/* Copyright (C) 2011-2020, Dirk Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details). Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again! You should modify the original source and run dkct on it. Original source: DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc */ /** @file DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.h Header file for the DkWxTraceOptionsDialog module. */ #ifndef DKWXTRACEOPTIONSDIALOG_H_INCLUDED /** Avoid multiple inclusions. */ #define DKWXTRACEOPTIONSDIALOG_H_INCLUDED 1 #line 113 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" #line 115 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" /** Trace options dialog. */ class DkWxTraceOptionsDialog : public wxDialog { private: /** Event table. */ #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); #else DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() #endif protected: /** Color for section heads. */ wxColour cRed; /** Parent window. */ DkWxTraceFrame *pa; /** Message texts. */ wxChar const * const *sTexts; /** Option set to configure. */ DKCT_OPTION_SET *options; /** Flag: We are in correction routine. */ int is_correcting; /** Flag: GUI ok. */ bool dkctGUILayoutOK; /** GUI element sDialog. */ #line 13 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxBoxSizer *sDialog; /** GUI element verticalSizer. */ #line 19 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxBoxSizer *verticalSizer; /** GUI element sSetup. */ #line 28 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxGridBagSizer *sSetup; /** GUI element sButtons. */ #line 98 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxStdDialogButtonSizer *sButtons; /** GUI element sttGeneral. */ #line 46 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxStaticText *sttGeneral; /** GUI element cbMake. */ #line 49 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbMake; /** GUI element sttOutput. */ #line 53 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxStaticText *sttOutput; /** GUI element cbLinenumbers. */ #line 56 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbLinenumbers; /** GUI element cbUseSplint. */ #line 60 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbUseSplint; /** GUI element chSplintChar. */ #line 65 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxChoice *chSplintChar; /** GUI element sttDebug. */ #line 70 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxStaticText *sttDebug; /** GUI element cbDebug. */ #line 73 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebug; /** GUI element cbDebStdout. */ #line 78 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebStdout; /** GUI element cbDebTime. */ #line 82 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebTime; /** GUI element cbDebTraceKw. */ #line 86 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebTraceKw; /** GUI element cbDebWide. */ #line 90 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebWide; /** GUI element cbDebPortable. */ #line 94 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxCheckBox *cbDebPortable; /** GUI element bOK. */ #line 102 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxButton *bOK; /** GUI element bCancel. */ #line 107 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" wxButton *bCancel; #line 152 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" public: /** Constructor. @param parent Parent window. @param title Title text. @param messageTexts Localized message texts. @param o Options set to modify using this dialog. */ DkWxTraceOptionsDialog( DkWxTraceFrame *parent, wxChar const *title, wxChar const * const *messageTexts, DKCT_OPTION_SET *o ); protected: /** Handler for OK button. @param event Event to process. */ void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event); /** Handler for Cancel button. @param event Event to process. */ void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event); /** Handler for clicking the debug checkbox. @param event Event to process. */ void OnChangeDebug(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for changing the use splint option. @param event Event to process. */ void OnChangeUseSplint(wxCommandEvent & event); public: /** Transfer data from GUI controls to configuration structure. */ void dataOut(); /** Transfer data from configuration structure to GUI controls. */ void dataIn(); /** Correct GUI depending on cbDebug. */ void correctGUI(); }; #line 205 "DkWxTraceOptionsDialog.wxc" #endif