%% This is file `novel-HeadFootStyles.sty', part of `novel' document class. %% Copyright 2017-2024 Robert Allgeyer. %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. %% License URL: https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/ %% \ProvidesFile{novel-HeadFootStyles.sty}% [2024/02/17 v2.1 LaTeX file (header and footer layouts and styles)] %% %% File `novel-LayoutSettings.sty' reserved space for header/footer, %% but did not place anything there. In this file, `fancyhdr' syntax %% defines the layout. The layout are not activated until %% \AtEndPreamble, and only if the user did not already define the layout %% in the Preamble. \gdef\@HeadFootStyle{1} % default: header but not footer \gdef\@VersoEmblem{} % no default emblem \gdef\@RectoEmblem{} % no default emblem %% SET HEADER/FOOTER STYLE AND RESERVE SPACE FOR HEADER/FOOTER %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % There are several pre-configured header/footer styles, addressing every % situation likely to be seen in popular fiction. The style details are % coded, using `fancyhdr' syntax, in novel-HeadFootStyles.sty. % If you wish to create a custom head/foot style, you must first choose % one of the pre-configured styles, then customize it. That way, % the layout engine knows whether header or footer are present. \newif \if@StyledHeader % true if user-customized header using \fancyhead \newif \if@StyledFooter % true if user-customized footer using \fancyfoot % \gdef\SetHeadFootStyle#1{% \if@coverart \gdef\@HeadFootStyle{0} % required: no header/footer for coverart \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{0}}{}{% \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JClass option `coverart' does not % allow header/footer. Ignored. ^^J} }% \else \@tempTFfalse \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{0}}{% \global\@HasHeaderfalse\global\@HasFooterfalse\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{1}}{% \global\@HasHeadertrue\global\@HasFooterfalse\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{2}}{% \global\@HasHeaderfalse\global\@HasFootertrue\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{3}}{% \global\@HasHeaderfalse\global\@HasFootertrue\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{4}}{% \global\@HasHeadertrue\global\@HasFooterfalse\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{5}}{% \global\@HasHeadertrue\global\@HasFootertrue\@tempTFtrue% }{} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{6}}{% \global\@HasHeadertrue\global\@HasFootertrue\@tempTFtrue% }{} % Ensure that user choice was on the allowed list: \if@tempTF\else \ClassError{novel}{Invalid choice for \string\SetHeadFootStyle}% {\string\SetHeadFootStyle\space needs choice of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, ^^J% even if you wish to customize using fancyhdr syntax.}% \fi \gdef\@HeadFootStyle{#1} \fi }% \SetHeadFootStyle{1} % default, header only \let\SetHeadStyle\SetHeadFootStyle\relax % deprecated % % \HeadJump is a number from 1 to 3 (may be decimal). It measures the % distance from baseline of header text, to first baseline of main text, % then divides by the normal baseline. % So, a \HeadJump of 1 means that the header text is positioned exactly % one line above main text (unlikely). A value of 2 skips a whole line. % The default value is 1.5, which is often used in popular fiction. % No matter what value is set, it will be re-set to 0 later, if the % choice of head/foot style does not have a header. % Likewise for \FootJump, measuring from baseline of lowermost main text, % to baseline of footer text. \gdef\SetHeadJump#1{% \IfDecimal{#1}{% \FPiflt{#1}{1} \ClassError{novel}{\string\SetHeadJump\space must be at least 1}% {\string\SetHeadJump\string from 1 to 3, may be decimal.}% \fi \FPifgt{#1}{3} \ClassError{novel}{\string\SetHeadJump\space must not exceed 3}% {\string\SetHeadJump\string from 1 to 3, may be decimal.}% \fi \gdef\@HeadJump{#1} }{% \ClassError{novel}{Unable to parse \string\SetHeadJump\space argument}% {Needs integer or decimal, but not ending in decimal point or comma. ^^J% Must be a number from 1 to 3, but may not be a macro.}% }% } \SetHeadJump{1.5} % default % \gdef\SetFootJump#1{% \IfDecimal{#1}{% \FPiflt{#1}{1} \ClassError{novel}{\string\SetFootJump\space must be at least 1}% {\string\SetFootJump\string from 1 to 3, may be decimal.}% \fi \FPifgt{#1}{3} \ClassError{novel}{\string\SetFootJump\space must not exceed 3}% {\string\SetFootJump\string from 1 to 3, may be decimal.}% \fi \gdef\@FootJump{#1} }{% \ClassError{novel}{Unable to parse \string\SetFootJump\space argument}% {Needs integer or decimal, but not ending in decimal point or comma. ^^J% Must be a number from 1 to 3, but may not be a macro.}% }% } \SetFootJump{1.5} % default % %% end set style and reserve space for header/footer. %% Used in novel-headfootstyles.sty: % \SetLooseHead looseness factor (fontspec LetterSpace) 0=tight, 50=default \gdef\SetLooseHead#1{ \FPdiv{\@loosehead}{#1}{10} % change method fontspec w/ microtype \FPmin{\@looseheadN}{\@loosehead}{50} % don't want numbers too loose \FPdiv{\@looseheadword}{\@loosehead}{30} % \FPadd{\@looseheadword}{\@looseheadword}{1} % } \SetLooseHead{50} %% % % See docs for what these emblems do, if used: \newcommand\SetEmblems[2]{ % verso, recto \gdef\@VersoEmblem{{\headfont #1}} \gdef\@RectoEmblem{{\headfont #2}} } \let\SetEmblem\SetEmblems% for convenience % If you want something fancier than \thepage: \gdef\SetPageNumberStyle#1{% no small caps, so lowercase roman preserved \gdef\pagenumberstyle{{\addfontfeature{Letters=ResetAll}#1}} } \SetPageNumberStyle{\thepage}% no small caps % See novel.cls for the accompanying AtBeginDocument routine. %% INITIALIZE FANCYHDR %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Earlier, space was reserved for header/footer, but the content of % headers and footers was not specified. Now, package `fancyhdr' % will be used to create the content. % Start by loading package `fancyhdr' and blanking everything: \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhead[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} \fancyfoot[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} % It might be useful to know whether something is being placed in main text, % or within a header/footer. A new boolean is created, which is only true % when within a header or footer. You can define macros so that they test % this boolean. % To make this work, \fancyhead and \fancyfoot are re-defined: \newtoggle{@inheadfoot} % true within header or footer \LetLtxMacro{\@myfancyhead}{\fancyhead} \LetLtxMacro{\@myfancyfoot}{\fancyfoot} \renewcommand\fancyhead[2][]{% \global\@StyledHeadertrue% \@myfancyhead[#1]{\toggletrue{@inheadfoot}{\normalsize #2}}% not global } \renewcommand\fancyfoot[2][]{% \global\@StyledFootertrue% \FPsub{\@footraise}{\@FootJump}{1}% \FPmul{\@footraise}{-\@footraise}{\strip@pt\nbs}% \@myfancyfoot[#1]{% \toggletrue{@inheadfoot}% not global \stake\smash{\raisebox{\@footraise pt}{\normalsize #2}}% }% } %% end initialize fancyhdr. %% THISPAGESTYLE COMMANDS %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Re-define \thispagestyle based on layout. When it requests only the page % number, decide what to do based on this command and whether footer is used: \newif \if@ThisPageStyle % true if \thispagestyle declared for current page \newif \if@DeleteCSline % true when using @dropfolioinside \AtBeginShipout{% re-sets when page done \global\@DeleteCSlinefalse% \global\@ThisPageStylefalse% } \LetLtxMacro{\@myTempTPS}{\thispagestyle} % \gdef\thispagestyle#1{% \global\@ThisPageStyletrue% \@tempTFfalse% % Style `fancy' is same as normal style: \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{fancy}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \@myTempTPS{fancy}% }{}% % Style `empty' has no visible content in header or footer. % This style is pre-defined, so no need to re-define it here. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{empty}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \@myTempTPS{empty}% }{}% % Style `footer' has no visible content in header. % If the normal style has a footer, it will be used as-is. However, if the % normal style does not have a footer, then (unlike the above style) % the page number will not be placed at bottom; as with style `empty'. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{footer}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \if@HasFooter\@myTempTPS{@footer}% \else\@myTempTPS{empty}% \fi% }{}% % Style `forcenumber' is rarely used. If the normal style has a footer, % it will be used as-is (presumably contains the page number), and there % will be no visible content in the header. % But if there is no normal footer, then the outside portion of the header % is printed. No other portion of the header. Presumably the page number % is located at the outside of the header. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{forcenumber}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \if@HasFooter\@myTempTPS{@footer}% \else\@myTempTPS{@forcenumber}% \fi% }{}% % Style `dropfoliobeneath': There will be no visible content in header. % If the normal style has a footer, it will be used as-is. This assumes % that the page number is contained in the footer, the usual case. % If the normal style has no footer, then the page number will be centered % within the lower margin, at the position where an exta line would be. % Thus, pagination of the main text is unaffected. % Since the number is closer than usual to the page bottom edge, you must % ensure that it does not intrude into the unsafe zone (where printers % prohibit any printable matter). TeX cannot check this for you. However, % you can define an Unsafe Zone, and inspect placement of the number % in draft mode. % Styles `plain*' and `fancyplain*' (with asterisk) are aliases. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{dropfoliobeneath}% \OR \equal{#1}{plain*} \OR \equal{#1}{fancyplain*}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \if@HasFooter\@myTempTPS{@footer}% \else% \@myTempTPS{@dropfoliobeneath}% \typeout{^^JClass `novel' Alert: Page no. \thepage\space in margin. ^^J% Review layout to ensure that this is within the Safe Area. ^^J% }% \fi% }{}% % Style `dropfolioinside': There will be no visible content in header. % If the normal style has a footer, it will be used as-is. This assumes % that the page number is contained in the footer, the usual case. % If the normal style has not footer, then the page number will be centered % where the last line of main text would ordinarily be. No extra gap. % That may cause the (former) last line of main text to flow to the top of % the next page, and so forth. However, if this page style is used on % a page with ChapterStart, then the height of ChapterStart will be % automatically reduced by one line, so that there is no repagination. % Styles `plain', `fancyplain', `dropfolio', and `dropfoliolater' are aliases % for `dropfolioinside'. I couldn't make up my mind regarding the % command name. For compatibility, all these do the same thing. \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{dropfolioinside}% \OR \equal{#1}{plain} \OR \equal{#1}{fancyplain}% \OR \equal{#1}{dropfolio} \OR \equal{#1}{dropfoliolater}}{% \@tempTFtrue% \if@HasFooter\@myTempTPS{@footer}% \else% \global\@DeleteCSlinetrue% \enlargethispage{-\nbs}% \@myTempTPS{@dropfolioinside}% \fi% }{}% % Verify that an allowable choice was made: \if@tempTF\else% \ClassError{novel}{^^JPage \thepage\space has \string\thispagestyle ^^J% but its argument is not on the list of choices. See docs. ^^J}% \fi% } % end \thispagestyle. % \let\dropfolionow\relax % compatibility with earlier version. % % Here are the thispagestyle definitions: \fancypagestyle{@footer}{ % blanks header, but leaves footer as-is \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhead[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} } \fancypagestyle{@dropfolioinside}{ % page number where last line would be \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhead[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} \fancyfoot[LO,RE,LE,RO]{} \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{% \raisebox{\dimexpr\@FootJump\nbs}{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } } \fancypagestyle{@dropfoliobeneath}{ % page number in margin below text \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhead[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} \fancyfoot[LO,RE,LE,RO]{} \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{% \raisebox{\dimexpr\@FootJump\nbs-\nbs}{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } } \fancypagestyle{@forcenumber}{ % if has header but not footer \renewcommand\headrulewidth{0pt} \renewcommand\footrulewidth{0pt} \fancyhead[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} \fancyhead[LE]{% \makebox[2.5em][l]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% \@VersoEmblem% } \fancyhead[RO]{% \@RectoEmblem% \makebox[2.5em][r]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fancyfoot[LO,RE,LE,RO,CE,CO]{} } %% end \thispagestyle commands. %% \gdef\@lshftext{\headfont\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=\@loosehead}} \gdef\@lspagenum{\headfont\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=\@looseheadN}} %% % Content of header text (if present) can be changed at any time within % the body, using the following commands. If not used, then % Verso is initialized to \theauthor and Recto is initialized to \thetitle % AtBeginDocument, with adjustments to interword spacing. % If you wish, you may write the commands with empty arguments, in which case % the header still appears with page number (if present), but no text. % \gdef\NewVersoHeadText#1{\gdef\versoheadtext{#1}} \let\SetVersoHeadText\NewVersoHeadText\relax % for convenience \let\RenewVersoHeadText\NewVersoHeadText\relax % for convenience % \gdef\NewRectoHeadText#1{\gdef\rectoheadtext{#1}} \LetLtxMacro\SetRectoHeadText\NewRectoHeadText\relax % for convenience \LetLtxMacro\RenewRectoHeadText\NewRectoHeadText\relax % for convenience % %% %% See AtBeginDocument routine in novel.cls: %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \gdef\@ActivateHeadFootStyles{ % called AtBeginDocument by novel.cls % Pre-configured header/footer styles, unless user over-rode them: % \versoheadtext is initialized to \theauthor % \rectoheadtext is initialized to \thetitle \@ifundefined{versoheadtext}{ \NewVersoHeadText{\theauthor} }{} \@ifundefined{rectoheadtext}{ \NewRectoHeadText{\thetitle} }{} % % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % IF YOU ARE WRITING YOUR OWN HEADER/FOOTER LAYOUT: % Look here for the pre-defined layouts, for use as models. % Note that if you write \fancyhead or \fancyfoot in the Preamble, % that sets the \@StyledHeader flag, so these codes do not over-ride yours. % \@lshftext loosens text tracking. % \@lspagenum loosens page number tracking, like \@lshftext but capped % at a maximum looseness. \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{1}}{ % default \if@StyledHeader\else \fancyhead[LE]{% \makebox[2.5em][l]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% \@VersoEmblem% } \fancyhead[RO]{% \@RectoEmblem% \makebox[2.5em][r]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fancyhead[CE]{\@lshftext\versoheadtext} \fancyhead[CO]{\@lshftext\rectoheadtext} \fi }{} % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{2}}{ \global\@StyledHeaderfalse \if@StyledFooter\else \fancyfoot[LE]{% \makebox[2.5em][l]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% \@VersoEmblem% } \fancyfoot[RO]{% \@RectoEmblem% \makebox[2.5em][r]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fi }{} % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{3}}{ \if@StyledFooter\else \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle} \fi }{} % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{4}}{ \if@StyledHeader\else \fancyhead[LE]{% \makebox[2.5em][l]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% \@VersoEmblem% \hspace{1em}% {\@lshftext\versoheadtext}% } \fancyhead[RO]{% {\@lshftext\rectoheadtext}% \hspace{1em}% \@RectoEmblem% \makebox[2.5em][r]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fi }{} % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{5}}{ \if@StyledHeader\else \fancyhead[CE]{\@lshftext\versoheadtext} \fancyhead[CO]{\@lshftext\rectoheadtext} \fi \if@StyledFooter\else \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{% {\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fi }{} % \ifthenelse{\equal{\@HeadFootStyle}{6}}{ \if@StyledHeader\else \fancyhead[LE]{% \makebox[2.5em][l]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% \@VersoEmblem% } \fancyhead[RO]{% \@RectoEmblem% \makebox[2.5em][r]{\@lspagenum\pagenumberstyle}% } \fancyhead[RE]{\@lshftext\versoheadtext} \fancyhead[LO]{\@lshftext\rectoheadtext} \fi }{} % END MODELS FOR WRITING YOUR OWN. % % END PRE-DEFINED LAYOUTS AND STYLES. % --------------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Now put `fancyhdr' to work: \pagestyle{fancy} % default unless over-ridden by \thispagestyle{} % } % end \@ActivateHeadFootStyles % %% %% Neutralize settings that cannot be used after Preamble: \gdef\@DisableHeadFootSettings{% called by `novel.cls' \AtBeginDocument \LetLtxMacro\SetHeadFootStyle\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetHeadStyle\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetHeadJump\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetFootJump\relax \LetLtxMacro\SetLooseHead\relax }% end \@DisableHeadFootSettings %% % The following settings can continue to be re-issued after \begin{document}: % \SetEmblems also \SetEmblem % \SetPageNumberStyle % \SetVersoHeadText also \New and \Renew % \SetRectoHeadText also \New and \Renew %% \endinput %% %% End of file `novel-HeadFootStyles.sty'