/* Copyright (C) 2019-2020, Dirk Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details). Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again! You should modify the original source and run dkct on it. Original source: WxdkdrawApp.cpt */ /** @file WxdkdrawApp.cpp The WxdkdrawApp module. */ #line 71 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" #include "wxdkdraw.h" #ifndef WXDKDRAWAPPH_INCLUDED #include "WxdkdrawApp.h" #endif #ifndef WXDKDRAWFRAME_H_INCLUDED #include "WxdkdrawFrame.h" #endif #line 83 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" /** Localized wxChar texts. */ static wxChar const * wxdkdraw_texts[] = { /* 0 */ wxT("File"), /* 1 */ wxT("Quit"), /* 2 */ wxT("Exit the application"), /* 3 */ wxT("Help"), /* 4 */ wxT("About"), /* 5 */ wxT("Show version information"), /* 6 */ wxT("Contents"), /* 7 */ wxT("Open table of contents"), /* 8 */ wxT("Initializing..."), /* 9 */ wxT("Copyright (c) "), /* 10 */ wxT("About "), /* 11 */ wxT("This program uses the following libraries:"), /* 12 */ wxT("See:"), /* 13 */ wxT("L: "), /* 14 */ wxT(" M: "), /* 15 */ wxT(" R: "), /* 16 */ wxT(" X: "), /* 17 */ wxT(" Y: "), /* 18 */ wxT("wxdkdraw - Draw for LaTeX"), /* 19 */ wxT("part of DK tools and libraries, version "), /* 20 */ wxT("New"), /* 21 */ wxT("Create new empty drawing"), /* 22 */ wxT("Open"), /* 23 */ wxT("Open a file"), /* 24 */ wxT("Save"), /* 25 */ wxT("Save drawing to file"), /* 26 */ wxT("Save as..."), /* 27 */ wxT("Save drawing to new file name"), /* 28 */ wxT("Add"), /* 29 */ wxT("Polyline"), /* 30 */ wxT("Add polyline"), /* 31 */ wxT("Polygon"), /* 32 */ wxT("Add polygon"), /* 33 */ wxT("Rectangle"), /* 34 */ wxT("Add rectangular box"), /* 35 */ wxT("Box"), /* 36 */ wxT("Add box with rounded corners"), /* 37 */ wxT("Circle"), /* 38 */ wxT("Add circle"), /* 39 */ wxT("Ellipse"), /* 40 */ wxT("Add ellipse"), /* 41 */ wxT("Open approximated spline"), /* 42 */ wxT("Add open approximated spline"), /* 43 */ wxT("Closed approximated spline"), /* 44 */ wxT("Add closed approximated spline"), /* 45 */ wxT("Open interpolated spline"), /* 46 */ wxT("Add open interpolated spline"), /* 47 */ wxT("Closed interpolated spline"), /* 48 */ wxT("Add closed interpolated spline"), /* 49 */ wxT("Connector dot"), /* 50 */ wxT("Add dot indicating a connection"), /* 51 */ wxT("Pin dot"), /* 52 */ wxT("Add dot indicating a pin"), /* 53 */ wxT("Text label"), /* 54 */ wxT("Add text label"), /* 55 */ wxT("Image"), /* 56 */ wxT("Add bitmap image (PNG/JPEG/TIFF/NetPBM)"), /* 57 */ wxT("Library element"), /* 58 */ wxT("Add library element from file"), /* 59 */ wxT("Edit"), /* 60 */ wxT("Copy object"), /* 61 */ wxT("Copy object"), /* 62 */ wxT("Move object"), /* 63 */ wxT("Move object"), /* 64 */ wxT("Delete object"), /* 65 */ wxT("Delete object"), /* 66 */ wxT("Move point"), /* 67 */ wxT("Move one point of an object"), /* 68 */ wxT("Add Point"), /* 69 */ wxT("Add point to polyline/polygon/spline object"), /* 70 */ wxT("Remove point"), /* 71 */ wxT("Remove point from polyline/polygon/spline object"), /* 72 */ wxT("Details"), /* 73 */ wxT("Edit object details"), /* 74 */ wxT("Group"), /* 75 */ wxT("Group objects"), /* 76 */ wxT("Ungroup"), /* 77 */ wxT("Resolve group of objects"), /* 78 */ wxT("Flip horizontally"), /* 79 */ wxT("Flip object(s) horizontally"), /* 80 */ wxT("Flip vertically"), /* 81 */ wxT("Flip object(s) vertically"), /* 82 */ wxT("Drawing size"), /* 83 */ wxT("Change drawing size"), /* 84 */ wxT("View"), /* 85 */ wxT("Zoom"), /* 86 */ wxT("In"), /* 87 */ wxT("Zoom in"), /* 88 */ wxT("Out"), /* 89 */ wxT("Zoom out"), /* 90 */ wxT("Reset"), /* 91 */ wxT("Reset zoom to original size"), /* 92 */ wxT("Layer"), /* 93 */ wxT("Activate all"), /* 94 */ wxT("Activate all layers"), /* 95 */ wxT("Layer manager"), /* 96 */ wxT("Show layer manager"), /* 97 */ wxT("Center view"), /* 98 */ wxT("Place center of drawing in center of control"), /* 99 */ wxT("Open file"), /* 100 */ wxT("Save file"), /* 101 */ wxT("Copy object"), /* 102 */ wxT("Move object"), /* 103 */ wxT("Delete object"), /* 104 */ wxT("Move point"), /* 105 */ wxT("Object details"), /* 106 */ wxT("Group objects, select one by one"), /* 107 */ wxT("Resolve group"), /* 108 */ wxT("Flip horizontally"), /* 109 */ wxT("Flip vertically"), /* 110 */ wxT("Add point"), /* 111 */ wxT("Remove point"), /* 112 */ wxT("Drawing size"), /* 113 */ wxT("Zoom in"), /* 114 */ wxT("Zoom out"), /* 115 */ wxT("Reset zoom"), /* 116 */ wxT("Show grid"), /* 117 */ wxT("Grid unit: in or cm"), /* 118 */ wxT("Snap grid intervals per optical grid interval"), /* 119 */ wxT("Placement help"), /* 120 */ wxT("Polyline"), /* 121 */ wxT("Polygon"), /* 122 */ wxT("Rectangular box"), /* 123 */ wxT("Rounded box"), /* 124 */ wxT("Circle"), /* 125 */ wxT("Ellipse"), /* 126 */ wxT("Open arc"), /* 127 */ wxT("Closed arc"), /* 128 */ wxT("Open approximated spline"), /* 129 */ wxT("Closed approximated spline"), /* 130 */ wxT("Open interpolated spline"), /* 131 */ wxT("Closed interpolated spline"), /* 132 */ wxT("Connection dot"), /* 133 */ wxT("Pin dot"), /* 134 */ wxT("Text label"), /* 135 */ wxT("Library element"), /* 136 */ wxT("Image"), /* 137 */ wxT("Layer:"), /* 138 */ wxT("Line:"), /* 139 */ wxT("Fill:"), /* 140 */ wxT("Text:"), /* 141 */ wxT("Layer number"), /* 142 */ wxT("Line and text colour"), /* 143 */ wxT("Line width (multiples of the base line width)"), /* 144 */ wxT("Line style"), /* 145 */ wxT("Line cap style"), /* 146 */ wxT("Line join style"), /* 147 */ wxT("Arrowhead forward"), /* 148 */ wxT("Arrowhead backward"), /* 149 */ wxT("Fill colour"), /* 150 */ wxT("Fill style"), /* 151 */ wxT("LaTeX"), /* 152 */ wxT("LaTeX special text"), /* 153 */ wxT("Text alignment"), /* 154 */ wxT("Font name"), /* 155 */ wxT("Font size"), /* 156 */ wxT("in"), /* 157 */ wxT("cm"), /* 158 */ wxT("4"), /* 159 */ wxT("5"), /* 160 */ wxT("Grid"), /* 161 */ wxT("PH"), /* 162 */ wxT("Select object"), /* 163 */ wxT("to open interpolated spline"), /* 164 */ wxT("Group objects, select by region"), /* 165 */ wxT("Select one by one"), /* 166 */ wxT("Convert object to open interpolated spline"), /* 167 */ wxT("Select by region"), /* 168 */ wxT("Save drawing?"), /* 169 */ wxT("Drawing contains unsaved modifications.\nSave drawing to file?"), /* 170 */ wxT("* "), /* 171 */ wxT("Save drawing"), /* 172 */ wxT("WXD files (*.wxd)|*.wxd"), /* 173 */ wxT("Group"), /* 174 */ wxT("Text"), /* 175 */ wxT("Polyline"), /* 176 */ wxT("Open spline"), /* 177 */ wxT("Open arc"), /* 178 */ wxT("Polygon"), /* 179 */ wxT("Closed spline"), /* 180 */ wxT("Closed arc"), /* 181 */ wxT("Circle"), /* 182 */ wxT("Ellipse"), /* 183 */ wxT("Box"), /* 184 */ wxT("Image"), /* 185 */ wxT("Filled dot"), /* 186 */ wxT("White dot"), /* 187 */ wxT("Modify text"), /* 188 */ wxT("Modify polyline"), /* 189 */ wxT("Modify open spline"), /* 190 */ wxT("Modify open arc"), /* 191 */ wxT("Modify polygon"), /* 192 */ wxT("Modify closed spline"), /* 193 */ wxT("Modify closed arc"), /* 194 */ wxT("Modify circle"), /* 195 */ wxT("Modify ellipse"), /* 196 */ wxT("Modify box"), /* 197 */ wxT("Modify image"), /* 198 */ wxT("Modify filled dot"), /* 199 */ wxT("Modify white dot"), /* 200 */ wxT("Unselect object"), /* 201 */ wxT("Select object"), /* 202 */ wxT("NOT SAVED!"), /* 203 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nFailed to open file for writing."), /* 204 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nError in write operation."), /* 205 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nString \""), /* 206 */ wxT("\" too long."), /* 207 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nString was too long."), /* 208 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nFailed to recode string\""), /* 209 */ wxT("\"!"), /* 210 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nFailed to recode string."), /* 211 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nFailed to recode file name\""), /* 212 */ wxT("\"!"), /* 213 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nFailed to recode file name."), /* 214 */ wxT("The file was not saved!\nAn object contains an empty string."), /* 215 */ wxT("The file was not saved!"), /* 216 */ wxT("Line style"), /* 217 */ wxT("Solid"), /* 218 */ wxT("Dashed line"), /* 219 */ wxT("Dotted line"), /* 220 */ wxT("Dash dot line"), /* 221 */ wxT("Dash dot dot line"), /* 222 */ wxT("Dash dot dot dot line"), /* 223 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 224 */ wxT("Keep line style"), /* 225 */ wxT("Style length"), /* 226 */ wxT("Style length:"), /* 227 */ wxT("Dash length in multiples of the line length"), /* 228 */ wxT("OK"), /* 229 */ wxT("Use style length as specified"), /* 230 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 231 */ wxT("Discard input"), /* 232 */ wxT("Line join"), /* 233 */ wxT("Mitered"), /* 234 */ wxT("Rounded"), /* 235 */ wxT("Beveled"), /* 236 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 237 */ wxT("Leave line join as is"), /* 238 */ wxT("Miter limit"), /* 239 */ wxT("Limit:"), /* 240 */ wxT("Choose miter limit value"), /* 241 */ wxT("OK"), /* 242 */ wxT("Use choosen value"), /* 243 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 244 */ wxT("Discard input"), /* 245 */ wxT("Line cap"), /* 246 */ wxT("Butted"), /* 247 */ wxT("Rounded"), /* 248 */ wxT("Projecting"), /* 249 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 250 */ wxT("Leave line cap as is"), /* 251 */ wxT("Arrow type"), /* 252 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 253 */ wxT("Leave arrow type as is"), /* 254 */ wxT("Arrow size"), /* 255 */ wxT("Length:"), /* 256 */ wxT("Width:"), /* 257 */ wxT("Specify arrow length in multiples of the line width"), /* 258 */ wxT("Specify arrow width in multiples of the line width"), /* 259 */ wxT("OK"), /* 260 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 261 */ wxT("Use settings from dialog"), /* 262 */ wxT("Discard settings from dialog"), /* 263 */ wxT("Fill style"), /* 264 */ wxT("No fill"), /* 265 */ wxT("Pure colour fill"), /* 266 */ wxT("30 degree diagonal lines to the left"), /* 267 */ wxT("30 degree diagonal lines to the right"), /* 268 */ wxT("30 degree diagonal crosshatch"), /* 269 */ wxT("45 degree diagonal lines to the left"), /* 270 */ wxT("45 degree diagonal lines to the right"), /* 271 */ wxT("45 degree diagonal crosshatch"), /* 272 */ wxT("Horizontal bricks"), /* 273 */ wxT("Vertical bricks"), /* 274 */ wxT("Horizontal lines"), /* 275 */ wxT("Vertical lines"), /* 276 */ wxT("Horizontal/vertical crosshatch"), /* 277 */ wxT("Horizontal shingles skewed to the right"), /* 278 */ wxT("Horizontal shingles skewed to the left"), /* 279 */ wxT("Vertical shingles skewed to one side"), /* 280 */ wxT("Vertical shingles skewed to the other side"), /* 281 */ wxT("Large fish scales"), /* 282 */ wxT("Small fish scales"), /* 283 */ wxT("Circles"), /* 284 */ wxT("Hexagons"), /* 285 */ wxT("Octagons"), /* 286 */ wxT("Horizontal tire treads"), /* 287 */ wxT("Vertical tire treads"), /* 288 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 289 */ wxT("Leave fill style unchanged"), /* 290 */ wxT("Text align"), /* 291 */ wxT("Left"), /* 292 */ wxT("Centered"), /* 293 */ wxT("Right"), /* 294 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 295 */ wxT("Leave text align unchanged"), /* 296 */ wxT("Text font"), /* 297 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 298 */ wxT("Leave text font as is"), /* 299 */ wxT("Times Roman"), /* 300 */ wxT("Times Italic"), /* 301 */ wxT("Times Bold"), /* 302 */ wxT("Times Bold Italic"), /* 303 */ wxT("Avantgarde Book"), /* 304 */ wxT("Avantgarde Book Oblique"), /* 305 */ wxT("Avantgarde Book Demi"), /* 306 */ wxT("Avantgarde Book Demi Oblique"), /* 307 */ wxT("Bookman Light"), /* 308 */ wxT("Bookman Light Italic"), /* 309 */ wxT("Bookman Demi"), /* 310 */ wxT("Bookman Demi Italic"), /* 311 */ wxT("Courier"), /* 312 */ wxT("Courier Oblique"), /* 313 */ wxT("Courier Bold"), /* 314 */ wxT("Courier Bold Oblique"), /* 315 */ wxT("Helvetica"), /* 316 */ wxT("Helvetica Oblique"), /* 317 */ wxT("Helvetica Bold"), /* 318 */ wxT("Helvetica Bold Oblique"), /* 319 */ wxT("Helvetica Narrow"), /* 320 */ wxT("Helvetica Narrow Oblique"), /* 321 */ wxT("Helvetica Narrow Bold"), /* 322 */ wxT("Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique"), /* 323 */ wxT("New Century Schoolbook Roman"), /* 324 */ wxT("New Century Schoolbook Italic"), /* 325 */ wxT("New Century Schoolbook Bold"), /* 326 */ wxT("New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic"), /* 327 */ wxT("Palatino Roman"), /* 328 */ wxT("Palatino Italic"), /* 329 */ wxT("Palatino Bold"), /* 330 */ wxT("Palatino Bild Italic"), /* 331 */ wxT("Symbol"), /* 332 */ wxT("Zapf Chancery"), /* 333 */ wxT("Zapf Dingbats"), /* 334 */ wxT("Layers"), /* 335 */ wxT("OK"), /* 336 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 337 */ wxT("Use settings from dialog"), /* 338 */ wxT("Discard settings from dialog"), /* 339 */ wxT("Open drawing"), /* 340 */ wxT("Delete object"), /* 341 */ wxT("Cancel deletion"), /* 342 */ wxT("Move object"), /* 343 */ wxT("Place object"), /* 344 */ wxT("Cancel move"), /* 345 */ wxT("Error: Memory"), /* 346 */ wxT("A memory allocation failed!\nInsufficient memory (RAM/swap space)!"), /* 347 */ wxT("Error: Invalid placement"), /* 348 */ wxT("The selected placement would result in numeric overflow for coordinates!"), /* 349 */ wxT("Error"), /* 350 */ wxT("An error occured.\nUnfortunately no detail information is available!"), /* 351 */ wxT("Font family:"), /* 352 */ wxT("Times"), /* 353 */ wxT("AvantGarde"), /* 354 */ wxT("Bookman"), /* 355 */ wxT("Courier"), /* 356 */ wxT("Helvetica"), /* 357 */ wxT("HelveticaNarrow"), /* 358 */ wxT("NewCenturySchlbk"), /* 359 */ wxT("Palatino"), /* 360 */ wxT("Symbol"), /* 361 */ wxT("ZapfChancery"), /* 362 */ wxT("ZapfDingbats"), /* 363 */ wxT("bold / demi"), /* 364 */ wxT("italic / oblique"), /* 365 */ wxT("OK"), /* 366 */ wxT("Use font configured in dialog"), /* 367 */ wxT("Choose font family"), /* 368 */ wxT("No layers are in use at this time."), /* 369 */ wxT("No layers in use"), /* 370 */ wxT("Copy object"), /* 371 */ wxT("Place object"), /* 372 */ wxT("Cancel copy"), /* 373 */ wxT("First point"), /* 374 */ wxT("Add point"), /* 375 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 376 */ wxT("Finish"), /* 377 */ wxT("First point"), /* 378 */ wxT("Opposite point"), /* 379 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 380 */ wxT("Center point"), /* 381 */ wxT("Circle point"), /* 382 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 383 */ wxT("Finish"), /* 384 */ wxT("BB corner point"), /* 385 */ wxT("Open arc"), /* 386 */ wxT("Add open arc"), /* 387 */ wxT("Closed arc"), /* 388 */ wxT("Add closed arc"), /* 389 */ wxT("Start point"), /* 390 */ wxT("Intermediate point"), /* 391 */ wxT("End point"), /* 392 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 393 */ wxT("Finished"), /* 394 */ wxT("Place dot"), /* 395 */ wxT("Finished"), /* 396 */ wxT("Export text:"), /* 397 */ wxT("Screen text:"), /* 398 */ wxT("Enter text to export"), /* 399 */ wxT("Enter text to show on screen"), /* 400 */ wxT("Text input"), /* 401 */ wxT("Create/modify text object"), /* 402 */ wxT("Skip text object creation/modification"), /* 403 */ wxT("Place text label"), /* 404 */ wxT("Finish"), /* 405 */ wxT("Image corner"), /* 406 */ wxT("Opposite corner"), /* 407 */ wxT("Skip adding image"), /* 408 */ wxT("Finished"), /* 409 */ wxT("Choose image"), /* 410 */ wxT("Choose library element"), /* 411 */ wxT("Place element"), /* 412 */ wxT("Skip adding element"), /* 413 */ wxT("Point move mode"), /* 414 */ wxT("snap"), /* 415 */ wxT("rel"), /* 416 */ wxT("Rot:"), /* 417 */ wxT("Text or ellipse rotation in degree"), /* 418 */ wxT("Select point"), /* 419 */ wxT("Place point"), /* 420 */ wxT("Skip point move"), /* 421 */ wxT("Move object point"), /* 422 */ wxT("Spline s value"), /* 423 */ wxT("s: "), /* 424 */ wxT("OK"), /* 425 */ wxT("Modify s value"), /* 426 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 427 */ wxT("Close dialog, discard input"), /* 428 */ wxT("Choose s value"), /* 429 */ wxT("Spline s value"), /* 430 */ wxT("0"), /* 431 */ wxT("Delete point"), /* 432 */ wxT("Skip point deletion"), /* 433 */ wxT("Delete spline, polyline or polygon point"), /* 434 */ wxT("Add point to polyline, polygon or spline"), /* 435 */ wxT("Add point"), /* 436 */ wxT("Place point"), /* 437 */ wxT("Finish point adding"), /* 438 */ wxT("Skip point"), /* 439 */ wxT("Select corner"), /* 440 */ wxT("Finish size change"), /* 441 */ wxT("Change drawing size"), /* 442 */ wxT("Place corner"), /* 443 */ wxT("Skip size change"), /* 444 */ wxT("Flip object(s)"), /* 445 */ wxT("Flip object"), /* 446 */ wxT("Finish flipping"), /* 447 */ wxT("Select object"), /* 448 */ wxT("Unselect object"), /* 449 */ wxT("Finish group"), /* 450 */ wxT("Skip grouping"), /* 451 */ wxT("Finish grouping"), /* 452 */ wxT("Group objects one by one"), /* 453 */ wxT("Ungroup objects"), /* 454 */ wxT("Ungroup"), /* 455 */ wxT("Finish ungrouping"), /* 456 */ wxT("Corner point"), /* 457 */ wxT("Group objects by region"), /* 458 */ wxT("Modify object details"), /* 459 */ wxT("Modify object"), /* 460 */ wxT("Finish details"), /* 461 */ wxT("Image options"), /* 462 */ wxT("RGB to gray:"), /* 463 */ wxT("Choose RGB to gray conversion method"), /* 464 */ wxT("Keep aspect ratio"), /* 465 */ wxT("Keep image aspect ratio, eventually leaving space unused"), /* 466 */ wxT("Use alpha channel"), /* 467 */ wxT("Use opacity data from alpha channel to mix foreground and background"), /* 468 */ wxT("Image interpolation"), /* 469 */ wxT("Allow image interpolation"), /* 470 */ wxT("DCT data"), /* 471 */ wxT("Allow direct re-use of DCT encoded data from JPEG files"), /* 472 */ wxT("Image interpolation for DCT data"), /* 473 */ wxT("Allow image interpolation also for directly re-used DCT encoded data"), /* 474 */ wxT("Enforce background"), /* 475 */ wxT("Enforce use of background specified in WXD file"), /* 476 */ wxT("OK"), /* 477 */ wxT("Cancel"), /* 478 */ wxT("Use options configured in this dialog"), /* 479 */ wxT("Discard settings from dialog"), /* 480 */ wxT("Default method"), /* 481 */ wxT("Luminance (default coefficients)"), /* 482 */ wxT("Luminance (shorter coefficients)"), /* 483 */ wxT("Fast"), /* 484 */ wxT("Faster"), /* 485 */ wxT("Luminance (alternative coefficients)"), /* 486 */ wxT("Average"), /* 487 */ wxT("Desaturation"), /* 488 */ wxT("Minimum decomposition"), /* 489 */ wxT("Medium decomposition"), /* 490 */ wxT("Maximum decomposition"), /* 491 */ wxT("Red"), /* 492 */ wxT("Green"), /* 493 */ wxT("Blue"), /* 494 */ wxT("Dot options"), /* 495 */ wxT("Diameter:"), /* 496 */ wxT("Diameter in multiples of the base line width"), /* 497 */ wxT("Line width:"), /* 498 */ wxT("Line width in mulitples of the base line width"), /* 499 */ wxT("Box options"), /* 500 */ wxT("in"), /* 501 */ wxT("cm"), /* 502 */ wxT("Radius:"), /* 503 */ wxT("Numeric overflow"), /* 504 */ wxT("Numeric overflow in radius calculation!"), /* 505 */ wxT("Read file failed"), /* 506 */ wxT("Failed to read file:"), /* 507 */ wxT("Open file failed"), /* 508 */ wxT("Failed to open file!"), /* 509 */ wxT("Mouse outside"), /* 510 */ wxT("Mouse position outside usable coordinates range!"), /* 511 */ wxT("Text missing"), /* 512 */ wxT("Empty export text is not allowed!"), /* 513 */ wxT("File name missing"), /* 514 */ wxT("An empty file name string was returned by selection dialog!"), /* 515 */ wxT("No coordinates"), /* 516 */ wxT("Failed to obtain coordinates from object!"), /* 517 */ wxT("No coordinates"), /* 518 */ wxT("Failed to set coordinates on object!"), /* 519 */ wxT("Numeric overflow"), /* 520 */ wxT("Numeric overflow in coordinates calculation!"), /* 521 */ wxT("Grouping failed"), /* 522 */ wxT("Failed to move an object into a group!"), /* 523 */ wxT("Ungrouping failed"), /* 524 */ wxT("Failed to remove an object from group!"), /* 525 */ wxT("Radius calculation failed"), /* 526 */ wxT("Box is too small to calculate a corner radius!"), /* 527 */ wxT("BUG"), /* 528 */ wxT("New point out of index range!"), /* 529 */ wxT("Too many points"), /* 530 */ wxT("Only 65535 point allowed for spline, polygon, or polyline!"), /* 531 */ wxT("Ready"), /* 532 */ wxT("Delete region"), /* 533 */ wxT("Cancel region"), /* 534 */ wxT("Select region"), /* 535 */ wxT("Convert"), /* 536 */ wxT("to polygon"), /* 537 */ wxT("to polyline"), /* 538 */ wxT("to closed interpolated spline"), /* 539 */ wxT("to closed arc"), /* 540 */ wxT("to open arc"), /* 541 */ wxT("to closed approximated spline"), /* 542 */ wxT("to open approximated spline"), /* 543 */ wxT("to white filled dot"), /* 544 */ wxT("to simple dot"), /* 545 */ wxT("Convert object to polygon"), /* 546 */ wxT("Convert object to polyline"), /* 547 */ wxT("Convert object to closed interpolated spline"), /* 548 */ wxT("Convert object to closed arc"), /* 549 */ wxT("Convert object to open arc"), /* 550 */ wxT("Convert object to closed approximated spline"), /* 551 */ wxT("Convert object to open approximated spline"), /* 552 */ wxT("Convert object to white filled dot"), /* 553 */ wxT("Convert object to simple dot"), /* 554 */ wxT("Convert object"), /* 555 */ wxT("Skip conversion"), /* 556 */ wxT("Conversion failed"), /* 557 */ wxT("Object is unsuitable for conversion!"), /* 558 */ wxT("Directory too long"), /* 559 */ wxT("Output file directory too long!"), /* 560 */ wxT("Current directory"), /* 561 */ wxT("Failed to find current working directory!"), /* 562 */ wxT("File name too long"), /* 563 */ wxT("Output file name is too long!"), /* 564 */ wxT("Output directory"), /* 565 */ wxT("Failed to find output directory name!"), /* 566 */ wxT("Rotate left"), /* 567 */ wxT("Rotate object 90 degree to the left"), /* 568 */ wxT("Rotate right"), /* 569 */ wxT("Rotate object 90 degree to the right"), /* 570 */ wxT("Rotate left"), /* 571 */ wxT("Rotate right"), /* 572 */ wxT("Rotate object"), /* 573 */ wxT("Finish rotating"), /* 574 */ wxT("Box details"), /* 575 */ wxT("\nNo detailed information available."), /* 576 */ wxT("\nNot enough memory available!"), /* 577 */ wxT("\nExpected number of text parts not found!"), /* 578 */ wxT("\nConversion of text part to number failed!"), /* 579 */ wxT("\nText label recoding failed!"), /* 580 */ wxT("\nFile name recoding failed!"), /* 581 */ wxT("\nInvalid arguments passed to reader function (bug)!"), /* 582 */ wxT("\nFile format version information missing!"), /* 583 */ wxT("\nBounding box information missing!"), /* 584 */ wxT("\nNot a wxdkdraw file!"), /* 585 */ wxT("\nFile format version too new, can not handle it!"), /* 586 */ wxT("\nObject start line expected!"), /* 587 */ wxT("\nObject details line expected!"), /* 588 */ wxT("\nReader in unsupported state (bug)!"), /* 589 */ wxT("\nUnsupported object type or subtype!"), /* 590 */ wxT("\nNumeric overflow in coordinates conversion or calculation!"), /* 591 */ wxT("\nNo open group to close here!"), /* 592 */ wxT("\nToo few points specified!"), /* 593 */ wxT("\nEmpty image file name!"), /* 594 */ wxT("\nImage file name too long!"), /* 595 */ wxT("\nBox does not span an area!"), /* 596 */ wxT("\nLine "), /* 597 */ wxT(", text part "), /* 598 */ wxT("."), /* 599 */ wxT("Drawing modified"), /* 600 */ wxT("Corrections were applied to the drawing."), /* 601 */ wxT("Options"), /* 602 */ wxT("Reset all options"), /* 603 */ wxT("Reset all options to default values"), /* 604 */ wxT("Are you sure?"), /* 605 */ wxT("Do you really want to reset all options to default values?"), /* 606 */ wxT("Colours"), /* 607 */ wxT("Reset"), /* 608 */ wxT("Reset colour to default"), /* 609 */ wxT("Modify"), /* 610 */ wxT("Modify colour"), /* 611 */ wxT("Border"), /* 612 */ wxT("Background"), /* 613 */ wxT("Grid"), /* 614 */ wxT("Placement help"), /* 615 */ wxT("Highlight Copy"), /* 616 */ wxT("Highlight Move"), /* 617 */ wxT("Highlight Delete"), /* 618 */ wxT("Highlight Group"), /* 619 */ wxT("Missing image"), /* 620 */ wxT("Modify s"), /* 621 */ wxT("Modify spline point s value"), /* 622 */ wxT("Modify s"), /* 623 */ wxT("Finish modifications"), /* 624 */ wxT("Modify spline point s value"), /* 625 */ wxT("New objects"), /* 626 */ wxT("Set defaults for new objects"), /* 627 */ wxT("New objects defaults"), /* 628 */ wxT("Filled dots"), /* 629 */ wxT("White filled dots"), /* 630 */ wxT("Screen representation"), /* 631 */ wxT("Modify screen representation options"), /* 632 */ wxT("Splines"), /* 633 */ wxT("Bezier segments per X-spline sub-segment"), /* 634 */ wxT("Specify number of Bezier segments to use for each X-spline sub-segment"), /* 635 */ wxT("Screen representation options"), /* 636 */ wxT("Texts"), /* 637 */ wxT("Exact fonts"), /* 638 */ wxT("Attempt to use exact fonts for non-LaTeX text"), /* 639 */ wxT("Point add / delete / move / modify operations"), /* 640 */ wxT("Reduce markup size"), /* 641 */ wxT("Reduce point markup for point related operations"), /* 642 */ wxT("Export text (required):"), /* 643 */ wxT("Open arc"), /* 644 */ wxT("Add open arc"), /* 645 */ wxT("Closed arc"), /* 646 */ wxT("Add closed arc"), NULL #line 1281 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" }; /** Non-localized wxChar texts. */ static wxChar const * wxdkdraw_nl_wx[] = { /* 0 */ wxT("wxdkdraw"), /* 1 */ wxT("1.0.0"), /* 2 */ wxT("Dirk Krause"), /* 3 */ wxT("DKrause"), /* 4 */ wxT("aaaaa"), /* 5 */ wxT(""), /* 6 */ wxT(""), /* 7 */ wxT(" "), /* 8 */ wxT("\n"), /* 9 */ wxT("DK tools, wxWidgets, libpng, libjpeg, libtiff, zlib."), /* 10 */ wxT("http://sourceforge.net/p/dktools/wiki/Home/"), /* 11 */ wxT("http://www.wxwidgets.org"), /* 12 */ wxT("http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html"), /* 13 */ wxT("http://www.ijg.org"), /* 14 */ wxT("http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff"), /* 15 */ wxT("http://www.zlib.net"), /* 16 */ wxT("Error"), /* 17 */ wxT("Not enough memory (RAM)!"), /* 18 */ wxT("0.0078125"), /* 19 */ wxT(""), /* 20 */ wxT(" "), NULL #line 1356 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" }; /** Non-localized dkChar texts. */ static dkChar const * wxdkdraw_nl_dk[] = { /* 0 */ dkT("dktools"), /* 1 */ dkT("wxdkdraw.str"), /* 2 */ dkT("wxdkdraw.chm"), /* 3 */ dkT("wxdkdraw.htb"), NULL #line 1381 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" }; /** Implementation of the wxApp functionality. */ #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) wxIMPLEMENT_APP(WxdkdrawApp); #else IMPLEMENT_APP(WxdkdrawApp) #endif bool WxdkdrawApp::OnInit() { WxdkdrawFrame *frame = NULL; wxChar const * const *localizedTexts = NULL; wxPNGHandler *phPng = NULL; wxXPMHandler *phXpm = NULL; wxICOHandler *phIco = NULL; wxArchiveFSHandler *phArchiveFS = NULL; bool back = false; #line 1407 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" /* Initialize members. */ pAh = NULL; #if 1 pHc = NULL; #endif /* __CHANGE__ 009: Initialize further members here. */ /* Set up helper object. */ pAh = new Dk4WxApplicationHelper(); if (NULL == pAh) { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } if (!(pAh->Initialize(argv[0], wxdkdraw_nl_wx[3], wxdkdraw_nl_dk[0]))) { goto finished; } /* Add image and file system handlers for online help. */ phPng = new wxPNGHandler(); if (NULL != phPng) { wxImage::AddHandler(phPng); } else { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } phXpm = new wxXPMHandler(); if (NULL != phXpm) { wxImage::AddHandler(phXpm); } else { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } phIco = new wxICOHandler(); if (NULL != phIco) { wxImage::AddHandler(phIco); } else { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } /* CLANG STATIC ANALYSIS COMPLAINS ABOUT A POTENTIAL MEMORY LEAK, because phArchiveFs is not released. This is a false positive as phArchiveFs is passed to wxFileSystem and managed by the wxWidgets library. */ phArchiveFS = new wxArchiveFSHandler(); if (NULL != phArchiveFS) { wxFileSystem::AddHandler(phArchiveFS); } else { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } /* Set up help controller. */ #if 1 pHc = new Dk4WxHelpController(); if (NULL == pHc) { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } if (!(pHc->Initialize(pAh, wxdkdraw_nl_dk[2], wxdkdraw_nl_dk[3]))) { goto finished; } #endif /* Attempt to obtain localized texts in users preferred language. */ localizedTexts = pAh->GetStringTable(wxdkdraw_nl_dk[1], wxdkdraw_texts); if(!(localizedTexts)) { localizedTexts = wxdkdraw_texts; } /* Create and show frame. */ frame = new WxdkdrawFrame( WxdkdrawFrame::ID_FRAME, pAh, #if 1 pHc, #else NULL, #endif argc, argv, localizedTexts, wxdkdraw_nl_wx, wxdkdraw_nl_dk ); if(!(frame)) { ShowMemoryErrorMessage(); goto finished; } /* Show frame, restore position and indicate success. */ frame->RestorePosition(); frame->Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_IDLE, wxIdleEventHandler(WxdkdrawFrame::OnIdle) ); frame->Show(); back = true; /* Release resources if initialization failed. */ finished: if(!(back)) { #if 1 if (NULL != pHc) { pHc->Cleanup(); delete(pHc); pHc = NULL; } #endif if (NULL != pAh) { pAh->Cleanup(); delete(pAh); pAh = NULL; } } #line 1535 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" return back; } int WxdkdrawApp::OnExit() { int back = 0; #line 1546 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" /* __CHANGE__ 009: Release resources allocated by further members. */ /* Release resources. */ #if 1 if (NULL != pHc) { pHc->Cleanup(); delete(pHc); pHc = NULL; } #endif if (NULL != pAh) { pAh->Cleanup(); delete(pAh); pAh = NULL; } /* __CHANGE__ 010: Set exit status code. */ #line 1564 "WxdkdrawApp.cpt" return back; } void WxdkdrawApp::ShowMemoryErrorMessage(void) { const wxChar *s_title = NULL; const wxChar *s_text = NULL; if (NULL != pAh) { s_title = pAh->GetBasicString(6); s_text = pAh->GetBasicString(7); } if (NULL == s_title) { s_title = wxdkdraw_nl_wx[16]; } if (NULL == s_text) { s_text = wxdkdraw_nl_wx[17]; } wxMessageBox(s_text, s_title, (wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR)); } /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */