/* Copyright (C) 2013-2020, Dirk Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details). Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again! You should modify the original source and run dkct on it. Original source: DkClockView.cpt */ /** @file DkClockView.h Header file for the DkClockView module. */ #ifndef DKCLOCKVIEW_H_INCLUDED /** Avoid multiple inclusions. */ #define DKCLOCKVIEW_H_INCLUDED 1 #line 10 "DkClockView.cpt" class DkClockView : public DkWxBufferedControl { private: #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) wxDECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(DkClockView); #else DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(DkClockView) #endif /** Event table. */ #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); #else DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() #endif protected: /** Black colour for normal mode. */ wxColour cBlack; /** Red colour for alert mode. */ wxColour cRed; /** Clock data to show. */ DkClockData *cld; /** Widget type name. */ static wxChar const windowtypename[]; /** Flag: Use red colour instead of black. */ bool bUseRed; public: /** Default constructor. */ DkClockView(); /** Constructor. @param wParent Parent window. @param wid Window ID. @param clockData Clock data to show. @param pos Window position. @param size Window size. @param style Window style. */ DkClockView( wxWindow *wParent, wxWindowID wid, DkClockData *clockData, const wxPoint & pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize & size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0L ); /** Create window after using the default constructor. @param wParent Parent window. @param wid Window ID. @param clockData Clock data to show. @param pos Window position. @param size Window size. @param style Window style. @return true on success, false on error. */ bool Create( wxWindow *wParent, wxWindowID wid, DkClockData *clockData, const wxPoint & pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize & size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0L ); /** Draw operation. @param pdc Device context to draw to. @param event Event to process. @param buffered Flag: Drawing into bitmap buffer. @param clWidth Client area width. @param clHeight Client area height. */ void PaintOperation( wxDC & pdc, wxPaintEvent & event, bool buffered, int clWidth, int clHeight ); /** Handler for mouse click. @param event Event to process. */ void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent & event); /** Get red component of normal clock colour. @return Red value. */ int getNormalRed(void) const; /** Get green component of normal clock colour. @return Green value. */ int getNormalGreen(void) const; /** Get blue component of normal clock colour. @return Blue value. */ int getNormalBlue(void) const; /** Get red component of alert clock colour. @return Red value. */ int getAlertRed(void) const; /** Get green component of alert clock colour. @return Green value. */ int getAlertGreen(void) const; /** Get blue component of alert clock colour. @return Blue value. */ int getAlertBlue(void) const; /** Set normal colour. @param r Red value. @param g Green value. @param b Blue value. */ void setNormal(int r, int g, int b); /** Set alert colour. @param r Red value. @param g Green value. @param b Blue value. */ void setAlert(int r, int g, int b); }; #endif