\fontfam[LMfonts] \margins/1 a5 (1,1,1,1.4)cm % A5 paper + 1cm margins \typosize[9/10.5] % 9pt font / 10.5pt baselineskip \parindent=10pt % typesetting parameters \hyperlinks \Blue\Blue % active hyperlinks \activettchar` % in-text verbatim by `...` \everyintt={\Red} % in-text verbatim Red \enquotes % use \"text" for English quotation \tit Demonstration \nonum\notoc\sec Contents \maketoc % Table of Contents is auto-generated here \sec Lists The lists have to be surrounded by `\begitems` and `\enditems` sequences. \begitems * First item. * Second item. \begitems \style i * Nested item list, * numbered by roman numerals. \enditems * Last item. \enditems \secc Title of\nl Subsection The subsection text\dots \sec References There is a numbered equation. The number is auto-generated by `\eqmark` sequence. $$\label[my-eq] a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \eqmark $$ We can refer to Equation~\ref[my-eq] on page~\pgref[my-eq]. We can refer to Table~\ref[my-tab] in Section~\ref[tab-sec] too. And Figure~\ref[my-pic] is on page~\pgref[my-pic]. \sec Hyperlinks You can refer to \url{http://petr.olsak.net} using `\url`. Or use `\ulink` if the raw URL needs to be hidden: \ulink[http://petr.olsak.net/optex]{\OpTeX/ page}. The parameter text is colorized and it becomes an active link if the `\hyperlinks` sequence is used at the beginning of the document. Internal links are activated too. \sec[tab-sec] Tables The `\table` sequence can be used instead of \"low level" `\halign`. The following table is framed by `\frame` sequence in order to get a double frame. \bigskip \caption/t [my-tab] Testing table. \cskip \centerline{% \frame{\table{|r|c|l|}{\crl \bf Title A & \bf Title B & \bf Title C \crll first & second & third \cr next & text & last \crl }}} \sec Images The images (PDF, JPG, PNG, TIFF) can be inserted by `\inspic` sequence. The `\caption` can be added if you need to refer to a figure. \label[my-pic] \centerline {\picwidth=2.7cm \inspic{op-ring.png}} \cskip \caption/f The nonempty ideal of a simple ring -- the ring itself. \sec Verbatim In-text verbatim is surrounded by the character declared by `\activettchar` sequence. The listing can be surrounded by `\begtt` and `\endtt` sequences \begtt This is verbatim. All characters are printed $$, \, # etc. \endtt or it can be included by `\verbinput` from external file. \verbinput (96-98) op-demo.tex \sec Math The Math alphabets `\mit`, `\cal`, `\script`, `\frak`, `\bbchar`, `\bi` are provided. For example: $$ {\bi A} = \pmatrix {\cal C & \script C \cr \frak M & \bbchar R }. $$ Hundreds of AMS symbols are available: $\sphericalangle, \boxplus, \Cup, \Cap, \ldots$ \sec Others The `\fontfam` command selects a desired family of fonts. The `\typosize` or `\typoscale` sequences set the size and baselineskip of used fonts (including math fonts). The `\fnote` generates a footnote\fnote{Like this} and `\mnote` generates a margin note. The `\margins` sets margins and paper dimensions. The `\cite` sequence can be used for bibliographic citations. The `\bib` sequence creates one bibliography record. Or you can use `\usebib` for direct access to the {\tt.bib} files. The list of features does not end here\dots \bye