** CHKLREF README ** I. Installation --------------- I.1. System wide installation ----------------------------- You need the root privileges to perform this installation Simply run ./configure make sudo make install This package follows the TDS[1] and installs: * the main program in $(prefix) * the TeX package chklref.sty in $(texmf_prefix)/tex/latex/chklref * the manual chklref.pdf in $(texmf_prefix)/doc/latex/chklref * the Perl parser chkparser in $(texmf_prefix)/scripts/chklref The following default values are used * prefix=/usr/local * texmf_prefix=$(prefix)/share/texmf These default values can be changed with the flags --prefix and --with-texmf-prefix passed to the configure script. Note: Do not forget to run "sudo texhash" to update your TeX Directory ---- Structure. Notes for installation under MacOS X: ------------------------------------ Under MacOS X, your tex distribution is probably not installed under /usr/share/texmf nor /usr/local/share/texmf. You are most likely using the TeXlive distribution provided by MacTeX which installs under /usr/local/texlive. Hence, you should invoke configure with --with-texmf-prefix=/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local I.2. Installation on a single account ------------------------------------- This installation does not require any particular privileges. We assume that the directory $HOME/bin is in your PATH, if not you have to add it your PATH. You can install the software on your account using ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-texmf-prefix=$HOME/texmf make make install Note: For the installation on a single account, there is no need to run ---- texhash. Notes for installation under MacOS X: ------------------------------------ The directory $HOME/texmf may not exist because it is replaced by $HOME/Library/texmf instead. So, either use ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-texmf-prefix=$HOME/Library/texmf or create a symbolic link ln -s $HOME/Library/texmf $HOME/texmf 2. Execution ------------ Just run: chklref texfile To run ckhlref, you need a Perl interpreter. As no special Perl packages are needed, a very basic Perl distribution should be ok. [1] : TeX Directory Structure http://www.tug.org/twg/tds/