%% This is file `novel-CalculateLayout.sty', part of `novel' document class. %% Copyright 2017-2024 Robert Allgeyer. %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c. %% License URL: https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c/ %% \ProvidesFile{novel-CalculateLayout.sty}% [2024/02/17 v2.1 LaTeX file (layout calculations)] %% %% %% This file is loaded \AtEndPreamble, which precedes \AtBeginDocument. %% %% PROVIDE DEFAULT TRIM SIZE, MARGINS, AND NORMAL EM SIZE, IF NOT SET BY USER %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Default Trim Size is 5.5in W x 8.5in H, unless \SetTrimSize used. % This size is typical of American P.O.D. softcover fiction: \if@SetTrimSize\else \gsetlength\@TrimWidth{5.5in} \gsetlength\@TrimHeight{8.5in} \fi % Default margins based on Trim Height, unless \SetMargins used: \if@SetMargins\else \ifdimcomp{\@TrimHeight}{<}{8.99in}{ % small sizes: \gsetlength\@TopMargin{0.5in} \gsetlength\@OuterMargin{0.5in} \gsetlength\@BottomMargin{0.5in} \gsetlength\@InnerMargin{0.75in} }{ % medium sizes: \ifdimcomp{\@TrimHeight}{<}{9.99in}{ % \gsetlength\@TopMargin{0.75in} \gsetlength\@OuterMargin{0.75in} \gsetlength\@BottomMargin{0.75in} \gsetlength\@InnerMargin{1in} }{ % large sizes: \gsetlength\@TopMargin{1in} \gsetlength\@OuterMargin{1in} \gsetlength\@BottomMargin{1in} \gsetlength\@InnerMargin{1.25in} } % } % \fi % Default normal em size is based on Trim Width: \if@FontSizeSet\else \ifdimcomp{\@TrimWidth}{<}{5.49in}{ \gsetlength\@SetFontSize{11pt} % smaller books }{ \ifdimcomp{\@TrimWidth}{<}{6.24in}{ \gsetlength\@SetFontSize{11.4pt} % medium books }{ \gsetlength\@SetFontSize{12pt} % larger books } % } % \fi %% end set default trim, margins, normal em size. %% THEORY OF PAGE LAYOUT %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % The "available width" is the trim width minus the outer and inner margins: \newlength\@AvailableWidth \gsetlength\@AvailableWidth{\@TrimWidth-\@OuterMargin-\@InnerMargin} % The "occupied width" of the text block is the TeX dimension \textwidth. % Your originally set layout can always fill the available width. \gsetlength\textwidth{\@AvailableWidth} % The "available height" is the trim height minus the top and bottom margins: \newlength\@AvailableHeight \gsetlength\@AvailableHeight{\@TrimHeight-\@TopMargin-\@BottomMargin} % The "occupied height" includes header, textblock, footer, and allowances % for risers/diacriticals at top, descenders at bottom. It must fit within % the available height. This is the tricky part, so pay attention: % In `novel' class, the topmost line of text (main block or header) % is positioned with its baseline at 1 normal em below available top. % That provides good clearance for uppercase letters with diacritical marks. % The lowermost line of text (main block or footer) is positioned with its % baseline at 0.3 normal em above available bottom. This provides % good clearance for descenders. % So, if your text does not have uppercase diacriticals, or if you use % a footer with lining numbers (no descenders), then the upper/lower margins % will appear to be a little larger than you set them. % The headjump includes the line itself, plus any added gap to the main text. % An unused jump is re-set to 0: \if@HasHeader\else\gdef\@HeadJump{0}\fi %% % TeX assumes that your layout has a footer, even if you do not want one. % Novel handles this by setting the baseline of the mandatory footer at % 1 normal baselineskip below the last line of main text. Then, one line is % subtracted from the occupied line count. That places the empty, unused % virtual footer in the lower margin, where it does not matter. When you % do have a footer, the necessary line space is added, and the content % is positioned from the virtual footer using \smash and \raisebox. % Yes, it is complicated, but it handles more layout possibilities. % The \@FootJumpFix is one less than \@FootJump, or -1 when no footer: \if@HasFooter \FPsub\@FootJumpFix{\@FootJump}{1} \else \gdef\@FootJumpFix{-1} \fi % Putting it all together, the "occupied height" is: % 1.3\@SetFontSize + (\@HeadJump+\@LinesPerPage+\@FootJumpFix)\baselineskip % %% end theory of page layout. %% SET DEFAULT LINES PER PAGE, IF NOT SET BY USER %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Lines per page refers only to the main text block, not header/footer: \if@LinesPerPage\else % Estimate \baselineskip as 1.3\@SetFontSize, which is a comfortable value. % Calculate resulting \@LinesPerPage, then proceed as if set. % Actual \baselineskip will be re-calculated later. \edef\@tempLPP{% \fpeval{% package xfp (\@AvailableHeight - 0.3\@SetFontSize) % adjusts for final descenders / (1.3*\@SetFontSize) % denominator, with desired skip/em ratio -\@HeadJump -\@FootJumpFix % adjustments }% } % \FPtrunc{\@LinesPerPage}{\@tempLPP}{0} % final, integer floor \fi % Error if too few lines per page, whether set or default: \FPiflt{\@LinesPerPage}{2} \ClassError{novel}{Calculated LinesPerPage less than 2}% {Too few lines. Either font size too big, or text height too small.}% \fi %% end set default lines per page. %% CALCULATE BASELINESKIP %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % In `novel' class, the user does not directly set line-to-line spacing, % known as \baselineskip. Instead, \baselineskip is calculated from other % settings, so that "occupied height" fills "available height." % See the above theory of layout, for the equations. Solve for \baselineskip = % (\@AvailableHeight-1.3\@SetFontSize) divided by % (\@HeadJump+\@LinesPerPage+\@FootJumpFix) % \xdef\@AdjLPP{\fpeval{\@HeadJump+\@LinesPerPage+\@FootJumpFix}} % used often \edef\@tempBLS{% \fpeval{(\@AvailableHeight-1.3\@SetFontSize) / \@AdjLPP}% } % \FPtrunc\@tempBLS{\@tempBLS}{2} % round down to 2 decimalplaces \gsetlength\baselineskip{\@tempBLS pt} % % Error if \baselineSkip is too tight, in relation to normal em size: \ifdimcomp{\baselineskip}{<}{1.2\@SetFontSize}{% \ClassError{novel}{Calculated baselineskip is too small}% {Default baselineskip is calculated from normal em size, ^^J% available text height, and lines per page. Result is too small. ^^J% Change something, then try again.}% }{}% %% end calculate baselineskip. %% FINISH LAYOUT (but post-layout deals with special class options) %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Caution if font size is small: \ifdimcomp{\@SetFontSize}{<}{10pt}{ % \typeout{^^JClass `novel' Alert: Normal font at less than 10pt. ^^J% Whether or not this is too small, depends on circumstances. ^^J% Beware if you use footnotes, which are smaller. ^^J% } }{} % \ifdimcomp{\@SetFontSize}{<}{8.03pt}{ % 8 PostScript points (TeX bp) \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JNormal font at less than 8 points. ^^J% This is usually undesirable. May be rejected by some print services. ^^J% } }{} % % Default Media Size is same as Trim Size, unless \SetMediaSize used: \if@MediaSize\else \gsetlength\paperwidth{\@TrimWidth} \gsetlength\paperheight{\@TrimHeight} \fi % Sanity check for cover art, which needs bleed: \if@coverart \setlength\@tempLength{\paperwidth-\@TrimWidth} \ifthenelse{\dimtest{\@tempLength}{<}{6mm}}{% \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JBIG BAD WARNING! Insufficient bleed width ?^^J% Commercial printers generally require 0.125in (3mm) bleed,^^J% on all four sides of the Trim. But your dimensions do not provide this.^^J% Perhaps you need to increase the Media Width ?^^J} }{} \ifthenelse{\dimtest{\@tempLength}{>}{0.5in}}{% \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JBIG BAD WARNING! Too much bleed width ?^^J% Commercial printers generally require 0.125in (3mm) bleed,^^J% on all four sides of the Trim. Sometimes as much as 0.25in (6mm) each.^^J% But your dimensions provide more than this. Perhaps you need to decrease the Media Width ?^^J} }{} \setlength\@tempLength{\paperheight-\@TrimHeight} \ifthenelse{\dimtest{\@tempLength}{<}{5.83mm}}{% allows for pixel rounding \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JBIG BAD WARNING! Insufficient bleed height ?^^J% Commercial printers generally require 0.125in (3mm) bleed,^^J% on all four sides of the Trim. But your dimensions do not provide this.^^J% Perhaps you need to increase the MediaSize ?^^J} }{} \ifthenelse{\dimtest{\@tempLength}{>}{0.507in}}{% allows for pixel rounding \ClassWarning{novel}{^^JBIG BAD WARNING! Too much bleed height ?^^J% Commercial printers generally require 0.125in (3mm) bleed,^^J% on all four sides of the Trim. Sometimes as much as 0.25in (6mm) each.^^J% But your dimensions provide more than this. Perhaps you need to decrease the MediaSize ?^^J} }{} \fi % \textheight, normal font size, etc: \gsetlength\textheight{\@LinesPerPage\baselineskip} \renewcommand\normalsize{% \@setfontsize\normalsize{\strip@pt\@SetFontSize}{\strip@pt\baselineskip}% } \normalsize % from this point, the "real" normal font size is effective % % \if@HasHeader % \headheight is mis-named. Text "height" is supposed to be measured upward % from the baseline. But \headheight is measured from 0.3em below % the baseline, to allow for descenders. Thus, to provide actual "height" % of 1em, \headheight must be set to 1.3em: \gsetlength\headheight{1.3\@SetFontSize} % \headsep is a confusing term. It is the separation between the nominal % 0.3em descenders of header text, and one baseline above the baseline % of the top line of main text. Got that? Let me do the thinking for you: \gsetlength\headsep{\@HeadJump\baselineskip-\baselineskip-0.3\@SetFontSize} \else % no header, no problem: \gsetlength\headheight{0pt} \gsetlength\headsep{0pt} \fi % \oddsidemargin is at the left (inner, spine edge) of recto pages. % Measured 1in (72.27pt) inside MediaBox, to the textblock. May be negative. \gsetlength\oddsidemargin{% \@InnerMargin+0.5\paperwidth-0.5\@TrimWidth-72.27pt% } % % \evensidemargin is at the left (outer edge) of verso pages. \gsetlength\evensidemargin{% \@OuterMargin+0.5\paperwidth-0.5\@TrimWidth-72.27pt% } % \if@closecrop \gsetlength\oddsidemargin{-0.9in} \gsetlength\evensidemargin{-0.9in} \fi % % \topmargin is measured from 1in (72.27pt) below the top of the MediaBox, % to the top of whatever comes first (header or textblock). May be negative. % For consistency, the topmost baseline (header or main text) will be % positioned at 1em below the margin. \gsetlength\topmargin{\@TopMargin+0.5\paperheight-0.5\@TrimHeight-72.27pt} \if@HasHeader\else \gsetlength\topmargin{\topmargin-\baselineskip+\@SetFontSize} \fi % novel.cls sets a tentative em size (probably 10pt) so that packages requiring % an integer point size of 10, 11, or 12 will load without complaint. % Then, the real point size is established here, when it is too late for % such packages to complain. Sneaky, eh? % However, TeX places a strut in the header, rising 0.7x tentative size above % the header baseline. If the real size is too small, then the strut is % too large, which displaces the header text downward, simultaneously % shrinking the headsep and possibly affecting the textblock position. % This unlikely problem cannot be fixed by adjusting the headheight, but it % can be fixed by adjusting the topmargin and headsep to compensate: \ifdimcomp{\@SetFontSize}{<}{\@TentativeEmN pt}{ % \setlength\@tempLength{\@TentativeEmN pt} \gsetlength\topmargin{\topmargin-0.7\@tempLength+0.7\@SetFontSize} \gsetlength\headsep{\headsep+0.7\@tempLength-0.7\@SetFontSize} }{} % %% % It seems that, unless specified by user, TeX may place the top text baseline % in a vertical position that depends on the height of text in that line. % That height may vary, depending on ascenders or diacriticals there. % In order to fix the position, \topskip gets a non-flexible setting. % The best value is normal baselineskip, partly because it looks right, % and also to avoid underfull vboxes on nearly every page. \gsetlength\topskip{\baselineskip} % absorber % In `novel' class, footers are done in an unusual manner, as explained above. % To fix the position of the virtual footer baseline: \gsetlength\footskip{\baselineskip} %% Sanity check: Trim Size must be contained within Media Size. \ifthenelse{% \dimtest{\@TrimWidth}{>}{\paperwidth} % \OR \dimtest{\@TrimHeight}{>}{\paperheight}% }{% \ClassError{novel}{Media Size too small for TrimSize}% {You wrote \string\SetMediaSize\space with length(s) too small ^^J% for the default Trim Size or your values in \string\SetTrimSize.}% }{} % % end sanity check %% end finish layout. %% \endinput %% %% End of file `novel-CalculateLayout.sty'.