#!/usr/bin/env perl -w ######################################################################### # Written and (C) by Jérôme Lelong # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ######################################################################### use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; # recognised math environments my @have_star_modes = qw( equation eqnarray align multline table gather); my $have_star_mode = join('|', @have_star_modes); $have_star_mode = "($have_star_mode)"; my $TEX = 'pdflatex'; my $TEXOPTIONS = ' -interaction nonstopmode '; my $USERTEXOPTIONS = ''; my $RUNQUIET = 0; my $RUNDEBUG = 0; my $PARSEONLY = 0; my $PRINTVERSION = 0; my $HELP = 0; my $VERSION = 'Version 3.0.1'; # Create a hash with three keys "str", "line", "file" and returns a # reference to it # # Input: 3 args # a string # a line number # a filename sub new_ref { my ($str, $line, $file) = @_; my $ref = {}; $ref->{str} = $str; $ref->{line} = $line; $ref->{file} = $file; return $ref; } # Create a hash with six keys "str", "begin", "end", "star", # "label_line" and "label" and returns a reference to it. # # Input : 7 args # a string (the env name) # line of beginning # line of end # has the env a star? # line on which the label appears # value of the label # file name sub new_math_env { my ($str, $begin, $end, $star, $label_line, $label, $file) = @_; my $this = {}; $this->{str} = $str; $this->{begin} = $begin; $this->{end} = $end; $this->{star} = $star; $this->{label_line} = $label_line; $this->{label} = $label; $this->{file} = $file; return $this; } # Parse .chk file and looks for the environments defined by # @have_star_modes. The first and last line of the environment are stored # along with the name of the environment. One last variable is # used to remember if the star version was used. # # Input: # a chk file content # entries # refs # labels # the last 3 args are passed as references and are modified sub chk_parse { my ($txt, $entries, $refs, $labels, $citations, $bibcites) = @_; my ($str, $begin, $end, $star, $labelled_env, $label, $file, $entry, $l); while (defined($l = shift(@$txt))) { if ($l =~ m/^label (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)\n$/o) { push(@$labels, new_ref($1, $2, $3)); } elsif ($l =~ m/^ref (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { push(@$refs, new_ref($1, $2, $3)); } elsif ($l =~ m/^citation (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { foreach my $c (split(/\s*,\s*/, $1)) { ${$citations}{$c} = 1; } } elsif ($l =~ m/^bibcite (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { push(@$bibcites, $1); } elsif ($l =~ m/^begin\{$have_star_mode(\**)\} line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { $str = $1; $star = 1; $star = 0 unless ($2); $begin = $3; $file = $4; $label = ""; $labelled_env = 0; while (defined($l = shift(@$txt))) { if ($l =~ m/^label (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { push(@$labels, new_ref($1, $2, $3)); $label = $1; $labelled_env = $2; } elsif ($l =~ m/^ref (.+) line (\d+) file (.+)$/o) { push(@$refs, new_ref($1, $2, $3)); } elsif ($l =~ m/^end\{$str\*{$star}\} line (\d+) file (.+)$/) { $end = $1; $entry = new_math_env($str, $begin, $end, $star, $labelled_env, $label, $file); push(@$entries, $entry); last; } } } } return; } # Find environments with both labels and stars # Input : list of entries sub star_label { my ($entries) = @_; print "************************************\n"; print "** Labels in starred environments **\n"; print "************************************\n"; foreach my $e (@$entries) { printf("-- %-20s line %4d: remove label %s \n", $e->{file}, $e->{label_line}, $e->{label}) if (($e->{star} == 1) && ($e->{label_line} > 0)); printf("-- %-20s line %4d: consider using a STAR environment\n", $e->{file}, $e->{begin}) if (($e->{star} == 0) && ($e->{label_line} == 0)); } print "\n"; return; } # Find labels without any corrsponding references. # references must be sorted sub unused_label { my ($labels, $refs) = @_; my $found; print "*******************\n"; print "** Unused Labels **\n"; print "*******************\n"; foreach my $l (@$labels) { $found = 0; foreach my $r (@$refs) { if ($r->{str} eq $l->{str}) { $found = 1; last; } elsif ($r->{str} ge $l->{str}) { last; } } printf("-- %-20s line %4d: remove label %s\n", $l->{file}, $l->{line}, $l->{str}) if (!$found); } print "\n"; return; } # Find bibitems without any corresponding \cite sub unused_cites { my ($bibcites, $citations) = @_; print "**********************************\n"; print "** Uncited Bibliography entries **\n"; print "**********************************\n"; foreach my $c (@$bibcites) { print("remove bibitem : $c\n") unless exists ${$citations}{$c}; } return; } # Find and remove duplicates in an # array of { str, line } entries. # Note that the array must be sorted according to str # Input : ref or label list # Return the corresponding list sub rm_duplicate { my ($array) = @_; my $prev = '___________not_a_true_label______'; my @uniq_array = grep { $_->{str} ne $prev && (($prev) = $_->{str}) } @$array; return \@uniq_array; } # Display all math envs with their characteristics # Input args # line of beginning # line of end # starred or not # label sub disp_msg { my ($entries) = @_; my @entries = @$entries; foreach my $e (@entries) { print("env $e->{str} \n"); print("\tbeginning : $e->{begin}\n\tend : $e->{end}\n"); print("\tstar environment\n") if ($e->{star} == 1); print("\tlabelled environement\n") if ($e->{label} > 0); print("\n"); } return; } sub parse { my ($chkfile) = @_; my @entries = (); my @refs = (); my @labels = (); my %citations = (); my @bibcites = (); my $FIC; # Read the whole file to an array because label and end commands # generally need to be swapped. open($FIC, '<', $chkfile) or die("open: $!"); my @txt = <$FIC>; close($FIC); chk_parse(\@txt, \@entries, \@refs, \@labels, \%citations, \@bibcites); @labels = sort { $a->{line} cmp $b->{line} } @labels; @refs = sort { $a->{str} cmp $b->{str} } @refs; my $uniq_refs = rm_duplicate(\@refs); star_label(\@entries); #disp_msg( \@entries ); unused_label(\@labels, $uniq_refs); unused_cites(\@bibcites, \%citations); } sub usage { print << 'EOT'; chklref -- Check unused labels and bibitems Copyright (C) 2005-2019 Jérôme Lelong This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; Usage: chklref [options] texfile Options: --tex , -t : Specify the TeX compiler to be used. Default = pdflatex. --tex-options : List of options to pass to the TeX compiler. --debug, -d : Run in debug mode. Do not clean the generated `.chk` file. --quiet, -q : Run in quiet mode. Do not print the output of the TeX compiler. --parse-only : Do not run the LaTeX compiler but use the already existing `.chk` file. When this option is passed, the following other options are meaningless: `--tex`, `--tex-options`, `--quiet`, `--debug`. --version, -v : Print the version of this scirpt. --help,h : Print this help. EOT } sub texcompile { my ($texfile, $basetexfile) = @_; print "Running $TEX $TEXOPTIONS $USERTEXOPTIONS \"$texfile\" to collect labels references and environment declarations\n\n"; my $texoutput = `$TEX $TEXOPTIONS $USERTEXOPTIONS "$texfile" 2>&1`; print($texoutput) unless $RUNQUIET; unlink($basetexfile . '.chk'); $texoutput = `$TEX $TEXOPTIONS $USERTEXOPTIONS --jobname "$basetexfile" '\\RequirePackage{chklref}\\input' "{$texfile}" 2>&1`; print($texoutput) unless $RUNQUIET; } Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); GetOptions ( 'version|v!' => \$PRINTVERSION, 'quiet|q!' => \$RUNQUIET, 'debug|d!' => \$RUNDEBUG, 'tex|t=s' => \$TEX, 'texoptions=s' => \$USERTEXOPTIONS, 'parse-only' => \$PARSEONLY, 'help|h' => \$HELP ) || usage(); if ($HELP) { usage(); exit(0); } if ($PRINTVERSION) { print "chklref $VERSION\n"; exit(0) } if (@ARGV != 1) { usage(); exit 0; } my $texfile = $ARGV[0]; my $cwd = getcwd(); my $dirtexfile = dirname($texfile); my $basetexfile = basename($texfile, '.tex'); my $chkfile = $basetexfile . '.chk'; chdir($dirtexfile); if ($PARSEONLY) { parse($chkfile); } else { texcompile($texfile, $basetexfile); parse($chkfile); if (! $RUNDEBUG) { unlink($chkfile); } }