%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \_langdata {Language dependent data <2022-02-19>} % only en, cs preloaded in format \_langdata en {English} % ----------------------------------------------- \_langw en Chapter Table Figure Subject \_langb en {, and } { et al.} { ed.} {cit.~} {Vol.~} {No.~} {pp.~} {~p.} {,~ed.} {,~eds.} {Available from } {Available also from } {Bachelor's Thesis} {Master's Thesis} {Ph.D. Thesis} \_monthw en January February March April May June July August September October November December \_sdef{_mt:today:en}{\_mtext{m\_the\_month} \_the\_day, \_the\_year} \_quotationmarks en {“”‘’} \_let \_sortingdataen = \_sortingdatacs % it can be shared with Czech \_let \_ignoredcharsen = \_ignoredcharscs \_def \_compoundcharsen {} \_langdata cs {Czech} % ------------------------------------------------ % Chapter Table Figure Subject \_langw cs Kapitola Tabulka Obrázek Věc % {, and } { et al.} { ed.} {cit.~} {Vol.~} {No.~} {pp.~} {~p.} {,~ed.} {,~eds.} % {Available from } {Available also from } % {Bachelor's Thesis} {Master's Thesis} {Ph.D. Thesis} \_langb cs { a } { a~kol.} { vyd.} {vid.~} {ročník~} {č.~} {s.~} {~s.} {,~editor} {,~editoři} {Dostupné na } {Dostupné též na } {Bakalářská práce} {Diplomová práce} {Disertační práce} % January February March April May June % July August September October November December \_monthw cs ledna února března dubna května června července srpna září října listopadu prosince \_sdef{_mt:today:cs}{\_the\_day.~\_mtext{m\_the\_month} \_the\_year} % date format \_quotationmarks cs {„“‚‘} %\_def\_sortingdatacs {...} % all these macros are preloaded in the format, %\_def\_compoundcharscs {...} % see section 2.33 or file makeindex.tex. %\_def\_ignoredcharscs {...} \_langdata de {German} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw de Kapitel Tabelle Abbildung Betreff \_quotationmarks de {„“‚‘} % todo \_langdata it {Italian} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw it Capitolo Tabella Fig. Oggetto \_monthw it gennaio febbraio marzo aprile maggio giugno luglio agosto settembre ottobre novembre dicembre \_quotationmarks it {“”«»} % todo \_langdata es {Spanish} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw es Capítulo Tabla Figura Sujeto \_quotationmarks es {“”«»} % todo \_langdata fr {French} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw fr Chapitre Tableau Figure Matière \_quotationmarks fr {“”«»} % toto \_langdata pl {Polish} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw pl Rozdział Tabela Ilustracja Temat \_quotationmarks pl {“”«»} % todo \_langdata el {Greek} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw el Κεφάλαιο Πίνακας Σχήμα θέμα \_quotationmarks el {“”«»} % todo \_langdata ru {Russian} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw ru Глава Таблица Рисунок Предмет \_quotationmarks ru {“”«»} % todo \_langdata sk {Slovak} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw sk Kapitola Tabuľka Obrázok Vec \_langb sk { a } { a~kol.} { vyd.} {vid.~} {ročník~} {č.~} {s.~} {~s.} {,~editor} {,~editori} {Dostupné na } {Dostupné tiež na } {Bakalárska práca} {Diplomová práca} {Dizertačná práca} \_monthw sk januára februára marca apríla mája júna júla augusta septembra októbra novembra decembra \_sdef{_mt:today:sk}{\_the\_day.~\_mtext{m\_the\_month} \_the\_year} % date format \_quotationmarks sk {„“‚‘} \_let \_sortingdatask = \_sortingdatacs % it can be shared with Czech \_let \_compoundcharssk = \_compoundcharscs \_let \_ignoredcharssk = \_ignoredcharscs \_langdata pt {Portuguese} % ------------------------------------------------ \_langw pt Capítulo Tabela Figura Assunto \_monthw pt janeiro fevereiro março abril maio junho julho agosto setembro outubro novembro dezembro \_sdef{_mt:today:pt}{\_the\_day~de \_mtext{m\_the\_month}~ de \_the\_year} % todo \_endcode 2022-02-19: concept finalized, but data still far of competness 2022-02-04: released