!config # Arara, the cool TeX automation tool # Copyright (c) 2022, Island of TeX # All rights reserved. # # This rule is part of arara. identifier: fig2dev name: fig2dev authors: - Island of TeX commands: - name: The fig2dev program command: > @{ input = getBasename(reference.fileName).concat('.fig'); return getCommand('fig2dev', language, magnification, font, size, options, input, output); } arguments: - identifier: language flag: > @{ if ([ 'box', 'cgm', 'epic', 'eepic', 'eepicemu', 'emf', 'eps', 'gif', 'ibmgl', 'jpeg', 'latex', 'map', 'mf', 'mp', 'mmp', 'pcx', 'pdf', 'pdftex', 'pdftex_t', 'pic', 'pictex', 'png', 'ppm', 'ps', 'pstex', 'pstex_t', 'ptk', 'shape', 'sld', 'svg', 'textyl', 'tiff', 'tk', 'tpic', 'xbm', 'xpm' ].contains(parameters.language)) { return [ '-L', parameters.language ]; } else { throwError('Invalid language, please refer to the manual.'); } } required: true - identifier: output flag: > @{ return parameters.output; } required: true - identifier: magnification flag: > @{ return [ '-m', parameters.magnification ]; } - identifier: font flag: > @{ return [ '-f', parameters.font ]; } - identifier: size flag: > @{ return [ '-s', parameters.size ]; } - identifier: options flag: > @{ if (isList(parameters.options)) { return parameters.options; } else { throwError('I was expecting a list of options.') } }