%% This is part of OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \_hisyntaxc {Syntax highlighting for C sources <2020-04-03>} \_newtoks \_hisyntaxc \_newtoks \_hicolorsc \_global\_hicolorsc={% colors for C language \_hicolor K \Red % Keywords \_hicolor S \Magenta % Strings \_hicolor C \Green % Comments \_hicolor N \Cyan % Numbers \_hicolor P \Blue % Preprocessor \_hicolor O \Blue % Non-letters } \_global\_hisyntaxc={% \_the\_hicolorsc \_let\c=\_relax \_let\e=\_relax \_let\o=\_relax \_replfromto {/*}{*/} {\x C{/*#1*/}}% /*...*/ \_replfromto {//}{^^J} {\z C{//#1}^^J}% //... \_replfromto {\_string#}{^^J} {\z P{\##1}^^J}% #include ... \_replthis {\_string\"} {{\_string\"}}% \" protected inside strings \_replfromto {"}{"} {\x S{"#1"}}% "..." % \_edef\_tmpa {()\_string{\_string}+-*/=[]<>,:;\_pcent\_string&\_string^|!?}% non-letters \_ea \_foreach \_tmpa \_do {\_replthis{#1}{\n\o#1\n}} \_foreach % keywords {auto}{break}{case}{char}{continue}{default}{do}{double}% {else}{entry}{enum}{extern}{float}{for}{goto}{if}{int}{long}{register}% {return}{short}{sizeof}{static}{struct}{switch}{typedef}{union}% {unsigned}{void}{while} \_do {\_replthis{\n#1\n}{\z K{#1}}} \_replthis{.}{\n.\n} % numbers \_foreach 0123456789 \_do {\_replfromto{\n#1}{\n}{\c#1##1\e}} \_replthis{\e.\c}{.} \_replthis{\e.\n}{.\e} \_replthis{\n.\c}{\c.} \_replthis{e\e\o+\c}{e+}\_replthis{e\e\o-\c}{e-} \_replthis{E\e\o+\c}{E+}\_replthis{E\e\o-\c}{E-} \_def\o#1{\z O{#1}} \_def\c#1\e{\z N{#1}} } \_endcode %------------------------------------------------ Each `hisyntax-.opm` file must declare the token list `\_hisyntax` using `\newtoks` and must ceclare the syntax declaration in it. The second cotken list `\_hicolors` is optional but recommended. User can re-declare his/her own colors by `\hicolors` which has precedence before `\_hicolors`. The public variants can be deacred if you want to give these token lists to the user name space. But it is not explicitly needed. All settings must be global here, because the file is typically read inside a group and we need not to read it repeatedly in before each code chunk again and again. Note that `\foreach` is used to each non-letters (expanded via \string because we needn't to treate with active or special TeX characters). The keyword are applied in the `\foreach` loop too. See `hi-sytax.opm` for more information about `\hicolor`, `\replfromto` and `\replthis` macros.