--- @class TrigExpression --- Represents a trigonometric function from one expression to another. --- @field name string --- @field expression Expression TrigExpression = {} __TrigExpression = {} ---------------------------- -- Instance functionality -- ---------------------------- --- Creates a new trig expression with the given name and expression. --- @param name string|SymbolExpression --- @param expression Expression --- @return TrigExpression function TrigExpression:new(name, expression) local o = {} local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations) if not TrigExpression.NAMES[name] then error("Argument error: " .. name .. " is not the name of a trigonometric function.") end o.name = name o.expression = expression o.expressions = {expression} if expression:isatomic() then o.variables = {expression} else o.variables = {SymbolExpression('x')} end o.derivatives = {Integer.zero()} __o.__index = TrigExpression __o.__tostring = function(a) return tostring(a.name) .. '(' .. tostring(a.expression) .. ')' end __o.__eq = function(a, b) -- if b:type() == FunctionExpression then -- return a:tofunction() == b -- end -- This shouldn't be needed, since __eq should only fire if both metamethods have the same function, but for some reason Lua always runs this anyway if not b:type() == TrigExpression then return false end return a.name == b.name and a.expression == b.expression end o = setmetatable(o, __o) return o end --- @return TrigExpression function TrigExpression:evaluate() local expression = self.expression:autosimplify() if expression == Integer.zero() then if self.name == "cos" or self.name == "sec" then return Integer.one() end if self.name == "sin" or self.name == "tan" then return Integer.zero() end if self.name == "arctan" or self.name == "arcsin" then return Integer.zero() end if self.name == "arccos" or self.name == "arccot" then return PI / Integer(2) end end if expression == PI then if self.name == "cos" or self.name == "sec" then return Integer(-1) end if self.name == "sin" or self.name == "tan" then return Integer.zero() end end if expression:ismulratlPI() then local coeff = expression.expressions[1] if TrigExpression.COSVALUES[tostring(coeff)] ~= nil then if self.name == "cos" then return TrigExpression.COSVALUES[tostring(coeff)]:autosimplify() end if self.name == "sin" then local sign = Integer.one() if coeff > Integer.one() then sign = Integer(-1) end return (sign*sqrt(Integer.one()-cos(expression)^Integer(2))):autosimplify() end if self.name == "tan" then return (sin(expression) / cos(expression)):autosimplify() end if self.name == "sec" then return (Integer.one() / cos(expression)):autosimplify() end if self.name == "csc" then return (Integer.one() / sin(expression)):autosimplify() end if self.name == "cot" then return (cos(expression) / sin(expression)):autosimplify() end end end if TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES[tostring(expression)] ~= nil then if self.name == "arccos" then return TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES[tostring(expression)]:autosimplify() end if self.name == "arcsin" then if expression == Integer(-1) then return TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES["-1"]:autosimplify() elseif expression.expressions and expression.expressions[1] == Integer(-1) then local expr = (Integer(-1)*sqrt(Integer.one() - expression ^ Integer(2))):autosimplify() return TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES[tostring(expr)]:autosimplify() else local expr = (sqrt(Integer.one() - expression ^ Integer(2))):autosimplify() return TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES[tostring(expr)]:autosimplify() end end end if self.name == "arctan" and TrigExpression.ATANVALUES[tostring(expression)] ~= nil then return TrigExpression.ATANVALUES[tostring(expression)]:autosimplify() end return self end --- checks if expression is a rational multiple of pi --- @return boolean function Expression:ismulratlPI() if self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and #self.expressions == 2 and (self.expressions[1]:type() == Integer or self.expressions[1]:type() == Rational) and self.expressions[2] == PI then return true end return false end --- @return TrigExpression function TrigExpression:autosimplify() local expression = self.expression:autosimplify() -- even and odd properties of trig functions if (self.name == "sin" or self.name == "tan" or self.name == "csc" or self.name == "cot") and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[1] < Integer(0) then return (-Integer.one() * TrigExpression(self.name, -expression)):autosimplify() end if (self.name == "cos" or self.name == "sec") and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[1] < Integer(0) then expression = (-expression):autosimplify() end -- uses periodicity of sin and cos and friends if self.name == "sin" or self.name == "cos" or self.name == "csc" or self.name == "sec" then if expression == Integer.zero() or expression == PI then goto skip end if expression.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then expression = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD,{expression}) end for index,component in ipairs(expression.expressions) do if component:ismulratlPI() then local coeff = component.expressions[1] if coeff:type() == Integer then coeff = coeff % Integer(2) coeff = coeff:autosimplify() end if coeff:type() == Rational then local n = coeff.numerator local d = coeff.denominator local m = {n:divremainder(d)} coeff = (m[1] % Integer(2)) + m[2]/d coeff = coeff:autosimplify() end expression.expressions[index].expressions[1] = coeff end expression = expression:autosimplify() end ::skip:: end -- uses periodicity of tan and cot if self.name == "tan" or self.name == "cot" then if expression == Integer.zero() or expression == PI then goto skip end if expression.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then expression = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD,{expression}) end for index,component in ipairs(expression.expressions) do if component:ismulratlPI() then local coeff = component.expressions[1] if coeff:type() == Integer then coeff = Integer.zero() end if coeff:type() == Rational then local n = coeff.numerator local d = coeff.denominator local m = {n:divremainder(d)} coeff = m[2]/d coeff = coeff:autosimplify() end expression.expressions[index].expressions[1] = coeff end if component == PI then expression.expressions[index] = Integer.zero() end end expression = expression:autosimplify() ::skip:: end return TrigExpression(self.name, expression):evaluate() end --- @return table function TrigExpression:subexpressions() return {self.expression} end --- @param subexpressions table --- @return TrigExpression function TrigExpression:setsubexpressions(subexpressions) return TrigExpression(self.name, subexpressions[1]) end -- function TrigExpression:freeof(symbol) -- return self.expression:freeof(symbol) -- end -- function TrigExpression:substitute(map) -- for expression, replacement in pairs(map) do -- if self == expression then -- return replacement -- end -- end -- return TrigExpression(self.name, self.expression:substitute(map)) -- end -- function TrigExpression:order(other) -- return self:tofunction():order(other) -- end -- function TrigExpression:tofunction() -- return FunctionExpression(self.name, {self.expression}, true) -- end ----------------- -- Inheritance -- ----------------- __TrigExpression.__index = FunctionExpression __TrigExpression.__call = TrigExpression.new TrigExpression = setmetatable(TrigExpression, __TrigExpression) ---------------------- -- Static constants -- ---------------------- TrigExpression.NAMES = {sin=1, cos=2, tan=3, csc=4, sec=5, cot=6, arcsin=7, arccos=8, arctan=9, arccsc=10, arcsec=11, arccot=12} TrigExpression.INVERSES = {sin="arcsin", cos="arccos", tan="arctan", csc="arccsc", sec="arcsec", cot="arccot", arcsin="sin", arccos="cos", arctan="tan", arccsc="csc", arcsec="sec", arccot="cot"} TrigExpression.COSVALUES = { ["0"] = Integer.one(), ["1/6"] = sqrt(Integer(3))/Integer(2), ["1/4"] = sqrt(Integer(2))/Integer(2), ["1/3"] = Integer.one()/Integer(2), ["1/2"] = Integer.zero(), ["2/3"] = -Integer.one()/Integer(2), ["3/4"] = -sqrt(Integer(2))/Integer(2), ["5/6"] = -sqrt(Integer(3))/Integer(2), ["1"] = -Integer.one(), ["7/6"] = -sqrt(Integer(3))/Integer(2), ["5/4"] = -sqrt(Integer(2))/Integer(2), ["4/3"] = -Integer.one()/Integer(2), ["3/2"] = Integer.zero(), ["5/3"] = Integer.one()/Integer(2), ["7/4"] = sqrt(Integer(2))/Integer(2), ["11/6"] = sqrt(Integer(3))/Integer(2), } TrigExpression.ACOSVALUES = { ["1"] = Integer.zero(), ["(1/2 * sqrt(3,2))"] = PI * Integer(6) ^ Integer(-1), ["(1/2 * sqrt(2,2))"] = PI * Integer(4) ^ Integer(-1), ["1/2"] = PI * Integer(3) ^ Integer(-1), ["0"] = PI * Integer(2) ^ Integer(-1), ["-1/2"] = PI * Integer(2) * Integer(3) ^ Integer(-1), ["(-1/2 * sqrt(2,2))"]= PI * Integer(3) * Integer(4) ^ Integer(-1), ["(-1/2 * sqrt(3,2))"]= PI * Integer(5) * Integer(6) ^ Integer(-1), ["-1"] = Integer(-1)*PI, } TrigExpression.ATANVALUES = { ["(-1 * sqrt(3,2))"] = Integer(-1) * PI * Integer(3) ^ Integer(-1), ["-1"] = Integer(-1) * PI * Integer(4) ^ Integer(-1), ["(-1/3 * sqrt(3,2))"] = Integer(-1) * Integer(6) ^ Integer(-1), ["0"] = Integer.zero(), ["(1/3 * sqrt(3,2))"] = PI * Integer(6) ^ Integer(-1), ["1"] = PI * Integer(4) ^ Integer(-1), ["sqrt(3,2)"] = PI * Integer(3) ^ Integer(-1) } SIN = function (a) return TrigExpression("sin", a) end COS = function (a) return TrigExpression("cos", a) end TAN = function (a) return TrigExpression("tan", a) end CSC = function (a) return TrigExpression("csc", a) end SEC = function (a) return TrigExpression("sec", a) end COT = function (a) return TrigExpression("cot", a) end ARCSIN = function (a) return TrigExpression("arcsin", a) end ARCCOS = function (a) return TrigExpression("arccos", a) end ARCTAN = function (a) return TrigExpression("arctan", a) end ARCCSC = function (a) return TrigExpression("arccsc", a) end ARCSEC = function (a) return TrigExpression("arcsec", a) end ARCCOT = function (a) return TrigExpression("arccot", a) end