointer on success, NULL on error. */ dk4_stream_t * dk4stream_open_membuf_writer(dk4_membuf_t *mb, dk4_er_t *erp); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */ %% module #include "dk4mbstrm.h" static void dk4stream_membuf_function(dk4_stream_api_t *api) { dk4_membuf_t *mb; if (NULL != api) { api->res = 0; api->sz_out = 0; mb = (dk4_membuf_t *)(api->d); if (NULL != mb) { switch (api->cmd) { case DK4_STREAM_API_WRITE: { api->res = dk4membuf_store( mb, (const void *)(api->b), api->sz_in, NULL ); if (0 != api->res) { api->sz_out = api->sz_in; } } break; case DK4_STREAM_API_FLUSH: { /* Do nothing but indicate success. */ api->res = 1; } break; case DK4_STREAM_API_CLOSE: { /* Do nothing but indicate success. */ api->res = 1; } break; default : { /* Do nothing, calling this is an error. */ } break; } } } } dk4_stream_t * dk4stream_open_membuf_writer(dk4_membuf_t *mb, dk4_er_t *erp) { dk4_stream_t *back = NULL; if (NULL != mb) { back = dk4stream_open( mb, dk4stream_membuf_function, DK4_STREAM_WRITE, 0, DK4MEMBUF_CHUNK_SIZE, erp ); } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } return back; } /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */