!config # Arara, the cool TeX automation tool # Copyright (c) 2022, Island of TeX # All rights reserved. # # This rule is part of arara. identifier: makeglossaries name: MakeGlossaries authors: - Island of TeX commands: - name: The MakeGlossaries software command: > @{ if (clean.isEmpty()) { return getCommand('makeglossaries', options, getBasename(reference.fileName)); } else { prefix = []; if (isUnix()) { prefix = [ 'rm', '-f' ]; } else { prefix = [ 'cmd', '/c', 'del' ]; } base = getBasename(reference); removals = []; removals.add(getCommand(prefix, base.concat(".glsdefs"))); lines = readFromFile(base.concat('.').concat('aux')); java.util.regex.Pattern glsPattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile( "\\\\@newglossary\\{.*\\}\\{(.*)\\}\\{(.*)\\}\\{(.*)\\}"); java.util.regex.Pattern istPattern = (clean[0] == 'partial' ? null : java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("\\\\@istfilename\\{(.*)\\}")); foreach (line: lines) { matcher = glsPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { foreach(extension: [matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2), matcher.group(3)]) { removals.add(getCommand(prefix, base.concat('.').concat(extension))); } } else if (istPattern != null) { matcher = istPattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { removals.add(getCommand(prefix, matcher.group(1))); istPattern = null; } } } return removals; } } arguments: - identifier: options flag: > @{ if (isList(parameters.options)) { return parameters.options; } else { throwError('I was expecting a list of options.'); } } - identifier: clean flag: > @{ if ([ 'all', 'partial' ].contains(parameters.clean)) { return parameters.clean; } else { throwError('The provided clean value is not valid.'); } }