# resumecls / [CTAN mirror](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/resumecls) A LaTeX cls to typeset resume both in English and Chinese # Usage / How to get it - [`resumecls`](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/resumecls) has already been included in [CTAN](http://www.ctan.org/) Mirror. - To get the cls file you only need to update local CTAN Packages. - For how to use it you can refer to [`resumecls-example`](https://github.com/huxuan/resumecls-example) repo. ## Manual Compile To get the cls file and document manually, you can make it either by Makefile or LaTeX command ### Compile by Makefile (Recommended if your os supported) #### Get resumecls.cls ```shell make cls ``` #### Get resumecls.pdf ```shell make doc ``` #### Clean Clean all generated files except for cls and pdf ```shell make clean ``` #### DistClean Clean all generated files ```shell make distclean ``` ### Compile by LaTeX command #### Get resumecls.cls ```shell latex resumecls.ins ``` #### Get resumecls.pdf ```shell xelatex resumecls.dtx makeindex -s gind.ist -o resumecls.ind resumecls.idx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o resumecls.gls resumecls.glo xelatex resumecls.dtx xelatex resumecls.dtx ```