%% This is part of OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \nopagenumbers {Output routine <2020-03-28>} % preloaded in format \_doc ----------------------------- \`\_optexoutput` is default output routine. You can create another... \_cod ----------------------------- \_output={\_optexoutput} \_def \_optexoutput{\_begoutput \_shipout\_completepage \_endoutput} \_doc ----------------------------- Default \`\_begoutput` and \`\_endoutput` is defined. If you need another functionality implemented in the output routine, you can \^`\addto``\_begoutput{...}` or \^`\addto``\_endoutput{...}`. The settings here is local in the `\output` group. The \`\_prepoffsets` can set `\hoffset` differently for left or right page. It is re-defined by the \^`\margins` macro.. The \^`\_regmark` tokens list includes accumulated `#2` from the \^`\regmacro`. Logos and another macros are re-defined here (locally) for their usage in headlines or footlines. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def \_begoutput{\_incr\_gpageno \_immediate\_wref\_Xpage{{\_the\_gpageno}{\_folio}}% \_prepoffsets \_the\_regmark} % \_def \_endoutput{\_advancepageno {\_globaldefs=1 \_the\_nextpages \_nextpages={}}% \_ifnum\_outputpenalty>-20000 \_else\_dosupereject\_fi } \_def \_prepoffsets {} \_doc ----------------------------- \`\gpageno` counts pages from one in whole document \_cod ----------------------------- \_newcount\_gpageno \_public \gpageno ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\_completepage` is similar what plain \TeX/ does in its output routine. New is only \`\_backgroundbox`. It is `\vbox` with zero height with its contents (from \^`\pgbackground`) llaped down. It is shifted directly to the left-upper corner of the paper. The \`\_ensureblack` sets the typesetting of its parameter locally to `\Black` color. We needn't do this if colors are never used in the document. So, default value of the `\_ensureblack` macro is empty. But first usage of color macros in the document re-defines `\_ensureblack`. See the section~\ref[colors] for more details. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_completepage{\_vbox{% \_istoksempty \_pgbackground \_iffalse \_ensureblack{\_backgroundbox{\_the\_pgbackground}}\_nointerlineskip \_fi \_ensureblack{\_makeheadline}% \_vbox to\_vsize {\_boxmaxdepth=\_maxdepth \_pagecontents}% \pagebody in plainTeX \_ensureblack{\_makefootline}}% } \_def \_ensureblack #1{#1} % will be re-defined by color macros \_let \_openfnotestack = \_relax % will be re-defined by color macros \_def \_backgroundbox #1{\_moveleft\_hoffset\_vbox to0pt{\_kern-\_voffset #1\_vss}} \_doc ----------------------------- \`\_makeheadline` creates `\vbox to0pt` with its contents (the \^`\headline`) shifted by \^`\headlinedist` up. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_makeheadline {\_istoksempty \_headline \_iffalse \_vbox to0pt{\_vss \_baselineskip=\_headlinedist \_lineskiplimit=-\_maxdimen \_line{\_the\_headline}\_hbox{}}\_nointerlineskip \_fi } \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\_makefootline` appends the \^`\footline` to the page-body box. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_makefootline{\_istoksempty \_footline \_iffalse \_baselineskip=\_footlinedist \_lineskiplimit=-\_maxdimen \_line{\_the\_footline} \_fi } \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\_pagecontents` is similar as in plain \TeX/. The only differnece is that the \`\_pagedest` is inserted at the top of `\_pagecontents` and \^`\_ensureblack` is applied to the \^`\topins` and \^`\footins` material.\nl The \`\_footnoterule` is defined here. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_pagecontents{\_pagedest % destination of the page \_ifvoid\_topins \_else \_ensureblack{\_unvbox\_topins}\_fi \_dimen0=\_dp255 \_unvbox255 % open up \box255 \_ifvoid\_footins \_else % footnote info is present \_vskip\_skip\_footins \_ensureblack{\_footnoterule \_openfnotestack \_unvbox\_footins}\_fi \_kern-\_dimen0 \_vskip \_pgbottomskip } \_def \_pagedest {{\_def\_destheight{25pt}\_dest[pg:\_the\_gpageno]}} \_def \_footnoterule {\_kern-3pt \_hrule width 2truein \_kern 2.6pt } \_doc ----------------------------- \`\pageno`, \`\folio`, \`\nopagenumbers`, \`\advancepageno` and \`\normalbottom` used in the context of the output routine from plain \TeX/ is defined here. Only the \`\raggedbottom` macro is defined differently. We use the \^`\pgbottomskip` register here which is set to 0\,pt by default. \_cod ----------------------------- \_countdef\_pageno=0 \_pageno=1 % first page is number 1 \_def \_folio {\_ifnum\_pageno<0 \_romannumeral-\_pageno \_else \_number\_pageno \_fi} \_def \_nopagenumbers {\_footline={}} \_def \_advancepageno {% \_ifnum\_pageno<0 \_global\_advance\_pageno by-1 \_else \_incr\_pageno \_fi } % increase |pageno| \_def \_raggedbottom {\_topskip=\_dimexpr\_topskip plus60pt \_pgbottomskip=0pt plus1fil\_relax} \_def \_normalbottom {\_topskip=\_dimexpr\_topskip \_pgbottomskip=0pt\_relax} \_public \pageno \folio \nopagenumbers \advancepageno \raggedbottom \normalbottom ; \_doc ----------------------------- Macros for footnotes are the same as in plain \TeX. There is only one difference: \`\vfootnote` is implemented as \`\_opfootnote` with empty parameter `#1`. This parameter should do a local settings inside the \`\footins` group and it does it when `\fnote` macro is used.\nl The `\_opfootnote` nor `\vfootnote` don't take the footnote text as a parameter. This is due to user can do catcode settings (like inline verbatim) in the footnote text. This idea is adapted from plain \TeX.\nl The \`\footnote` and \`\footstrut` is defined as in plain \TeX/. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newinsert\_footins \_def \_footnote #1{\_let\_osf=\_empty % parameter #2 (the text) is read later \_ifhmode \_edef\_osf{\_spacefactor\_the\_spacefactor}\/\_fi #1\_osf\_vfootnote{#1}} \_def\_vfootnote{\_opfootnote{}} \_def \_opfootnote #1#2{\_insert\_footins\_bgroup \_interlinepenalty=\_interfootnotelinepenalty \_leftskip=0pt \_rightskip=0pt \_spaceskip=0pt \_xspaceskip=0pt \_relax \_let\_colorstackcnt=\_fnotestack % special color stack for footnotes #1\_relax % local settings used by \fnote macro \_splittopskip=\_ht\_strutbox % top baseline for broken footnotes \_splitmaxdepth=\_dp\_strutbox \_floatingpenalty=20000 \_textindent{#2}\_footstrut \_isnextchar \_bgroup {\_bgroup \_aftergroup\_vfootA \_afterassignment\_ignorespaces \_let\_next=}{\_vfootB}% } \_def\_vfootA{\_unskip\_strut\_isnextchar\_colorstackpop\_closefncolor\_vfootF} \_def\_vfootB #1{#1\_uskip\_strut\_vfootF} \_def\_vfootF{\_egroup} % close \_insert\_footins\_bgroup \_def\_closefncolor#1{#1\_isnextchar\_colorstackpop\_closefncolor\_vfootF} \_def \_footstrut {\_vbox to\_splittopskip{}} \_skip\_footins=\_bigskipamount % space added when footnote is present \_count\_footins=1000 % footnote magnification factor (1 to 1) \_dimen\_footins=8in % maximum footnotes per page \_public \footins \footnote \vfootnote \footstrut ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\topins` macros \`\topinsert`, \`\midinsert`, \`\pageinsert`, \`\endinsert` are the same as in plain \TeX/. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newinsert\_topins \_newifi\_ifupage \_newifi\_ifumid \_def \_topinsert {\_umidfalse \_upagefalse \_oins} \_def \_midinsert {\_umidtrue \_oins} \_def \_pageinsert {\_umidfalse \_upagetrue \_oins} \_skip\_topins=\_zoskip % no space added when a topinsert is present \_count\_topins=1000 % magnification factor (1 to 1) \_dimen\_topins=\_maxdimen % no limit per page \_def \_oins {\_par \_begingroup\_setbox0=\_vbox\_bgroup} % start a \_vbox \_def \_endinsert {\_par\_egroup % finish the \_vbox \_ifumid \_dimen0=\_ht0 \_advance\_dimen0 by\_dp0 \_advance\_dimen0 by\_baselineskip \_advance\_dimen0 by\_pagetotal \_advance\_dimen0 by-\_pageshrink \_ifdim\_dimen0>\_pagegoal \_umidfalse \_upagefalse \_fi \_fi \_ifumid \_bigskip \_box0 \_bigbreak \_else \_insert \_topins {\_penalty100 % floating insertion \_splittopskip=0pt \_splitmaxdepth=\_maxdimen \_floatingpenalty=0 \_ifupage \_dimen0=\_dp0 \_vbox to\_vsize {\_unvbox0 \_kern-\_dimen0}% depth is zero \_else \_box0 \_nobreak \_bigskip \_fi}\_fi\_endgroup} \_public \topins \topinsert \midinsert \pageinsert \endinsert ; \_doc ----------------------------- The \`\draft` macro is an example of usage `\_pgbackground` to create water color marks. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def \_draft {\_pgbackground={\_draftbox{\_draftfont DRAFT}}% \_fontdef\_draftfont{\_setfontsize{at10pt}\_bf}% \_global\_let\_draftfont=\_draftfont } \_def \_draftbox #1{\_setbox0=\_hbox{#1}% \_kern.5\_vsize \_kern4.5\_wd0 \_hbox to0pt{\_kern.5\_hsize \_kern-1\_wd0 \_pdfsave \_pdfrotate{55}\_pdfscale{10}{10}% \_hbox to0pt{\_localcolor\LightGrey \_box0\_hss}% \_pdfrestore \_hss}% } \_public \draft ; \_endcode % ------------------------------------- The output routine \^`\_optexoutput` is similar as in plain \TeX. It does: \begitems * \^`\_begoutput` which does: \begitems * increments \^`\gpageno`, * prints `\_Xpage{}{}` to the `.ref` file (if \^`\openref` is active), * calculates `\hoffset`, * sets local meaning of macros used in headlines/footlines (see \^`\regmacro`). \enditems * `\shipout`\^`\_completepage`, which is `\vbox` of -- \begitems * backrground box, if \^`\pgbackground` is non-empty, * headline box by \^`\_makeheadline`, if the \^`\headline` is nonempty, * `\vbox to\vsize` of \^`\_pagecontents` which cosnists of -- \begitems * \^`\_pagedest`, the page destination `pg:` for hyperlinks is created here, * \^`\topins` box if non-empty (from \^`\topinsert`s), * `\box255` with completed vertical material from main vertical mode, * \^`\_footnoterule` and \^`\footins` box if nonempty (from \^`\fnote`, \^`\footnote`), * \^`\pgbottomskip` (default is 0\,pt). \enditems * footline box by `\_makefootline`, if the \^`\footline` is nonempty \enditems * \^`\_endoutput` which does: \begitems * increments \^`\pageno` using \^`\advancepageno` * runs output routine repeatedly if \^`\dosupereject` is activated. \enditems \enditems