--- @class RootExpression --- An expression that represents the solutions to expression = 0. --- @field expression Expression RootExpression = {} __RootExpression = {} ---------------------------- -- Instance functionality -- ---------------------------- --- Creates a new root expression with the given expression. --- @param expression Expression --- @return RootExpression function RootExpression:new(expression) local o = {} local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations) o.expression = Copy(expression) __o.__index = RootExpression __o.__tostring = function(a) return 'Root Of: (' .. tostring(a.expression) .. ')' end __o.__eq = function(a, b) -- This shouldn't be needed, since __eq should only fire if both metamethods have the same function, but for some reason Lua always rungs this anyway if not b:type() == RootExpression then return false end return a.expression == b.expression end o = setmetatable(o, __o) return o end --- @return Expression function RootExpression:autosimplify(subpart) local simplified = self.expression:autosimplify() local simplified, ispoly = simplified:topolynomial() if simplified:isconstant() then -- 0 = 0 is always true (obviously). return simplified == simplified:zero() end if ispoly then if simplified.degree == Integer.zero() then return simplified == simplified:zero() end if simplified.degree == Integer.one() then return {-simplified.coefficients[0] / simplified.coefficients[1]} end if simplified.degree == Integer(2) then local a = simplified.coefficients[2] local b = simplified.coefficients[1] local c = simplified.coefficients[0] -- This is a hack until we can get more expression manipulation working, but that's okay. if subpart then c = (c - subpart):autosimplify() end return {((-b + sqrt(b^Integer(2) - Integer(4) * a * c)) / (Integer(2) * a)):autosimplify(), ((-b - sqrt(b^Integer(2) - Integer(4) * a * c)) / (Integer(2) * a)):autosimplify()} end if simplified.degree == Integer(3) then local a = simplified.coefficients[3] local b = simplified.coefficients[2] local c = simplified.coefficients[1] local d = simplified.coefficients[0] -- This is a hack until we can get more expression manipulation working, but that's okay. if subpart then d = (d - subpart):autosimplify() end local delta0 = (b^Integer(2) - Integer(3)*a*c):autosimplify() local delta1 = (Integer(2) * b^Integer(3) - Integer(9)*a*b*c+Integer(27)*a^Integer(2)*d):autosimplify() local C = sqrt((delta1 + sqrt(delta1 ^ Integer(2) - Integer(4) * delta0 ^ Integer(3))) / Integer(2), Integer(3)):autosimplify() if C == Integer.zero() then C = sqrt((delta1 - sqrt(delta1 ^ Integer(2) - Integer(4) * delta0 ^ Integer(3))) / Integer(2), Integer(3)):autosimplify() end if C == Integer.zero() then C = (-b/(Integer(3)*a)):autosimplify() end local eta = ((Integer(-1) + sqrt(Integer(-3))) / Integer(2)):autosimplify() return {((-Integer.one() / (Integer(3) * a)) * (b + C + delta0 / C)):autosimplify(), ((-Integer.one() / (Integer(3) * a)) * (b + C*eta + delta0 / (C*eta))):autosimplify(), ((-Integer.one() / (Integer(3) * a)) * (b + C*eta^Integer(2) + delta0 / (C*eta^Integer(2)))):autosimplify()} end end if ispoly then simplified = simplified:autosimplify() end if subpart then simplified = (simplified - subpart):autosimplify() end return {RootExpression(simplified)} end --- @return table function RootExpression:subexpressions() return {self.expression} end --- @param subexpressions table --- @return RootExpression function RootExpression:setsubexpressions(subexpressions) return RootExpression(subexpressions[1]) end --- @param other Expression --- @return boolean function RootExpression:order(other) --- TODO: Fix ordering on new expression types if other:type() ~= RootExpression then return false end return self.expression:order(other.expression) end --- @return string function RootExpression:tolatex() return '\\operatorname{RootOf}\\left(' .. self.expression:tolatex() .. '\\right)' end ----------------- -- Inheritance -- ----------------- __RootExpression.__index = CompoundExpression __RootExpression.__call = RootExpression.new RootExpression = setmetatable(RootExpression, __RootExpression)