%% This is part of OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \newif {Special if-macros, is-macros and loops <2020-01-23>} % \newif like in plain\TeX/: \_def\_newif #1{\_ea\_newifA \_string #1\_relax#1} \_ea\_def \_ea\_newifA \_string\if #1\_relax#2{% \_sdef{#1true}{\_let#2=\_iftrue}% \_sdef{#1false}{\_let#2=\_iffalse}% \_let#2=\_iffalse } \_def\_newifi #1{\_ea\_newifiA \string#1\_relax#1} \_ea\_def \_ea\_newifiA \string\_if #1\_relax#2{% \_sdef{_#1true}{\_let#2=\_iftrue}% \_sdef{_#1false}{\_let#2=\_iffalse}% \_let#2=\_iffalse } % \loop like in plain\TeX/: \_def \_loop #1\_repeat{\_def\_body{#1}\_iterate} \_def \loop #1\repeat{\_def\_body{#1}\_iterate} \_let \_repeat=\_fi % this makes \loop...\if...\repeat skippable \_let \repeat=\_fi \_def \_iterate {\_body \_ea \_iterate \_fi} % \isempty{text}\iftrue, \isempty{text}\iffalse: \_def \_isempty #1#2{\_ea\_ifx\_ea\_relax\_detokenize{#1}\_relax \_else \_ea\_unless \_fi #2} \_def \_isnoempty #1#2{\_ea\_ifx\_ea\_relax\_detokenize{#1}\_relax \_ea\_unless \_fi #2} \_def \_istoksempty #1{\_ea\_isempty\_ea{\_the#1}} % \isinlist\list{text}\iftrue, \isinlist\list{text}\false: \_long\_def\_isinlist#1#2{\_begingroup \_long\_def\_tmp##1#2##2\_end/_{\_endgroup\_isnoempty{##2}}% \_ea\_tmp#1\_endlistsep#2\_end/_% } % \isequal{text}{text}\iftrue ... \_def\_isequal#1#2#3{\_directlua{% if "\_luaescapestring{#1}"=="\_luaescapestring{#2}" then else tex.print("\_nbb unless") end}#3} % \ismacro\macro{text}\iftrue ... \_def\_ismacro#1{\_ea\_isequal\_ea{#1}} % \isnextchar {exec if true}{exec if false} \_long\_def\_isnextchar#1#2#3{\_begingroup\_toks0={\_endgroup#2}\_toks1={\_endgroup#3}% \_let\_tmp=#1\_futurelet\_next\_isnextcharA } \_def\_isnextcharA{\_the\_toks\_ifx\_tmp\_next0\_else1\_fi\_space} % \isfile{name}\iftrue \_newread \_testin \_def\_isfile #1{% \_openin\_testin =#1 \_ifeof\_testin \_ea\_unless \_else \_closein\_testin \_fi } % \removespaces text with spaces {} -> textwithspaces \_def\_removespaces #1 {\_isempty{#1}\_iffalse #1\_ea\_removespaces\_fi} \_public \newif \isempty \istoksempty \isinlist \isnextchar \isfile \ismacro \isequal \removespaces ; \_endcode %--------------------------------------------------------- The `\newif` macro works like in plain\TeX. It means that after `\newif\ifxxx` you can use `\xxxtrue` or `\xxxfalse` to set the boolean value and use `\ifxxx true\else false\fi` to test this value. The defalut value is false. The macro `\_newifi` enables to declare `\_ifxxx` and to use `\_xxxtrue` and `\_xxxfalse`. This means that it is usable for _prefixed macros. The `\loop \ifsomething \repeat` loops ` ` until `\ifsomething` is false. Then `` is not executed and loop is finished. This works like in plain\TeX. The macro `\isempty{}\iftrue \else \fi` executes if is empty and if it is nonempty. You can use `\isempty{}\iffalse \else \fi` too. This macro is expandable. The macro `\isinlist\list{}\iftrue` acts like `\iftrue` if the `` is included the macro body of `\list`. Else it acts like `\ifflase`. You can write `\isinlist\list{}\iffalse` to reverse the boolean value of this condition. THe macro is not expandable. The macro `\isnextchar {}{}` executes `` if next character is equal to . Else the `` is executed. The macro is not expandable.