%% This is part of the OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \tenrm {Latin Modern fonts (EC) preloaded <2020-01-23>} % preloaded in format % Only few text fonts are preloaded: \_font\_tenrm=ec-lmr10 % roman text \_font\_tenbf=ec-lmbx10 % boldface extended \_font\_tenit=ec-lmri10 % text italic \_font\_tenbi=ec-lmbxi10 % bold italic \_font\_tentt=ec-lmtt10 % typewriter \_tenrm \_public \tenrm \tenbf \tenit \tenbi \tentt ; \_endcode %--------------------------------------------------- The format in lua\TeX/ can download only non-Unicode fonts. Latin Modern EC is loaded here. These fonts are totally unusable in LuaTeX when languages with out of ASCII or ISO-8859-1 alphabets are used (for example Czech). We load only a few 8bit fonts here especially for simple testing the format. But, if the user needs to do more serious work, he/she can use `\fontfam` macro to load a selected font family of Unicode fonts. We have a dilemma: when the Unicode fonts cannot be preloaded in the format then the basic font set can be loaded by `\everyjob`. But why to load a set of fonts at the beginning of every job when it is highly likely that the user will load something completely different. Our decision is: there is a basic 8bit font set in the format (for testing purposes only) and the user should load a Unicode font family at beginning of the document. The fonts selectors \`\tenrm`, \`\tenbf`, \`\tenit`, \`\tenbi`, \`\tentt` are declared as `\public` here but only for backward compatibility. We don't use them in the Font Selection System. But the protected versions of these control sequences are used in the Font Selection System.