% file: UTthesis.tex (TeXsis version 2.17) % $Revision: 1.2 $ : $Date: 1996/04/22 16:51:10 $ : $Author: myers $ %======================================================================* % \UTthesis complies with the UT Graduate School requirements for % a thesis, including putting the page number up in the text on the % first page of a chapter. To do this we create a new insert, called % \folioins, and redefine part of Plain TeX's \output routines % to include this insert. Then we also put a \mark on the page % to suppress the page numbering in the headline. I know it's % complicated, but it does what UT wants. -EAM \newinsert\folioins % insert for page numbers \skip\folioins=1cm % size of page number insert \count\folioins=1000 % magnification factor (1 to 1) \dimen\folioins=8in % maximum insert per page \def\UTthesis{% \texsis % initialize TeXsis basics \hoffset=0.50in % for binding margin 1.5in \hsize=5.75in % gives 1.25in right margin \voffset=0.4in % makes 1.5in top margin \vsize=8.25in % makes 1.25in bottom margin \headlineoffset=-1.5pt % move page numbers DOWN from normal \RunningHeadsfalse % UT does not want running heads % \ContentsSwitchtrue % be sure to make a Table of Contents \def\Tbf{\sixteenpoint\bf}% % Chapter Titles in 16pt bold \def\tbf{\twelvepoint\bf}% % Section titles in 12pt bold \twelvepoint % 12pt type for the text \doublespaced % double spacing \autoparens % auto-sizing of parens ON \quoteon % auto quote matching ON % \def\titlepage{% % \book title page \begingroup % any changes local \pageno=-1 % start on page i \let\endmode=\relax % \endmode will end a field \def\FootText{\relax}}% % no number on title page \def\endtitlepage{% % end title page for \book \endmode % end any open field \vfil\eject % end title page \endgroup % close group from \titlepage \pageno=1}% % reset page number to 1 % \def\abstract{% % no "ABSTRACT" title \bigskip\bigskip\medskip % skip down some \bgroup\doublespaced\narrower\narrower } % -- \chapter puts the page number in a \folioins insert \def\afterchapter{\SpecialPage} \def\SpecialPage{\ifnum\pageno>0 \@Mark{\ChapterTitle}% mark on the page inhibits page # headline \insert\folioins{\insertfolio}\fi} % insert below text % to get the page number up in the text area on the first page % of refereces do \SpecialPage\ListReferences \def\@insertfolio{\line{\hfill-- \folio\ --\hfill}% \gdef\insertfolio{\relax}} % THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! \def\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % turn it ON for starters % -- only display page number in headline if positive, footline if negative \def\PageNumber{\ifnum\pageno<0\else \folio \fi} \def\FootLine{\ifnum\pageno<0 \line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}\fi} \footline={\FootLine} % % -- re-define \pagecontents from plain to get \folioins if not void \def\pagecontents{% \ifvoid\topins\else\unvbox\topins\fi \dimen@=\dp\@cclv \unvbox\@cclv % open up \box255 \ifvoid\footins\else % footnote info is present \vskip\skip\footins \footnoterule \unvbox\footins\fi \ifvoid\folioins\else % page number insert is present \vskip\skip\folioins \unvbox\folioins\fi \gdef\insertfolio{\@insertfolio} % re-enable for next page \ifr@ggedbottom \kern-\dimen@ \vfil \fi} % -- Note: to get the page number raised into the text area for the % front pages (roman numeral / negative numbers) you % will have to say \FrontPages to change the page layout. % Remember, front pages are actually printed AFTER the document. \def\FrontPages{\headline={}% % no headlines \advance\vsize by -\skip\folioins \advance\vsize by -10pt \footline={\line{\hss -- \folio\ -- \hss}}} % page number at bottom }% end of \UTthesis \let\thesis=\UTthesis %>>> EOF UTthesis.tex <<<