%% This is part of OpTeX project, see http://petr.olsak.net/optex \_codedecl \printdoc {Macros for documentation printing <2020-04-28>} \_doc ----------------------------- General decalarations. \_cod ----------------------------- \_fontfam[lmfonts] \_hyperlinks \Green \Green \_enlang \_enquotes \_doc ----------------------------- Maybe, somebody needs `\seccc` or `\secccc`? \_cod ----------------------------- \_eoldef\seccc#1{\_medskip \_noindent{\_bf#1}\_par\_nobreak\_firstnoindent} \_def\secccc{\_medskip\_noindent $\_bullet$ } \_doc ----------------------------- `\enddocument` can be redefined. \_cod ----------------------------- \_let\enddocument=\_bye \_doc ----------------------------- Full page of listing causes underfill `\vbox` in output routine. We need to add a small tolerance. \_cod ----------------------------- \_pgbottomskip=0pt plus10pt minus2pt \_doc ----------------------------- The listing mode is implemented here. \_cod ----------------------------- \_newcount \_maxlines \_maxlines=100000 \_public \maxlines ; \_eoldef\_cod#1{\_par \_wipeepar \_vskip\_parskip \_medskip \_ttskip \_begingroup \_typosize[8/10] \_let\_printverbline=\_printcodeline \_ttline=\_inputlineno \_setverb \_ifnum\_ttline<0 \_let\_printverblinenum=\_relax \_else \_initverblinenum \_fi \_adef{ }{\ }\_adef\^^I{\t}\_parindent=\_ttindent \_parskip=0pt \_relax \_ttfont \_endlinechar=`^^J \_def\_tmpb{\_start}% \_readverbline } \_def\_readverbline #1^^J{% \_def\_tmpa{\_empty#1}% \_let\_next=\_readverbline \_ea\_isinlist\_ea\_tmpa\_ea{\_Doc}\_iftrue \_let\_next=\_processinput \_fi \_ea\_isinlist\_ea\_tmpa\_ea{\_Endcode}\_iftrue \_endinput \_let\_next=\_processinput \_fi \_ifx\_next\_readverbline \_addto\_tmpb{#1^^J}\_fi \_next } {\_catcode`\ =13 \_gdef\_aspace{ }}\_def\_asp{\_ea\_noexpand\_aspace} \_edef\_Doc{\_asp\_asp\_bslash _doc} \_edef\_Endcode{\_noexpand\_empty\_bslash _endcode} \_doc ----------------------------- The scanner of the control sequences in the listing mode. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_makecs{\_def\_tmp{}\_futurelet\_next\_makecsA} \_def\_makecsA{\_ifcat a\_noexpand\_next \_ea\_makecsB \_else \_ea\_makecsF \_fi} \_def\_makecsB#1{\_addto\_tmp{#1}\_futurelet\_next\_makecsA} \_def\_makecsF{\_ifx\_tmp\_empty \_csstring\\% \_else \_ifcsname ,\_tmp\_endcsname \_link[cs:\_tmp]{\Blue}{\_csstring\\\_tmp}% \_else \_let\_next=\_tmp \_remfirstunderscore\_next \_ifx\_next\_empty \_let\_next=\_tmp \_fi \_ifcsname ,\_next\_endcsname \_link[cs:\_next]{\Blue}{\_csstring\\\_tmp}% \_else \_csstring\\\_tmp \_fi\_fi\_fi } \_def\_processinput{% \_let\_start=\_relax \_ea\_replstring\_ea\_tmpb\_ea{\_aspace^^J}{^^J} \_addto\_tmpb{\_end}% \_isinlist\_tmpb{\_start^^J}\_iftrue \_advance\_ttline by1\_fi \_replstring\_tmpb{\_start^^J}{\_start}% \_replstring\_tmpb{\_start}{}% \_replstring\_tmpb{^^J\_end}{\_end}% \_replstring\_tmpb{^^J\_end}{}% \_replstring\_tmpb{\_end}{}% \_ea\_prepareverbdata\_ea\_tmpb\_ea{\_tmpb^^J}% \_replthis{\_csstring\\}{\_noexpand\_makecs}% \_ea\_printverb \_tmpb\_end \_par \_endgroup \_ttskip \_isnextchar\_par{}{\_noindent}% } \_doc ----------------------------- The lines in the listing mode have Yellow background. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\Yellow{\_setcmykcolor{0.0 0.0 0.3 0.03}} \_def\_printcodeline#1{\_advance \_maxlines by-1 \_ifnum \_maxlines<0 \_ea \_endverbprinting \_fi \_penalty \_ttpenalty \_kern-4pt \_noindent\_rlap{\Yellow \_vrule height8pt depth5pt width\_hsize}% \_printfilename \_indent \_printverblinenum #1\par} \_def\_printfilename{\_hbox to0pt{% \_hskip\_hsize\vbox to0pt{\_vss\_llap{\Brown\docfile}\_kern7.5pt}\_hss}% \_let\_printfilename=\_relax } \_everytt={\_let\_printverblinenum=\_relax} \_long\_def\_endverbprinting#1\_end{\_fi \_global\_maxlines=100000 \_noindent\_typosize[8/]\_dots etc. (see {\_tt\Brown\docfile})} \_doc ----------------------------- `\docfile` is currently documented file.\nl \`\printdoc` and \`\printdoctail` macros are defined here. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\docfile{} \_def\_printdoc #1 {\_par \_def\docfile{#1}% \_everytt={\_ttshift=-15pt \_let\_printverblinenum=\_relax}% \_ea\_cod \input #1 \_everytt={\_let\_printverblinenum=\_relax}% \_def\docfile{}% } \_def\_printdoctail #1 {\_bgroup \_everytt={}\_ttline=-1 \_ea\_printdoctailA \_input #1 \_egroup} {\_long\_gdef\_printdoctailA#1\_endcode{}} \_public \printdoc \printdoctail ; \_doc ----------------------------- You can do `\verbinuput \vitt{} (-) ` if you need analogical design like in listing mode. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_vitt#1{\_def\docfile{#1}\_ttline=-1 \_everytt={\_typosize[8/10]\_let\_printverbline=\_printcodeline \_medskip}} \_public \vitt ; \_doc ----------------------------- The Index entries are without the trailing backslash. We must to add it when printing Index. \_cod ----------------------------- \_addto \_ignoredcharsen {_} % \foo, \_foo is the same in the fist pass of sorting \_def\_printii #1#2&{% \_ismacro\_lastii{#1}\_iffalse \_newiiletter{#1}{#2}\_def\_lastii{#1}\_fi \_gdef\_currii{#1#2}\_the\_everyii\_noindent \_hskip-\_iindent \_ignorespaces\_printiiA\bslash#1#2//} \_def\_printiipages#1&{\_let\_pgtype=\_undefined \_tmpnum=0 {\_rm\_printpages #1,:,\_par}} \_sdef{_tocl:1}#1#2#3{\_nofirst\_bigskip \_bf\_llaptoclink{#1}{#2}\_hfill \_pgn{#3}\_tocpar\_medskip} \_doc ----------------------------- The \code{} will be print as . \_cod ----------------------------- \_let\lt=< \_catcode`\<=13 \_def<#1>{$\langle\hbox{\it#1\/}\rangle$} \_everyintt{\_catcode`\<=13 } \_doc ----------------------------- If this macro is loaded by \^`\load` then we need to initialize catcodes using the `\_afteroad` macro. \_cod ----------------------------- \_def\_afterload{\_catcode`\<=13 \_catcode`\`=13 } \_doc ----------------------------- Main documentation point and hyperlinks to/from it. \_cod ----------------------------- \_activettchar` \_def\`#1`{\_leavevmode\_edef\_tmp{\_csstring#1}\_iindex{\_tmp}% \_ifcsname cs:\_tmp\_endcsname\_else \_dest[cs:\_tmp]\_fi \_sxdef{cs:\_tmp}{}% \_hbox{\_ifcsname cs:^\_tmp\_endcsname \_link[cs:^\_tmp]{\Red}{\_tt\_csstring\\\_tmp}\_else {\_tt\Red\_csstring\\\_tmp}\_fi}% } \_def\^`#1{\_leavevmode\_edef\_tmp{\_csstring#1}\_iindex{\_tmp}% \_hbox{\_ifcsname cs:^\_tmp\_endcsname \_else \_dest[cs:^\_tmp]\_sxdef{cs:^\_tmp}{}\_fi \_link[cs:\_tmp]{\Blue}{\_tt\_string#1}}% \_futurelet\_next\_cslinkA } \_def\_cslinkA{\_ifx\_next`\_ea\_ignoreit \_else \_ea\_ea\_ea`\_ea\_string\_fi} \_def\~`#1{\_leavevmode\_edef\_tmp{\_csstring#1}\_iindex{\_tmp}% \_hbox{\_link[cs:^\_tmp]{\Blue}{\_tt\_string#1}}% \_futurelet\_next\_cslinkA } \_endcode %------------------------------------------- \noindent The \^`\printdoc` `` and \^`\printdoctail` `` commands are defined after the file `doc.opm` is load by \^`\load`~`[doc]`. The `\printcoc` starts reading of given `` from the second line. The file is read in {\em the listing mode}. The `\prindoctail` starts reading given `` from the first occurrence of the `\_encode`. The file is read in normal mode (like `\input `). The {\em listing mode} prints the lines as listing of a code. This mode is finished when first {\visiblesp` \_doc`} occurs or first `\_endcode` occurs. At least two spaces must precede before such `\_doc`. On the other hand, the `\_encode` must be at the left edge of the line without spaces. If this rule is not met then the listing mode continues. If the first line or the last line of the listing mode is empty then such lines are not printed. The maximal number of printed lines in the listing mode is \^`\maxlines`. Is is set to almost infinity (100000). You can set it to a more sensible value. Such setting is valid only for the first following listing mode. When the listing mode is finished by `\_doc` then next lines are read in the normal way, but the material between `\begtt` ... `\endtt` pair is shifted by three letters left. The reason is that the three spaces of indentation is recommended in the `\_doc` ... `\_cod` pair and this shifting is a compensation of this indentation. The `\_cod` macro ignores the rest of current line and starts the listing mode again. When the listing mode is finished by the `\_endcode` then the `\endinput` is applied, the reading of the file opened by `\printdoc` is finished. You cannot reach the end of the file (without `\_endcode`) in the listing mode. The listing mode creates all control sequences which are listed in the index as active link to the main documentation point of such control sequence and prints them in blue. Other text is printed in black. The main documentation point is denoted by \code{\\`\\}``\code{`} in red, for example \code{\\`\\foo`}. The user documentation point is the first occurrence of \code{\\^`\\}``\code{`}, for example \code{\\^`\\foo`}. There can be more such markups, all of them are hyperlinks to the main documentation point. And main documentation point is hyperlink to the user documentation point, if such point exists. Finally, the \code{\\~`\\}``\code{`} (for example \code{\\~`\\foo`}) are hyperlinks to the user documentation point. \endinput 2020-04-28 \levevmode in \^ macros added (bug fixed) 2020-04-22 released