\documentclass{article} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \makeindex \begin{document} \sloppy \title{Crossrefware documentation\thanks{This work was commissioned by The Saint Lois University and The Princeton University (Mathematics Department)}} \author{Boris Veytsman\thanks{borisv@lk.net, boris@varphi.com}} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} These scripts can be used to submit files to Crossref, check and add doi numbers, MathSciNet numbers and ZbMath numbers to papers, and to convert `bbl' files to `bib' files. I am grateful to Josko Plazonic from Princeton Math Dept whose (unpublished) Python script was an inspiration for this suite. The script \path{ltx2crossrefxml} is used to extract the information from a \LaTeX\ file and generate an XML file suitable for submission to Crossref (the organization that keeps DOI numbering system). Several scripts, \path{bibdoiadd}, \path{bibmradd} and \path{bibmradd} take a \path{bib} file, and add to each entry a DOI, MR or ZBL number correspondingly, if they can find this entry in the corresponding database. Script \path{bbl2bib} tries to reconstruct a \path{bib} file from the corresponding \path{thebibliography} environment. One can argue that this operation is akin to reconstructing a cow from the steak. The way the script does it is searching for the entry in the MR database, and creating the corresponding Bib\TeX\ fields. Below are manual pages for these scripts.