%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2015-xxxx SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause %% header /** @file Return error information from called function to caller, more detailed than just an error code. In addition to the error code we can save details, i.e. the errno or GetLastError() value or the element size and number of elements for a failed memory allocation... This allows the caller to produce detailed error messages if necessary. Before processing a code section where errors can occur, use dk4error_init() to initialize an error structure. A value indicating ``no error occured'' is set in the structure. Depending on the errors occuring, the code section might use one from the dk4error_set_...() functions. At the end of the code section, check the error code in the dk4_er_t structure. The address of one dk4_er_t can be passed to several function calls. Only the first error occured is noted in the structure, it is not overwritten by later errors. The final number used by DK tools and libraries is DK4_E_HIGHEST_NUMBER. In your applications you can define additional error codes starting at (DK4_E_HIGHEST_NUMBER+1). */ #ifndef DK4CONF_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_BUILDING_DKTOOLS4 #include "dk4conf.h" #else #include #endif #endif #ifndef DK4TYPES_H_INCLUDED #if DK4_BUILDING_DKTOOLS4 #include "dk4types.h" #else #include #endif #endif /** Error report. */ typedef struct { /** Details, depending on error code. */ union { /** Position within a file or data stream. */ struct { dk4_um_t byteno; /**< Byte number. */ dk4_um_t lineno; /**< Line number. */ dk4_um_t charno; /**< Character number. */ dk4_um_t charinline; /**< Character number within the line. */ } fpos; /** Failed memory allocation. */ struct { size_t elsize; /**< Element size. */ size_t nelem; /**< Number of elements. */ } mem; long lDetails1; /**< Long details, i.e. from GetLastError(). */ int iDetails1; /**< Integer details, i.e. from errno. */ } dt; int ec; /**< Error code. */ } dk4_er_t; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Initialize error report. CRT on Windows: Optional. @param erp Error report to initialize. */ void dk4error_init(dk4_er_t *erp); /** Set simple error code. CRT on Windows: Not used. @param erp Error report to modify, may be NULL. @param ec New error code. */ void dk4error_set_simple_error_code(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec); /** Set error code for dealing with a number of elements (memory allocation). CRT on Windows: Not used. @param erp Error report to modify, may be NULL. @param ec New error code to set. @param sz Element size. @param ne Number of elements. */ void dk4error_set_elsize_nelem(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, size_t sz, size_t ne); /** Set error code for error from a system function, save errno value in details. CRT on Windows: Not used. @param erp Error report to modify, may be NULL. @param ec New error code to set. @param errnval Value of errno, stored in iDetails1. */ void dk4error_set_idetails(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, int errnval); /** Set long error code for error from a Windows system function, save GetLastError() value in details. CRT on Windows: Not used. @param erp Error report to modify, may be NULL. @param ec New error code to set. @param errnval Value obtained from GetLastError(). */ void dk4error_set_ldetails(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, long errnval); /** Set error code and keep file or data stream position. CRT on Windows: Not used. @param erp Error report to modify, may be NULL. @param ec New error code to set. @param byteno Byte position in file. @param lineno Current line number. @param charno Character number in file. @param charinline Character position in line. */ void dk4error_set_with_position( dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, dk4_um_t byteno, dk4_um_t lineno, dk4_um_t charno, dk4_um_t charinline ); /** Copy error report if there was an error in the source report and no error yet in the destination report. CRT on Windows: Optional. @param dptr Destination report. @param sptr Source report. */ void dk4error_copy(dk4_er_t *dptr, const dk4_er_t *sptr); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /** Error codes. */ enum { /** No error occured. */ DK4_E_NONE = 0, /** System error, the errno value is saved to det,syserr. */ DK4_E_SYSTEM , /** Something failed although it should not. */ DK4_E_BUG , /** Invalid arguments (in example NULL pointers, 0 sizes) were passed to a function. No details are reported. */ DK4_E_INVALID_ARGUMENTS , /** A buffer was too small to take a text completely. */ DK4_E_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL , /** The requested information was not found. */ DK4_E_NOT_FOUND , /** Memory allocation failed. Element size and number of elements are stored in dt,mem,elsize and dt,mem,nelem. */ DK4_E_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED , /** Numeric overflow. For floating point numbers the absolute value exceeded DBL_MAX. For integer numbers the result is outside the range MIN...MAX. No details are reported. */ DK4_E_MATH_OVERFLOW , /** Numeric underflow. The underflow is reported if the absolute value of a floating point operation is too small. For integer numbers only overflow is reported even if the result is smaller than MIN. No details are reported. */ DK4_E_MATH_UNDERFLOW , /** Division by zero. No details are reported. */ DK4_E_MATH_DIVZERO , /** An invalid argument was passed to a mathematical function. */ DK4_E_MATH_INVALID , /** Mathematical result is inexact, cutting bits. */ DK4_E_MATH_INEXACT , /** Syntax error when processing text, illegal character when decoding or encoding. */ DK4_E_SYNTAX , /** Functionality not supported on this system. */ DK4_E_NOT_SUPPORTED , /** A write operation failed. */ DK4_E_WRITE_FAILED , /** A data flush operation failed. */ DK4_E_FLUSH_FAILED , /** Failed to read data. */ DK4_E_READ_FAILED , /** A file or other stream close operation failed. */ DK4_E_CLOSE_FAILED , /** Additional security checks before opening a file failed. */ DK4_E_SEC_CHECK , /** Attempt to open a file failed. */ DK4_E_OPEN_FAILED , /** Failed to open file for reading. */ DK4_E_OPEN_READ_FAILED , /** Failed to open file for writing. */ DK4_E_OPEN_WRITE_FAILED , /** Failed to encode 32 bit character to output encoding. */ DK4_E_ENCODING_FAILED , /** Failed to decode 32 bit character from input encoding. */ DK4_E_DECODING_FAILED , /** Failed to create a directory. */ DK4_E_MKDIR_FAILED , /** Failed to change file or directory ownership. */ DK4_E_CHOWN_FAILED , /** Failed to change file or directory permissions. */ DK4_E_CHMOD_FAILED , /** Non-directory component in path name. */ DK4_E_NON_DIR , /** File exists, but is not a socket. */ DK4_E_NON_SOCKET , /** An unlink operation failed. */ DK4_E_UNLINK_FAILED , /** The DeleteFile() function on Windows failed. */ DK4_E_DELETE_FILE_FAILED , /** An rmdir operation failed. */ DK4_E_RMDIR_FAILED , /** The RemoveDirectory() function failed on Windows. */ DK4_E_REMOVE_DIRECTORY_FAILED , /** Opendir failed. */ DK4_E_OPENDIR_FAILED , /** The CreateFile() function failed on Windows. The result of GetLastError() is stored in dt.lDetails1. */ DK4_E_CREATE_FILE_FAILED , /** The CreateDirectory() function failed on Windows. The result of GetLastError() is stored in dt.lDetails1. */ DK4_E_CREATE_DIR_FAILED , /** The GetFileInformationByHandle() function failed on Windows. The result of GetLastError() is stored in dt.lDetails1. */ DK4_E_FILE_INFORMATION_FAILED , /** The FindFirstFile() function on Windows failed. The GetLastError() value is stored in lDetails1. */ DK4_E_FINDFIRSTFILE_FAILED , /** Timeout occured in socket operation, no details in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_TIMEOUT , /** The getaddrinfo() function failed to find the remote address. The function result is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_GETADDRINFO , /** The getaddrinfo() function failed to find the local address. The function result is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_GETADDRLOC , /** Failed to start up Windows sockets. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_UP , /** Failed to shut down Windows sockets. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_DOWN , /** The socket() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_SOCKET , /** The close() or closesocket() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_CLOSE , /** The bind() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_BIND , /** The connect() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_CONNECT , /** The listen() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_LISTEN , /** The accept() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_ACCEPT , /** The select() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_SELECT , /** The setsockopt() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_SETSOCKOPT , /** The getsockopt() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_GETSOCKOPT , /** The shutdown() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_SHUTDOWN , /** The send()/sendto() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_SEND , /** The recv()/recvfrom() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_RECV , /** The ioctlsocket() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows is stored in iDetails1. On Windows only. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_IOCTLSOCKET , /** The fcntl() function failed. The error code from errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. Not on Windows systems (ioctlsocket is used to switch between blocking and non-blocking). */ DK4_E_SOCKET_FCNTL , /** The getservbyname() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_GETSERVBYNAME , /** The gethostbyname() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_GETHOSTBYNAME , /** The inet_ntop() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_INET_NTOP , /** The inet_pton() function failed. The error code from WSAGetLastError() on Windows / errno on non-Windows is stored in iDetails1. */ DK4_E_SOCKET_INET_PTON , /** Maximum error number defined in dk4error module. */ DK4_E_HIGHEST_NUMBER = DK4_E_SOCKET_INET_PTON }; %% module #include "dk4conf.h" #if DK4_ON_WINDOWS && (DK4_WIN_AVOID_CRT || DK4_WIN_DENY_CRT) #ifndef WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED #include #define WINDOWS_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif #include "dk4types.h" #include "dk4error.h" #include "dk4mem.h" #if DK4_HAVE_STRING_H #ifndef STRING_H_INCLUDED #include #define STRING_H_INCLUDED 1 #endif #endif $!trace-include void dk4error_init(dk4_er_t *erp) { $? "+ dk4error_init" if (NULL != erp) { #if DK4_ON_WINDOWS /* +++ Windows */ #if DK4_WIN_AVOID_CRT || DK4_WIN_DENY_CRT ZeroMemory(erp, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #else memset(erp, 0, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #endif /* --- Windows */ #else /* +++ non-Windows */ #if DK4_HAVE_MEMSET memset(erp, 0, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #else #if DK4_HAVE_BZERO bzero(erp, sizeof(dk4_er_t); #else { register char *ptr; register size_t sz; ptr = (char *)erp; sz = sizeof(dk4_er_t); while(sz--) { *(ptr++) = '\0'; } } #endif #endif /* --- non-Windows */ #endif erp->ec = DK4_E_NONE; } $? "- dk4error_init" } void dk4error_set_simple_error_code(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec) { if (NULL != erp) { if (DK4_E_NONE == erp->ec) { erp->ec = ec; } } } void dk4error_set_elsize_nelem(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, size_t sz, size_t ne) { if (NULL != erp) { if (DK4_E_NONE == erp->ec) { erp->ec = ec; (erp->dt).mem.elsize = sz; (erp->dt).mem.nelem = ne; } } } void dk4error_set_idetails(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, int errnval) { if (NULL != erp) { if (DK4_E_NONE == erp->ec) { erp->ec = ec; (erp->dt).iDetails1 = errnval; } } } void dk4error_set_ldetails(dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, long errnval) { if (NULL != erp) { if (DK4_E_NONE == erp->ec) { erp->ec = ec; (erp->dt).lDetails1 = errnval; } } } void dk4error_set_with_position( dk4_er_t *erp, int ec, dk4_um_t byteno, dk4_um_t lineno, dk4_um_t charno, dk4_um_t charinline ) { if (NULL != erp) { if (DK4_E_NONE == erp->ec) { erp->ec = ec; $? ". byteno = %lu", (unsigned long)byteno $? ". lineno = %lu", (unsigned long)lineno $? ". charno = %lu", (unsigned long)charno $? ". charinline = %lu", (unsigned long)charinline (erp->dt).fpos.byteno = byteno; (erp->dt).fpos.lineno = lineno; (erp->dt).fpos.charno = charno; (erp->dt).fpos.charinline = charinline; } } } void dk4error_copy(dk4_er_t *dptr, const dk4_er_t *sptr) { if ((NULL != dptr) && (NULL != sptr)) { if (DK4_E_NONE == dptr->ec) { #if DK4_ON_WINDOWS /* +++ Windows */ #if DK4_WIN_AVOID_CRT || DK4_WIN_DENY_CRT CopyMemory(dptr, sptr, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #else memcpy(dptr, sptr, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #endif /* --- Windows */ #else /* +++ non-Windows */ #if DK4_HAVE_MEMCPY memcpy(dptr, sptr, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #else #if DK4_HAVE_BCOPY bcopy(sptr, dptr, sizeof(dk4_er_t)); #else register unsigned char *dp; /* Destination pointer */ register const unsigned char *sp; /* Source pointer */ register size_t xsz; /* Number remaining bytes */ dp = (unsigned char *)dptr; sp = (const unsigned char *)sptr; xsz = sizeof(dk4_er_t); while(0 < xsz--) { *(dp++) = *(sp++); } #endif #endif /* --- non-Windows */ #endif } } }