local M = { } local alloc = require('minim-alloc') alloc.remember('minim-xmp') local cb = require('minim-callbacks') local function sorted_pairs(t) local keys, i = { }, 0 for k, _ in pairs(t) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) return function() i = i + 1 local k = keys[i] if k then return k, t[k] end end end -- 1 Reading and writing metadata values M.getters = { Text = function(v) return v or '' end, ['Lang Alt'] = function(t, a) return t[a or 'x-default'] or '' end, } M.setters = { Text = function(new, orig, opt, k) if opt then alloc.msg('Warning: no alternative for %s', k) end if orig then alloc.msg('Warning: overwriting metadata field %s', k) end return new end, ['Lang Alt'] = function(value, orig, lang) orig = orig or { } orig[lang or 'x-default'] = value return orig end, Integer = function(new, orig, opt, k) if opt then alloc.msg('Warning: no alternative for %s', k) end if orig then alloc.msg('Warning: overwriting metadata field %s', k) end return tonumber(new) and new or alloc.err('Not a number: %s', new) end, Date = function(new, orig, opt, k) if opt then alloc.msg('Warning: no alternative for %s', k) end if orig then alloc.msg('Warning: overwriting metadata field %s', k) end return string.match(new, '^%d%d%d%d') and new or alloc.err('Date must start with year') end, Boolean = function(s) return s == 'True' or s == 'False' and s or alloc.err('Boolean value must be True or False') end, } -- 1 Namespace definitions local namespace_info = alloc.saved_table ('metadata namespace info') function M.add_key(prefix, name, t) namespace_info[prefix].keys[name] = { type = t.type or t[1], description = t.description or t[2], isInternal = t.isInternal or t[3] or false, inUse = false, } end function M.add_valuetype(prefix, name, t) local ns = namespace_info[prefix] ns.valuetypes = ns.valuetypes or { } ns.valuetypes[name] = { description = t.description or t[1], uri = t.uri or ns.uri, prefix = t.prefix or ns.prefix, inUse = false, } t.fields = t.fields or t[2] if t.fields then local fields = { } ns.valuetypes[name].fields = fields for n, f in pairs(t.fields) do fields[n] = { type = f.type or f[1], description = f.description or f[2] } end M.getters[name] = function(tt, k) if k then return (fields[k] or alloc.err('Unknown field ā€˜%sā€™', k)) and tt and tt[k] or 'not found' else local res = { } for kk, v in sorted_pairs(tt) do table.insert(res, string.format('/{%s} {%s}', kk, v)) end return table.concat(res, ' ') end end M.setters[name] = function(value, orig, key, k) if not key then alloc.err('Missing key for metadata field %s', k) elseif not fields[key] then alloc.err('Unknown field ā€˜%sā€™', key) else orig = orig or { } local setter = M.setters[fields[key].type] or M.setters.Text orig[key] = setter(value, orig[key], nil, k) end return orig end end end function M.add_namespace(description, prefix, uri, keys, valuetypes, predefined) namespace_info[prefix] = { uri = uri, description = description, keys = { }, predefined = predefined or false, inUse = false, } for name, t in pairs(keys) do M.add_key(prefix, name, t) end for name, t in pairs(valuetypes or { }) do M.add_valuetype(prefix, name, t) end end local function get_resource_type(ns, vtype) local vtypes = namespace_info[ns].valuetypes return vtypes and vtypes[vtype] and vtypes[vtype].fields and vtypes[vtype] or false end local function parse_type_name(vtype) local c = string.sub(vtype, 1, 4) local t = string.sub(vtype, 5) if c == 'Bag ' then return t, 'Bag' elseif c == 'Seq ' then return t, 'Seq' else return vtype, false end end -- 1 Built-in namespaces M.add_namespace('Adobe PDF', 'pdf', 'http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/', { Keywords = { 'Text', 'Keywords' }, PDFVersion = { 'Text', 'PDF version ', true}, Producer = { 'AgentName', 'Creator tool', true }, }, nil, true) M.add_namespace('PDF/A Identification', 'pdfaid', 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/', { amd = { 'Text', 'Amendment identifier', true }, corr = { 'Text', 'Corrigendum identifier', true }, conformance = { 'Text', 'Conformance level', true }, part = { 'Integer', 'Version identifier', true }, }, nil, true) M.add_namespace('Dublin Core', 'dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', { contributor = { 'Bag ProperName', 'Other contributors' }, coverage = { 'Text', 'Extent or scope' }, creator = { 'Seq ProperName', 'Authors' }, date = { 'Seq Date', 'Relevant dates' }, description = { 'Lang Alt', 'Description of contents' }, format = { 'MIMEType', 'File format (application/pdf)', true }, identifier = { 'Text', 'Unique identifier' }, language = { 'Bag Locale', 'Used languages', true }, publisher = { 'Bag ProperName', 'Publishers' }, relation = { 'Bag Text', 'Relationships to other documents', true }, rights = { 'Lang Alt', 'Copyright statement' }, source = { 'Text', 'Document source unique identifier' }, subject = { 'Bag Text', 'Keywords' }, title = { 'Lang Alt', 'Title' }, type = { 'Bag Text', 'Document type' }, }, nil, true) M.add_namespace('XMP Basic', 'xmp', 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/', { BaseUrl = { 'URL', 'Base for relative URLs in the document', true }, CreateDate = { 'Date', 'Creation date' }, CreatorTool = { 'AgentName', 'Creator tool', true }, Identifier = { 'Bag Text', 'Multiple identifiers' }, MetadataDate = { 'Date', 'Metadata modification date', true }, ModifyDate = { 'Date', 'Document modification date', true }, Nickname = { 'Text', 'Informal name' }, }, nil, true) M.add_namespace('XMP Rights Management', 'xmpRights', 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/rights/', { Certificate = { 'URL', 'Online rights management cerfificate' }, Marked = { 'Boolean', 'Indicates this is a rights-managed resource' }, Owner = { 'Bag ProperName', 'Right holders' }, UsageTerms = { 'Lang Alt', 'Instructions on usage' }, WebStatement = { 'URL', 'Location of rights statement' }, }, nil, true) M.add_namespace('XMP Media Managament', 'xmpMM', 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/', { DerivedFrom = { 'ResourceRef', 'Reference to original document', true }, DocumentID = { 'URI', 'UUID-based identifier across versions', true }, History = { 'Seq ResourceEvent', 'Human-readable history of changes', true }, ManagedFrom = { 'ResourceRef', 'Reference to unmanaged document', true }, Manager = { 'AgentName', 'Asset management system', true }, ManagerVariant = { 'Text', 'Particular variant', true }, ManageTo = { 'URI', 'Managed resource identifier', true }, ManageUI = { 'URI', 'Web browser interface', true }, RenditionClass = { 'RenditionClass', 'Rendition class name', true }, RenditionParams = { 'Text', 'Additional rendition parameters', true }, VersionID = { 'Text', 'Document version identifier', true }, Versions = { 'Seq Version', 'Version history', true }, }, { ResourceEvent = { 'Reference to a resource', { action = { 'Text', 'Action that occurred' }, instanceID = { 'URI', 'Instance ID of modifier resource' }, parameters = { 'Text', 'Additional description' }, softwareAgent = { 'AgentName', 'Software agent performing the action' }, when = { 'Date', 'Optional timestamp of the action' }, }, prefix = 'stEvt', uri = 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceEvent#' }, ResourceRef = { 'Reference to a resource', { instanceID = { 'URI', 'referenced xmpMM:instanceID' }, documentID = { 'URI', 'referenced xmpMM:documentID' }, versionID = { 'Text', 'referenced xmpMM:versionID' }, renditionClass = { 'RenditionClass', 'referenced xmpMM:renditionClass' }, renditionParams = { 'Text', 'referenced xmpMM:renditionParams' }, manager = { 'AgentName', 'referenced xmpMM:manager' }, managerVariant = { 'Text', 'referenced xmpMM:managerVariant' }, manageTo = { 'URI', 'referenced xmpMM:manageTo' }, manageUI = { 'URI', 'referenced xmpMM:manageUI' }, }, prefix = 'stRef', uri = 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceRef#' }, Version = { 'Document version', { comments = { 'Text', 'Description of changes' }, event = { 'Text', 'Description of changes' }, modifyDate = { 'Date', 'Check-in date' }, modifier = { 'ProperName', 'Person making the modifications' }, version = { 'Text', 'New version number' }, }, prefix = 'stVer', uri = 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/Version#' }, }, true) -- 1 Writing metadata packets local XMP = alloc.saved_table('metadata values') XMP[1] = XMP[1] or { dc = { format = 'application/pdf' } } -- document-level metadata function M.push_metadata() XMP[#XMP+1] = { } end local function get_xmp() return XMP[#XMP] end local function escape_xml_content(s) -- NB not to be used for attribute values s = string.gsub(s, '&', '&') return string.gsub(s, '<', '<') end -- 2 extension schemas local function get_metadata_extensions() local namespaces, anyInUse = { }, false for prefix, ns in pairs(namespace_info) do if not ns.predefined and ns.inUse then namespaces[prefix] = ns anyInUse = true end end if not anyInUse then return false end local rv = { [[ ]] } local add = function (...) table.insert(rv, string.format(...)) end for prefix, ns in sorted_pairs(namespaces) do add(' ') add(' %s', ns.description) add(' %s', ns.uri) add(' %s', prefix) table.insert(rv, ' \n ') for name, key in sorted_pairs(ns.keys) do if key.inUse then add(' ') add(' %s', name) add(' %s', key.type) add(' %s', key.isInternal and 'internal' or 'external') add(' %s', key.description) add(' ') end end add(' \n ') if ns.valuetypes then add(' \n ') for name, vtype in sorted_pairs(ns.valuetypes) do if vtype.inUse then add(' ') add(' %s', name) if vtype.fields then add(' %s', vtype.uri) add(' %s', vtype.prefix) end add(' %s', vtype.description) if vtype.fields then add(' \n ') for fname, field in sorted_pairs(vtype.fields) do add(' ') add(' %s', fname) add(' %s', field.type) add(' %s', field.description) add(' ') end add(' \n ') end add(' ') end end add(' \n ') end add(' ') end add(' \n \n ') return table.concat(rv, '\n') end -- 2 main xmp packet local function write_fields(add, res, value, pre, name, indent) indent = indent or '' if res then add('%s <%s:%s rdf:parseType="Resource">', indent, pre, name) for k, _ in sorted_pairs(res.fields) do if value[k] then add('%s <%s:%s>%s', indent, res.prefix, k, value[k], res.prefix, k) end end add('%s ', indent, pre, name) else add('%s <%s:%s>%s', indent, pre, name, escape_xml_content(value), pre, name) end end local function make_xmp_packet(xmp) local rv = { } ; local add = function(...) table.insert(rv, string.format(...)) end -- wrapper and opening tags add('') add('') add('') -- namespaces for id, keys in sorted_pairs(xmp) do local info = namespace_info[id] -- xml namespaces in enclosing description element add(' ' -- metadata namespace contents for key, value in sorted_pairs(keys) do local vtype, lst = parse_type_name(info.keys[key].type) local res = get_resource_type(id, vtype) -- list values if lst then add(' <%s:%s>\n ', id, key, lst) for _, v in ipairs(value) do write_fields(add, res, v, 'rdf', 'li', ' ') end add(' \n ', lst, id, key) -- language alternatives elseif vtype == 'Lang Alt' then add(' <%s:%s>\n ', id, key) for lang, v in sorted_pairs(value) do add(' %s', lang, escape_xml_content(v)) end add(' \n ', id, key) -- simple values else if lst then value = value[1] end write_fields(add, res, value, id, key) end end add(' ') end -- extension schemas if #XMP == 1 and xmp.pdfaid then local schemas = get_metadata_extensions() if schemas then add(schemas) end end -- closing tags and wrapper local editable = tex.count['metadatamodification'] > 0 add('\n') if editable then add(string.rep(string.rep(' ', 80), 25, '\n')) end add('', editable and 'w' or 'r') return table.concat(rv, '\n') end -- 2 function M.write_metadata() local xmp = make_xmp_packet(XMP[#XMP]) local nr = pdf.obj { type = 'stream', attr = '/Type/Metadata /Subtype/XML', immediate = true, compresslevel = 0, string = xmp, } XMP[#XMP] = nil return nr end -- 1 Getting and setting metadata values local function get_metadata_info(fullkey) local id, k = string.match(fullkey, '([^:]+):(.+)') if not id then return alloc.err('Malformed metadata key %s', fullkey) end local ns = namespace_info[id] if not ns then return alloc.err('Unknown namespace %s', id) end local key = ns.keys[k] if not key then return alloc.err('Unknown key %s in namespace %s', k, id) end local vtype, lst = parse_type_name(key.type) ns.inUse, key.inUse = true, true if ns.valuetypes and ns.valuetypes[vtype] then ns.valuetypes[vtype].inUse = true end return id, k, lst, vtype end local function get_separator() return string.utfcharacter(tex.count['metadataseparator']) end function M.get_metadata(k, a) local xmp = get_xmp() local ns, key, lst, vtype = get_metadata_info(k) local getter = M.getters[vtype] or M.getters.Text if not ns or not xmp[ns] then return '' elseif lst then local rv = { } for _, v in ipairs(xmp[ns][key]) do table.insert(rv, getter(v, a)) end return table.concat(rv, get_separator()) else return getter(xmp[ns][key], a) end end local function split_metadata_input(s) local rv = string.explode(s, get_separator()) for i = 1, #rv do rv[i] = string.gsub(rv[i], '^ *', '') rv[i] = string.gsub(rv[i], ' *$', '') end return rv end function M.set_metadata(k, v, o) local ns, key, lst, vtype = get_metadata_info(k) if not ns then return end -- an error has already occurred local xmp = get_xmp() xmp[ns] = xmp[ns] or { } local setter = M.setters[vtype] or M.setters.Text if not v or v == '' then xmp[ns][key] = nil elseif lst then local l = xmp[ns][key] or { } xmp[ns][key] = l local nst = namespace_info[ns].valuetypes local f = nst and nst[vtype] and nst[vtype].fields if o and #l>0 and f and f[o] and not l[#l][o] then -- special case: add to property type l[#l] = setter(v, l[#l], o, l) else for _, val in ipairs(split_metadata_input(v)) do table.insert(l, setter(val, nil, o, k)) end end else xmp[ns][key] = setter(v, xmp[ns][key], o, k) end end -- 1 Callbacks and tex interface M.aliases = { author = { 'dc:creator' }, title = { 'dc:title' }, date = { 'dc:date', 'xmp:CreateDate', 'xmp:ModifyDate' }, language = { 'dc:language' }, keywords = { 'dc:subject', also = function(values) local kw = M.get_metadata('pdf:Keywords') if kw ~= '' then kw = kw..', ' end M.set_metadata('pdf:Keywords') -- prevent warning M.set_metadata('pdf:Keywords', kw..table.concat(split_metadata_input(values), ', ')) end }, publisher = { 'dc:publisher' }, abstract = { 'dc:description' }, copyright = { 'dc:rights' }, identifier = { 'dc:identifier' }, version = { 'xmpMM:VersionID' }, } cb.register('finish_pdffile', function() if tex.count['writedocumentmetadata'] == 0 then return end if #XMP > 1 then alloc.err('Not all metadata has been written out.') XMP = { [1] = XMP[1] } end if #XMP > 0 then local metadata_obj = M.write_metadata() local catalog = pdf.getcatalog() or '' pdf.setcatalog(catalog..string.format('/Metadata %s 0 R', metadata_obj)) end end) alloc.luadef('getmetadata', function() local option = token.scan_keyword('/') and token.scan_string() local keyname = token.scan_word() local alias = M.aliases[keyname] local key = alias and alias[1] or keyname tex.sprint(M.get_metadata(key, option)) end) local function set_aliased_metadata(keyname, value, option) local keys = M.aliases[keyname] or { keyname } for _, key in ipairs(keys) do M.set_metadata(key, value, option) end if keys.also then keys.also(value, option) end end alloc.luadef('setmetadata', function() local option = token.scan_keyword('/') and token.scan_string() local keyname = token.scan_word() local value = token.scan_string() set_aliased_metadata(keyname, value, option) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('startmetadata', function() local key = token.scan_word() local opt = token.scan_keyword('/') and token.scan_string() repeat repeat set_aliased_metadata(key, token.scan_string(), opt) opt = token.scan_keyword('/') and token.scan_string() until not opt key = token.scan_word() opt = token.scan_keyword('/') and token.scan_string() until key == 'stopmetadata' end) alloc.luadef('newmetadata', function() M.push_metadata() end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('writemetadata', function() tex.sprint(M.write_metadata()) end) alloc.luadef('includemetadata', function() local file = kpse.find_file(token.scan_string()) if not file then alloc.err('Metadata file not found'); tex.sprint(0); else tex.sprint( pdf.obj { type = 'stream', attr = '/Type/Metadata /Subtype/XML', immediate = true, compresslevel = 0, file = file, }) end end) --  return M