BibTeX support for TeXsis ========================= TeXsis 2.17 will have basic support for BibTeX, which is an automated bibliography database tool for TeX. This directory contains some supporting files which you will need (texsis.bst) or which you can use to test your installation (bibtest.tex and the files is uses). The file texsis.bst is a BibTeX style file which tells BibTeX how to output references in the TeXsis format. You will need to have this somewhere on your system, either your working directory or the system area where bibtex looks for such things. To tell bibtex to use this file you should include the command \ReferenceStyle{texsis} somewhere in your TeXsis manuscript file (without the .bst extension). To tell BibTeX the bibliography (.bib) files it should scan, and to include any .bbl files bibtex has already created, use the \ReferenceFiles{} command, somewhere early in your manuscript file. (Note: LaTeX would have you do this at the end, with the \bibliography{} command, so this is different.) For example, bibtest.tex uses \ReferenceStyle{texsis} \ReferenceFiles{unix,internet,mylist} to search unix.bib, internet.bib, and mylist.bib. To create a list of references you should use the TeXsis \ListReference command, as usual (see TeXsis manual). After running TeXsis once, you should run BibTeX, and TeXsis again. Done! You can try with the example file bibtest.tex: texsis bibtest bibtex bibtest texsis bibtest There is also a LaTeX example file, lbibtest.tex, but you have to run it through LaTeX *twice* after running bibtex. BibTeX support for TeXsis grew out of a patch to TeXsis by Bernd Dammann, which he called TXSbib.tex. It is included here, but you should not need it after TeXsis 2.17. However, you may find his notes useful (see the file README.TXSbib.tex), and you can get the complete TXSbib.tex package in one file, called txsbib.shar, if you really want it. Bernd also created texsis.bst, so he deserves much thanks. You can send him a nice note at 10 January 1997