%% %% This is file `novel-FileData.sty', part of `novel' document class. %% Copyright 2017-2018 Robert Allgeyer. %% %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% \ProvidesFile{novel-FileData.sty}% [2018/04/26 v1.52 LaTeX file (File Data settings)] %% %% File Data, also known as PDF Metadata, is non-printing identifying %% information in the PDF file. Some or all of it can be read by various %% PDF reader software. %% PDF/X is also considered File Data, as it concerns the structure of the %% file and its relationaship to printers, rather than its visible content. %% In principle, you could set the title as empty. But in that case, no other %% File Data will be included, and you cannot have PDF/X compliance. %% There are many more kinds of File Data that a PDF can include, such as %% subject and keywords. But `novel' is specifically for printing to paper, %% not for electronic documents that would be found by database search. %% Thus, there is no provision for such additional File Data. %% When you sign up with a print service, you will provide subject, keywords, %% and description directly to their database, rather than in the PDF. %% No need to set copyright in metadata, since your file is only for use by %% the print service, and is not being distributed as a PDF e-book. %% Your copyright notice is on the printed page, where it should be. %% Particularly note that your print service is NOT the publisher: YOU are! %% FILE DATA (PDF Metadata) %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% % \title{} or \SetTitle{} % Copied to File Data at end of Preamble, unless not set. % Provides \theTitle anywhere. % If not set, PDF cannot conform to PDF/X. \newif \if@HasTitle % true if \SetTitle or \title used \gdef\SetTitle#1{\gdef\@title{#1}} % for stylistic consistency \gdef\title#1{\gdef\@title{#1}} \gdef\thetitle{\@title} % for convenience \gdef\theTitle{\@title} \SetTitle{IMPORTANT: Provide Book Title} % Default v. 1.46.1. Formerly empty. % % \author{} or \SetAuthor{} % Copied to File Data at end of preamble, unless not set. % Provides \theAuthor anywhere. \gdef\SetAuthor#1{\gdef\@author{#1}} % for stylistic consistency \gdef\author#1{\gdef\@author{#1}} \gdef\theauthor{\@author} % for convenience \gdef\theAuthor{\@author} \SetAuthor{} % % \subtitle{} or \SetSubtitle{} (if any) % Not copied to File Data by itself, as there is no such metadata entry. % Provides \theSubtitle anywhere. \gdef\SetSubtitle#1{\gdef\@subtitle{#1}} % for stylistic consistency \gdef\subtitle#1{\gdef\@subtitle{#1}} \gdef\thesubtitle{\@subtitle} % compatibility \gdef\theSubtitle{\@subtitle} \SetSubtitle{} % % \SetApplication{} (rarely used) % Also known as CreatorTool. % Name of the software that created the source document. % Changing this does not change the software, it just changes the information. % Normally leave as default, but can change if urgent. \gdef\SetApplication#1{\gdef\@novelApplication{#1}} \SetApplication{LuaLaTeX with novel and microtype} % default % % \SetProducer{} (rarely used) % Name of the software that compiles the source to make PDF. % Changing this does not change the software, it just changes the information. % Normally leave as default, but can change if urgent. \gdef\SetProducer#1{\gdef\@novelProducer{#1}} \SetProducer{LuaLaTeX with novel-pdfx and hyperref} % default % %% End file data. %% SET PDF/X ARGUMENTS %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% \SetPDFX[Output Intent]{compliance standard} % No embed *.icc. Default. %% \SetPDFX*[Output Intent]{compliance standard} % Embed *.icc. %% Default up to and including v. 1.46: \SetPDFX{off} %% Default as of v. 1.46.1: \SetPDFX[CGATSTR001]{X-1a:2001} % % \@pdfxSEToff refers to the setting, rather than whether it really is off. % \@pdfxISoff refers to whether it really is off. \newif \if@pdfxSEToff % Prior to v. 1.46.1, was \ifpdfx@isOFF. \newif \if@pdfxISoff % New in v. 1.46.1. % These will get meaningful info when an output intent file is loaded: \gdef\@OIidentifier{} \gdef\@OIcondition{} \gdef\@OIinfo{} \gdef\@OIregistry{} \gdef\@OIprofile{} % %% \newif \if@HasConformance \newif \if@EmbedICC \gdef\SetPDFX{\@ifstar\@setpdfxst\@setpdfxns} \newcommand\@setpdfxst[2][CGATSTR001]{ \global\@EmbedICCtrue \@setpdfx{#1}{#2} } \newcommand\@setpdfxns[2][CGATSTR001]{ \global\@EmbedICCfalse \@setpdfx{#1}{#2} } % \newcommand\@setpdfx[2]{ \@tempTFfalse \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{off}}{ \@tempTFtrue \global\@pdfxSETofftrue \global\@pdfxISofftrue }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{X-1a:2001}}{ \@tempTFtrue \global\@pdfxSETofffalse \global\@pdfxISofffalse \gdef\@PDFversion{PDF/X-1} \gdef\@PDFXversion{PDF/X-1a:2001} \gdef\@PDFXconformance{PDF/X-1a:2001} \global\@HasConformancetrue \global\pdfminorversion=3 }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{X-1a:2003}}{ \@tempTFtrue \global\@pdfxSETofffalse \global\@pdfxISofffalse \gdef\@PDFversion{PDF/X-1} \gdef\@PDFXversion{PDF/X-1a:2003} \gdef\@PDFXconformance{PDF/X-1a:2003} \global\@HasConformancetrue \global\pdfminorversion=3 }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{X-3:2002}}{ \@tempTFtrue \global\@pdfxSETofffalse \global\@pdfxISofffalse \gdef\@PDFversion{PDF/X-3} \gdef\@PDFXversion{PDF/X-3:2002} \global\pdfminorversion=3 }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{X-3:2003}}{ \@tempTFtrue \global\@pdfxSETofffalse \global\@pdfxISofffalse \gdef\@PDFversion{PDF/X-3} \gdef\@PDFXversion{PDF/X-3:2003} \global\pdfminorversion=4 }{} \if@tempTF\else \ClassError{novel}{Bad compliance argument for \string\SetPDFX}% {Choose: X-1a:2001, X-1a:2003, X-3:2002, X-3:2003, off.}% \fi % Grab the file that defines the Output Intent information: % File name format: novel-YourIntent.clo % Setting: \SetPDFX[YourIntent]{compliance} % Contents of file: See the above included Output Intent data. \StrDel{#1}{\space}[\NPDFXOINS] \IfFileExists{novel-\NPDFXOINS.clo}{\input{novel-\NPDFXOINS.clo}}{% \ClassError{novel}{Bad Output Intent for \string\SetPDFX}% {Use filename (without extension) of a file with *.clo extension. ^^J% Filename must begin with novel- ^^J% Example: File novel-FOGRA39.clo is called as [FOGRA39]. ^^J% The file must be where TeX can find it. ^^J% For contents of the file, see package documentation.}% }{}% } % end \@setpdfx % \SetPDFX[CGATSTR001]{X-1a:2001} % Default, from v. 1.46.1. Formerly off. %% %% Neutralize file data settings: \gdef\@DisableFileDataSettings{% called by `novel.cls' \AtBeginDocument \let\title\relax \let\author\relax \let\subtitle\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetAuthor\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetTitle\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetSubtitle\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetApplication\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetProducer\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetPDFX\relax }% end \@DisableFileDataSettings %% %% \endinput %% %% End of file `novel-FileData.sty'.