%*** this is file PHYSUPDT as of 1988.04.06 *** %*** modifications and updates to PHYS-TeX version 1.0 *** % %*** make sure this file is read once and only once !! % \ifx\resetpar\undefined \wlog{* don't read the file physupdt twice !! *}% \expandafter\endinput\fi \resetpar % restore definition of \par \def\fmtupdt{1.3.0} % identifies the current update version \wlog{* modifications and updates as of 1988.04.11 *} \ifx\userid\undefined \def\userid{YOUR~USERID}\fi \def\wlog#1{} % suppress allocation messages \catcode`\@=11 %*** physorg *** %*** physmain *** %*** physfont *** %*** load am... or cm... fonts according to PLAIN's selection *** %\font\sevensl=\font@sel sl7 %not included in physe (check for TFM first) %*** sizes *** \def\modtwelvepoint{\modtwelve@point \let\normal@spacing\twelve@spacing \set@spacing \let\big=\modtwelvebig \let\Big=\modtwelveBig \let\bigg=\modtwelvebigg \let\Bigg=\modtwelveBigg} \def\modtwelvebig#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to9.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\modtwelveBig#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to12.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\modtwelvebigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to15.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} \def\modtwelveBigg#1{{\hbox{$\left#1\vbox to18.5\p@{}\right.\n@space$}}} %*** fonts for sizes *** \def\modtwelve@point{\set@fonts twelve nine eight } %let 8 ->7 if tfm's avail. %*** macros for sizes *** \def\modlarge{\par \bgroup \modtwelvepoint \after@arg\@size} \def\MODLARGE#1{{\modtwelve@point #1}} %*** phystext *** %*** physpage *** %*** physchap *** %*** physequ *** %*** physstor *** %*** physfig *** %*** physpict *** %*** ProPLOT macros *** \outer\def\ProPLOTfigs{\glet\ProPLOTpfig\pr@pfig \glet\ProPLOTlfig\pr@lfig} \outer\def\noProPLOTfigs{\glet\ProPLOTpfig\nopr@fig \glet\ProPLOTlfig\nopr@fig} \def\pr@pfig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}} \dimen\z@=#3 \advance\dimen\z@ by #4 \wd\z@=#2 \ht\z@=\dimen\z@ \dp\z@=\z@ \lower#4\box\z@ \egroup} \def\pr@lfig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\null \dimen\z@=#3 \advance\dimen\z@ by #4 \wd\z@=#2 \ht\z@=#3 \dp\z@=#4 \box\z@ \wd\z@=\z@ \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}} \lower#4\box\z@ \egroup} %\def\pr@fig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \setbox\z@\hbox{\special{ps: plotfile #1}}% % \lower#4\copy\z@ \hskip#2\raise#3\box\z@ \egroup} \def\nopr@fig#1#2#3#4{\hbox\bgroup \write\m@ne{Insert ProPLOT Output File: #1}% \frame{#2}{#3}{#4}\egroup} \ProPLOTfigs %set the default %*** phystab *** %*** phystabl *** %*** physref *** %*** physjrnl *** %*** phystoc *** %*** physfoot *** %*** physitem *** %*** physmath *** %*** physsave *** \def\save@type{.sav } % file type for save and restore % modified from .texsave to .sav for PC use %*** physinst *** %*** physorg (options which must be set after defining macros) *** \def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % restore PLAIN's definition \catcode`\@=12 % @ signs are no longer letters %*** end of file PHYSUPDT ***