% \iffalse meta-comment % % This is file `texnegar.dtx' % % Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Hossein Movahhedian % % It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, % version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of % this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % %<*internal> \iffalse % %<*README-txt> The TEXNEGAR package ------------------------ In some cursive scripts such as Persian or Arabic, kashida is used to create justification. In this type of justification characters are elongated rather than expanding spaces between words. The kashida justification in 'xepersian' has many bugs. Also it has problems with some fonts such as 'HM Series' available at 'https://dma8hm1334.bitbucket.io' and 'X Series 2' available at 'http://wiki.irmug.com/index.php/X_Series_2'. The 'xepersian-hm' package was the first attempt to fix these bugs in 'xepersian' which uses the xetex engine. This package extends the kashida justification to be used with the luatex engine too. The files 'texnegar-*.tex' in the directory 'texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/texnegar/' can be used as simple examples of the usage of the package. Please use the Bitbucket issue tracker: 'https://bitbucket.org/dma8hm1334/texnegar/issues' to report a bug, request a feature or if you have a comment. I will do my best to fix all the bugs you report, but, unfortunately, time is a big hurdle to overcome; so, my apologies in advance for those which I cannot make time to fix. % %<*internal> \fi % % %<*driver|package> % The version of expl3 required is tested as early as possible, as % some really old versions do not define \ProvidesExplPackage. \RequirePackage{expl3}[2018/02/21] %\@ifpackagelater{expl3}{2018/02/21} % {} % {% % \PackageError{xtemplate}{Support package l3kernel too old} % {% % Please install an up to date version of l3kernel\MessageBreak % using your TeX package manager or from CTAN.\MessageBreak % \MessageBreak % Loading xtemplate will abort!% % }% % \endinput % } % %<*driver> \documentclass[full]{l3doc} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} \DocInput{\jobname.dtx} \end{document} % % \fi % % \ifluatex % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx ]])} % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx ]])} % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ makeindex -c texnegar-doc.idx ]])} % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx ]])} % \fi % % \ifxetex % \immediate\write18{lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx} % \immediate\write18{lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx} % \immediate\write18{makeindex -c texnegar-doc.idx} % \immediate\write18{lualatex texnegar-doc.ltx} % \fi % % \begin{implementation} % % \def\TeXNegar{\TeX Negar} % % \title{^^A % The \textsf{texnegar} package\\Kashida justification in LuaTeX and XeTeX\\Source code documentation^^A % } % % \author{^^A % Hossein Movahhedian\thanks % {^^A % E-mail: % \href{mailto:dma8hm1334@gmail.com} % {\textsf{dma8hm1334@gmail.com}} % }^^A % } % % \date{Released \quad 2021-01-31 \quad v0.1d} % % \maketitle % % \vskip 40mm % \begin{function}{Negar:} % \begin{minipage}{0.65\linewidth} % \textit{\noindent % Negar, in Persian, is the present stem of negaashtan meaning to design; to paint; % to write; and as a noun it means ``sweetheart, idol, beloved, figuratively refering % to a beautiful woman, pattern, painting, and artistic design'' % } % \end{minipage} % \end{function} % % \newpage % % \tableofcontents % % \newpage % % \section{\TeXNegar{} Implementation} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar.sty}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-sty> \RequirePackage{xparse} \RequirePackage{l3keys2e} \RequirePackage{graphicx}[2019-11-30] \RequirePackage{array}[2019-10-01] \RequirePackage[dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{xcolor}[2016/05/11] \RequirePackage{fontspec}[2020/02/21] \RequirePackage{newverbs}[2010/09/02] \RequirePackage{environ}[2014/05/04] \ProvidesExplPackage {texnegar} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX } \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \RequirePackageWithOptions{texnegar-luatex} \endinput } \sys_if_engine_xetex:T { \RequirePackageWithOptions{texnegar-xetex} \endinput } \msg_new:nnn {texnegar} {cannot-use-pdftex} { The~ texnegar~ package~ requires~ either~ XeTeX~ or~ LuaTeX.\\\\ You~ must~ change~ your~ typesetting~ engine~ to,~ e.g.,~ "xelatex"~ or~ "lualatex" instead~ of~ "latex"~ or~ "pdflatex". } \msg_fatal:nn {texnegar} {cannot-use-pdftex} \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-luatex.sty}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-luatex-sty> \ProvidesExplPackage {texnegar-luatex} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in xetex and luatex } \tex_input:D { texnegar-ini.tex } \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \if_int_compare:w \luatexversion < \c_texnegar_luatexversionmajormin_int\c_texnegar_luatexversionminormin_int \msg_error:nnxxx { texnegar } { luatex-version-is-too-old } { !!!! } { \c_texnegar_luatexversionmajormin_int } { \c_texnegar_luatexversionminormin_int } \fi: \hbox_set:Nn \l_texnegar_k_box { \resizebox{5000sp}{\height}{-} } \hbox_set:Nn \l_texnegar_ksh_box { \char\lua_now:n { tex.sprint(0, font.getfont(font.current()).resources.unicodes[token.scan_string()]) } hyphen } \directlua{dofile(kpse.find_file("texnegar.lua"))} } \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \tex_input:D { texnegar-common-kashida.tex } \AtBeginDocument { \KashidaOn } } \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-xetex.sty}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-xetex-sty> \RequirePackage{zref-savepos}[2020-03-03] \ProvidesExplPackage {texnegar-xetex} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX } \tex_input:D { texnegar-ini.tex } \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \tex_input:D { texnegar-xetex-kashida.tex } } \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-ini.tex}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-ini-tex> \ProvidesExplFile {texnegar-ini.tex} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX } \def\TeXNegar{\TeX Negar} \box_new:N \l_texnegar_k_box \box_new:N \l_texnegar_ksh_box \tl_const:Nn \c_texnegar_luatexversionmajormin_int {1} \tl_const:Nn \c_texnegar_luatexversionminormin_int {12} \int_const:Nn \c_texnegar_ksh_int {"0640} % kashida \int_const:Nn \c_texnegar_lrm_int {"200E} % left-right-mark \int_const:Nn \c_texnegar_zwj_int {"200D} % zero-width joiner \int_const:Nn \c_texnegar_two_int {2} \int_const:Nn \c_texnegar_four_int {4} \tl_const:Nn \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } \tl_const:Nn \c_texnegar_skip_b_tl { 0.14 em plus 5.5 em } \int_new:N \l_texnegar_counter_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_kashida_slot_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_min_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_low_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_med_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_high_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_texnegar_max_penalty_int \int_new:N \l_fontnumber_int \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_line_break_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_main_font_full_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_main_font_name_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_font_full_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_font_name_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_use_color_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_color_tl \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_color_rgb_tl \dim_new:N \l_texnegar_diff_pos_dim \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_minimal_bool \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_minimal_off_tl { Off } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_minimal_on_tl { On } \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_bool \tl_new:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_tl \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_tl { N/A } \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_glyph_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_hrule_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_ligature_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_linebreakpenalty_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_color_bool \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_min_penalty_int { 0 } \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_low_penalty_int { 8 } \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_med_penalty_int { 15 } \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_high_penalty_int { 25 } \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_max_penalty_int { 10000 } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_stretch_glyph_tl { glyph } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { leaders+glyph } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl { leaders+hrule } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_stretch_off_tl { Off } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_stretch_on_tl { On } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_off_tl { Off } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_on_tl { On } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_off_tl { Off } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_on_tl { On } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhan_tl { kayhan } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhannavaar_tl { kayhannavaar } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhanpook_tl { kayhanpook } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhansayeh_tl { kayhansayeh } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_khoramshahr_tl { khoramshahr } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_khorramshahr_tl { khorramshahr } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_niloofar_tl { niloofar } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_paatch_tl { paatch } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_riyaz_tl { riyaz } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_roya_tl { roya } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_shafigh_tl { shafigh } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_shafighKurd_tl { shafighKurd } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_shafighUzbek_tl { shafighUzbek } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_shiraz_tl { shiraz } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_sols_tl { sols } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_tabriz_tl { tabriz } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_titr_tl { titr } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_titre_tl { titre } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_traffic_tl { traffic } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_vahid_tl { vahid } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_vosta_tl { vosta } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_yaghut_tl { yaghut } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_yagut_tl { yagut } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_yas_tl { yas } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_yekan_tl { yekan } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_yermook_tl { yermook } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_zar_tl { zar } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_ziba_tl { ziba } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_default_tl { default } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_fnt_noskip_tl { noskip } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_tl { aalt } % Access All Alternatives \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_tl { ccmp } % Glyph Composition/Decomposition \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_tl { dlig } % Discretionary Ligatures \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_fina_tl { fina } % Final (Terminal) Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_init_tl { init } % Initial Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_locl_tl { locl } % Localized Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_medi_tl { medi } % Medial Forms \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_tl { rlig } % Required Ligatures \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_default_tl { default } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_col_default_tl { magenta } \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_clist { } % Access All Alternatives \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_clist { } % Glyph Composition/Decomposition \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_clist { FDF2 = الله , FDF3 = اکبر , FDFB = جلجلاله } % Discretionary Ligatures \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_fina_clist { } % Final (Terminal) Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_init_clist { } % Initial Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_locl_clist { } % Localized Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_medi_clist { } % Medial Forms \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_clist { } % Required Ligatures \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_default_clist { } \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_names_clist { \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_fina_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_fina_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_init_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_init_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_locl_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_locl_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_medi_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_medi_clist } , \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_tl , { \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_clist } , } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { error-kashida-character-is-not-available-in-the-main-font } { Sorry,~ kashida~ character~ is~ not~ available~ in~ the~ main~ font~#1! } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { error-value-not-available-for-kashida-option } { Sorry,~ value~ `#1'~ is~ not~ available~ for~ `Kashida'~ option~ yet~! } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { error-specify-value-for-kashida-option } { Sorry,~ you~ must~ specify~ a~ value~ for~ `Kashida'~ option~ yet~! } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { warning-experimental-feature } { Please~ note~ that~ the~ feature~ `#1'~ is~ still~ experimental~ and~ is~ not~ regarded~ as~ stable. } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { hm-series-font-not-found } { Either~ the~ font~`#1'~ is~ not~ installed~ on~ your~ system~ or~ does~ not~ belong~ to~ HM~Series~fonts.~ Please~ note~ that~ the~ option~ `Kashida=leaders+glyph'~ is~ currently~ only~ supported~ by~ HM~Series~fonts.~ If~ you~ know~ of~ any~ other~ font~ that~ supports~ this~ option,~ please~ let~ me~ know~ to~ add~ it~ to~ the~ list~ of~ corresponding~ fonts.~ } \msg_new:nnn { texnegar } { luatex-version-is-too-old } { #1:~Your~luatex~is~too~old,~you~need~at~least~version~#2.#3~! } \keys_define:nn { texnegar } { Kashidafontfamily .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_tmpa_tl { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_bool } { \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_bool \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_tl { \l_tmpa_tl } } } } , Minimal .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_minimal_off_tl { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_minimal_bool } \l_texnegar_minimal_on_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_minimal_bool } } } , Kashida .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_glyph_tl { \msg_warning:nnn { texnegar } { warning-experimental-feature } { Kashida=glyph } \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_glyph_tl } \AtBeginDocument { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_main_font_full_tl { \tex_fontname:D \tex_the:D \tex_font:D } \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_main_font_name_tl { \l_texnegar_main_font_full_tl } \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^"([^/]+)/.* } { \1 } \l_texnegar_main_font_name_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_glyph_bool } \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool } \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_hrule_bool } \l_texnegar_stretch_off_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_off_tl } \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool } \l_texnegar_stretch_on_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool } } { } { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { #1 } } \tl_if_empty:NT \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl { \msg_error:nn { texnegar } { error-specify-value-for-kashida-option } } } , linebreakpenalty .code:n = { \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { #1 } \int_case:nnTF \l_tmpa_int { \l_texnegar_min_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { \l_texnegar_min_penalty_int } } \l_texnegar_low_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { \l_texnegar_low_penalty_int } } \l_texnegar_med_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { \l_texnegar_med_penalty_int } } \l_texnegar_high_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { \l_texnegar_high_penalty_int } } \l_texnegar_max_penalty_int { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { \l_texnegar_max_penalty_int } } } { } { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int { #1 } } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_linebreakpenalty_bool } , kashidastretch .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhan_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhannavaar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.129 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhanpook_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.133 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_kayhansayeh_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.135 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_khoramshahr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.128 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_khorramshahr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.13 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_niloofar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.132 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_paatch_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.127 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_riyaz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.125 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_roya_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.142 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_shafigh_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.143 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_shafighKurd_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.126 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_shafighUzbek_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.123 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_shiraz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.122 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_sols_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.124 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_tabriz_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.119 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_titr_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.12 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_titre_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.121 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_traffic_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.124 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_vahid_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.134 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_vosta_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.136 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_yaghut_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.138 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_yagut_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.137 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_yas_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.126 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_yekan_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.141 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_yermook_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.139 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_zar_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.116 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_ziba_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.119 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_default_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } \l_texnegar_fnt_noskip_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } } } { } { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { #1 } } } , kashidastretch .default:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0 em plus 0.5 em } , ligatures .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_aalt_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_ccmp_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_dlig_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_fina_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_fina_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_init_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_init_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_locl_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_locl_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_medi_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_medi_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_rlig_tl } } \l_texnegar_lig_default_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_default_tl } } } { } { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { #1 } } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_ligature_bool } , ligatures .default:n = \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl { \l_texnegar_lig_default_tl } , color .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_tmpa_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_color_tl { \l_texnegar_col_default_tl } } { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_color_tl { \l_tmpa_tl } } \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_color_bool \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \convertcolorspec{named}{\l_texnegar_color_tl}{rgb}\l_texnegar_color_rgb_tl \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \directlua{l_texnegar_color_rgb_tl = "\l_texnegar_color_rgb_tl"} } } } , hboxrecursion .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_off_tl { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool } \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_on_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool } } { } { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool } } , hboxrecursion .default:n = \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool , vboxrecursion .code:n = { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 } \tl_case:NnTF \l_tmpa_tl { \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_off_tl { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool } \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_on_tl { \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool } } { } { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool } } , vboxrecursion .default:n = \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool , } \ProcessKeysOptions { texnegar } \sys_if_engine_luatex:T { \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOff {} { \directlua{StopStretching()} } \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOn {} { \directlua{StartStretching()} } } \sys_if_engine_xetex:T { \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOn {} { \bool_set_true:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool } \NewDocumentCommand \KashidaHMFixOff {} { \bool_set_false:N \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool } } \tex_let:D \KashidaOn \KashidaHMFixOn \tex_let:D \KashidaOff \KashidaHMFixOff \bool_if:NTF \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \tl_if_empty:NT \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl { 0.14 em plus 0.5 em } } } { \tl_set:NV \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } %% % \makeatletter %% % \newif\if@Kashida@on %% Becuase Vafa Khalighi has copied the above code (injecting the character uni+200E) in xepersian-23.0 %% (https://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/xelatex/xepersian/kashida-xepersian.def?revision=55165&view=co), %% the following line of code is not needed in xepersian anymore. %% % \newif\if@Kashida@XB@fix %% % \makeatother \bool_if:NF \l_texnegar_minimal_bool { \input texnegar-luabidi.tex } \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-common-kashida.tex}} % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-common-kashida-tex> \ProvidesExplFile {texnegar-common-kashida.tex} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX } \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_ligature_bool { \clist_new:N \l_texnegar_ligatures_clist \int_new:N \l_texnegar_lig_names_len_int \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_names_len_int { \clist_count:N \l_texnegar_lig_names_clist } \int_step_inline:nnnn { 1 } { 2 } { \l_texnegar_lig_names_len_int } { \int_set:Nn \l_tmpa_int { #1 } \int_set:Nn \l_tmpb_int { \int_eval:n { \l_tmpa_int + 1 } } \tl_set:Nf \l_tmpa_tl { \clist_item:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_names_clist { \l_tmpa_int } } \clist_set:Nx \l_tmpa_clist { { \clist_item:Nn \l_texnegar_lig_names_clist { \l_tmpb_int } } } \bool_if:nT { \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl \l_tmpa_tl || \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_texnegar_active_ligs_tl \l_texnegar_lig_default_tl } { \clist_put_left:Nx \l_texnegar_ligatures_clist { \l_tmpa_clist } } } \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_texnegar_ligatures_clist { \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { = } { #1 } \seq_pop_left:NN \l_tmpa_seq \l_tmpa_tl { } { } \seq_pop_left:NN \l_tmpa_seq \l_tmpb_tl { } { } \tl_const:cx { \tl_use:N \l_tmpb_tl } { \char"\l_tmpa_tl \ } } } \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_linebreakpenalty_bool { %% Partly adapted from LaTeX2e source \cs_new:Nn \texnegar_line_break: { \if_mode_vertical: \GenericError{ \space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space }{ LaTeX Error: There’s no line here to end }{ See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. }{ Your command was ignored.\MessageBreak Type \space I \space to replace it~ with another command,\MessageBreak or \space \space to continue without it.} \else: \l_tmpa_skip \tex_lastskip:D \tex_unskip:D \tex_penalty:D -\l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int \dim_compare:nT { \l_tmpa_skip > \c_zero_skip } { \skip_horizontal:N \l_tmpa_skip \tex_ignorespaces:D } \fi: } \NewDocumentCommand { \discouragebadlinebreaks } { O{\l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int} O{\c_texnegar_skip_b_tl} m } { \IfNoValueF {#1} { \int_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_penalty_int {#1} } \IfNoValueF {#2} { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl {#2} } \texnegar_put_line_breaks:n { #3 } } \cs_new_protected:Nn \texnegar_put_line_breaks:n { \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_line_break_tl { #1 } \regex_replace_all:nnN { ([ابپتثجحخچدذرزژسشعغصضفقطظکگلمنوهیـ])+ } { \ \0 \ \c{texnegar_line_break:}\ } \l_texnegar_line_break_tl \tl_use:N \l_texnegar_line_break_tl } } \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-xetex-kashida.tex}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-xetex-kashida-tex> \ProvidesExplFile {texnegar-xetex-kashida.tex} {2021-01-31} {0.1d} { Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX } \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass % dual-joiner class \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_texnegar_l_charclass % lam \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_texnegar_r_charclass % right-joiner \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_texnegar_a_charclass % alef \newXeTeXintercharclass \c_texnegar_y_charclass % yeh \tex_input:D { texnegar-common-kashida.tex } \tl_set:Nn \l_texnegar_use_color_tl { \bool_if:NTF \l_texnegar_color_bool { \colorlet{default}{\l_texnegar_color_tl} } { \colorlet{default}{.} } \color{default} } %% Partly adapted from the code provided by David Carlisle in: %% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/356709/how-to-know-the-width-and-fill-the-glue-space-between-two-characters-when-using/356721#356721 \cs_new:Npn \texnegar_kashida_glyph #1 { \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \c_texnegar_lrm_int\tex_penalty:D 10000 \mode_leave_vertical: \tex_global:D \tex_advance:D \l_texnegar_counter_int \c_one_int \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_pos_tl { p\tex_romannumeral:D \l_texnegar_counter_int } \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_zref_tl { z\tex_romannumeral:D \l_texnegar_counter_int } \zsaveposx{x_i_\l_texnegar_zref_tl} \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \iow_now:cx { @auxout } { \token_to_str:N \gdef \exp_after:wN \token_to_str:N \cs:w xi\l_texnegar_pos_tl \cs_end: { \zposx{ x_i_\l_texnegar_zref_tl } } } } \l_tmpa_tl \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } \zsaveposx{x_f_\l_texnegar_zref_tl} \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \iow_now:cx { @auxout } { \token_to_str:N \gdef \exp_after:wN \token_to_str:N \cs:w xf\l_texnegar_pos_tl \cs_end: { \zposx{ x_f_\l_texnegar_zref_tl } } } } \l_tmpa_tl \exp_after:wN \if_meaning:w \cs:w xi\l_texnegar_pos_tl \cs_end: \tex_relax:D \else: \dim_set:Nn \l_texnegar_diff_pos_dim { \dim_eval:n { \cs:w xi\l_texnegar_pos_tl \cs_end: sp - \cs:w xf\l_texnegar_pos_tl \cs_end: sp } } \dim_compare:nTF { \l_texnegar_diff_pos_dim == 0sp } { } { \llap { \resizebox { \l_texnegar_diff_pos_dim \tex_relax:D } { \height } { \l_texnegar_use_color_tl \c_texnegar_ksh_int } } } \fi: } } \cs_new:Npn \texnegar_kashida_leaders #1 { \bool_if:NT \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \tl_if_eq:NNTF \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl { \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_font_full_tl { \tex_fontname:D \tex_the:D \tex_font:D } \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_font_name_tl { \l_texnegar_font_full_tl } \tl_set:Nx \l_texnegar_font_init_tl { \l_texnegar_font_name_tl } \regex_replace_once:nnN { ^"\[?(HM)[\_\ ](X|F).* } { \1\2 } \l_texnegar_font_init_tl\relax \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { HMF } \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpb_tl { HMX } \bool_if:nTF { \str_if_eq_p:NN { \l_texnegar_font_init_tl } { \l_tmpa_tl } || \str_if_eq_p:NN { \l_texnegar_font_init_tl } { \l_tmpb_tl } } { \hbox_set:Nn \l_texnegar_ksh_box { \l_texnegar_use_color_tl \XeTeXglyph\XeTeXglyphindex"kashida" } \c_texnegar_zwj_int \tex_penalty:D 10000 \tex_leaders:D \copy\l_texnegar_ksh_box \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } \c_texnegar_zwj_int } { \msg_error:nnx { texnegar } { hm-series-font-not-found } { \l_texnegar_font_name_tl } } } { %% Partly adapted from the code provided by Jonathan Kew in: %% https://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2009-February/012307.html. %% Somebody notified me that the code in 'kashida-xepersian.def' from xepersian %% package is an exact copy of Jonathan Kew's code. Being unaware of this, in %% the earlier versions of this package I made a mistake and acknowledged %% Vafa Khalighi instead of Jonathan Kew. A sincere thank you to Jonathan Kew %% for his excellent code. \c_texnegar_lrm_int\c_texnegar_zwj_int {\l_texnegar_use_color_tl\tex_penalty:D 10000 \tex_leaders:D \tex_hrule:D height \XeTeXglyphbounds \c_texnegar_two_int \int_use:N \XeTeXcharglyph \c_texnegar_ksh_int depth \XeTeXglyphbounds \c_texnegar_four_int \int_use:N \XeTeXcharglyph \c_texnegar_ksh_int \skip_horizontal:n { #1 } } \c_texnegar_zwj_int } } } \XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1 \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_a_clist { 0622,0623,0625,0627 } % ‏ا، إ، أ، آ‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_texnegar_a_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_texnegar_a_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_d_clist { 0626,0628,062A,062B,062C,062D,062E,0633,0634,0635,0636,0637,0638,0639,063A,0640,0641,0642,0643,0645,0646,0647,067E,0686,06A9,06AF } % ‏ئ,ب,ت,ث,ج,ح,خ,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ـ,ف,ق,ك,م,ن,ه,پ,چ,ک,گ‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_texnegar_d_clist { \XeTeXcharclass "#1 \c_texnegar_d_charclass } \clist_set:Nn \l_texnegar_l_clist { 0644 } % ‏ل‏ \clist_map_inline:Nn 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\c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_y_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_l_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_l_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_r_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_a_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_r_charclass = { \c_texnegar_zwj_int \texnegar_kashida_glyph \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl \c_texnegar_zwj_int } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_a_charclass = { } } { \bool_if:nTF { \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_glyph_tl || \tl_if_eq_p:NN \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl \l_texnegar_stretch_leaders_hrule_tl } { \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_y_charclass \c_texnegar_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl } { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_y_charclass = { \bool_if:NTF \l_texnegar_kashida_fix_bool { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \l_texnegar_skip_default_tl } { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_y_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_d_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_l_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_l_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_r_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_d_charclass \c_texnegar_a_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_r_charclass = { \texnegar_kashida_leaders \c_texnegar_skip_a_tl } \XeTeXinterchartoks \c_texnegar_l_charclass \c_texnegar_a_charclass = { } } { \msg_error:nnx { texnegar } { error-value-not-available-for-kashida-option } { \l_texnegar_gap_filler_tl } } } \endinput % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-char-table.lua}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-char-table-lua> -- -- This is file `texnegar-char-table.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- texnegar.dtx (with options: `texnegar-char-table-lua') -- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Hossein Movahhedian -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, -- version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of -- this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- texnegar_char_table = texnegar_char_table or {} -- local texnegar_char_table = texnegar_char_table -- texnegar_char_table.module = { -- name = "texnegar_char_table", -- version = "0.1d", -- date = "2021-01-31", -- description = "Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX", -- author = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- copyright = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- license = "LPPL v1.3c" -- } -- -- -- ^^A%% texnegar-lua.dtx -- part of TEXNEGAR -- local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module(texnegar_char_table.module) -- texnegar_char_table.log = log or (function (s) luatexbase.module_info("texnegar_char_table", s) end) -- texnegar_char_table.warning = warn or (function (s) luatexbase.module_warning("texnegar_char_table", s) end) -- texnegar_char_table.error = err or (function (s) luatexbase.module_error("texnegar_char_table", s) end) local peCharTableDigit = { [1632] = utf8.char(1632), -- "٠", utf8.codepoint("٠") == 1632, "\u{0660}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO [1633] = utf8.char(1633), -- "١", utf8.codepoint("١") == 1633, "\u{0661}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ONE [1634] = utf8.char(1634), -- "٢", utf8.codepoint("٢") == 1634, "\u{0662}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT TWO [1635] = utf8.char(1635), -- "٣", utf8.codepoint("٣") == 1635, "\u{0663}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT THREE [1636] = utf8.char(1636), -- "٤", utf8.codepoint("٤") == 1636, "\u{0664}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR [1637] = utf8.char(1637), -- "٥", utf8.codepoint("٥") == 1637, "\u{0665}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE [1638] = utf8.char(1638), -- "٦", utf8.codepoint("٦") == 1638, "\u{0666}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX [1639] = utf8.char(1639), -- "٧", utf8.codepoint("٧") == 1639, "\u{0667}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SEVEN [1640] = utf8.char(1640), -- "٨", utf8.codepoint("٨") == 1640, "\u{0668}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT EIGHT [1641] = utf8.char(1641), -- "٩", utf8.codepoint("٩") == 1641, "\u{0669}", ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT NINE [1780] = utf8.char(1780), -- "۴", utf8.codepoint("۴") == 1780, "\u{06F4}", EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FOUR [1781] = utf8.char(1781), -- "۵", utf8.codepoint("۵") == 1781, "\u{06F5}", EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT FIVE [1782] = utf8.char(1782), -- "۶", utf8.codepoint("۶") == 1782, "\u{06F6}", EXTENDED ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT SIX } local peCharTablePunctuation = { [1548] = utf8.char(1548), -- "،", utf8.codepoint("،") == 1548, "\u{060C}", ARABIC COMMA [1549] = utf8.char(1549), -- "؍", utf8.codepoint("؍") == 1549, "\u{060D}", ARABIC DATE SEPARATOR [1563] = utf8.char(1563), -- "؛", utf8.codepoint("؛") == 1563, "\u{061B}", ARABIC SEMICOLON [1567] = utf8.char(1567), -- "؟", utf8.codepoint("؟") == 1567, "\u{061F}", ARABIC QUESTION MARK [1642] = utf8.char(1642), -- "٪", utf8.codepoint("٪") == 1642, "\u{066A}", ARABIC PERCENT SIGN [1643] = utf8.char(1643), -- "٫", utf8.codepoint("٫") == 1643, "\u{066B}", ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR [1644] = utf8.char(1644), -- "٬", utf8.codepoint("٬") == 1644, "\u{066C}", ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR [1645] = utf8.char(1645), -- "٭", utf8.codepoint("٭") == 1645, "\u{066D}", ARABIC FIVE POINTED STAR } local peCharTable = { [1569] = utf8.char(1569), -- "ء", utf8.codepoint("ء") == 1569, "\u{0621}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF HAMZA [1570] = utf8.char(1570), -- "آ", utf8.codepoint("آ") == 1570, "\u{0622}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE [1571] = utf8.char(1571), -- "أ", utf8.codepoint("أ") == 1571, "\u{0623}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE [1572] = utf8.char(1572), -- "ؤ", utf8.codepoint("ؤ") == 1572, "\u{0624}", ARABIC LETTER WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE [1573] = utf8.char(1573), -- "إ", utf8.codepoint("إ") == 1573, "\u{0625}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW [1574] = utf8.char(1574), -- "ئ", utf8.codepoint("ئ") == 1574, "\u{0626}", ARABIC LETTER YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE [1575] = utf8.char(1575), -- "ا", utf8.codepoint("ا") == 1575, "\u{0627}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF [1576] = utf8.char(1576), -- "ب", utf8.codepoint("ب") == 1576, "\u{0628}", ARABIC LETTER BEH [1577] = utf8.char(1577), -- "ة", utf8.codepoint("ة") == 1577, "\u{0629}", ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA [1578] = utf8.char(1578), -- "ت", utf8.codepoint("ت") == 1578, "\u{062A}", ARABIC LETTER TEH [1579] = utf8.char(1579), -- "ث", utf8.codepoint("ث") == 1579, "\u{062B}", ARABIC LETTER THEH [1580] = utf8.char(1580), -- "ج", utf8.codepoint("ج") == 1580, "\u{062C}", ARABIC LETTER JEEM [1581] = utf8.char(1581), -- "ح", utf8.codepoint("ح") == 1581, "\u{062D}", ARABIC LETTER HAH [1582] = utf8.char(1582), -- "خ", utf8.codepoint("خ") == 1582, "\u{062E}", ARABIC LETTER KHAH [1583] = utf8.char(1583), -- "د", utf8.codepoint("د") == 1583, "\u{062F}", ARABIC LETTER DAL [1584] = utf8.char(1584), -- "ذ", utf8.codepoint("ذ") == 1584, "\u{0630}", ARABIC LETTER THAL [1585] = utf8.char(1585), -- "ر", utf8.codepoint("ر") == 1585, "\u{0631}", ARABIC LETTER REH [1586] = utf8.char(1586), -- "ز", utf8.codepoint("ز") == 1586, "\u{0632}", ARABIC LETTER ZAIN [1587] = utf8.char(1587), -- "س", utf8.codepoint("س") == 1587, "\u{0633}", ARABIC LETTER SEEN [1588] = utf8.char(1588), -- "ش", utf8.codepoint("ش") == 1588, "\u{0634}", ARABIC LETTER SHEEN [1589] = utf8.char(1589), -- "ص", utf8.codepoint("ص") == 1589, "\u{0635}", ARABIC LETTER SAD [1590] = utf8.char(1590), -- "ض", utf8.codepoint("ض") == 1590, "\u{0636}", ARABIC LETTER DAD [1591] = utf8.char(1591), -- "ط", utf8.codepoint("ط") == 1591, "\u{0637}", ARABIC LETTER TAH [1592] = utf8.char(1592), -- "ظ", utf8.codepoint("ظ") == 1592, "\u{0638}", ARABIC LETTER ZAH [1593] = utf8.char(1593), -- "ع", utf8.codepoint("ع") == 1593, "\u{0639}", ARABIC LETTER AIN [1594] = utf8.char(1594), -- "غ", utf8.codepoint("غ") == 1594, "\u{063A}", ARABIC LETTER GHAIN [1601] = utf8.char(1601), -- "ف", utf8.codepoint("ف") == 1601, "\u{0641}", ARABIC LETTER FEH [1602] = utf8.char(1602), -- "ق", utf8.codepoint("ق") == 1602, "\u{0642}", ARABIC LETTER QAF [1603] = utf8.char(1603), -- "ك", utf8.codepoint("ك") == 1603, "\u{0643}", ARABIC LETTER KAF [1604] = utf8.char(1604), -- "ل", utf8.codepoint("ل") == 1604, "\u{0644}", ARABIC LETTER LAM [1605] = utf8.char(1605), -- "م", utf8.codepoint("م") == 1605, "\u{0645}", ARABIC LETTER MEEM [1606] = utf8.char(1606), -- "ن", utf8.codepoint("ن") == 1606, "\u{0646}", ARABIC LETTER NOON [1607] = utf8.char(1607), -- "ه", utf8.codepoint("ه") == 1607, "\u{0647}", ARABIC LETTER HEH [1608] = utf8.char(1608), -- "و", utf8.codepoint("و") == 1608, "\u{0648}", ARABIC LETTER WAW [1609] = utf8.char(1609), -- "ى", utf8.codepoint("ى") == 1609, "\u{0649}", ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA [1610] = utf8.char(1610), -- "ي", utf8.codepoint("ي") == 1610, "\u{064A}", ARABIC LETTER YEH [1662] = utf8.char(1662), -- "پ", utf8.codepoint("پ") == 1662, "\u{067E}", ARABIC LETTER PEH [1670] = utf8.char(1670), -- "چ", utf8.codepoint("چ") == 1670, "\u{0686}", ARABIC LETTER TCHEH [1688] = utf8.char(1688), -- "ژ", utf8.codepoint("ژ") == 1688, "\u{0698}", ARABIC LETTER JEH [1705] = utf8.char(1705), -- "ک", utf8.codepoint("ک") == 1705, "\u{06A9}", ARABIC LETTER KEHEH [1706] = utf8.char(1706), -- "ڪ", utf8.codepoint("ڪ") == 1706, "\u{06AA}", ARABIC LETTER SWASH KAF [1711] = utf8.char(1711), -- "گ", utf8.codepoint("گ") == 1711, "\u{06AF}", ARABIC LETTER GAF [1726] = utf8.char(1726), -- "ھ", utf8.codepoint("ھ") == 1726, "\u{06BE}", ARABIC LETTER HEH DOACHASHMEE [1728] = utf8.char(1728), -- "ۀ", utf8.codepoint("ۀ") == 1728, "\u{06C0}", ARABIC LETTER HEH WITH YEH ABOVE [1740] = utf8.char(1740), -- "ی", utf8.codepoint("ی") == 1740, "\u{06CC}", ARABIC LETTER FARSI YEH [1749] = utf8.char(1749), -- "ە", utf8.codepoint("ە") == 1740, "\u{06D5}", ARABIC LETTER AE [65275] = utf8.char(65275), -- "ﻻ", utf8.codepoint("ﻻ") == 65275, "\u{FEFB}", ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF ISOLATED FORM [65276] = utf8.char(65276), -- "ﻼ", utf8.codepoint("ﻼ") == 65276, "\u{FEFC}", ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF FINAL FORM } local peCharTableInitial = { [64344] = utf8.char(64344), -- "ﭘ", utf8.codepoint("ﭘ") == 64344, "\u{FB58}", INITIAL FORM PEH [64380] = utf8.char(64380), -- "ﭼ", utf8.codepoint("ﭼ") == 64380, "\u{FB7C}", INITIAL FORM TCHEH [64400] = utf8.char(64400), -- "ﮐ", utf8.codepoint("ﮐ") == 64400, "\u{FB90}", INITIAL FORM KEHEH [64404] = utf8.char(64404), -- "ﮔ", utf8.codepoint("ﮔ") == 64404, "\u{FB94}", INITIAL FORM GAF [64510] = utf8.char(64510), -- "ﯾ", utf8.codepoint("ﯾ") == 64510, "\u{FBFE}", INITIAL FORM YEH [65169] = utf8.char(65169), -- "ﺑ", utf8.codepoint("ﺑ") == 65169, "\u{FE91}", INITIAL FORM BEH [65175] = utf8.char(65175), -- "ﺗ", utf8.codepoint("ﺗ") == 65175, "\u{FE97}", INITIAL FORM TEH [65179] = utf8.char(65179), -- "ﺛ", utf8.codepoint("ﺛ") == 65179, "\u{FE9B}", INITIAL FORM THEH [65183] = utf8.char(65183), -- "ﺟ", utf8.codepoint("ﺟ") == 65183, "\u{FE9F}", INITIAL FORM JEEM [65187] = utf8.char(65187), -- "ﺣ", utf8.codepoint("ﺣ") == 65187, "\u{FEA3}", INITIAL FORM HAH [65191] = utf8.char(65191), -- "ﺧ", utf8.codepoint("ﺧ") == 65191, "\u{FEA7}", INITIAL FORM KHAH [65203] = utf8.char(65203), -- "ﺳ", utf8.codepoint("ﺳ") == 65203, "\u{FEB3}", INITIAL FORM SEEN [65207] = utf8.char(65207), -- "ﺷ", utf8.codepoint("ﺷ") == 65207, "\u{FEB7}", INITIAL FORM SHEEN [65211] = utf8.char(65211), -- "ﺻ", utf8.codepoint("ﺻ") == 65211, "\u{FEBB}", INITIAL FORM SAD [65215] = utf8.char(65215), -- "ﺿ", utf8.codepoint("ﺿ") == 65215, "\u{FEBF}", INITIAL FORM DAD [65219] = utf8.char(65219), -- "ﻃ", utf8.codepoint("ﻃ") == 65219, "\u{FEC3}", INITIAL FORM TAH [65223] = utf8.char(65223), -- "ﻇ", utf8.codepoint("ﻇ") == 65223, "\u{FEC7}", INITIAL FORM ZAH [65227] = utf8.char(65227), -- "ﻋ", utf8.codepoint("ﻋ") == 65227, "\u{FECB}", INITIAL FORM AIN [65231] = utf8.char(65231), -- "ﻏ", utf8.codepoint("ﻏ") == 65231, "\u{FECF}", INITIAL FORM GHAIN [65235] = utf8.char(65235), -- "ﻓ", utf8.codepoint("ﻓ") == 65235, "\u{FED3}", INITIAL FORM FEH [65239] = utf8.char(65239), -- "ﻗ", utf8.codepoint("ﻗ") == 65239, "\u{FED7}", INITIAL FORM QAF [65243] = utf8.char(65243), -- "ﻛ", utf8.codepoint("ﻛ") == 65243, "\u{FEDB}", INITIAL FORM KAF [65247] = utf8.char(65247), -- "ﻟ", utf8.codepoint("ﻟ") == 65247, "\u{FEDF}", INITIAL FORM LAM [65251] = utf8.char(65251), -- "ﻣ", utf8.codepoint("ﻣ") == 65251, "\u{FEE3}", INITIAL FORM MEEM [65255] = utf8.char(65255), -- "ﻧ", utf8.codepoint("ﻧ") == 65255, "\u{FEE7}", INITIAL FORM NOON [65259] = utf8.char(65259), -- "ﻫ", utf8.codepoint("ﻫ") == 65259, "\u{FEEB}", INITIAL FORM HEH [65267] = utf8.char(65267), -- "ﻳ", utf8.codepoint("ﻳ") == 65267, "\u{FEF3}", INITIAL FORM YEH } local peCharTableMedial = { [1600] = utf8.char(1600), -- "ـ", utf8.codepoint("ـ") == 1600, "\u{0640}", ARABIC TATWEEL [64345] = utf8.char(64345), -- "ﭙ", utf8.codepoint("ﭙ") == 64345, "\u{FB59}", MEDIAL FORM PEH [64381] = utf8.char(64381), -- "ﭽ", utf8.codepoint("ﭽ") == 64381, "\u{FB7D}", MEDIAL FORM TCHEH [64401] = utf8.char(64401), -- "ﮑ", utf8.codepoint("ﮑ") == 64401, "\u{FB91}", MEDIAL FORM KEHEH [64405] = utf8.char(64405), -- "ﮕ", utf8.codepoint("ﮕ") == 64405, "\u{FB95}", MEDIAL FORM GAF [64425] = utf8.char(64425), -- "ﮩ", utf8.codepoint("ﮩ") == 64425, "\u{FBA9}", MEDIAL FORM HEH GOAL [64429] = utf8.char(64429), -- "ﮭ", utf8.codepoint("ﮭ") == 64429, "\u{FBAD}", MEDIAL FORM HEH DOACHESMEE [64511] = utf8.char(64511), -- "ﯿ", utf8.codepoint("ﯿ") == 64511, "\u{FBFF}", MEDIAL FORM YEH [65170] = utf8.char(65170), -- "ﺒ", utf8.codepoint("ﺒ") == 65170, "\u{FE92}", MEDIAL FORM BEH [65176] = utf8.char(65176), -- "ﺘ", utf8.codepoint("ﺘ") == 65176, "\u{FE98}", MEDIAL FORM TEH [65180] = utf8.char(65180), -- "ﺜ", utf8.codepoint("ﺜ") == 65180, "\u{FE9C}", MEDIAL FORM THEH [65184] = utf8.char(65184), -- "ﺠ", utf8.codepoint("ﺠ") == 65184, "\u{FEA0}", MEDIAL FORM JEEM [65188] = utf8.char(65188), -- "ﺤ", utf8.codepoint("ﺤ") == 65188, "\u{FEA4}", MEDIAL FORM HAH [65192] = utf8.char(65192), -- "ﺨ", utf8.codepoint("ﺨ") == 65192, "\u{FEA8}", MEDIAL FORM KHAH [65204] = utf8.char(65204), -- "ﺴ", utf8.codepoint("ﺴ") == 65204, "\u{FEB4}", MEDIAL FORM SEEN [65208] = utf8.char(65208), -- "ﺸ", utf8.codepoint("ﺸ") == 65208, "\u{FEB8}", MEDIAL FORM SHEEN [65212] = utf8.char(65212), -- "ﺼ", utf8.codepoint("ﺼ") == 65212, "\u{FEBC}", MEDIAL FORM SAD [65216] = utf8.char(65216), -- "ﻀ", utf8.codepoint("ﻀ") == 65216, "\u{FEC0}", MEDIAL FORM DAD [65220] = utf8.char(65220), -- "ﻄ", utf8.codepoint("ﻄ") == 65220, "\u{FEC4}", MEDIAL FORM TAH [65224] = utf8.char(65224), -- "ﻈ", utf8.codepoint("ﻈ") == 65224, "\u{FEC8}", MEDIAL FORM ZAH [65228] = utf8.char(65228), -- "ﻌ", utf8.codepoint("ﻌ") == 65228, "\u{FECC}", MEDIAL FORM AIN [65232] = utf8.char(65232), -- "ﻐ", utf8.codepoint("ﻐ") == 65232, "\u{FED0}", MEDIAL FORM GHAIN [65236] = utf8.char(65236), -- "ﻔ", utf8.codepoint("ﻔ") == 65236, "\u{FED4}", MEDIAL FORM FEH [65240] = utf8.char(65240), -- "ﻘ", utf8.codepoint("ﻘ") == 65240, "\u{FED8}", MEDIAL FORM QAF [65244] = utf8.char(65244), -- "ﻜ", utf8.codepoint("ﻜ") == 65244, "\u{FEDC}", MEDIAL FORM KAF [65248] = utf8.char(65248), -- "ﻠ", utf8.codepoint("ﻠ") == 65248, "\u{FEE0}", MEDIAL FORM LAM [65252] = utf8.char(65252), -- "ﻤ", utf8.codepoint("ﻤ") == 65252, "\u{FEE4}", MEDIAL FORM MEEM [65256] = utf8.char(65256), -- "ﻨ", utf8.codepoint("ﻨ") == 65256, "\u{FEE8}", MEDIAL FORM NOON [65260] = utf8.char(65260), -- "ﻬ", utf8.codepoint("ﻬ") == 65260, "\u{FEEC}", MEDIAL FORM HEH [65268] = utf8.char(65268), -- "ﻴ", utf8.codepoint("ﻴ") == 65268, "\u{FEF4}", MEDIAL FORM YEH } local peCharTableFinal = { [64343] = utf8.char(64343), -- "ﭗ", utf8.codepoint("ﭗ") == 64343, "\u{FB57}", FINAL FORM PEH [64379] = utf8.char(64379), -- "ﭻ", utf8.codepoint("ﭻ") == 64379, "\u{FB7B}", FINAL FORM TCHEH [64395] = utf8.char(64395), -- "ﮋ", utf8.codepoint("ﮋ") == 64395, "\u{FB8B}", FINAL FORM JEH [64399] = utf8.char(64399), -- "ﮏ", utf8.codepoint("ﮏ") == 64399, "\u{FB8F}", FINAL FORM KEHEH [64403] = utf8.char(64403), -- "ﮓ", utf8.codepoint("ﮓ") == 64403, "\u{FB93}", FINAL FORM GAF [64421] = utf8.char(64421), -- "ﮥ", utf8.codepoint("ﮥ") == 64421, "\u{FBA5}", FINAL FORM HEH WITH YEH ABOVE [64509] = utf8.char(64509), -- "ﯽ", utf8.codepoint("ﯽ") == 64509, "\u{FBFD}", FINAL FORM YEH [65166] = utf8.char(65166), -- "ﺎ", utf8.codepoint("ﺎ") == 65166, "\u{FE8E}", FINAL FORM ALEF [65168] = utf8.char(65168), -- "ﺐ", utf8.codepoint("ﺐ") == 65168, "\u{FE90}", FINAL FORM BEH [65172] = utf8.char(65172), -- "ﺔ", utf8.codepoint("ﺔ") == 65172, "\u{FE94}", FINAL FORM TEH MARBUTAH [65174] = utf8.char(65174), -- "ﺖ", utf8.codepoint("ﺖ") == 65174, "\u{FE96}", FINAL FORM TEH [65178] = utf8.char(65178), -- "ﺚ", utf8.codepoint("ﺚ") == 65178, "\u{FE9A}", FINAL FORM THEH [65182] = utf8.char(65182), -- "ﺞ", utf8.codepoint("ﺞ") == 65182, "\u{FE9E}", FINAL FORM JEEM [65186] = utf8.char(65186), -- "ﺢ", utf8.codepoint("ﺢ") == 65186, "\u{FEA2}", FINAL FORM HAH [65190] = utf8.char(65190), -- "ﺦ", utf8.codepoint("ﺦ") == 65190, "\u{FEA6}", FINAL FORM KHAH [65194] = utf8.char(65194), -- "ﺪ", utf8.codepoint("ﺪ") == 65194, "\u{FEAA}", FINAL FORM DAL [65196] = utf8.char(65196), -- "ﺬ", utf8.codepoint("ﺬ") == 65196, "\u{FEAC}", FINAL FORM THAL [65198] = utf8.char(65198), -- "ﺮ", utf8.codepoint("ﺮ") == 65198, "\u{FEAE}", FINAL FORM REH [65200] = utf8.char(65200), -- "ﺰ", utf8.codepoint("ﺰ") == 65200, "\u{FEB0}", FINAL FORM ZAIN [65202] = utf8.char(65202), -- "ﺲ", utf8.codepoint("ﺲ") == 65202, "\u{FEB2}", FINAL FORM SEEN [65206] = utf8.char(65206), -- "ﺶ", utf8.codepoint("ﺶ") == 65206, "\u{FEB6}", FINAL FORM SHEEN [65210] = utf8.char(65210), -- "ﺺ", utf8.codepoint("ﺺ") == 65210, "\u{FEBA}", FINAL FORM SAD [65214] = utf8.char(65214), -- "ﺾ", utf8.codepoint("ﺾ") == 65214, "\u{FEBE}", FINAL FORM DAD [65218] = utf8.char(65218), -- "ﻂ", utf8.codepoint("ﻂ") == 65218, "\u{FEC2}", FINAL FORM TAH [65222] = utf8.char(65222), -- "ﻆ", utf8.codepoint("ﻆ") == 65222, "\u{FEC6}", FINAL FORM ZAH [65226] = utf8.char(65226), -- "ﻊ", utf8.codepoint("ﻊ") == 65226, "\u{FECA}", FINAL FORM AIN [65230] = utf8.char(65230), -- "ﻎ", utf8.codepoint("ﻎ") == 65230, "\u{FECE}", FINAL FORM GHAIN [65234] = utf8.char(65234), -- "ﻒ", utf8.codepoint("ﻒ") == 65234, "\u{FED2}", FINAL FORM FEH [65238] = utf8.char(65238), -- "ﻖ", utf8.codepoint("ﻖ") == 65238, "\u{FED6}", FINAL FORM QAF [65242] = utf8.char(65242), -- "ﻚ", utf8.codepoint("ﻚ") == 65242, "\u{FEDA}", FINAL FORM KAF [65246] = utf8.char(65246), -- "ﻞ", utf8.codepoint("ﻞ") == 65246, "\u{FEDE}", FINAL FORM LAM [65250] = utf8.char(65250), -- "ﻢ", utf8.codepoint("ﻢ") == 65250, "\u{FEE2}", FINAL FORM MEEM [65254] = utf8.char(65254), -- "ﻦ", utf8.codepoint("ﻦ") == 65254, "\u{FEE6}", FINAL FORM NOON [65258] = utf8.char(65258), -- "ﻪ", utf8.codepoint("ﻪ") == 65258, "\u{FEEA}", FINAL FORM HEH [65262] = utf8.char(65262), -- "ﻮ", utf8.codepoint("ﻮ") == 65262, "\u{FEEE}", FINAL FORM WAW [65264] = utf8.char(65264), -- "ﻰ", utf8.codepoint("ﻰ") == 65264, "\u{FEF0}", FINAL FORM ALEF MAKSURAH [65266] = utf8.char(65266), -- "ﻲ", utf8.codepoint("ﻲ") == 65266, "\u{FEF2}", FINAL FORM YEH [65276] = utf8.char(65276), -- "ﻼ", utf8.codepoint("ﻼ") == 65276, "\u{FEFC}", FINAL FORM LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF } return peCharTableInitial, peCharTableMedial, peCharTableFinal -- -- -- End of file `texnegar-char-table.lua'. % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar.lua}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-lua> -- -- This is file `texnegar.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- texnegar.dtx (with options: `texnegar-lua') -- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Hossein Movahhedian -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, -- version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of -- this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- texnegar = texnegar or {} -- local texnegar = texnegar -- texnegar.module = { -- name = "texnegar", -- version = "0.1d", -- date = "2021-01-31", -- description = "Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX", -- author = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- copyright = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- license = "LPPL v1.3c" -- } -- -- -- ^^A%% texnegar-lua.dtx -- part of TEXNEGAR -- local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module(texnegar.module) -- texnegar.log = log or (function (s) luatexbase.module_info("texnegar", s) end) -- texnegar.warning = warn or (function (s) luatexbase.module_warning("texnegar", s) end) -- texnegar.error = err or (function (s) luatexbase.module_error("texnegar", s) end) local l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_bool") local debug_getinfo = debug.getinfo local string_format = string.format function TableLength(t) local i = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do i = i + 1 end return i end tex.enableprimitives('',tex.extraprimitives ()) local range_tble = { [1536] = 1791, [1872] = 1919, [2208] = 2274, [8204] = 8297, [64336] = 65023, [65136] = 65279, [126464] = 126719, [983040] = 1048575 } local tbl_fonts_used = { } local tbl_fonts_chars = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_init = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_medi = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_fina = { } local pattern_list = { ".*%.(ini)t?$", ".*%.(ini)t?%..*", ".*%.(med)i?$", ".*%.(med)i?%..*", ".*%.(fin)a?$", ".*%.(fin)a?%..*", ".*_(ini)t?$", ".*_(ini)t?_.*", ".*_(med)i?$", ".*_(med)i?_.*", ".*_(fin)a?$", ".*_(fin)a?_.*", } function GetFontsChars() local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams for f_num = 1, font.max() do local f_tmp = font.fonts[f_num] if f_tmp then local f_tmp_fontname = f_tmp.fontname if f_tmp_fontname then local f_id_tmp = font.getfont(f_num) local f_fontname_tmp = f_id_tmp.fontname local f_filename_tmp = f_id_tmp.filename if not tbl_fonts_used[f_fontname_tmp] then tbl_fonts_used[f_fontname_tmp] = {f_filename_tmp, f_id_tmp} end end end end for f_fontname, v in pairs(tbl_fonts_used) do f_filename = v[1] f_id = v[2] if not tbl_fonts_chars[f_fontname] then tbl_fonts_chars[f_fontname] = { } tbl_fonts_chars_init[f_fontname] = { } tbl_fonts_chars_medi[f_fontname] = { } tbl_fonts_chars_fina[f_fontname] = { } local f = fontloader.open(f_filename) local char_name local char_unicode local char_class for k, v in pairs(range_tble) do for glyph_idx = k, v do if f_id.characters[glyph_idx] then char_name = f.glyphs[f_id.characters[glyph_idx].index].name char_unicode = f.glyphs[f_id.characters[glyph_idx].index].unicode char_class = f.glyphs[f_id.characters[glyph_idx].index].class kashida_fontfamily = token.get_macro("l_texnegar_kashida_fontfamily_tl") fontfamily_match = string.match(f_fontname, "^(" .. kashida_fontfamily .. ").*") if fontfamily_match == kashida_fontfamily then if not tbl_fonts_chars[f_fontname][glyph_idx] then if string.match(f_fontname, "^(Amiri).*") == "Amiri" and char_name == 'uni0640.long1' then current_kashida_unicode = glyph_idx end tbl_fonts_chars[f_fontname][glyph_idx] = {char_name, char_unicode, char_class} for _, pattern in ipairs( pattern_list ) do local pos_alt = string.match(char_name, pattern) if pos_alt == 'ini' or pos_alt == 'AltIni' then tbl_fonts_chars_init[f_fontname][glyph_idx] = {char_name, char_unicode, char_class} elseif pos_alt == 'med' or pos_alt == 'AltMed' then tbl_fonts_chars_medi[f_fontname][glyph_idx] = {char_name, char_unicode, char_class} elseif pos_alt == 'fin' or pos_alt == 'AltFin' then tbl_fonts_chars_fina[f_fontname][glyph_idx] = {char_name, char_unicode, char_class} end end end end end end end fontloader.close(f) end end return tbl_fonts_used, tbl_fonts_chars, tbl_fonts_chars_init, tbl_fonts_chars_medi, tbl_fonts_chars_fina end dofile(kpse.find_file("texnegar-ini.lua")) -- -- -- End of file `texnegar.lua'. % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-ini.lua}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-ini-lua> -- -- This is file `texnegar-ini.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- texnegar.dtx (with options: `texnegar-ini-lua') -- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Hossein Movahhedian -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, -- version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of -- this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- texnegar_ini = texnegar_ini or {} -- local texnegar_ini = texnegar_ini -- texnegar_ini.module = { -- name = "texnegar_ini", -- version = "0.1d", -- date = "2021-01-31", -- description = "Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX", -- author = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- copyright = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- license = "LPPL v1.3c" -- } -- -- -- ^^A%% texnegar-lua.dtx -- part of TEXNEGAR -- local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module(texnegar_ini.module) -- texnegar_ini.log = log or (function (s) luatexbase.module_info("texnegar_ini", s) end) -- texnegar_ini.warning = warn or (function (s) luatexbase.module_warning("texnegar_ini", s) end) -- texnegar_ini.error = err or (function (s) luatexbase.module_error("texnegar_ini", s) end) c_true_bool = token.create("c_true_bool") l_texnegar_color_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_color_bool") if l_texnegar_color_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then color_tbl = color_tbl or {} for item in l_texnegar_color_rgb_tl:gmatch("([^,%s]+)") do table.insert(color_tbl, item) end end dofile(kpse.find_file("texnegar-luatex-kashida.lua")) -- -- -- End of file `texnegar-ini.lua'. % % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{File: \texttt{texnegar-luatex-kashida.lua}} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*texnegar-luatex-kashida-lua> -- -- This is file `texnegar-luatex-kashida.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- texnegar.dtx (with options: `texnegar-luatex-kashida-lua') -- -- Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Hossein Movahhedian -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the LaTeX Project Public License, -- version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of -- this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- texnegar_luatex_kashida = texnegar_luatex_kashida or {} -- local texnegar_luatex_kashida = texnegar_luatex_kashida -- texnegar_luatex_kashida.module = { -- name = "texnegar_luatex_kashida", -- version = "0.1d", -- date = "2021-01-31", -- description = "Full implementation of kashida feature in XeLaTex and LuaLaTeX", -- author = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- copyright = "Hossein Movahhedian", -- license = "LPPL v1.3c" -- } -- -- -- ^^A%% texnegar-lua.dtx -- part of TEXNEGAR -- local err, warn, info, log = luatexbase.provides_module(texnegar_luatex_kashida.module) -- texnegar_luatex_kashida.log = log or (function (s) luatexbase.module_info("texnegar_luatex_kashida", s) end) -- texnegar_luatex_kashida.warning = warn or (function (s) luatexbase.module_warning("texnegar_luatex_kashida", s) end) -- texnegar_luatex_kashida.error = err or (function (s) luatexbase.module_error("texnegar_luatex_kashida", s) end) local peCharTableInitial, peCharTableMedial, peCharTableFinal = dofile(kpse.find_file("texnegar-char-table.lua")) local kashida_unicode = 1600 local kashida_subtype = 256 local COLORSTACK = node.subtype("pdf_colorstack") local node_id = node.id local GLUE = node_id("glue") local GLYPH = node_id("glyph") local HLIST = node_id("hlist") local RULE = node_id("rule") local WHATSIT = node_id("whatsit") local l_texnegar_kashida_glyph_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_kashida_glyph_bool") local l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool") local l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_hrule_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_hrule_bool") local l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool") local l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool = token.create("l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool") local selected_font = font.current() local selected_font_old = selected_font local string_format = string.format local debug_getinfo = debug.getinfo function GetGlyphDimensions(font_file, glyph_index) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local fnt = fontloader.open(font_file) local idx = 0 local fnt_glyphcnt = fnt.glyphcnt local fnt_glyphmin = fnt.glyphmin local fnt_glyphmax = fnt.glyphmax if fnt_glyphcnt > 0 then for idx = fnt_glyphmin, fnt_glyphmax do local gl = fnt.glyphs[idx] if gl then local gl_unicode = gl.unicode if gl_unicode == glyph_index then local gl_name = gl.name gl_width = gl.width local gl_bbox = gl.boundingbox gl_llx = gl_bbox[1] gl_depth = gl_bbox[2] gl_urx = gl_bbox[3] gl_height = gl_bbox[4] break end end idx = idx + 1 end end fontloader.close(fnt) return {width = gl_width, height = gl_height, depth = gl_depth, llx = gl_llx, urx = gl_urx} end function GetGlue(t_plb_line_glue_node, t_plb_node) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local glue_id = t_plb_line_glue_node.id local glue_subtype = t_plb_line_glue_node.subtype local glue_width = t_plb_line_glue_node.width local glue_stretch = t_plb_line_glue_node.stretch local glue_shrink = t_plb_line_glue_node.shrink local eff_glue_width = node.effective_glue(t_plb_line_glue_node, t_plb_node) local glue_stretch_order = t_plb_line_glue_node.stretch_order local glue_shrink_order = t_plb_line_glue_node.shrink_order local glue_delta = 0 glue_delta = eff_glue_width - glue_width return { id = glue_id, subtype = glue_subtype, width = glue_width, stretch = glue_stretch, shrink = glue_shrink, stretch_order = glue_stretch_order, shrink_order = glue_shrink_order, effective_glue = eff_glue_width, delta = glue_delta } end function GetGlyph(t_plb_line_glyph_node, t_tbl_line_fields, t_CharTableInitial, t_CharTableMedial, t_CharTableFinal) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local glyph_id = t_plb_line_glyph_node.id local glyph_subtype = t_plb_line_glyph_node.subtype local glyph_char = t_plb_line_glyph_node.char local glyph_font = t_plb_line_glyph_node.font local glyph_lang = t_plb_line_glyph_node.lang local glyph_width = t_plb_line_glyph_node.width local glyph_data = t_plb_line_glyph_node.data if not (t_CharTableInitial[glyph_char] == nil) then t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharInitial = t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharInitial + 1 t_plb_line_glyph_node.data = 1 elseif not (t_CharTableMedial[glyph_char] == nil) then t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharMedial = t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharMedial + 1 t_plb_line_glyph_node.data = 2 elseif not (t_CharTableFinal[glyph_char] == nil) then t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharFinal = t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharFinal + 1 t_plb_line_glyph_node.data = 3 end return { id = glyph_id, subtype = glyph_subtype, char = glyph_char, font = glyph_font, lang = glyph_lang, width = glyph_width, data = glyph_data }, t_tbl_line_fields end function ProcessTableKashidaHlist(ksh_hlistNode, hbox_num, in_font) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local ksh_hlistNode_id = ksh_hlistNode.id local ksh_hlistNode_subtype = ksh_hlistNode.subtype for tn in node.traverse(ksh_hlistNode.head) do local tn_id = tn.id local tn_subtype = tn.subtype if tn_id == 0 then for tp in node.traverse(tn.head) do local tp_id = tp.id local tp_subtype = tp.subtype if tp_id == 29 then if l_texnegar_color_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then local col_str = color_tbl[1] .. " " .. color_tbl[2] .. " " .. color_tbl[3] local col_str_rg = col_str .. " rg " local col_str_RG = col_str .. " RG" local color_push = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) local color_pop = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) color_push.stack = 0 color_pop.stack = 0 color_push.command = 1 color_pop.command = 2 glue_ratio = .2 color_push.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG color_pop.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG tn.head = node.insert_before(tn.list, tn.head, node.copy(color_push)) tn.head = node.insert_after(tn.list, node.tail(tn.head), node.copy(color_pop)) end local tp_font = tp.font local tp_char = tp.char tp.font = in_font local ksh_unicode ksh_unicode = font.getfont(in_font).resources.unicodes['kashida'] if hbox_num == 'l_texnegar_k_box' then tp.char = current_kashida_unicode or kashida_unicode elseif hbox_num == 'l_texnegar_ksh_box' then tp.char = ksh_unicode tn_width = tn.width ksh_hlistNode.width = tn_width end elseif tp_id == 0 then if tp.subtype ~= 3 then tbl_kashida_hlist_nodes[ #tbl_kashida_hlist_nodes + 1 ] = tp end end end elseif tn_id == 1 then do end elseif tn_id == 8 then do end elseif tn_id == 29 then if l_texnegar_color_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then local col_str = color_tbl[1] .. " " .. color_tbl[2] .. " " .. color_tbl[3] local col_str_rg = col_str .. " rg " local col_str_RG = col_str .. " RG" local color_push = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) local color_pop = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) color_push.stack = 0 color_pop.stack = 0 color_push.command = 1 color_pop.command = 2 glue_ratio = .2 color_push.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG color_pop.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG ksh_hlistNode.head = node.insert_before(ksh_hlistNode.list, ksh_hlistNode.head, node.copy(color_push)) ksh_hlistNode.head = node.insert_after(ksh_hlistNode.list, node.tail(ksh_hlistNode.head), node.copy(color_pop)) end local tn_font = tn.font local tn_char = tn.char tn.font = in_font local ksh_unicode ksh_unicode = font.getfont(in_font).resources.unicodes['kashida'] if hbox_num == 'l_texnegar_k_box' then tn.char = kashida_unicode elseif hbox_num == 'l_texnegar_ksh_box' then tn.char = ksh_unicode tn_width = tn.width ksh_hlistNode.width = tn_width end else print(string_format("\n tn. Not processed node id is: %d", tn_id)) end end end function SetFontInHbox(hbox_num, font_num) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams tbl_kashida_hlist_nodes = {} local tmp_node tmp_node = node.new("hlist") tmp_node = tex.getbox(hbox_num) ProcessTableKashidaHlist(tmp_node, hbox_num, font_num) ::kashida_hlist_BEGIN:: if #tbl_kashida_hlist_nodes > 0 then local kashida_hlistNodeAdded = table.remove(tbl_kashida_hlist_nodes,1) ProcessTableKashidaHlist(kashida_hlistNodeAdded, hbox_num, font_num) goto kashida_hlist_BEGIN end end function StretchGlyph(t_plb_node, t_plb_glyph_node, t_gluePerJoiner, t_dir, t_filler) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams if t_filler == "resized_kashida" then SetFontInHbox('l_texnegar_k_box', selected_font) elseif t_filler == "leaders+kashida" then SetFontInHbox('l_texnegar_ksh_box', selected_font) end kashida_node = node.new(GLYPH) node_glue = node.new(GLUE) node_rule = node.new(RULE) node_hlist = node.new(HLIST) font_current = selected_font font_name = font.fonts[font_current].fullname font_file = font.fonts[font_current].filename kashida_char = font.fonts[font_current].characters[1600] kashida_node.subtype = kashida_subtype kashida_node.font = font_current if string.match(font_name, "^(Amiri).*") == "Amiri" then kashida_node.char = current_kashida_unicode else kashida_node.char = kashida_unicode end kashida_node.lang = tex.language kashida_width = kashida_node.width kashida_height = kashida_node.height kashida_depth = kashida_node.depth tbl_gl_dimen = GetGlyphDimensions(font_file, kashida_unicode) ksh_width, ksh_height, ksh_depth, ksh_llx, ksh_urx = tbl_gl_dimen.width, tbl_gl_dimen.height, tbl_gl_dimen.depth, tbl_gl_dimen.llx, tbl_gl_dimen.urx ratio_width = kashida_width / ksh_width leaders_height = ratio_width * ksh_height leaders_depth = - ratio_width * ksh_depth node_glue.subtype = 100 node.setglue(node_glue, t_gluePerJoiner, 0, 0, 0, 0) if t_filler == "resized_kashida" then node_glue.leader = node.copy_list(tex.box['l_texnegar_k_box']) elseif t_filler == "leaders+kashida" then node_glue.leader = node.copy_list(tex.box['l_texnegar_ksh_box']) elseif t_filler == "leaders+hrule" then node_glue.leader = node_rule end node_glue.leader.subtype = 0 node_glue.leader.height = leaders_height node_glue.leader.depth = leaders_depth node_glue.leader.dir = t_dir node.insert_after(t_plb_node.list, t_plb_glyph_node, node_glue) if t_filler == "leaders+hrule" then for tn in node.traverse(t_plb_node.head) do local tn_id = tn.id local tn_subtype = tn.subtype if tn_id == 12 and tn_subtype == 100 then local t_hbox = node.new(HLIST) local t_hrule = node.copy(tn) if string.match(font_name, "^(Amiri).*") == "Amiri" then t_hrule.leader.height = kashida_height t_hrule.leader.depth = kashida_depth end t_hbox.head = node.insert_after(t_hbox.list, t_hbox.head,t_hrule) t_plb_node.head = node.insert_after(t_plb_node.list, tn, t_hbox) if l_texnegar_color_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then local col_str = color_tbl[1] .. " " .. color_tbl[2] .. " " .. color_tbl[3] local col_str_rg = col_str .. " rg " local col_str_RG = col_str .. " RG" local color_push = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) local color_pop = node.new(WHATSIT, COLORSTACK) color_push.stack = 0 color_pop.stack = 0 color_push.command = 1 color_pop.command = 2 glue_ratio = .2 color_push.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG color_pop.data = col_str_rg .. col_str_RG t_hbox.head = node.insert_before(t_hbox.list, t_hbox.head, node.copy(color_push)) t_hbox.head = node.insert_after(t_hbox.list, node.tail(t_hbox.head), node.copy(color_pop)) end end end end end function GetFillerSpec(t_plb_node, t_plb_head_node, t_tbl_line_fields, t_CharTableInitial, t_CharTableMedial, t_CharTableFinal) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams t_plb_node_id = t_plb_node.id t_plb_node_subtype = t_plb_node.subtype for p in node.traverse(t_plb_head_node) do local p_id = p.id local p_subtype = p.subtype if p_id == 0 then t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder - p.width if p.subtype ~= 3 then tbl_hlist_nodes[ #tbl_hlist_nodes + 1 ] = p end elseif p_id == 1 then t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder - p.width tbl_vlist_nodes[ #tbl_vlist_nodes + 1 ] = p elseif p_id == 12 then tbl_p_glue = GetGlue(p, t_plb_node) t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder - tbl_p_glue["effective_glue"] t_tbl_line_fields.total_glues = t_tbl_line_fields.total_glues + 1 t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue = t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue + tbl_p_glue["delta"] elseif p_id == 29 then tbl_p_glyph, t_tbl_line_fields = GetGlyph(p, t_tbl_line_fields, t_CharTableInitial, t_CharTableMedial, t_CharTableFinal) selected_font_old = selected_font selected_font = tbl_p_glyph["font"] t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder - tbl_p_glyph["width"] t_tbl_line_fields.total_glyphs = t_tbl_line_fields.total_glyphs + 1 end end t_tbl_line_fields.total_joiners = t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharInitial + t_tbl_line_fields.joinerCharMedial t_tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner = 0 if t_tbl_line_fields.total_glues == 0 then t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue = t_tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder end if t_tbl_line_fields.total_joiners > 0 then t_tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner = t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue // t_tbl_line_fields.total_joiners t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlueRemaineder = t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue % t_tbl_line_fields.total_joiners elseif t_tbl_line_fields.total_joiners == 1 then t_tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner = t_tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue end return t_tbl_line_fields end function ProcessTableHlist(tmphl_n) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local tmphl_n_id = tmphl_n.id local tmphl_n_subtype = tmphl_n.subtype local tbl_line_fields = { line_dir = "", line_width = 0, lineWidthRemainder = 0, total_glyphs = 0, joinerCharInitial = 0, joinerCharMedial = 0, joinerCharFinal = 0, total_joiners = 0, stretchedGlue = 0, total_glues = 0, gluePerJoiner = 0, stretchedGlueRemaineder = 0} local tbl_p_glue, tbl_p_glyph if (tmphl_n_id == 0) and (tmphl_n_subtype == 1 or tmphl_n_subtype == 2) then tbl_line_fields.line_width = tmphl_n.width tbl_line_fields.line_dir = tmphl_n.dir tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = tbl_line_fields.line_width if tbl_line_fields.line_dir == "TLT" then tbl_line_fields = GetFillerSpec(tmphl_n, tmphl_n.head, tbl_line_fields, peCharTableInitial, peCharTableMedial, peCharTableFinal) if tbl_line_fields.total_joiners == 0 or tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner == 0 or tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue <= 0 then goto continue end for q in node.traverse_id(GLUE, tmphl_n.head) do local eff_glue_width = node.effective_glue(q, tmphl_n) node.setglue(q, q.width, 0, 0, q.stretch_order, q.glue_shrink_order) end for r in node.traverse_id(GLYPH, tmphl_n.head) do local r_data = r.data if r_data == 1 or r.data == 2 then StretchGlyph(tmphl_n, r, tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner, tbl_line_fields.line_dir, filler_pe) elseif r.data == 3 then goto for_loop_01 end ::for_loop_01:: end tbl_line_fields.line_width = tmphl_n.width tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = line_width elseif tbl_line_fields.line_dir == "TRT" then tbl_line_fields = GetFillerSpec(tmphl_n, tmphl_n.head, tbl_line_fields, peCharTableInitial, peCharTableMedial, peCharTableFinal) if tbl_line_fields.total_joiners == 0 or tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner == 0 or tbl_line_fields.stretchedGlue <= 0 then goto continue end for q in node.traverse_id(GLUE, tmphl_n.head) do local eff_glue_width = node.effective_glue(q, tmphl_n) node.setglue(q, q.width, 0, 0, q.stretch_order, q.glue_shrink_order) end for r in node.traverse_id(GLYPH, tmphl_n.head) do local r_data = r.data if r_data == 1 or r.data == 2 then StretchGlyph(tmphl_n, r, tbl_line_fields.gluePerJoiner, tbl_line_fields.line_dir, filler_pe) elseif r.data == 3 then goto for_loop_02 end ::for_loop_02:: end tbl_line_fields.line_width = tmphl_n.width tbl_line_fields.lineWidthRemainder = line_width else print(string_format("\n Line direction '%s' is not supported yet!", tbl_line_fields.line_dir)) end end ::continue:: end function ProcessTableVlist(tmpvl_n) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams local tmpvl_n_id = tmpvl_n.id local tmpvl_n_subtype = tmpvl_n.subtype for vbNode in node.traverse(tmpvl_n) do if vbNode.id == 1 and vbNode.subtype == 0 then for tr_vbNode in node.traverse(vbNode.head) do if (tr_vbNode.id == 0) and (tr_vbNode.subtype == 1 or tr_vbNode.subtype == 2) then ProcessTableHlist(tr_vbNode) end end end end end function PostLineBreakFilter(hboxes_stack, groupcode) local funcName = debug_getinfo(1).name local funcNparams = debug_getinfo(1).nparams funcName = "PostLineBreakFilter" local tbl_fonts_used = { } local tbl_fonts_chars = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_init = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_medi = { } local tbl_fonts_chars_fina = { } tbl_fonts_used, tbl_fonts_chars, tbl_fonts_chars_init, tbl_fonts_chars_medi, tbl_fonts_chars_fina = GetFontsChars() local f_fontname for f_fontname, v in pairs(tbl_fonts_used) do for k1, v1 in pairs(tbl_fonts_chars_init[f_fontname]) do if k1 and not peCharTableInitial[k1] then peCharTableInitial[k1] = utf8.char(k1) end end for k1, v1 in pairs(tbl_fonts_chars_medi[f_fontname]) do if k1 and not peCharTableMedial[k1] then peCharTableMedial[k1] = utf8.char(k1) end end for k1, v1 in pairs(tbl_fonts_chars_fina[f_fontname]) do if k1 and not peCharTableFinal[k1] then peCharTableFinal[k1] = utf8.char(k1) end end end tbl_hlist_nodes = {} tbl_vlist_nodes = {} for hlistNode in node.traverse(hboxes_stack) do if node.next(hlistNode) == nil then goto END end ProcessTableHlist(hlistNode) if l_texnegar_hboxrecursion_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then ::hboxBEGIN:: if #tbl_hlist_nodes > 0 then local hlistNodeAdded = table.remove(tbl_hlist_nodes,1) ProcessTableHlist(hlistNodeAdded) goto hboxBEGIN end end if l_texnegar_vboxrecursion_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then ::vboxBEGIN:: if #tbl_vlist_nodes > 0 then local vlistNodeAdded = table.remove(tbl_vlist_nodes,1) ProcessTableVlist(vlistNodeAdded) goto vboxBEGIN end end ::END:: end return hboxes_stack end if l_texnegar_kashida_glyph_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then filler_pe = "resized_kashida" elseif l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_glyph_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then filler_pe = "leaders+kashida" elseif l_texnegar_kashida_leaders_hrule_bool.mode == c_true_bool.mode then filler_pe = "leaders+hrule" else print(string_format" Unknown kashida value.") end function StartStretching() if not luatexbase.in_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'insertKashida') then luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', PostLineBreakFilter, 'insertKashida') end end function StopStretching() if luatexbase.in_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'insertKashida') then luatexbase.remove_from_callback('post_linebreak_filter', 'insertKashida') end end -- -- -- End of file `texnegar-luatex-kashida.lua'. % % \end{macrocode} % % \section{Acknowledgments} % In the first place I have to thank Donald Knuth for inventing TeX. % During the development of this package I refered to Stack Exchange network of % question-and-answer (Q\&A) websites to solve problems for which I am grateful. % I also would like to thank the developer teams of TeX's friends especially LaTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX teams. % % \section{Change History} % % \def\SubSecItem#1{\subsubsection*{\hskip 2em\large #1}\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{[#1]}} % \newenvironment{Itemize}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=4em]}{\end{itemize}} % % \SubSecItem{2020-08-29~v0.1a} % \begin{Itemize} % \item First standalone version. % \end{Itemize} % % \SubSecItem{2020-08-30~v0.1b} % \begin{Itemize} % \item Changed some file names. % \end{Itemize} % % \SubSecItem{2021-01-27~v0.1c} % \begin{Itemize} % \item Added the option \texttt{Minimal} which is needed if texnegar is used for kashida implementaion only. % \item Fixed the problem with \texttt{Scheherazade} and \texttt{Amiri} fonts. % \end{Itemize} % % \section*{To Do's} % % To do % % \renewcommand{\refname}{References: \\ {\normalsize\it(Actually, this is not a ``References'' nor a ``Literature'', but the most important % although not a complete list of ``Resources Used'' to develop this package.)}} % % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % % \bibitem{DEK-TTB} Donald E. Knuth, % \emph{The \hologo{TeX} book}, % Addison-Wesley, 1986. % % \bibitem{VE-TBT} Victor Eijkhout, % \emph{\hologo{TeX} BY TOPIC}, % Addison-Wesley, 2013. % % \bibitem{PWA-KAH-KB-TFI} Paul W. Abrahams, Kathryn A. Hargreaves, and Karl Berry, % \emph{\hologo{TeX} for the Impatient}, % Addison-Wesley, 2013. % % \bibitem{LL-LADPS} Leslie Lamport, % \emph{\hologo{LaTeX}, A document preparation System}, % Addison-Wesley, 1986. % % \bibitem{FM-MG-JB-DC-CR-TLC} Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens with Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley, % \emph{The \hologo{LaTeX} Companion}, % Addison-Wesley, second edition, 2004. % % \bibitem{PRO-IN-LUA} Roberto Ierusalimschy, % \emph{Programming in Lua}, % Lua.org, fourth edition, 2016 % % \bibitem{LUA-REF-MAN} Lua.org, % \emph{Lua 5.3 Reference Manual}, % Lua.org, 2016 % % \bibitem{TLT-TLS} Package \texttt{latex}: The LaTeX Team, % \emph{The \hologo{LaTeX2e} Sources}, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/source2e.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/base/source2e.pdf}}, 2020-02-02 % % \bibitem{TL3T-TLS} Package \texttt{l3kernel}: The LaTeX3 Team, % \emph{The \hologo{LaTeX}3 Sources}, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/source3.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/source3.pdf}}, 2020-07-17 % % \bibitem{TL3T-TLI} Package \texttt{l3kernel}: The LaTeX3 Team, % \emph{The \hologo{LaTeX}3 Interfaces}, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/l3kernel/interface3.pdf}}, 2020-07-17 % % \bibitem{TLT-LRM} Package \texttt{luatex}: The LuaTeX Team, % \hologo{LuaTeX} Reference Manual, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/doc/luatex/luatex.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:systems/doc/luatex/luatex.pdf}}, 2020 % % \bibitem{WR-KH-KB-XRG} Package \texttt{xetexref}: Will Robertson, Khaled Hosny, and Karl Berry, % \hologo{XeTeX} reference guide, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/xetexref/xetex-reference.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:info/xetexref/xetex-reference.pdf}}, 2019-12-09 % % \bibitem{JQ-AX} Package \texttt{xetex}: Jonathan Kew, % About \hologo{XeTeX}, % \href{http://mirrors.ctan.org/systems/doc/xetex/XeTeX-notes.pdf}{\texttt{CTAN:systems/doc/xetex/XeTeX-notes.pdf}}, 2005-10-17 % % \bibitem{NG-TXC} Package \texttt{xetex}: Michel Goossens, % The \hologo{XeTeX} Companion, % \href{http://xml.web.cern.ch/XML/lgc2/xetexmain.pdf}{\texttt{http://xml.web.cern.ch/XML/lgc2/xetexmain.pdf}}, 2009-08-19 % % \bibitem{TEX-STACKEXCHANGE} Website: Stack Exchange: Hot Questions, % \hologo{TeX}-\hologo{LaTeX} Q\&A for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems, % \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com}{\texttt{tex.stackexchange.com}} % % \bibitem{LUATEX-WIKI} Website: LuaTeX Wiki, % \hologo{LuaTeX} Wiki, % \href{http://wiki.luatex.org/index.php/Main\_Page}{\texttt{wiki.luatex.org}} % % \end{thebibliography} % %\end{implementation} % % \ifluatex % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ makeindex -s gind.ist -o \jobname.ind \jobname.idx ]])} % \immediate\directlua{os.execute([[ makeindex -s gglo.ist -o \jobname.gls \jobname.glo ]])} % \fi % \ifxetex % \immediate\write18{makeindex -s gind.ist -o \jobname.ind \jobname.idx} % \immediate\write18{makeindex -s gglo.ist -o \jobname.gls \jobname.glo} % \fi % \PrintIndex % %\PrintChanges % \Finale