.\" Manpage for ctanbib. .\" Contact michal.h21@gmail.com to correct errors or typos. .TH ctanbib 1 "20 feb 2023" "0.2b" "ctanbib man page" .SH NAME ctanbib \- retrieve bibliographic information for packages hosted on CTAN. .SH SYNOPSIS ctanbib [package name] .SH DESCRIPTION This command can retrieve bibliographic information for TeX packages hosted on CTAN in the BibTeX format. .SH OPTIONS .IP -c,--ctan use @ctan type instead of @manual. The difference between the two is that the url field contains package CTAN path, instead of link to the package. .IP -C,--CTAN like --ctan option, but use original url instead of CTAN path. .IP -h,--help print the help message. .IP -v,--version print the version info. .SH EXAMPLES $ ctanbib latex .Pp This invocation will print data in the BibLaTeX format to the standard output: .nf .ft CW @manual{latex, title = {The Latex package}, subtitle = {A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX}, author = {Lamport, Leslie and The LaTeX Team}, url = {http://www.latex-project.org/}, urldate = {2018-08-23}, date = {2018-04-01}, version = {PL 5} } .ft R .fi .Pp The --ctan option: $ ctanbib -c hyperref .Pp This produces bib record with the @ctan type: .nf .ft CW @ctan{hyperref, title = {The Hyperref package}, subtitle = {Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX}, author = {Rahtz, Sebastian and Oberdiek, Heiko}, url = {/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref}, urldate = {2018-08-27}, date = {}, version = {6.86b} } .ft R .fi .SH See also See ctanbib-doc.pdf for more details .SH BUGS No known bugs. .SH AUTHOR Michal Hoftich (michal.h21@gmail.com) .SH LICENSE Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3.