/* Copyright (C) 2011-2020, Dirk Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details). Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again! You should modify the original source and run dkct on it. Original source: dk3enc.ctr */ /** @file dk3enc.h Header file for the dk3enc module. */ #ifndef DK3ENC_H_INCLUDED /** Avoid multiple inclusions. */ #define DK3ENC_H_INCLUDED 1 #line 10 "dk3enc.ctr" #include "dk3conf.h" #include "dk3types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Convert long number from net to host representation. @param x Number to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned long dk3enc_ntohl(unsigned long x); /** Convert long number from host to net representation. @param x Number to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned long dk3enc_htonl(unsigned long x); /** Convert short number from net to host representation. @param x Number to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned short dk3enc_ntohs(unsigned short x); /** Convert short number from host to net representation. @param x Number to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned short dk3enc_htons(unsigned short x); /** Convert 32-bit character to UTF-8. @param c 32-bit character to convert. @param u8p Pointer to result buffer. @param u8l Size of result buffer, should be 8 at least. @return Number of bytes used in result buffer. */ size_t dk3enc_uc2utf8(dk3_c32_t c, unsigned char *u8p, size_t u8l); /** Convert UTF-8 encoded text to 32-bit character. @param ucp Pointer to variable for result. @param u8p Buffer containing UTF-8 encoded text. @param u8l Number of bytes in buffer. @param u8u Pointer to variable to receive number of bytes used. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk3enc_utf82uc(dk3_c32_t *ucp, unsigned char const *u8p,size_t u8l,size_t *u8u); /** Convert IP address from 8-bit text string to long number in host representation. @param str Text string containing the IP address. @param ul Pointer to result variable. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk3enc_c8_ipaddr_to_ul_app(char const *str, unsigned long *ul, dk3_app_t *app); /** Convert IP address from string to long number in host representation. @param str Text string containing the IP address. @param ul Pointer to result variable. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk3enc_ipaddr_to_ul_app(dkChar const *str, unsigned long *ul, dk3_app_t *app); /** Find size for result buffer needed to convert binary data to text using ASCII-85 encoding. @param s Size of binary data. @return The required buffer length (includeing finalizing 0x00 byte). */ size_t dk3enc_size_bin_to_a85(size_t s); /** Convert binary data to text using reverse ASCII-85 encoding. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Size of \a dp. @param sp Binary (source) data. @param ss Number of bytes in \a sp. @param app Application structure, for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ int dk3enc_bin_to_ra85_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Find size for result buffer needed to convert ASCII-85 encoded data back to binary data. @param s Number of ASCII-85 text characters. @return Length of resulting binary data. */ size_t dk3enc_size_a85_to_bin(size_t s); /** Convert reverse ASCII-85 encoded data back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size in bytes. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer length. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return Number of binary bytes decoded. */ size_t dk3enc_ra85_to_bin_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); #if 0 /** Convert reverse ASCII-85 encoded data back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size in bytes. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer length. @return Number of binary bytes decoded. */ size_t dk3enc_ra85_to_bin(char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss); #endif /** Convert reverse ASCII-85 encoded data string back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size in bytes. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return Number of binary bytes decoded. */ size_t dk3enc_ra85string_to_bin_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Apply ASCII-85 encoding to binary data. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer size. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ int dk3enc_bin_to_a85_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Decode ASCII-85 encoded data back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer size. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ size_t dk3enc_a85_to_bin_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Decode ASCII-85 encoded data string back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ size_t dk3enc_a85string_to_bin_app(char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, dk3_app_t *app); /** Calculate size for binary to hexadecimal conversion. @param s Size of binary data. @return Size of hexadecimal encoding. */ size_t dk3enc_size_bin_to_hex(size_t s); /** Calculate size for hexadecimal to binary conversion. @param s Size of hexadecimal data. @return Size of binary data. */ size_t dk3enc_size_hex_to_bin(size_t s); /** Apply hexadecimal encoding to binary data. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer size. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ int dk3enc_bin_to_hex_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Convert hexadecimal encoded data back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param ss Source buffer size. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ size_t dk3enc_hex_to_bin_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, size_t ss, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Convert hexadecimal encoded data string back to binary. @param dp Destination buffer pointer. @param ds Destination buffer size. @param sp Source buffer pointer. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. */ size_t dk3enc_hexstring_to_bin_app( char *dp, size_t ds, char const *sp, dk3_app_t *app ); /** Calculate size for hex decoding to binary. @param s String containing hexadecimal data. @return Size of binary data. */ size_t dk3enc_size_hexstring_to_bin(char const *s); /** Find size for conversion from ASCII-85 encoded data to binary. * @param s ASCII-85 encoded string. * @return Size of binary data. */ size_t dk3enc_size_a85string_to_bin(char const *s); /** Convert 32-bit character to UTF-16. If the value is 0xFFFF and below, the 16 bits are used ``as is''. For values \a c > 0xFFFF we have to build a surrogate pair. We substract 0x00010000, the result is a new character with 20 significant bits. These 20 bits are splitted into two blocks of 10 bits each. The high surrogate is built using the prefix bits 110110 and the higher 10-bits block. The low surrogate is built using the prefix bits 110111 and the lower 10-bits block. Order of surrogates in a surrogate pair is flexible, this function writes the high surrogate first. @param c The 32-bit character. @param u16p Buffer to receive UTF-16 encoded result. @param u16l Length of \a u16l in elements. @return The number of dk3_c16_t characters produced. */ size_t dk3enc_uc2utf16(dk3_c32_t c, dk3_c16_t *u16p, size_t u16l); /** Convert UTF-16 encoded characters to 32-bit character @param ucp Pointer to result variable. @param u16p Buffer containing UTF-16 encoded text. @param u16l Number of elements available in \a u16p. @param u16u Pointer to variable to receive number of dk3_c16_t used. @return 1 on success, 0 on error. */ int dk3enc_utf162uc(dk3_c32_t *ucp, dk3_c16_t const *u16p, size_t u16l, size_t *u16u); /** Get data encoding type for name. @param n Data encoding name. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return Integer representation of data encoding on success, -1 on error. */ int dk3enc_get_type_app(dkChar const *n, dk3_app_t *app); /** Get name for data encoding type. @param t Numeric type. @return Name for type on success, NULL on error. */ dkChar const * dk3enc_get_data_encoding_name(int t); /** Get numeric value for text encoding. @param en Encoding name. @param app Application structure, may be NULL. @return Numeric representation of text encoding on success, -1 on error. */ int dk3enc_get_text_encoding_app(dkChar const *en, dk3_app_t *app); /** Get the used encoding. @param app Application structure, may be NULL. @return The encoding used for characters in memory. */ int dk3enc_get_encoding(dk3_app_t *app); /** Convert 32 bit character to unsigned long. @param c dk3_c32_t character to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned long dk3enc_uc_to_ul(unsigned long c); /** Convert dkChar character to unsigned long. @param c dkChar character to convert. @return Conversion result. */ unsigned long dk3enc_dk_to_ul(unsigned long c); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif