/* Copyright (C) 2013-2020, Dirk Krause SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details). Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again! You should modify the original source and run dkct on it. Original source: DkClockFrame.wxc */ /** @file DkClockFrame.h Header file for the DkClockFrame module. */ #ifndef DKCLOCKFRAME_H_INCLUDED /** Avoid multiple inclusions. */ #define DKCLOCKFRAME_H_INCLUDED 1 #line 99 "DkClockFrame.wxc" #line 101 "DkClockFrame.wxc" class DkClockFrame : public DkWxFrame { private: /** Event table for frame. */ #if wxCHECK_VERSION(3,0,0) wxDECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); #else DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() #endif protected: /** Timer. */ wxTimer tiTenPerSecond; /** Controller for idle processing. */ DkWxProcessingIdleController pcIdle; /** Processing controller for timer events. */ DkWxProcessingController pcTimer; /* Clock data including timer settings and current time. */ DkClockData clockData; /** Keywords for configuration entries. */ static wxChar const * const kwConfInt[]; /** Colour preference keys. */ static dkChar const * const colPrefKeys[]; /** Localized texts. */ wxChar const * const *sTexts; /** Non-localized texts. */ wxChar const * const *sNlWx; /** Non-localized texts. */ dkChar const * const *sNlDk; /** Task bar icon. */ DkClockTaskbarIcon *iconTb; #if defined(__WXCOCOA__) /** Dock icon. */ DkClockTaskbarIcon *iconDock; #endif /** Last current time saved. */ dk3_time_t currentTime; /** Previous options dialog x position. */ int odx; /** Previous options dialog y position. */ int ody; /** Colour dialog x position. */ int cdx; /** Colour dialog y position. */ int cdy; /** Flag: Is first idle event. */ bool bIsFirstIdleEvent; /** Flag: First time iconized. */ bool bHaveBuffer; /** Flag: Application is hidden behind task bar icon. */ bool bIsHidden; /** Flag: Option -h specified to hide at startup. */ bool bShouldHide; /** Flag: GUI ok. */ bool dkctGUILayoutOK; /** Contents panel. */ wxPanel *dkctGUIContentsPanel; /** GUI element mainSizer. */ #line 77 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxBoxSizer *mainSizer; /** GUI element mbMain. */ #line 16 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuBar *mbMain; /** GUI element menuFile. */ #line 21 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenu *menuFile; /** GUI element menuOptions. */ #line 30 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenu *menuOptions; /** GUI element menuHelp. */ #line 62 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenu *menuHelp; /** GUI element miFileExit. */ #line 25 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miFileExit; /** GUI element miOptionsAlert. */ #line 36 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miOptionsAlert; /** GUI element miOptionsHide. */ #line 41 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miOptionsHide; /** GUI element mOptionsColour. */ #line 47 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenu *mOptionsColour; /** GUI element miOptionsColourNormal. */ #line 52 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miOptionsColourNormal; /** GUI element miOptionsColourAlert. */ #line 57 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miOptionsColourAlert; /** GUI element miHelpAbout. */ #line 67 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miHelpAbout; /** GUI element miHelpContents. */ #line 72 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxMenuItem *miHelpContents; /** GUI element verticalSizer. */ #line 83 "DkClockFrame.wxc" wxBoxSizer *verticalSizer; /** GUI element clv. */ #line 91 "DkClockFrame.wxc" DkClockView *clv; #line 198 "DkClockFrame.wxc" protected: /** Save all settings. */ void saveSettings(void); public: /** Constructor. @param wxid Window ID. @param applicationHelper Application helper object. @param hc Help controller for online help. @param argc Number of command line arguments. @param argv Command line arguments array. @param localizedTexts Localized wxChar texts. @param nlWx Non-localized wxChar texts. @param nlDk Non-localized dkChar texts. */ DkClockFrame( int wxid, DkWxAppHelper *applicationHelper, DkWxHelpController *hc, int argc, wxChar **argv, wxChar const * const *localizedTexts, wxChar const * const *nlWx, dkChar const * const *nlDk ); /** Destructor. */ ~DkClockFrame(); /** Check whether we can close the window. @param isLast Flag: Last main window to close. */ bool canClose(bool isLast); /** Handler for File/Exit. @param event Event to process. */ void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for Help/About. @param event Event to process. */ void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for Help/Contents. @param event Event to process. */ void OnHelpContents(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for Edit/Options. @param event Event to process. */ void OnEditOptions(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for idle events. @param event Event to process. */ void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent & event); /** Handler for timer events. @param event Event to process. */ void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent & event); /** Handler for hide menu item. @param event Event to process. */ void OnHide(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for normal colour menu item. @param event Event to process. */ void OnColourNormal(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for alert colour menu item. @param event Event to process. */ void OnColourAlert(wxCommandEvent & event); /** Handler for iconize. @param event Event to process. */ void OnIconize(wxIconizeEvent & event); /** Notify window whether or not it is hidden. */ void SetHidden(bool b); }; #line 307 "DkClockFrame.wxc" #endif