- the dvd::rip project http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/ - the Sympa mailing list manager http://www.sympa.org/ - the public key infrastructure (PKI) OpenCA http://www.openca.org/ - the Lire log file analysis tool http://www.logreport.org/ - the GPG key-signing utility gpgsigs http://www.palfrader.org/gpgsigs - (the build script for) the TortoiseCVS CVS frontend http://www.tortoisecvs.org/ - the pure Perl implementation of the Twofish algorithm http://search.cpan.org/~guido/Crypt-Twofish_PP/ - the Imperia enterprise content management system http://www.imperia.net/ - the Imperia mailing list archive http://ml.imperia.org/ - the pimp Photo Importer http://www.grawert.net/software/pimp/ - midcat, concatenate MIDI files to stdout http://ptaff.ca/midcat/?lang=en_CA - Luci is the University of New Brunswick, Canada's enterprise website accessibility solution and requires libintl-perl via Crypt::Twofish_PP http://luci.sourceforge.net/ - gwine, the Gnome wine cellar management tool http://home.gna.org/gwine/ - gtestrunner (Test-Unit-GTestRunner), a unit test GUI http://search.cpan.org/~guido/Test-Unit-GTestRunner/ - hdico, search a definition in the Hachette dictionary http://svn.naquadah.org/listing.php?repname=hdico&path=%2F&rev=0&sc=0 - IWL, a GUI toolkit for html http://search.cpan.org/~viktork/IWL/