%% options copyright owner = Dirk Krause copyright year = 2011-xxxx SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause %% header #include "dk3conf.h" #include "dk3types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** Open a bit field (bit array). @param nbits Number of bits. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return Pointer to new bit field on success, NULL on error. */ dk3_bf_t * dk3bf_open_app(size_t nbits, dk3_app_t *app); /** Close bit field. @param b Bit field to close. */ void dk3bf_close(dk3_bf_t *b); /** Set or reset one bit. @param b Bit field. @param n Index of bit to set. @param v New bit value (1 or 0). */ void dk3bf_set(dk3_bf_t *b, size_t n, int v); /** Get one bit value. @param b Bit field. @param n Index of bit. @return 1 or 0 depending on the bit value. */ int dk3bf_get(dk3_bf_t const *b, size_t n); /** Open a bit matrix. @param x Number of columns. @param y Number of rows. @param app Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL. @return Pointer to new bit matrix on success, NULL on error. */ dk3_bm_t * dk3bm_open(size_t x, size_t y, dk3_app_t *app); /** Close bit matrix. @param b Bit matrix to close. */ void dk3bm_close(dk3_bm_t *b); /** Set cache size (threshold to switch between traditional algorithm for dk3bm_expand and cache friendly algorithm). @param b Bit matrix. @param cs Maximum matrix size for traditional algorithm. */ void dk3bm_set_cache_size(dk3_bm_t *b, size_t cs); /** Set or reset one bit. @param b Bit matrix. @param x Column number. @param y Row number. @param v New value for bit. */ void dk3bm_set(dk3_bm_t *b, size_t x, size_t y, int v); /** Get one bit. @param b Bit matrix. @param x Column number. @param y Row number. @return 1 or 0 depending on the bit value. */ int dk3bm_get(dk3_bm_t const *b, size_t x, size_t y); /** Expand bit matrix. The matrix must be square. @param b Bit matrix. */ void dk3bm_expand(dk3_bm_t *b); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif %% module #include "dk3all.h" #include "dk3cores.h" $!trace-include /** Bit mask to set/retrieve single bits in a byte. */ static unsigned char const dk3bf_bits_in_byte[] = { 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01 }; /** Bit masks to reset a single bit in a byte */ static unsigned char const dk3bf_not_in_byte[] = { 0x7F, 0xBF, 0xDF, 0xEF, 0xF7, 0xFB, 0xFD, 0xFE }; /** Keywords used by the module, not localized. */ static dkChar const * const dk3bf_kw[] = { $!string-table macro=dkT # # 0 Threshold to switch from traditional to cache friendly # /bitmatrix/expand/cache-friendly # # 1 Amount of cache available # /proc/cache/available # # 2 Percents of entire cache available to this program # /proc/cache/percent $!end }; void dk3bf_close(dk3_bf_t *b) { if(b) { dk3_release(b->data); b->nbits = 0; b->app = NULL; dk3_delete(b); } } dk3_bf_t * dk3bf_open_app(size_t nbits, dk3_app_t *app) { dk3_bf_t *back = NULL; size_t sz = 0; /* Number of bytes needed. */ if(nbits) { sz = nbits / 8; if(nbits % 8) { sz++; } back = dk3_new_app(dk3_bf_t,1,app); if(back) { back->nbits = nbits; back->data = NULL; back->app = app; back->data = dk3_new_app(unsigned char,sz,app); if(back->data) { dk3mem_res((void *)(back->data), sz); } else { dk3bf_close(back); back = NULL; } } } return back; } void dk3bf_set(dk3_bf_t *b, size_t n, int v) { size_t byteno = 0; /* Byte index in data. */ size_t inbyte = 0; /* Number of bit within the byte. */ if(b) { if(n < b->nbits) { byteno = n / 8; inbyte = n % 8; if(v) { (b->data)[byteno] |= dk3bf_bits_in_byte[inbyte]; } else { (b->data)[byteno] &= (~(dk3bf_bits_in_byte[inbyte])); } } else { if(b->app) { /* ERROR: Index out of range. */ dk3app_log_i1(b->app, DK3_LL_ERROR, 200); } } } } int dk3bf_get(dk3_bf_t const *b, size_t n) { int back = 0; size_t byteno = 0; /* Byte index in data. */ size_t inbyte = 0; /* Number of bit within the byte. */ if(b) { if(n < b->nbits) { byteno = n / 8; inbyte = n % 8; if(((b->data)[byteno]) & (dk3bf_bits_in_byte[inbyte])) { back = 1; } } else { if(b->app) { /* ERROR: Index out of range. */ dk3app_log_i1(b->app, DK3_LL_ERROR, 200); } } } return back; } #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140605 void dk3bm_close(dk3_bm_t *b) { size_t i = 0; /* Index of current row to delete. */ if(b) { if(b->data) { for(i = 0; i < b->rows; i++) { dk3_release((b->data)[i]); } dk3_delete(b->data); } b->data = NULL; b->app = NULL; b->columns = 0; b->rows = 0; dk3_delete(b); } } dk3_bm_t * dk3bm_open(size_t x, size_t y, dk3_app_t *app) { size_t bytes_per_row = 0; /* Number of bytes per row. */ size_t i = 0; /* Current row to initialize. */ int ok = 0; /* Flag: Success. */ dk3_bm_t *back = NULL; if((x) && (y)) { back = dk3_new_app(dk3_bm_t,1,app); if(back) { back->columns = x; back->rows = y; back->app = app; back->data = NULL; bytes_per_row = x / 8; if(x % 8) { bytes_per_row++; } back->data = dk3_new_app(DK3_PUCHAR,y,app); if(back->data) { ok = 1; for(i = 0; i < y; i++) { (back->data)[i] = NULL; } for(i = 0; i < y; i++) { (back->data)[i] = dk3_new_app(unsigned char,bytes_per_row,app); if((back->data)[i]) { dk3mem_res((void *)((back->data)[i]), bytes_per_row); } else { ok = 0; } } if(ok == 0) { dk3bm_close(back); back = NULL; } } else { dk3_delete(back); back = NULL; } } } return back; } void dk3bm_set(dk3_bm_t *b, size_t x, size_t y, int v) { unsigned char *pu = NULL; /* Row pointer. */ size_t byteno = 0; /* Index of byte in row. */ size_t bitno = 0; /* Index of bit within the byte. */ if(b) { if((x < b->columns) && (y < b->rows)) { pu = (b->data)[y]; byteno = x / 8; bitno = x % 8; if(v) { pu[byteno] |= dk3bf_bits_in_byte[bitno]; } else { pu[byteno] &= (~(dk3bf_bits_in_byte[bitno])); } } } } int dk3bm_get(dk3_bm_t const *b, size_t x, size_t y) { int back = 0; unsigned char *pu = NULL; /* Row pointer. */ size_t byteno = 0; /* Index of byte within the row. */ size_t bitno = 0; /* Index of bit within the byte. */ if(b) { if((x < b->columns) && (y < b->rows)) { pu = (b->data)[y]; byteno = x / 8; bitno = x % 8; if((pu[byteno]) & (dk3bf_bits_in_byte[bitno])) { back = 1; } } } return back; } void dk3bm_expand(dk3_bm_t *b) { int f_change_found = 0; /* Flag: Change found in this pass. */ size_t i = 0; /* Source node number. */ size_t j = 0; /* Destination node number. */ size_t k = 0; /* Intermediate node number. */ size_t p = 0; /* Number of current pass. */ if(b) { if(b->columns == b->rows) { p = 0; do { f_change_found = 0; for(i = 0; i < b->columns; i++) { for(j = 0; j < b->rows; j++) { if(!dk3bm_get(b, i, j)) { for(k = 0; k < b->columns; k++) { if(dk3bm_get(b, i, k)) { if(dk3bm_get(b, k, j)) { dk3bm_set(b, i, j, 1); f_change_found = 1; } } } } } } p++; } while((f_change_found) && (p < b->columns)); } else { if(b->app) { /* ERROR: Matrix must be a square! */ dk3app_log_i1(b->app, DK3_LL_ERROR, 201); } } } } #else void dk3bm_close(dk3_bm_t *b) { size_t i; if (b) { if (b->data) { if (b->columns < b->rows) { for (i = 0; i < b->columns; i++) { dk3_release((b->data)[i]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < b->rows; i++) { dk3_release((b->data)[i]); } } dk3_delete(b->data); } b->data = NULL; b->app = NULL; b->columns = 0; b->rows = 0; b->cachesize = 0; dk3_delete(b); } } #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140809 /** Find cache size available to this bit matrix expansion. @param app Application structure. @return Cache size if preferences found, 0 otherwise. */ static size_t dk3bf_get_cache_size(dk3_app_t *app) { dkChar buf[128]; unsigned long ul = 0UL; size_t back = 0; int found = 0; int ec = 0; $? "+ dk3bf_get_cache_size" if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[0], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (1 == dk3sf_sscanf3(buf, dkT("%lu"), &ul)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_ul_from_string(&ul, buf, NULL)) #endif { back = (size_t)ul; found = 1; if ((unsigned long)back != ul) { back = 0; found = 0; } } } if (!(found)) { if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[1], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (1 == dk3sf_sscanf3(buf, dkT("%lu"), &ul)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_ul_from_string(&ul, buf, NULL)) #endif { back = (size_t)ul; found = 1; if ((unsigned long)back != ul) { back = 0; found = 0; } if (found) { found = 0; if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[2], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (1 == dk3sf_sscanf3(buf, dkT("%lu"), &ul)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_ul_from_string(&ul, buf, NULL)) #endif { back = dk3mem_mul_size_t(back, (size_t)ul, &ec) / 100; if (ec) { back = 0; } else { found = 1; } } } if ((back) && (!(found))) { back = back / 4; if (0 < back) { back = 1; } } } } } } $? "- dk3bf_get_cache_size %lu", (unsigned long)back return back; } #else /** Find cache size available to this bit matrix expansion. @param app Application structure. @return Cache size if preferences found, 0 otherwise. */ static size_t dk3bf_get_cache_size(dk3_app_t *app) { dkChar buf[128]; /* Preference value text */ dk3_um_t um1; /* From preferences */ dk3_um_t um2; /* From preferences */ size_t back = 0; int ec = 0; /* Error code */ $? "+ dk3bf_get_cache_size" if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[0], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (dk3ma_string_to_um(&um1, buf)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_um_from_string(&um1, buf, NULL)) #endif { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 back = dk3ma_um_to_sz(um1, NULL); #else #if DK3_SIZEOF_SIZE_T >= DK3_SIZEOF_UM back = (size_t)um1; #else if ((dk3_um_t)DK3_SIZE_T_MAX >= um1) { back = (size_t)um1; } #endif #endif } } if (0 == back) { if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[1], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (dk3ma_string_to_um(&um1, buf)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_um_from_string(&um1, buf, NULL)) #endif { if (dk3app_get_pref(app, dk3bf_kw[2], buf, DK3_SIZEOF(buf,dkChar))) { #if VERSION_BEFORE_20140716 if (dk3ma_string_to_um(&um2, buf)) #else if (0 != dk3ma_um_from_string(&um2, buf, NULL)) #endif { if (DK3_UM_0 < um2) { if ((dk3_um_t)100U >= um2) { back = dk3ma_um_to_sz( (dk3ma_um_mul_ok(um1, um2, &ec) / ((dk3_um_t)100U)), &ec ); if (0 != ec) { back = 0; } } } } } if (0 == back) { ec = 0; back = dk3ma_um_to_sz((um1 / ((dk3_um_t)4U)), &ec); if (0 != ec) { back = 0; } } } } } $? "- dk3bf_get_cache_size" return back; } #endif dk3_bm_t * dk3bm_open(size_t x, size_t y, dk3_app_t *app) { dk3_bm_t *back = NULL; size_t bpstr = 0; /* Bytes per strip */ size_t i = 0; /* Current strip index */ int ok = 0; /* Flag: Successfully */ $? "+ dk3bm_open %lu %lu", (unsigned long)x, (unsigned long)y if ((x) && (y)) { back = dk3_new_app(dk3_bm_t,1,app); if (back) { back->columns = x; back->rows = y; back->app = app; back->cachesize = 0; back->data = NULL; if (x < y) { $? ". saving column by column" bpstr = y / 8; if (y % 8) { bpstr++; } back->data = dk3_new_app(DK3_PUCHAR,x,app); if (back->data) { $? ". array allocation ok" ok = 1; for (i = 0; i < x; i++) { (back->data)[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < x; i++) { (back->data)[i] = dk3_new_app(unsigned char,bpstr,app); if ((back->data)[i]) { dk3mem_res((void *)((back->data)[i]), bpstr); } else { ok = 0; } } if (!(ok)) { $? "! stripe(s) allocation failed" dk3bm_close(back); back = NULL; } } else { $? "! array allocation failed" dk3_release(back); } } else { $? ". saving row by row" bpstr = x / 8; if (x % 8) { bpstr++; } back->data = dk3_new_app(DK3_PUCHAR,y,app); if (back->data) { $? ". array allocation ok" ok = 1; for (i = 0; i < y; i++) { (back->data)[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < y; i++) { (back->data)[i] = dk3_new_app(unsigned char,bpstr,app); if ((back->data)[i]) { dk3mem_res((void *)((back->data)[i]), bpstr); } else { ok = 0; } } if (!(ok)) { $? "! failure(s) in stripe allocation" dk3bm_close(back); back = NULL; } } else { $? "! array allocation failed" dk3_release(back); } } if (back) { if (app) { back->cachesize = dk3bf_get_cache_size(app); } } } else { $? "! allocation failed" } } else { $? "! wrong arguments" } $? "- dk3bm_open %!8s", TR_8PTR(back) return back; } void dk3bm_set_cache_size(dk3_bm_t *b, size_t cs) { if (b) { b->cachesize = cs; } } void dk3bm_set(dk3_bm_t *b, size_t x, size_t y, int v) { unsigned char *pu = NULL; /* Stripe pointer */ size_t byteno = 0; /* Index of byte in stripe */ size_t bitno = 0; /* Index of bit within the byte */ $? "+ dk3bm_set %lu %lu %d", (unsigned long)x, (unsigned long)y, v if (b) { if ((x < b->columns) && (y < b->rows)) { if (b->columns < b->rows) { pu = (b->data)[x]; byteno = y / 8; bitno = y % 8; } else { pu = (b->data)[y]; byteno = x / 8; bitno = x % 8; } if (v) { pu[byteno] |= dk3bf_bits_in_byte[bitno]; } else { pu[byteno] &= dk3bf_not_in_byte[bitno]; } } } $? "- dk3bm_set" } int dk3bm_get(dk3_bm_t const *b, size_t x, size_t y) { unsigned char *pu = NULL; /* Stripe pointer */ size_t byteno = 0; /* Index of byte within stripe */ size_t bitno = 0; /* Index of bit within byte */ int back = 0; $? "+ dk3bm_get %lu %lu", (unsigned long)x, (unsigned long)y if (b) { if ((x < b->columns) && (y < b->rows)) { if (b->columns < b->rows) { pu = (b->data)[x]; byteno = y / 8; bitno = y % 8; } else { pu = (b->data)[y]; byteno = x / 8; bitno = x % 8; } if((pu[byteno]) & (dk3bf_bits_in_byte[bitno])) { back = 1; } } } $? "- dk3bm_get %d", back return back; } void dk3bm_expand(dk3_bm_t *b) { int f_cache_fr = 1; /* Flag: Cache friendly */ int f_change_found = 0; /* Flag: Change found */ size_t i = 0; /* Source node number */ size_t j = 0; /* Destination node number */ size_t k = 0; /* Intermediate node */ size_t mxs = 0; /* Matrix size */ int ec = 0; /* Math error code */ $? "+ dk3bm_expand" if (b) { $? ". b ok" if (b->columns == b->rows) { $? ". square" if (b->cachesize) { mxs = dk3mem_mul_size_t(b->rows, b->columns, &ec); if (mxs % 8) { mxs = mxs / 8 + 1; } else { mxs = mxs / 8; } if (0 == ec) { if (mxs <= b->cachesize) { f_cache_fr = 0; } } } else { f_cache_fr = 0; } if (f_cache_fr) { $? ". cache friendly" do { f_change_found = 0; for (j = 0; j < b->rows; j++) { for (k = 0; k < b->columns; k++) { for (i = 0; i < b->columns; i++) { if (!(dk3bm_get(b, i, j))) { if (dk3bm_get(b, k, j)) { if (dk3bm_get(b, i, k)) { dk3bm_set(b, i, j, 1); f_change_found = 1; } } } } } } } while(f_change_found); } else { $? ". traditional" do { f_change_found = 0; for (i = 0; i < b->columns; i++) { for (j = 0; j < b->rows; j++) { if (!(dk3bm_get(b, i, j))) { for (k = 0; k < b->columns; k++) { if (dk3bm_get(b, i, k)) { if (dk3bm_get(b, k, j)) { dk3bm_set(b, i, j, 1); f_change_found = 1; } } } } } } } while(f_change_found); } } else { $? "! not square" if (b->app) { /* ERROR: Matrix must be a square! */ dk3app_log_i1(b->app, DK3_LL_ERROR, 201); } } } $? "- dk3bm_expand" } #endif /* vim: set ai sw=2 : */