local linebreaker = {} local hlist_id = node.id "hlist" local glyph_id = node.id "glyph" local glue_id = node.id "glue" local vlist_id = node.id "vlist" local maxval = 0x10FFFF local fonts = fonts or {} fonts.hashes = fonts.hashes or {} local font_identifiers = fonts.hashes.identifiers or {} -- debugging function, it can be redefined to print debug info if needed -- it discards arguments by default function linebreaker.debug_print(...) if linebreaker.debug then print(table.concat({...}, "\t")) end end linebreaker.debug = false -- max allowed value of tolerance linebreaker.max_tolerance = 9999 -- maximal allowed emergencystretch linebreaker.max_emergencystretch = tex.sp("3em") -- line breaking function is customizable linebreaker.breaker = tex.linebreak -- linebreak function linebreaker.max_cycles = 30 -- max # of attempts to find best solution -- the number is totally arbitrary linebreaker.boxsize = 65536 -- it is used in river detection. default box size is 1pt. -- value is in scaled points linebreaker.vertical_point = tex.baselineskip.width -- vertical matrix linebreaker.previous_points = linebreaker.vertical_point / linebreaker.boxsize -- number of -- points which will be taken into account in -- calculating river value. these points will -- be processed in both directions -- factor which will multiply the parindent value to get the minimal allowed width -- of a last line in a paragraph linebreaker.width_factor = 1.5 -- will be linebreaker active? linebreaker.active = true -- return array with default parameters function linebreaker.parameters() return {} end -- diagnostic function for traversing nodes returned by linebreaking -- function. only top level nodes are processed, not sublists function linebreaker.traverse(head) --for n in node.traverse(node.tail(head).head) do for n in node.traverse(head) do linebreaker.debug_print(n.id, n.subtype) if n.id == 10 then local x = n.spec or {} --x.shrink = 111222 linebreaker.debug_print("glue", x.shrink,x.stretch) end end linebreaker.debug_print "****************" return head end local utfchar = unicode.utf8.char local getchar = function(n) local t = {} local xchar = font_identifiers[n.font].characters[n.char].unicode if type(xchar) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(xchar) do t[#t+1] = utfchar(v) end else -- 8-bit fonts don't contain the unicode value, so just return the char -- value of node. In some cases it will be good, for math it will be mostly wrong return utfchar(xchar or n.char) end return table.concat(t) end -- get text content of node list local function get_text(line) local t = {} for n in node.traverse(line) do if n.id == glue_id then t[#t+1] = " " elseif n.id == glyph_id then t[#t+1] = getchar(n) elseif n.id == hlist_id or n.id == vlist_id then t[#t+1] = get_text(n.head) end end return table.concat(t) end -- find badness of a line function linebreaker.par_badness(head) local n = 0 for line in node.traverse_id(hlist_id, head) do -- print(get_text(line.head), line.glue_order, line.glue_sign, line.glue_set) -- glue_sign: > 0 = normal, 1 = stretch, 2 = shrink -- we count only shrink, but stretch may result in overfull box as well -- I just don't know, how to detect which value of glue_set means error if line.glue_sign == 2 and line.glue_set >= 1 then n = n + 1 end end; return n end -- we have table with guessed param tables. we loop over them and find one with -- lowest value of badness. this situation shouldn't happen, as at the moment -- tolerance may be as high as 9999 and this should fix all overfulls -- this code is remain of older method of guessing right value of tolerance local function find_best(params) local min = 10000 -- arbitrary high value local n = params[1] or {} for _, p in ipairs(params) do local badness = p.badness or min if badness <= min then n = p min = badness end end linebreaker.debug_print "best solution" for k,v in pairs(n) do linebreaker.debug_print(k,v) end return n end -- all glue_spec nodes has .width key, but it is the same all the time. real -- width depends on line shrink and stretch -- this will be used in river detection local function glue_calc(n, sign,set) -- function for calculating glue width local size if sign ==2 then size=n.spec.width - n.spec.shrink*set else size=n.spec.width + n.spec.stretch*set end return size end -- calculate new tolerance -- max_tolerance / max_cycles is added to the current tolerance value local function calc_tolerance(previous) local previous = previous or tex.tolerance local max_cycles = linebreaker.max_cycles local max_tolerance = linebreaker.max_tolerance local new = previous + (max_tolerance / max_cycles)-- + math.sqrt(previous * 4) return (new < max_tolerance) and new or max_tolerance end -- river detection -- it doesn't work at the moment, maybe in the future? -- idea is following: -- 1. count widths of words and spaces -- 2. divide widths to segments of some width (1pt?) -- 3. assign number to segments: full glyph in the midle of a word:0 -- full glue: 1 -- edges of words: fraction depending on glyph dimensions -- (it would be nice to incorporate glyph shapes, but it is -- unrealistic, we don't have access) -- 4. add numbers from previous line, probably sum of segments in some -- distance (baselineskip / segments per sp = 45°?) -- 5. sum segments for a glue / glue width = river ratio? -- 6. find right threshold for telling which value of river ratio is a real -- river -- 7. calculate river ratio for whole paragraph (sum of over threshold -- river ratios?) -- I am not a mathematician, so I don't know whether this method is accurate, -- correct, or efficient, -- -- function linebreaker.detect_rivers(head) local lines = {} -- local boxsize = linebreaker.boxsize local vertical_point = linebreaker.vertical_point local previous_points = math.ceil(linebreaker.previous_points) -- calculate river for current node `n` and insert values to local calc_river = function(line,n, lines) -- get previous line local previous = lines and lines[#lines] or {} local get_point = function(i) return previous[i] or 0 end local x = #line --print("soucasna delka line", x) local sum = 0 for i = 1, #n do local v = n[i] or 0 if v > 0 then v = v + get_point(i) -- ve add values from previous line --for c = 1, previous_points do local c = previous_points v = v + (get_point(i+x+c)) + (get_point(i+x-c)) --print("adding",v) --end end line[i+x] = v sum = sum + v --print("Calculate for", i,v) --print("celkem v", i+x,v) end return line, sum / #n end for n in node.traverse_id(0, head) do local line = {} -- glue parameters local set = n.glue_set local sign = n.glue_sign local order = n.glue_order local first_node = n.head local first_glyph = nil local first = true local word_count = 0 local last_glyph = nil local last_glue = n.head local position = 0 local remain = 0 local get_glyph_black = function(glyph) -- only calculate blackness for glyphs if glyph and glyph.id == glyph_id then local w,h,d = node.dimensions(glyph, glyph.next) -- 1 is maximal white local blackness = 1 - ((h+d) / vertical_point) -- print(char(glyph.char), blackness) return w / boxsize or 0, blackness end return 0,0 end -- get width of nodes local get_width = function(start,fin) local w = node.dimensions(set,sign,order,start, fin) return w / boxsize -- get width in pt end local add_word = function(start,fin) word_count = word_count + 1 local t = {} local width = get_width(start,fin) -- first and last glyph are taken into account for blackness calculation local w1, f = get_glyph_black(first_glyph) local w2, l = get_glyph_black(last_glyph) w1 = math.ceil(w1 + remain) w2 = math.ceil(w2) if word_count <= 1 then w1 = 0 end width = width + remain remain = width - math.floor(width) width = width - remain for i=1, w1 do t[#t+1] = f/i -- add more black at the end of glyph end -- middle of the word for i=1, (width-w1-w2) do t[#t+1] = 0 end -- last glyph for i=1, w2 do t[#t+1] = l/(w2-i+1) end line = calc_river(line, t, lines) --print("black", f,l) end add_glue = function(x) local t = {} local r local width = get_width(x,x.next) + remain remain = width - math.floor(width) width = width - remain for i=1, width do t[#t+1] = 1 end --print("glue",#t) line, r = calc_river(line,t, lines) if r > 1 then local w = node.new("whatsit","pdf_literal") local color = 1 / r w.data = string.format("q 1 %f 1 rg 0 0 m 0 5 l 5 5 l 5 0 l f Q", color) -- print("color",w.data) node.insert_before(n.head,x,w) end return r end for x in node.traverse(n.head) do if x.id == glue_id and x.subtype == 0 then --print("glue width", get_width(x,x.next)) add_word(last_glue, x, first_glyph,last_glyph) local river_value = add_glue(x) -- print("riverness", river_value) first = true last_glue = x.next -- calculate width of next word from here elseif x.id == glyph_id then if first then first_glyph = x end first = false last_glyph = x end end add_word(last_glue, x, first_glyph, last_glyph) --table.insert(lines, calc_river(t,lines)) --for k,v in pairs(line) do print(k,v) end table.insert(lines,line) -- print(table.concat(lines[#lines],",")) -- local width, h, d = node.dimensions(set, sign, order, n.head, node.tail(n.head)) -- print(width,table.concat(t)) end return 0 end -- End of river detection function linebreaker.last_line_width(head) -- measure length of the last line in a paragraph local w, w1 local last = node.tail(head) local n = node.copy(last) -- last node is not node list, return negative number if not n.head then return -1 end n.head = node.remove(n.head, node.tail(n.head)) for x in node.traverse(n.head) do if x.id == glue_id then if x.subtype == 15 then n.head = node.remove(n.head, x) end end end -- something went wrong, so discard this solution if not n.head then return 0 end w, _, _ = node.dimensions(n.glue_set, n.glue_sign, n.glue_order, n.head) w1, _, _ = node.dimensions(n.glue_set, n.glue_sign, n.glue_order, n) return w end -- try to linebreak current paragraph with increasing tolerance and -- emergencystretch function linebreaker.best_solution(par, parameters) -- save current node list, because call to the linebreaker modifies it -- and we wouldn't be able to run it multiple times local head = node.copy_list(par) -- this shouldn't happen if #parameters > linebreaker.max_cycles then -- we couldn't find a solution without badness -- break paragraph with the least bad parameters return linebreaker.breaker(head,find_best(parameters)) end local params = parameters[#parameters] -- newest parameters are last in the -- table that will be used in recursive invocations of this function -- it holds updated parameters local newparams = {} -- this value is set by hpack_quality callback that is executed by -- tex.linebreak when overflow or underflow happens linebreaker.badness = 0 -- break paragraph local newhead, info = linebreaker.breaker(head, params) -- calc badness -- we don't use this anymore, badness of the currently -- processed node list is set by hpack_filter local badness = linebreaker.badness or 0 -- don't allow lines shorter than the paragraph indent local last_line_width = linebreaker.last_line_width(newhead) linebreaker.debug_print("last line width", last_line_width, "parindent:", tex.parindent * linebreaker.width_factor) if last_line_width > 0 and last_line_width < tex.parindent * linebreaker.width_factor then linebreaker.debug_print "too short last line" badness = 10000 end params.badness = badness if badness > 0 then -- calc new value of tolerance local tolerance = calc_tolerance(params.tolerance) -- or 10000 -- save tolerance to newparams so this value will be used in next run newparams.tolerance = tolerance newparams.emergencystretch = (params.emergencystretch or 0) + linebreaker.max_emergencystretch / linebreaker.max_cycles table.insert(parameters, newparams) -- run linebreaker again return linebreaker.best_solution(par, parameters) end -- river detection doesn't work, so we don't execute ths code anymore -- detect rivers only for paragraphs without overflow boxes -- local rivers = linebreaker.detect_rivers(newhead) -- print("rivers", rivers) -- print "normal return" --]] return newhead, info end -- this is just reporting function which print lines with glue widths. -- this may be useful in river detection local function glue_width(head) for n in node.traverse_id(hlist_id, head) do local t = {} local set = n.glue_set local sign = n.glue_sign local order = n.glue_order for x in node.traverse(n.head) do if x.id == glue_id then local g = x.spec local size = glue_calc(x, sign, set) t[#t+1] = ":"..size.."." elseif x.id == glyph_id then t[#t+1] = getchar(x) end end local width, h, d = node.dimensions(set, sign, order, n.head, node.tail(n.head)) end end local function fix_nest(info) tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].prevdepth=info.prevdepth tex.nest[tex.nest.ptr].prevgraf=info.prevgraf end -- test whether the current overfull box message occurs inside our linebreaker function local is_inside_linebreaker = false function linebreaker.linebreak(head,is_display) -- we can disable linebreaker processing if linebreaker.active == false then local newhead, info = linebreaker.breaker(head) fix_nest(info) return newhead end local parameters = linebreaker.parameters() is_inside_linebreaker = true local newhead, info = linebreaker.best_solution(head, {parameters}) is_inside_linebreaker = false fix_nest(info) return newhead end function linebreaker.hpack_quality(incl, detail, head, first, last) if not is_inside_linebreaker then local detail_msg = incl=="overfull" and "overflow" or "badness" linebreaker.debug_print( incl .. " box at lines: " .. first .." -- " .. last ..". " .. detail_msg .. ": " .. detail .."\n text:" .. get_text(head) ) end linebreaker.badness = (linebreaker.badness or 0) + detail end -- It seems necessary to call the post_linebreak filter in order to support floats -- Even if it does nothing but to return the node list. I don't understand why... function linebreaker.post_linebreak(head) return true end linebreaker.get_text = get_text return linebreaker