\input minim-doc.sty \startmetadata author {Esger Renkema} title {minim} date {2024-02-25} version {2024/1.5} keywords {LuaTeX; Plain TeX; MetaPost; PDF/A; Tagged PDF; accessibility; a11y; Unicode mathematics; XMP; metadata; hypertext; bookmarks} stopmetadata \maketitle This is a modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine, adding improved low-level support for many LuaTeX extensions and newer PDF features. While it can be used as drop-in replacement for plain TeX, it probably is most useful as a basis for your own formats. Most features included in the format are provided by separate packages that can be used on their own; see the packages \smallskip\marktableaslist \tagattribute List ListNumbering /Description \halign {\strut \vrule height10ptdepth2ptwidth0pt\qquad \red{#}\quad\hfil&#\hfil\cr minim-mp&for mplib (MetaPost) support\cr minim-math&for Unicode mathematics\cr minim-pdf&for hypertext and Tagged PDF\cr minim-xmp&for XMP (metadata) inclusion\cr} The documentation for the above packages will be replicated in separate chapters below. You can use this package by simply saying ⟦\input minim⟧; this will load the file \red{minim.tex}. For building your own format files, you can re-use the file \red{minim.ini}: if you define ⟦\fmtname⟧ before inputting this file, no ⟦\dump⟧ will be performed. \tocfalse \section Contents \par \smallskip \begingroup \parskip1pt \protected\def\chapter#1#2#3{% \stopelement{TOC}\smallskip \nextpartag{}\red{\tenbf\marktocentry{#2}{}{\strut#1}{\hfill~}{#3}}% \smallskip\startelement{TOC}} \protected\def\section#1#2#3{% \marktocentry{#2}{}{\strut\quad#1}{\dotfill~}{#3}\par} \startelement{TOC} \startelement{TOC} \the\toc \stopelement{TOC} \stopelement{TOC} \endgroup \section Compatibility One central design goal of minim is to be as unobtrusive as possible: you should be able to safely ignore any function you do not want to use. Please get in touch if you find this not the case. Particular care has been taken to be compatible with \red{ltluatex}. All overlapping functions should produce the same results and ltluatex can be loaded either before or after minim. \licencesection \input minim-mp.doc \input minim-math.doc \input minim-pdf.doc \input minim-xmp.doc \input minim-alloc.doc \bye