% $Id$ % encoding : utf8 % tkz-berge.tex % Created by Alain Matthes on 2008-01-19. % Copyright (C) 2009 Alain Matthes % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License , either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % % See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.% % See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. % % % ``tkzdoc-berge-us'' is the english doc of tkz-berge % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % tkz-berge.sty encodage : utf8 % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Créé par Alain Matthes le 19/02/2007 % % Copyright (c) 2006 __Collège Sévigné__ All rights reserved. % % version : 2.7 c % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Fichier .tex de présentation du package tkz-graph.sty % d'après le code de DTK. \documentclass[DIV=15,fontsize=10,headinclude=false,index=totoc, footinclude=false,headings=small]{tkz-doc} \gdef\nameofpack{tkz-berge.sty} \gdef\versionofpack{v 1.00 c} \gdef\dateofpack{2011/05/25} \gdef\nameofdoc{doctkz-berge} \gdef\dateofdoc{2011/05/25} \gdef\authorofpack{Alain Matthes} \gdef\adressofauthor{} \gdef\namecollection{AlterMundus} \gdef\urlauthor{http://altermundus.fr} \gdef\urlauthorcom{http://altermundus.com} \usepackage[pdftex, unicode, colorlinks = true, pdfpagelabels, urlcolor = blue, filecolor = pdffilecolor, linkcolor = blue, breaklinks = false, hyperfootnotes= false, bookmarks = false, bookmarksopen = false, linktocpage = true, pdfsubject ={Graph theory}, pdfauthor ={Alain Matthes}, pdftitle ={tkz-euclide}, pdfkeywords ={graph,Berge,Petersen,cyclic,complete,circulant}, pdfcreator ={pdfeTeX} ]{hyperref} \usepackage{url} \def\UrlFont{\small\ttfamily} \usepackage[protrusion = true, expansion, final, verbose = false]{microtype} \DisableLigatures{encoding = T1, family = tt*} \usepackage{fancybox} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,stmaryrd,calc,multicol} \usepackage{tkz-berge} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[autolanguage]{numprint} \usepackage{verbdef} %\usepackage[weather]{ifsym} \pdfcompresslevel=9 \pdfinfo{ /Title (tkzdoc-berge.pdf) /Creator (TeX) /Producer (pdfeTeX) /Author (Alain Matthes) /CreationDate (28 février 2011) /Subject (Documentation du package tkz-berge.sty v 1.00 c) /Keywords (pdfeTeX, graph, pdflatex) } \title{The package : tkz-berge.sty} \author{Alain Matthes} \usepackage{shortvrb} \AtBeginDocument{\MakeShortVerb{\|}} \usepackage{tkzexample} \usepackage[format=hang,margin=10pt]{caption} \begin{document} \parindent=0pt \title{\nameofpack} \date{\today} \clearpage \thispagestyle{empty} \maketitle \clearpage \tkzSetUpColors[background=fondpaille,text=Maroon] \colorlet{textcodecolor}{Maroon} \pagecolor{fondpaille} \color{Maroon} \colorlet{graphicbackground}{fondpaille} \colorlet{codebackground}{Peach!30} \colorlet{codeonlybackground}{Peach!30} \nameoffile{\nameofpack} \defoffile{The package \textcolor{red}{tkz-berge.sty} is a collection of some useful macros if you want to draw some classic graphs of the graph theory or to make others graphs. The kind of graphs that I will present, are sometimes called combinatorial graphs to distinguish them from the graphs of functions. Often, the word graph is short for graph of a function. A combinatorial graph is a very simple structure, a bunch of dots, some of which are connected by lines. Some of graphs have names, sometimes inspired by the graph's topology, and sometimes after their discoverer.\hfil\break Why tkz-berge.sty ?\hfil\break Claude Berge (1926 – 2002) was a French mathematician, recognized as one of the modern founders of combinatorics and graph theory. He played a major role in the renaissance of combinatorics and he is remembered for his famous conjecture on perfect graphs, solved some months after his death.} \presentation \vfill \lefthand\ Firstly, I would like to thank \textbf{Till Tantau} for the beautiful LATEX package, namely TikZ. \lefthand I am grateful to \textbf{Michel Bovani} for providing the \tkzname{fourier} font. \lefthand\ I received much valuable advice and guidance on Graph Theory from \textbf{Rafael Villarroel}\\ \url{http://graphtheoryinlatex.blogspot.com/}. \lefthand\ The names of graphs can be found here \href{http://mathworld.wolfram.com/topics/SimpleGraphs.html}% {\textcolor{blue}{MathWorld - SimpleGraphs}} by \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_W._Weisstein}% {\textcolor{blue}{E.Weisstein}} \vspace{1cm} Please report typos or any other comments to this documentation to \href{mailto:al.ma@mac.com}{\textcolor{blue}{Alain Matthes}} This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LATEX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives in directory \url{CTAN:// macros/latex/base/lppl.txt}. \clearpage \tableofcontents \clearpage \newpage List of the main macros : \medskip \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{itemize} \item \tkzcname{grEmptyCycle} \item \tkzcname{grEmptyPath} \item \tkzcname{grEmptyStar} \item \tkzcname{grEmptyGrid} \item \tkzcname{grEmptyLadder} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphFromOneToComp} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphLoop} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphSeq} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphMod} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphMod*} \item \tkzcname{grCompleteBipartite} \item \tkzcname{EdgeInGraphModLoop} \item \tkzcname{EdgeIdentity} \item \tkzcname{EdgeIdentity*} \item \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToAll} \item \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToSeq} \item \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToSel} \item \tkzcname{EdgeFromOneToComp} \item \tkzcname{EdgeMod} \item \tkzcname{EdgeMod*} \item \tkzcname{EdgeDoubleMod} \item \tkzcname{grPath} \item \tkzcname{grCycle} \item \tkzcname{grComplete} \item \tkzcname{grCirculant} \item \tkzcname{grStar} \item \tkzcname{grSQCycle} \item \tkzcname{grWheel} \item \tkzcname{grLadder} \item \tkzcname{grPrism} \item \tkzcname{grCompleteBipartite} \item \tkzcname{grTriangularGrid} \item \tkzcname{grLCF} \item \tkzcname{grWriteExplicitLabels} \item \tkzcname{grWriteExplicitLabel} \item \tkzcname{AssignVertexLabel} \end{itemize} \end{multicols} See the document "NamedGraph" for all the classic named graphs that you can draw with the package \textcolor{red}{tkz-berge.sty}. \tkzSetUpColors[background=fondpaille,text=Maroon] \include{TKZdoc-berge-installation} \include{TKZdoc-berge-macros} \include{TKZdoc-berge-macros-e} \include{TKZdoc-berge-classic} \include{TKZdoc-berge-style} \printindex \end{document} \item \tkzcname{grHeawood} \item \tkzcname{grGeneralizedPetersen} \item \tkzcname{grPetersen} \item \tkzcname{grTetrahedral} \item \tkzcname{grOctahedral} \item \tkzcname{grCubicalGraph} \item \tkzcname{grIcosahedral} \item \tkzcname{grDodecahedral} \item \tkzcname{grMobiusKantor} \item \tkzcname{grMobiusLadder} \item \tkzcname{grCocktailParty} \item \tkzcname{grCrown} \item \tkzcname{grMcGee} \item \tkzcname{grRobertson} \item \tkzcname{grRobertsonWegner} \item \tkzcname{grDoyle} \item \tkzcname{grDesargues} \item \tkzcname{grKonisberg} \item \tkzcname{grWong} \item \tkzcname{grTutteCoxeter} \item \tkzcname{grFoster} \item \tkzcname{grFolkman} \item \tkzcname{grFranklin} \item \tkzcname{grAndrasfai} \item \tkzcname{grGrotzsch} \item \tkzcname{grLevi} \item \tkzcname{grPappus} \item \tkzcname{grChvatal} \item \tkzcname{grBalaban}