%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2017-xxxx SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause %% header #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Calculate kappa value for angle to use instead of 1/3 for Bezier curves. @param alpha Arc angle. @return Kappa value. */ double dk4gratool_kappa_for_angle(double alpha); /** Initialize points to draw a circle. @param ptr Address of result array of points. @param sz Number of elements in array (12 or 24). @param r Radius. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
if ptr is NULL, r is negative or the number of points is neither 12 nor 24. */ int dk4gratool_points_for_circle( dk4_gra_point_t *ptr, size_t sz, double r, dk4_er_t *erp ); /** Initialize points to draw an ellipse. @param ptr Address of result array of points. @param sz Number of elements in array (12 or 24). @param xc Center point x. @param yc Center point y. @param rx X radius. @param ry Y radius. @param alpha Rotation counterclockwise in radians. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. Error codes: - DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS
if ptr is NULL, r is negative or the number of points is neither 12 nor 24. */ int dk4gratool_points_for_ellipse( dk4_gra_point_t *ptr, size_t sz, double xc, double yc, double rx, double ry, double alpha, dk4_er_t *erp ); /** Rotate a point relatively to origin. @param pt Point whose coordinates must be changed (in/out), must not be NULL (not checked in function). @param rot Rotation counterclockwise in radians. */ void dk4gratool_rotate_point( dk4_gra_point_t *pt, double rot ); /** Calculate distance between two points. @param a Point A. @param b Point B. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Distance between the points. */ double dk4gratool_dist_point_point( dk4_gra_point_t const *a, dk4_gra_point_t const *b, dk4_er_t *erp ); /** Calculate distance between a track specified by points A and B and an external point P. @param a Track endpoint A. @param b Track endpoint B. @param p External point P. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Distance from point P to track specified by endpoint A, B. */ double dk4gratool_dist_point_track( dk4_gra_point_t const *a, dk4_gra_point_t const *b, dk4_gra_point_t const *p, dk4_er_t *erp ); /** Calculate distance between a simple ellipse (in origin, not rotated) and a point. This is a poor approximation working best if rx and ry do not differ too much. @param rx Ellipse x radius. @param ry Ellipse y radius. @param p Point. @return Non-negative value on success, negative value on error. */ double dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse_simple( double rx, double ry, dk4_gra_point_t const *p ); /** Calculate distance between a rotated ellipse and a point. This is a poor approximation working best if rx and ry do not differ too much. @param c Ellipse center point. @param rx Ellipse x radius. @param ry Ellipse y radius. @param rot Ellipse rotation. @param p Point to calculate distance to. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. @return Distance value. */ double dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse( dk4_gra_point_t const *c, double rx, double ry, double rot, dk4_gra_point_t const *p, dk4_er_t *erp ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */ %% module #include "dk4conf.h" #if DK4_HAVE_MATH_H #ifndef MATH_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_ON_WINDOWS #ifndef _USE_MATH_DEFINES #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 1 #endif #endif #include #define MATH_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif #ifndef DK4MEM_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4mem.h" #endif #ifndef DK4STR8_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4str8.h" #endif #ifndef DK4STRD_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4strd.h" #endif #ifndef DK4GRA_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4gra.h" #endif #ifndef DK4GRAT_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4grat.h" #endif #ifndef GRA_H_INCLUDED #include "gra.h" #endif #ifndef DK4STRM_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4strm.h" #endif #ifndef DK4MAO8D_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4mao8d.h" #endif #ifndef DK4MAO8DNS_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4mao8dns.h" #endif #ifndef DK4MATH_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4math.h" #endif #ifndef DK4ITER_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4iter.h" #endif #ifndef DK4BITSH_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4bitsh.h" #endif #ifndef DK4EDSTM_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4edstm.h" #endif #ifndef DK4FONTC_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4fontc.h" #endif #ifndef DK4UNUSED_H_INCLUDED #include "dk4unused.h" #endif #if DK4_HAVE_ASSERT_H #ifndef ASSERT_H_INCLUDED #include #define ASSERT_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif $!trace-include /** Masks to request a single bit from a dk4_px_t value. */ static const dk4_px_t dk4gratool_bit_values[] = { 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0x0040, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800 }; /** Start of standalone document, part 1. */ static const char * const dk4gratool_text1[] = { $!string-table % PPPT_FONT_SETUP_BEGIN\n \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n \\usepackage{mathptmx}\n \\usepackage[scaled=.92]{helvet}\n \\usepackage{courier}\n % PPPT_FONT_SETUP_END\n $!end }; /** Start of standalone document, part 1. */ static const char * const dk4gratool_text3[] = { $!string-table % PPPT_PACKAGES_BEGIN\n \\usepackage{textcomp}\n \\usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath}\n \\usepackage{fancybox}\n \\usepackage{graphicx}\n \\usepackage{xcolor}\n % PPPT_PACKAGES_END\n $!end }; /** Start of standalone document, part 1. */ static const char * const dk4gratool_text4[] = { $!string-table % PPPT_PDF_INFO_BEGIN\n % \\usepackage{hyperref}\n % \\hypersetup{\n % pdfauthor={Anonymous author},\n % pdftitle={Document title},\n % pdfsubject={Document subject},\n % pdfkeywords={Key,word,another}\n % }\n % PPPT_PDF_INFO_END\n $!end }; /** Start of standalone document, part 2. */ static const char * const dk4gratool_text2[] = { $!string-table \\pagestyle{empty}\n \\setlength{\\voffset}{-1in}\n \\setlength{\\topmargin}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\headheight}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\headsep}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\topskip}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\hoffset}{-1in}\n \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\evensidemargin}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\marginparwidth}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\marginparsep}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\textwidth}{\\paperwidth}\n \\setlength{\\textheight}{\\paperheight}\n \\setlength{\\parskip}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\parindent}{0bp}\n \\setlength{\\pdfpagewidth}{\\paperwidth}\n \\setlength{\\pdfpageheight}{\\paperheight}\n $!end }; /** Constant text fragments. */ static const char * const dk4gratool_kw[] = { /* 0 */ "\n", /* 1 */ "\\setlength{\\paperwidth}{", /* 2 */ "\\setlength{\\paperheight}{", /* 3 */ "bp}\n", /* 4 */ "\\end{document}\n", /* 5 */ "\\usepackage{pgfcore}\n", /* 6 */ "\\color[cmyk]{", /* 7 */ "\\color[gray]{", /* 8 */ "\\color[rgb]{", /* 9 */ "}", /* 10 */ ",", /* 11 */ "\\newfont{\\PPPTfo", /* 12 */ "}{", /* 13 */ "pt}%\n", /* 14 */ " at ", /* 15 */ "\\providecommand{\\PPPTfo", /* 16 */ "}{}%\n", /* 17 */ "\\renewcommand{\\PPPTfo", /* 18 */ "}{\\normalfont", /* 19 */ "\\selectfont}%\n", /* 20 */ "\\fontfamily{", /* 21 */ "}", /* 22 */ "\\ttdefault", /* 23 */ "\\sfdefault", /* 24 */ "\\rmdefault", /* 25 */ "\\fontseries{\\bfdefault}", /* 26 */ "\\fontseries{\\mddefault}", /* 27 */ "\\fontshape{\\itdefault}", /* 28 */ "\\fontshape{\\updefault}", /* 29 */ "\\fontsize{", /* 30 */ "pt}{", /* 31 */ "pt}", /* 32 */ "\\begin{document}%\n", /* 33 */ "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n", /* 34 */ "\\documentclass[", /* 35 */ "pt]{article}\n", /* 36 */ "% PPPT_FONT_SETUP_BEGIN\n", /* 37 */ "% PPPT_FONT_SETUP_END\n", /* 38 */ "% PPPT_PACKAGES_BEGIN\n", /* 39 */ "% PPPT_PACKAGES_END\n", NULL }; /** Alphabet used to translate numbers to uniqe names. */ static const char dk4gratool_alphabet[] = { "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" }; dk4_gra_t * dk4gratool_open( const dkChar *fn, size_t w, size_t h, int docfl, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_gra_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4gratool_open \"%!ds\"", fn #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != fn); assert(0 < w); assert(0 < h); #endif back = dk4mem_new(dk4_gra_t,1,erp); if (NULL != back) { /* Initialize all components to defaults */ dk4cs_context_init(&(back->cscctx), erp); back->s_pages = NULL; back->i_pages = NULL; back->fn = NULL; back->curpg = NULL; back->pages = 0; back->dr = DK4_GRA_DRIVER_PDF; back->gscp = 0; back->eor = 1; back->w = w; back->h = h; back->cur_x = 0.0; back->cur_y = 0.0; back->patlw = 0.9; back->le = 0; back->lec = 0; back->len = 0; back->docfl = docfl; /* Allocate memory for data copies */ if (NULL != fn) { back->fn = dk4str_dup(fn, erp); if (NULL == back->fn) { dk4mem_free(back); back = NULL; } } } $? "- dk4gratool_open %d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } void dk4gratool_close( dk4_gra_t *gptr ) { $? "+ dk4gratool_close" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != gptr); #endif if (NULL != gptr) { $? ". gptr" if (NULL != gptr->fn) { $? ". fn \"%!ds\"", gptr->fn dk4mem_free(gptr->fn); gptr->fn = NULL; } dk4mem_free(gptr); } $? "- dk4gratool_close" } int dk4gratool_points_for_circle( dk4_gra_point_t *ptr, size_t sz, double r, dk4_er_t *erp ) { double kr; /* Product of kappa and radius */ double krsq2; /* Product of kappa and radius divided by sqrt(2) */ int back = 0; $? "+ dk4gratool_points_for_circle r=%g", r #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ptr); assert((24 == sz) || (12 == sz)); assert(0.0 < r); #endif if ((NULL == ptr) || ((24 != sz) && (12 != sz)) || (0.0 >= r)) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); goto finished; } ptr[0].x = r; ptr[0].y = 0.0; if (24 == sz) { kr = KAPPA_8 * r; krsq2 = kr / M_SQRT2; ptr[ 1].x = r; ptr[ 1].y = kr; ptr[ 3].x = r / M_SQRT2; ptr[ 3].y = r / M_SQRT2; ptr[ 2].x = ptr[3].x + krsq2; ptr[ 2].y = ptr[3].y - krsq2; ptr[ 4].x = ptr[3].x - krsq2; ptr[ 4].y = ptr[3].y + krsq2; ptr[ 5].x = kr; ptr[ 5].y = r; ptr[ 6].x = 0.0; ptr[ 6].y = r; ptr[ 7].x = 0.0 - kr; ptr[ 7].y = r; ptr[ 9].x = 0.0 - ptr[3].x; ptr[ 9].y = ptr[3].y; ptr[ 8].x = ptr[9].x + krsq2; ptr[ 8].y = ptr[9].y + krsq2; ptr[10].x = ptr[9].x - krsq2; ptr[10].y = ptr[9].y - krsq2; ptr[11].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[11].y = kr; ptr[12].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[12].y = 0.0; ptr[13].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[13].y = 0.0 - kr; ptr[15].x = ptr[9].x; ptr[15].y = 0.0 - ptr[3].x; ptr[14].x = ptr[15].x - krsq2; ptr[14].y = ptr[15].y + krsq2; ptr[16].x = ptr[15].x + krsq2; ptr[16].y = ptr[15].y - krsq2; ptr[17].x = 0.0 - kr; ptr[17].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[18].x = 0.0; ptr[18].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[19].x = kr; ptr[19].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[21].x = ptr[3].x; ptr[21].y = 0.0 - ptr[3].y; ptr[20].x = ptr[21].x - krsq2; ptr[20].y = ptr[21].y - krsq2; ptr[22].x = ptr[21].x + krsq2; ptr[22].y = ptr[21].y + krsq2; ptr[23].x = r; ptr[23].y = 0.0 - kr; } else { kr = KAPPA_4 * r; ptr[ 1].x = r; ptr[ 1].y = kr; ptr[ 2].x = kr; ptr[ 2].y = r; ptr[ 3].x = 0.0; ptr[ 3].y = r; ptr[ 4].x = 0.0 - kr; ptr[ 4].y = r; ptr[ 5].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[ 5].y = kr; ptr[ 6].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[ 6].y = 0.0; ptr[ 7].x = 0.0 - r; ptr[ 7].y = 0.0 - kr; ptr[ 8].x = 0.0 - kr; ptr[ 8].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[ 9].x = 0.0; ptr[ 9].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[10].x = kr; ptr[10].y = 0.0 - r; ptr[11].x = r; ptr[11].y = 0.0 - kr; } back = 1; finished: $? "- dk4gratool_points_for_circle %d", back return back; } int dk4gratool_points_for_ellipse( dk4_gra_point_t *ptr, size_t sz, double xc, double yc, double rx, double ry, double alpha, dk4_er_t *erp ) { double coeff; /* Coefficient ry/rx */ size_t i; /* Index to traverse all points */ int back = 0; /* Result */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ptr); assert((24 == sz) || (12 == sz)); assert(0.0 < rx); assert(0.0 < ry); #endif /* Check arguments */ if ( (NULL == ptr) || ((24 != sz) && (12 != sz)) || (0.0 >= rx) || (0.0 >= ry) ) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); goto finished; } /* Create circle data */ back = dk4gratool_points_for_circle(ptr, sz, rx, erp); if (0 == back) { goto finished; } /* Scale y values for radius ry */ coeff = ry / rx; for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ptr[i].y *= coeff; } /* Rotate the points if necessary */ if (DK4_GRA_EPSILON_COORDINATES < fabs(alpha)) { for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { dk4gratool_rotate_point(&(ptr[i]), alpha); } } /* Shift to specified center point */ for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { ptr[i].x += xc; ptr[i].y += yc; } /* Check all coordinates for finite values. */ for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { #if DK4_HAVE_ISFINITE if ((!(isfinite(ptr[i].x))) || (!(isfinite(ptr[i].y)))) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW); back = 0; } #else #if DK4_HAVE__FINITE if ((!(_finite(ptr[i].x))) || (!(_finite(ptr[i].y)))) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW); back = 0; } #else #endif #endif } finished: return back; } void dk4gratool_rotate_point(dk4_gra_point_t *pt, double rot) { double r; /* Point radius */ double a; /* Point angle */ $? "+ dk4gratool_rotate_point %g %g rot=%g", pt->x, pt->y, rot #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != pt); #endif r = sqrt(pt->x * pt->x + pt->y * pt->y); a = atan2(pt->y, pt->x); a += rot; pt->x = r * cos(a); pt->y = r * sin(a); $? "- dk4gratool_rotate_point %g %g", pt->x, pt->y } void dk4gratool_initialize_attributes( dk4gra_attributes_t *pattr ) { $? "+ dk4gratool_initialize_attributes" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != pattr); #endif if (NULL != pattr) { pattr->lc_active = -1; pattr->lc_requested = DK4_GRA_LC_BUTTED; pattr->lj_active = -1; pattr->lj_requested = DK4_GRA_LJ_MITERED; pattr->ls_active = -1; pattr->ls_requested = DK4_GRA_LS_SOLID; pattr->lw_active = -1.0; pattr->lw_requested = 0.9; pattr->sv_active = -1.0; pattr->sv_requested = 4.0; pattr->ml_active = 10.0; pattr->ml_requested = 10.0; pattr->eor_active = -1; pattr->eor_requested = 0; dk4mem_reset(&(pattr->col_stroke_active), sizeof(dk4gra_col_t), NULL); pattr->col_stroke_active.what = DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_NONE; dk4mem_cpy( &(pattr->col_fill_active), &(pattr->col_stroke_active), sizeof(dk4gra_col_t), NULL ); dk4mem_cpy( &(pattr->col_stroke_requested), &(pattr->col_stroke_active), sizeof(dk4gra_col_t), NULL ); pattr->col_stroke_requested.what = DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_GRAY; pattr->col_stroke_requested.data.gray = 0.0; dk4mem_cpy( &(pattr->col_fill_requested), &(pattr->col_stroke_requested), sizeof(dk4gra_col_t), NULL ); } $? "- dk4gratool_initialize_attributes" } void dk4gratool_reset_active_attributes( dk4gra_attributes_t *pattr ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != pattr); #endif pattr->col_stroke_active.what = DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_NONE; pattr->col_fill_active.what = DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_NONE; pattr->lw_active = -1.0; pattr->sv_active = -1.0; pattr->ml_active = -1.0; pattr->lc_active = -1; pattr->lj_active = -1; pattr->ls_active = -1; pattr->eor_active = -1; } void dk4gratool_set_color_requested( dk4gra_col_t *pcol, int colsp, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4 ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != pcol); #endif pcol->what = colsp; switch (colsp) { case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_CMYK : { pcol->data.cmyk.c = c1; pcol->data.cmyk.m = c2; pcol->data.cmyk.y = c3; pcol->data.cmyk.k = c4; } break; case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_RGB : { pcol->data.rgb.r = c1; pcol->data.rgb.g = c2; pcol->data.rgb.b = c3; } break; case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_GRAY : { pcol->data.gray = c1; } break; } } int dk4gratool_colors_differ( dk4gra_col_t *p1, dk4gra_col_t *p2 ) { int back = 1; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != p1); assert(NULL != p2); #endif if (p1->what == p2->what) { switch (p1->what) { case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_CMYK : { back = 0; if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.cmyk.c - p2->data.cmyk.c)) { back = 1; } if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.cmyk.m - p2->data.cmyk.m)) { back = 1; } if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.cmyk.y - p2->data.cmyk.y)) { back = 1; } if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.cmyk.k - p2->data.cmyk.k)) { back = 1; } } break; case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_RGB : { back = 0; if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.rgb.r - p2->data.rgb.r)) { back = 1; } if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.rgb.g - p2->data.rgb.g)) { back = 1; } if (1.0e-3 < fabs(p1->data.rgb.b - p2->data.rgb.b)) { back = 1; } } break; case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_GRAY : { if (1.0e-3 >= fabs(p1->data.gray - p2->data.gray)) { back = 0; } } break; } } return back; } int dk4gratool_line_style_differs( int ls_a, int ls_r, double sv_a, double sv_r, int lwc ) { int back = 1; $? "+ dk4gratool_line_style_differs %d/%g %d/%g %d",ls_a,sv_a,ls_r,sv_r,lwc if (ls_a == ls_r) { back = 0; if (DK4_GRA_LS_SOLID != ls_a) { if (0 != lwc) { back = 1; } else { if (1.0e-3 < fabs(sv_a - sv_r)) { back = 1; } } } } $? "- dk4gratool_line_style_differs %d", back return back; } int dk4gratool_calculate_transformations( double *dst, double xl, double xr, double yb, double yt, double w, double h, int kar, int pos, dk4_er_t *erp ) { double dx; /* Available X space */ double dy; /* Available Y space */ size_t i; /* Traverse transformation values */ int back = 0; $? "+ dk4gratool_calculate_transformations" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != dst); assert(xr > xl); assert(yt > yb); assert(0.0 < w); assert(0.0 < h); #endif if ((xr <= xl) || (yt <= yb) || (0.0 >= w) || (0.0 >= h)) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); goto finished; } for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { dst[i] = 0.0; } dx = xr - xl; dy = yt - yb; switch (pos) { case 1: { dst[2] = 90.0; if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dx) > (h * dy)) { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (h * dy) / w; dst[0] = xr - (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yb; } else { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (w * dx) / h; dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yb + (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } dst[3] = dy; dst[4] = dx; } else { dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yb; dst[3] = yt - yb; dst[4] = xr - xl; } } break; case 2: { dst[2] = 180.0; if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dy) > (h * dx)) { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (h * dx) / w; dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yt - (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } else { dx = (w * dy) / h; dst[0] = xr - (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yt; } dst[3] = dx; dst[4] = dy; } else { dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yt; dst[3] = xr - xl; dst[4] = yt - yb; } } break; case 3: { dst[2] = 270.0; if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dx) > (h * dy)) { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (h * dy) / w; dst[0] = xl + (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yt; } else { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (w * dx) / h; dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yt - (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } dst[3] = dy; dst[4] = dx; } else { dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yt; dst[3] = yt - yb; dst[4] = xr - xl; } } break; case 4: { dst[2] = 90.0; if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dx) > (h * dy)) { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (h * dy) / w; dst[0] = xr - (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yt; } else { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (w * dx) / h; dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yt - (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } dst[3] = 0.0 - dy; dst[4] = dx; } else { dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yt; dst[3] = yb - yt; dst[4] = xr - xl; } } break; case 5: { if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dy) > (h * dx)) { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (h * dx) / w; dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yb + (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } else { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (w * dy) / h; dst[0] = xr - (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yb; } dst[3] = 0.0 - dx; dst[4] = dy; } else { dst[0] = xr; dst[1] = yb; dst[3] = xl - xr; dst[4] = yt - yb; } } break; case 6: { dst[2] = 90.0; if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dx) > (h * dy)) { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (h * dy) / w; dst[0] = xl + (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yb; } else { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (w * dx) / h; dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yb + (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } dst[3] = dy; dst[4] = 0.0 - dx; } else { dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yb; dst[3] = yt - yb; dst[4] = xl - xr; } } break; case 7: { if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dy) > (h * dx)) { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (h * dx) / w; dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yt - (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } else { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (w * dy) / h; dst[0] = xl + (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yt; } dst[3] = dx; dst[4] = 0.0 - dy; } else { dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yt; dst[3] = xr - xl; dst[4] = yb - yt; } } break; default : { /* 0 */ if (0 != kar) { if ((w * dy) > (h * dx)) { /* X fully used, space in Y */ dy = (h * dx) / w; dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yb + (yt - yb - dy) / 2.0; } else { /* Y fully used, space in X */ dx = (w * dy) / h; dst[0] = xl + (xr - xl - dx) / 2.0; dst[1] = yb; } dst[3] = dx; dst[4] = dy; } else { dst[0] = xl; dst[1] = yb; dst[3] = (xr - xl); dst[4] = (yt - yb); } } break; } back = 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { #if DK4_HAVE_ISFINITE if (!(isfinite(dst[i]))) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW); back = 0; } #else #if DK4_HAVE__FINITE if (!(_finite(dst[i]))) { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW); back = 0; } #endif #endif } finished: $? "- dk4gratool_calculate_transformations %d", back return back; } void dk4gratool_stream_string( dk4_stream_t *os, const char *str, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != os); assert(NULL != str); #endif if (0 == dk4stream_write_char_string(os, str, erp)) { if (NULL != backptr) { *backptr = 0; } } } void dk4gratool_stream_double( dk4_stream_t *os, double val, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != os); #endif if (0 == dk4ma_write_c8_double_no_sci_to_stream(os,val,1.0e-8,0,1,erp)) { if (NULL != backptr) { *backptr = 0; } } } void dk4gratool_stream_uint( dk4_stream_t *os, dk4_um_t val, size_t padsz, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { char buf[16*sizeof(dk4_um_t)]; /* Buffer for val as text */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != os); #endif if (0 != dk4ma_write_c8_decimal_unsigned(buf,sizeof(buf),val,padsz,erp)) { dk4gratool_stream_string(os, buf, backptr, erp); } else { if (NULL != backptr) { *backptr = 0; } } } void dk4gratool_stream_num_alpha( dk4_stream_t *os, size_t val, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { size_t kwi; /* Index of number in alphabet */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != os); #endif do { kwi = val % (size_t)26U; val = val / (size_t)26U; if (0 == dk4stream_write_byte(os, dk4gratool_alphabet[kwi], erp)) { if (NULL != backptr) { *backptr = 0; } } } while (0 < val); } void dk4gratool_stream_color( dk4_stream_t *os, dk4gra_col_t const *col, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != os); assert(NULL != col); #endif switch (col->what) { case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_CMYK : { dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[6], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.cmyk.c, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[10], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.cmyk.m, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[10], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.cmyk.y, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[10], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.cmyk.k, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[9], backptr, erp); } break; case DK4_GRA_COL_SPEC_GRAY : { dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[7], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.gray, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[9], backptr, erp); } break; default : { /* RGB */ dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[8], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.rgb.r, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[10], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.rgb.g, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[10], backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(os, col->data.rgb.b, backptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(os, dk4gratool_kw[9], backptr, erp); } break; } } double dk4gratool_kappa_for_angle(double alpha) { double back; $? "+ kappa_for_angle %g", alpha alpha = fabs(alpha); back = (2.0 * sqrt(8.0 * (1.0 - cos(alpha))) - 4.0 * sin(alpha)) / (3.0 * alpha * (1.0 - cos(alpha))); $? "- kappa_for_angle %g", back return back; } dk4_px_t dk4gratool_bit( size_t i ) { return (dk4gratool_bit_values[i]); } void dk4gratool_put_pixel_value( dk4_stream_t *strm, dk4_bit_shift_t *bs, dk4_px_t pixval, dk4_px_bit_depth_t bpc, int *backptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { int res; dk4_px_bit_depth_t i; $? "+ dk4gratool_put_pixel_value %u", (unsigned)pixval #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != strm); assert(NULL != bs); #endif for (i = 0; i < bpc; i++) { res = dk4bit_shift_add( bs, ((0 != (pixval & (dk4gratool_bit(bpc-1-i)))) ? (1) : (0)), NULL ); if (DK4_EDSTM_FINISHED == res) { res = dk4stream_write_byte( strm, dk4bit_shift_output(bs, NULL), erp ); if (0 == res) { $? "! dk4stream_write_byte" if (NULL != backptr) { *backptr = 0; } } } } $? "- dk4gratool_put_pixel_value" } /** Write paragraph of text to output. @param ostrm Output stream. @param strar String array. @param bptr Address of success variable to reset on error. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. */ static void dk4gratool_paragraph_to_stream( dk4_stream_t *ostrm, const char * const *strar, int *bptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ostrm); assert(NULL != strar); #endif if ((NULL != ostrm) && (NULL != strar)) { while (NULL != *strar) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, *(strar++), bptr, erp); } } } void dk4gratool_start_standalone_document( dk4_stream_t *ostrm, dk4_gra_t *gra, int pgf, double dfs, dk4_sto_t *s_f, dk4_sto_it_t *i_f, dk4_sto_t *s_p, dk4_sto_it_t *i_p, dk4_sto_t *s_o, dk4_sto_it_t *i_o, int *bptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *pl; int res; $? "+ dk4gratool_start_standalone_document" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ostrm); assert(NULL != gra); assert(0.0 < dfs); #endif /* Document class */ $? ". dfs = %lg", dfs if (0.0 < dfs) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[34], bptr, erp); res = dk4ma_write_c8_double_no_sci_to_stream( ostrm, dfs, 1.0e-1, 0, 0, erp ); if (0 == res) { if (NULL != bptr) { *bptr = 0; } } dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[35], bptr, erp); } else { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[33], bptr, erp); } /* Font setup */ if ((NULL != s_f) && (NULL != i_f)) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[36], bptr, erp); dk4sto_it_reset(i_f); do { pl = (dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *)dk4sto_it_next(i_f); if (NULL != pl) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, pl->text, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[0], bptr, erp); } } while (NULL != pl); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[37], bptr, erp); } else { dk4gratool_paragraph_to_stream(ostrm, dk4gratool_text1, bptr, erp); } /* Additional packages */ if ((NULL != s_p) && (NULL != i_p)) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[38], bptr, erp); dk4sto_it_reset(i_p); do { pl = (dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *)dk4sto_it_next(i_p); if (NULL != pl) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, pl->text, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[0], bptr, erp); } } while (NULL != pl); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[39], bptr, erp); } else { dk4gratool_paragraph_to_stream(ostrm, dk4gratool_text3, bptr, erp); } dk4gratool_paragraph_to_stream(ostrm, dk4gratool_text4, bptr, erp); /* /setlength{/paperwidth{xxxbp} */ dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[1], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_uint(ostrm, gra->w, 0, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[3], bptr, erp); /* /setlength{/paperheight{xxxbp} */ dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[2], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_uint(ostrm, gra->h, 0, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[3], bptr, erp); /* /usepackage{pgfcore} */ if (0 != pgf) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[5], bptr, erp); } /* Instructions for setup */ dk4gratool_paragraph_to_stream(ostrm, dk4gratool_text2, bptr, erp); /* Additional other setup lines */ if ((NULL != s_o) && (NULL != i_o)) { dk4sto_it_reset(i_o); do { pl = (dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *)dk4sto_it_next(i_o); if (NULL != pl) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, pl->text, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[0], bptr, erp); } } while (NULL != pl); } /* /begin{document} */ dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[32], bptr, erp); $? "- dk4gratool_start_standalone_document" } void dk4gratool_end_standalone_document( dk4_stream_t *ostrm, int *bptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ostrm); #endif dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[4], bptr, erp); } /** Write definition for one font from collector to output stream. @param ostrm Output stream. @param foi Font item to write. @param bptr Address of success variable to reset on error. @param erp Error report, may be NULL. */ static void dk4gratool_font_one_definition( dk4_stream_t *ostrm, dk4_font_item_t const *foi, int *bptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { const char *lfn = NULL; /* LaTeX font name */ int ffl = 0; /* Font number or font features */ int ff = 0; /* Font features mask */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ostrm); assert(NULL != foi); #endif if (DK4_GRA_TF_EXACT_SIZE == foi->fex) { lfn = dk4font_get_latex_font_name(dk4font_number_from_int(foi->fno)); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[11], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_num_alpha(ostrm, foi->nf, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[12], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, lfn, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[14], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(ostrm, foi->fsz, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[13], bptr, erp); } else { /* providecommand */ dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[15], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_num_alpha(ostrm, foi->nf, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[16], bptr, erp); /* renewcommand */ dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[17], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_num_alpha(ostrm, foi->nf, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[18], bptr, erp); /* Font size */ switch (foi->fex) { case DK4_GRA_TF_SIMILAR_SIZE : case DK4_GRA_TF_NONE_SIZE : { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[29], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(ostrm, foi->fsz, bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[30], bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_double(ostrm, (1.2 * foi->fsz), bptr, erp); dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[31], bptr, erp); } break; default : { /* Intentionally empty to avoid compiler warnings. */ } break; } /* Font family, series and shape */ switch (foi->fex) { case DK4_GRA_TF_EXACT_NONE : case DK4_GRA_TF_SIMILAR_SIZE : case DK4_GRA_TF_SIMILAR_NONE : { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[20], bptr, erp); if (DK4_GRA_TF_EXACT_NONE == foi->fex) { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4font_get_latex_family_name( dk4font_number_from_int(foi->fno) ), bptr, erp ); } else { switch (DK4_FONT_FEATURE_FT_MASK & (foi->fno)) { case DK4_FONT_FEATURE_SYMBOL : { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[24], bptr, erp ); } break; case DK4_FONT_FEATURE_TTY : { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[22], bptr, erp ); } break; case DK4_FONT_FEATURE_SANS_SERIF : { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[23], bptr, erp ); } break; default : { /* roman */ dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[24], bptr, erp ); } break; } /* 2019-05-14 Bugfix To find the type we must and-combine the font features with the mask bit as above. */ #if 0 if (0 != (DK4_FONT_FEATURE_TTY & (foi->fno))) { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[22], bptr, erp ); } else { if (0 != (DK4_FONT_FEATURE_SANS_SERIF & (foi->fno))) { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[23], bptr, erp ); } else { dk4gratool_stream_string( ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[24], bptr, erp ); } } #endif } dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[21], bptr, erp); ffl = foi->fno; if (DK4_GRA_TF_EXACT_NONE == foi->fex) { ffl = dk4font_get_features( dk4font_number_from_int(foi->fno) ); } if (0 != (DK4_FONT_FEATURE_BOLD & ffl)) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm,dk4gratool_kw[25],bptr,erp); } else { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm,dk4gratool_kw[26],bptr,erp); } ff = DK4_FONT_FEATURE_ITALIC | DK4_FONT_FEATURE_OBLIQUE; if (0 != (ff & ffl)) { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm,dk4gratool_kw[27],bptr,erp); } else { dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm,dk4gratool_kw[28],bptr,erp); } } break; default : { /* Intentionally empty to avoid compiler warnings. */ } break; } dk4gratool_stream_string(ostrm, dk4gratool_kw[19], bptr, erp); } } void dk4gratool_font_definitions( dk4_stream_t *ostrm, dk4_font_collector_t *fontc, int *bptr, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_font_item_t *foi; /* Current font item to write */ #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ostrm); assert(NULL != fontc); #endif dk4sto_it_reset(fontc->i_fn); do { foi = (dk4_font_item_t *)dk4sto_it_next(fontc->i_fn); if (NULL != foi) { dk4gratool_font_one_definition(ostrm, foi, bptr, erp); } } while (NULL != foi); } int dk4gratool_compare_preamble_lines( void const *l, void const *r, int DK4_ARG_UNUSED(cr) ) { dk4_gra_preamble_line_t const *pl; dk4_gra_preamble_line_t const *pr; int back = 0; DK4_UNUSED_ARG(cr) if (NULL != l) { if (NULL != r) { pl = (dk4_gra_preamble_line_t const *)l; pr = (dk4_gra_preamble_line_t const *)r; if (pl->lineno > pr->lineno) { back = 1; } else { if (pl->lineno < pr->lineno) { back = -1; } } } else { back = 1; } } else { if (NULL != r) { back = -1; } } return back; } void dk4gratool_preamble_delete( dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *ptr ) { $? "+ dk4gratool_preamble_delete" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != ptr); #endif if (NULL != ptr) { $? ". ptr" if (NULL != ptr->text) { $? ". text = \"%!8s\"", ptr->text dk4mem_free(ptr->text); } dk4mem_free(ptr); } $? "- dk4gratool_preamble_delete" } dk4_gra_preamble_line_t * dk4gratool_preamble_new( char const *textline, size_t lineno, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_gra_preamble_line_t *back = NULL; $? "+ dk4gratool_preamble_new" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != textline); #endif if (NULL != textline) { $? ". args ok" back = dk4mem_new(dk4_gra_preamble_line_t,1,erp); if (NULL != back) { $? ". allocation ok" back->lineno = lineno; back->text = dk4str8_dup(textline, erp); if (NULL == back->text) { $? "! text allocation" dk4mem_free(back); back = NULL; } } #if TRACE_DEBUG else { $? "! allocation" } #endif } else { $? "! args" dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } $? "- dk4gratool_preamble_new %d", TR_IPTR(back) return back; } double dk4gratool_dist_point_point( dk4_gra_point_t const *a, dk4_gra_point_t const *b, dk4_er_t *erp ) { double back = -1; double dx; double dy; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != a); assert(NULL != b); #endif if ((NULL != a) && (NULL != b)) { dx = b->x - a->x; dy = b->y - a->y; back = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } return back; } /** Calculate square value. @param x Original value. @return Square value. */ static double dbl_sq(double x) { return (x * x); } double dk4gratool_dist_point_track( dk4_gra_point_t const *a, dk4_gra_point_t const *b, dk4_gra_point_t const *p, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_gra_point_t q; double back = -1.0; double z; double n; double t; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != a); assert(NULL != b); assert(NULL != p); #endif if ((NULL != a) && (NULL != b) && (NULL != p)) { z = (b->y - a->y) * p->y - a->y * b->y + dbl_sq(a->y); z += (b->x - a->x) * p->x - a->x * b->x + dbl_sq(a->x); n = dbl_sq(b->y) - 2.0 * a->y * b->y + dbl_sq(a->y); n += dbl_sq(b->x) - 2.0 * a->x * b->x + dbl_sq(a->x); t = z / n; if ((0 != dk4ma_is_finite(t)) && (0.0 <= t) && (1.0 >= t)) { q.x = a->x + t * (b->x - a->x); q.y = a->y + t * (b->y - a->y); back = dk4gratool_dist_point_point(&q, p, erp); } else { z = dk4gratool_dist_point_point(a, p, erp); n = dk4gratool_dist_point_point(b, p, erp); back = ((z <= n) ? (z) : (n)); } } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } return back; } double dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse_simple( double rx, double ry, dk4_gra_point_t const *p ) { double px; double back = -1.0; $? "+ dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse_simple" #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != p); assert(0.0 < rx); assert(0.0 < ry); #endif px = (ry * p->x) / rx; $? ". px = %g", px back = sqrt((px * px) + (p->y * p->y)); $? ". r = %g", back back = fabs(back - ry); $? ". r = %g", back back = (back * rx) / ry; $? ". r = %g", back $? "- dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse_simple %g", back return back; } double dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse( dk4_gra_point_t const *c, double rx, double ry, double rot, dk4_gra_point_t const *p, dk4_er_t *erp ) { dk4_gra_point_t myp; double back = -1.0; #if DK4_USE_ASSERT assert(NULL != c); assert(NULL != p); assert(0.0 < rx); assert(0.0 < ry); #endif if ((NULL != c) && (NULL != p) && (0.0 < rx) && (0.0 < ry)) { DK4_MEMCPY(&myp,p,sizeof(dk4_gra_point_t)); myp.x -= c->x; myp.y -= c->y; if (1.0e-8 <= fabs(rot)) { dk4gratool_rotate_point(&myp, (0.0 - rot)); } back = dk4gratool_dist_point_ellipse_simple(rx, ry, &myp); } else { dk4error_set_simple_error_code(erp, DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS); } return back; } /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */