# xintsession README # Release: 0.2a (2021-05-06) ## Usage ## xintsession.tex is to be used with etex (or pdftex or the other engines with Plain as preloaded format) *interactively on the command line*. It will load [xintexpr](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xint) and [polexpr](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/polexpr) (its version `0.8` or later is needed). You need 2 steps to start a session: 1. execute `etex xintsession`, or if available, `rlwrap etex xintsession` to benefit from arrow keys navigation and other improvements such as parentheses highlighting. Alternatively, execute `rlwrap etex` and enter `xintsession` at the `**` prompt. One can also use the `-jobname` option of `etex` at this step. 2. a welcome message is printed, hit the `RET` key at the `*` prompt. The above explanations have been tested on a Unixen (Mac OS), and probably `rlwrap` is not available on all platforms, but it is not a requirement. At my locale I added `alias xs="rlwrap etex xintsession"` to my `.bashrc` so I only have to type `xs` at the command line. You are now ready to make computations! Here is a sample session (spaces do not matter): (Please type a command or say `\end') * 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5; (@_1) 137/60 * @_^3 ; (@_2) 2571353/216000 * add(1/i, i=1..50); (@_3) 13943237577224054960759/3099044504245996706400 *&fp fp mode (16 digits) * @_; (@_4) 4.499205338329425 * add(1/i, i=1..1000); (@_5) 7.485470860550346 *&bye Did I say something wrong? Session transcript written on xintsession-210413_20h24.tex No pages of output. Transcript written on xintsession.log. As this example shows, the computational engine can work in various modes: exact, fp, int, and pol. Say `&fp=number` at the prompt to activate floating point mode with `number` as Digits (scientific functions implemented up to 62 digits at xint 1.4e). If ill-formed input drops you into TeX error interaction mode, try hitting `S` it may work to bring you back to normal session. For important explanations, enter `&help` at the prompt. ## License ## Copyright (c) 2021 Jean-François Burnol See documentation of package [xintexpr](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/xint) for contact information. This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c. This version of this license is in > and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This Work has the LPPL maintenance status author-maintained. The Author of this Work is Jean-François Burnol. This Work consists of the package files xintsession.tex and README.md