# zbmath-review-template This package contains a template for zbMATH Open reviews. It has to be compiled using XeLaTeX. ## Instruction Delete all the text in **zb-review.tex** and write your own review into this file. If you want, you can change the metadata information at **zb-metadata.tex**. This is optional and just gives you a feeling how the final pdf at https://zbmath.org will look like. Finally, compile **zb-main.tex** using XeLaTeX. ### Files The package contains the following files: * README.md * zb-basics.sty * zb-main.tex * zb-metadata.tex * zb-review.tex * zb-manual.tex * zb-main.pdf (a sample review document) * zb-manual.pdf (a short documentation) * figures/screenshot.png ### Packages The following packages are used: * scrartcl * babel * scrlayer-scrpage * geometry * graphicx * enumitem * fontspec * amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb * mathtools * stmaryrd * mathrsfs * tikz-cd * textcomp * gensymb ### License GNU General Public License, Version 3. ### Version History 19 March 2021: Version 1.0