local M = { } local alloc = require('minim-alloc') local cb = require('minim-callbacks') alloc.remember('minim-pdf') -- 1 helper functions local function insert_formatted(t, ...) table.insert(t, string.format(...)) end local function add_to_catalog(...) pdf.setcatalog((pdf.getcatalog() or '') .. string.format(...) .. ' ') end local function add_to_names(...) pdf.setnames((pdf.getnames() or '') .. string.format(...) .. ' ') end -- in-depth node list traversal -- returns current and parent node -- only dives into hbox and vbox nodes local function full_traverse(head) return function(stack, last) local next = last.next if not next then next, stack.box = table.unpack(table.remove(stack)) else while next.list do table.insert(stack, { next, stack.box }) next, stack.box = next.list, next end end return next, stack.box end, { { } }, { next = head } end -- re-encode to utf-16 and surround by <> local function pdf_hex_string(text) local str = { [1] = '') return table.concat(str,'') end -- try and produce a () string first, then fall back to <> function M.pdf_string(text) local str = { '(' } for i in text:utfvalues() do if i > 0x7E then return pdf_hex_string(text) elseif i < 0x20 then insert_formatted(str, '\\%03o', i) elseif i == 0x28 or i == 0x29 or i == 0x5c then insert_formatted(str, '\\%c', i) else insert_formatted(str, '%c', i) end end table.insert(str, ')') return table.concat(str,'') end -- make available as \pdfstring{...} alloc.luadef('pdfstring', function() M.pdf_string(token.scan_string()) end) -- try and produce a date of the format (D:YYYYMMDD) function M.pdf_date(text) local y, m, d = string.match(text, '^([12][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)$') if not y then d, m, y = string.match(text, '^([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)-([12][0-9][0-9][0-9])$') end if y then return string.format('(D:%4d%02d%02d)', y, m, d) else return string.format('(D:%s)', text) end end function M.options_scanner() return { scanners = { }, add = function(this, name, scanner) this.scanners[name] = scanner return this end, keyword = function(this, name) return this:add(name, function() return true end) end, int = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_int) end, glue = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_glue) end, dimen = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_dimen) end, string = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_string) end, argument = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_argument) end, word = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_word) end, list = function(this, name) return this:add(name, token.scan_list) end, scan = function(this, defaults) local res = defaults or { } repeat local matched = false for name, scanner in pairs(this.scanners) do if token.scan_keyword(name) then matched, this.scanners[name] = true, nil res[name] = scanner() end end until not matched return res end } end local function pdf_err(n, msg) local m = node.new(8,16) m.mode, m.token = 2, '%% Warning: '..msg node.insert_after(n, n, m) end -- 1 infrastructure and bookkeeping local function tagging_enabled() return tex.count['writedocumentstructure'] > 0 end local function spaces_enabled() return tex.count['writehyphensandspaces'] > 0 end -- we start with the document at the top level local structure = { { index = 1, struct = 'Document', children = { }, } } -- the parent tree will be filled automatically and separately local parent_tree = { } -- list of list of structure elements -- Our four helper attributes local current_struct = alloc.new_attribute('tagging:current:se') local current_order = alloc.new_attribute('tagging:element:order') local current_status = alloc.new_attribute('tagging:current:status') local current_lang = alloc.new_attribute('tagging:current:language') local function current_structure_element() return structure[tex.attribute[current_struct]] end -- Marker whatsits local marker_whatsit = alloc.new_whatsit('tagged pdf marker') local function make_whatsit(t, se, order) local n = node.new(8, 8); -- user_defined n.user_id, n.type = marker_whatsit, 108 n[current_struct] = se or tex.attribute['tagging:current:se'] n[current_order] = order or tex.attribute['tagging:element:order'] n.value = t return n end alloc.luadef('tagging:mci:content', function() node.write(make_whatsit{ what = 'content' }) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:mci:markstart', function() node.write(make_whatsit{ what = 'mci_start' }) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:mci:markstop', function() node.write(make_whatsit{ what = 'mci_stop' }) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:art:markstart', function() node.write(make_whatsit{ what = 'art_start', it = token.scan_string() }) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:art:markstop', function() node.write(make_whatsit{ what = 'art_stop' }) end, 'protected') -- 1 structure type table and type aliases local structure_types = alloc.saved_table('structure types', { -- grouping types that may carry a bookmark Document = { type = 'section' }, Part = { type = 'section' }, Art = { type = 'section' }, Sect = { type = 'section' }, Div = { type = 'group' }, -- grouping elements BlockQuote = { type = 'group' }, Caption = { type = 'group' }, TOC = { type = 'group', contains = { TOC=1, TOCI=1, Caption=1 } }, TOCI = { contains = { Lbl=1, Reference=1, P=1, NonStruct=1, TOC=1 }, contained = { TOC=1 } }, Index = { type = 'group' }, NonStruct = { type = 'none' }, -- meaningless grouping -- illustration elements Figure = { type = 'inline', needsalt=1 }, Formula = { type = 'inline', needsalt=1 }, Form = { type = 'inline', needsalt=1 }, -- block level structure elements (BLSE) P = { type = 'block' }, H = { type = 'block' }, H1 = { type = 'block' }, -- for nonhierarchical tagging (do not use?) H2 = { type = 'block' }, -- __________ „ __________ H3 = { type = 'block' }, -- __________ „ __________ H4 = { type = 'block' }, -- __________ „ __________ H5 = { type = 'block' }, -- __________ „ __________ H6 = { type = 'block' }, -- __________ „ __________ L = { type = 'block', contains = { LI=1, Caption=1 } }, LI = { contains = { Lbl=1, LBody=1 }, contained = { L=1 } }, LBody = { type = 'contain', contained = { LI=1 } }, Lbl = { type = 'block', contained = { Note=1, Bibentry=1, LI=1, TOCI=1 } }, -- tables (neither BLSE nor ILSE) Table = { type = 'block', contains = { TR=1, THead=1, TBody=1, TFoot=1, Caption=1 } }, THead = { contains = { TR=1 }, contained = { Table=1 } }, TBody = { contains = { TR=1 }, contained = { Table=1 } }, TFoot = { contains = { TR=1 }, contained = { Table=1 } }, TR = { contains = { TH=1, TD=1 }, contained = { THead=1, TBody=1, TFoot=1 } }, TH = { type = 'contain', contained = { TR=1 } }, -- header cell TD = { type = 'contain', contained = { TR=1 } }, -- data cell -- inline structure elements ILSE Span = { type = 'inline' }, Quote = { type = 'inline' }, Note = { type = 'inline' }, Reference = { type = 'inline' }, BibEntry = { type = 'inline' }, Code = { type = 'inline' }, Link = { type = 'inline' }, -- contains link objects Annot = { type = 'inline' }, -- contains other annotations -- ruby/warichu Ruby = { type = 'inline', contains = { RB=1, RT=1, RP=1 } }, RB = { contains = { }, contained = { Ruby=1 } }, RT = { contains = { }, contained = { Ruby=1 } }, RP = { contains = { }, contained = { Ruby=1 } }, Warichu = { type = 'inline', contains = { WT=1, WP=1 } }, WT = { contains = { }, contained = { Warichu=1 } }, WP = { contains = { }, contained = { Warichu=1 } }, }) local structure_type_compatibility = { none = { none=1, section=1, group=1, block=1, inline=1, contain=1 }, section = { none=1, section=1, group=1, block=1 }, group = { none=1, group=1, block=1 }, block = { none=1, inline=1 }, inline = { none=1, inline=1 }, contain = { none=1, inline=1, block=1, group=1 }, } local function check_structure_compatibility(parent, child, childtype) local p, c = structure_types[parent], structure_types[child] childtype = childtype or c.type if p.contains then return p.contains[child] elseif c.contained then return c.contained[parent] elseif childtype == 'section' and parent == child then return false else return structure_type_compatibility[p.type][childtype] end end local function determine_parent_node(current, se) local c = current if tex.count['strictstructuretagging'] > 0 then c = check_structure_compatibility(c.struct, se.struct, c.type) and c else while c and not check_structure_compatibility(c.struct, se.struct, c.type) do c = c.parent end end if not c then alloc.err('Structure type mismatch: %s in %s', se.struct, current.struct) end return c or current end function M.add_structure_alias(stype, alias, settings) local t, attr = { }, { } local info = structure_types[stype] or alloc.err('Unknown structure type ‘%s’', stype) and {} for k, v in pairs(info) do t[k] = v end for k,v in pairs(t.attributes or {}) do attr[k] = v end -- copy to new table t.attributes = nil for k, v in pairs(settings or {}) do t[k] = v end -- may re-set attributes for k,v in pairs(t.attributes or {}) do attr[k] = v end if #attr > 0 then t.attributes = attr end for _, s in pairs(structure_types) do if s.contains and s.contains[stype] then s.contains[alias] = 1 end if s.contained and s.contained[stype] then s.contained[alias] = 1 end end t.aliasof, t.inuse = t.aliasof or stype, false structure_types[alias] = t end alloc.luadef('struct:addalias', function() local settings = load(token.scan_string())() local stype = token.scan_string() local alias = token.scan_string() M.add_structure_alias(stype, alias, settings) end, 'protected') -- 1 writing the document structure local function stable_sort_on_order_field(unsorted) -- n.b. ‘unsorted’ is likely to closely resemble two concatenated -- monotonously increasing lists. local sorted, oldsorted = { unsorted[1] }, nil local i, next, c = 2, unsorted[2], nil while next do oldsorted, sorted = sorted, { } for _, e in ipairs(oldsorted) do c = e.order while next and next.order < c do table.insert(sorted, next); i = i+1; next = unsorted[i] end table.insert(sorted, e); end while next and c <= next.order do c = next.order table.insert(sorted, next); i = i+1; next = unsorted[i] end end return sorted end local function format_K_array(se) local res = { '[' } for _, k in ipairs(stable_sort_on_order_field(se.children)) do se.mainpage = se.mainpage or k.pageobj if k.mcid then if se.mainpage == k.pageobj then insert_formatted(res, '%d', k.mcid) else insert_formatted(res, '<< /Type/MCR /Pg %d 0 R /MCID %d >>', k.pageobj, k.mcid) end elseif k.children then insert_formatted(res, '%s 0 R', k.objnum) else if se.mainpage == k.pageobj then insert_formatted(res, '<< /Type/OBJR /Obj %d 0 R >>', k.objnum) else insert_formatted(res, '<< /Type/OBJR /Obj %d 0 R /Pg %s 0 R >>', k.objnum, k.pageobj) end end end table.insert(res, ']') return table.concat(res, ' ') end local function make_rolemap() local aliases = { } for k, v in pairs(structure_types) do if v.aliasof and v.inuse and v.aliasof ~= k then insert_formatted(aliases, '/%s/%s', k, v.aliasof) end end if #aliases > 0 then return '\n/RoleMap << ' .. table.concat(aliases,' ') .. ' >>' end return '' end local function write_structure() if #structure == 1 then return end -- reserve object numbers, prepare for writing local root_obj, parent_tree_obj = pdf.reserveobj(), pdf.reserveobj() structure[1].parent = { objnum = root_obj } for _, se in ipairs(structure) do if not se.hidden then se.objnum = pdf.reserveobj() end end -- update the document catalog add_to_catalog('/MarkInfo << /Marked true >>') add_to_catalog('/StructTreeRoot %s 0 R', root_obj) -- write the structure tree root pdf.immediateobj(root_obj, string.format( '<< /Type/StructTreeRoot /K %d 0 R /ParentTree %d 0 R%s >>', structure[1].objnum, parent_tree_obj, make_rolemap())) -- write structure elements for _, se in ipairs(structure) do if not se.hidden then local res = { '<<' } insert_formatted(res, '/Type/StructElem /S/%s /P %d 0 R', se.struct, se.parent.objnum) if se.lang and se.lang ~= se.parent.lang then insert_formatted(res, '/Lang (%s)', se.lang) end if se.alt then insert_formatted(res, '/Alt %s', M.pdf_string(se.alt)) end if se.actual then insert_formatted(res, '/ActualText %s', M.pdf_string(se.actual)) end if #se.children > 0 then insert_formatted(res, '\n/K %s', format_K_array(se)) end if se.mainpage then insert_formatted(res, '/Pg %d 0 R', se.mainpage) end if se.attributes then table.insert(res, '/A <<') for k,v in pairs(se.attributes) do insert_formatted(res, '/%s %s', k, v) end table.insert(res, '>>') end if se.files then table.insert(res, '/AF [') for _, fs in ipairs(se.files) do insert_formatted(res, '%d 0 R', fs) end table.insert(res, ']') end table.insert(res, '>>') pdf.immediateobj(se.objnum, table.concat(res, ' ')) end end -- write the parent tree local res = { '<< /Nums [' } for i, parents in ipairs(parent_tree) do -- i, parents = StructParents index + 1, list of structure elems if type(parents) == 'number' then table.insert(res, string.format('%d %d 0 R', i-1, structure[parents].objnum)) else local entry = { } insert_formatted(entry, '%d [', i-1) for _, p in ipairs(parents) do insert_formatted(entry, '%d 0 R', p.objnum) end table.insert(entry, ']') table.insert(res, table.concat(entry, ' ')) end end table.insert(res, '] >>') pdf.immediateobj(parent_tree_obj, table.concat(res, '\n')) end -- 1 languages -- name|code ↦ nr & nr ↦ code local language_codes = alloc.saved_table('language codes') function M.set_language_code(name, code) if not language_codes[code] then table.insert(language_codes, code) language_codes[code] = #language_codes end language_codes[name] = language_codes[code] end if not language_codes.sumerian then local defaults = require('minim-languagecodes') for name, code in pairs(defaults) do M.set_language_code(name, code) end end -- \setlanguagecode dutch nl_BE alloc.luadef('setlanguagecode', function() M.set_language_code(token.scan_string(), token.scan_string()) end, 'protected') function M.get_language_code(name_or_code) local nr = language_codes[name_or_code] return nr and language_codes[nr] or name_or_code end function M.get_current_language_code() return language_codes[tex.attribute['tagging:current:language']] end function M.set_document_language(code) structure[1].lang = code end alloc.luadef('setdocumentlanguage', function() M.set_document_language(M.get_language_code(token.scan_string())) end, 'protected') -- \uselanguage patch; provide default document language -- and associate names with numbers alloc.luadef('minim:apply:language:code', function() local name = token.scan_string() local nr = language_codes[name] or alloc.err('No language code known for ‘%s’', name) and 1 if not structure[1].lang then M.set_document_language(language_codes[nr]) end tex.sprint(nr) end) local function write_language() add_to_catalog('/Lang (%s)', structure[1].lang or 'und') end -- 1 marking structure elements local function get_ancestor_of_type(se, stype) while se and se.struct ~= stype do if se.level == -1000 then return end se = se.parent end return se and se.parent end function M.close_structure_node(stype, raiseerror) local strict = tex.count['strictstructuretagging'] > 0 local current, open = current_structure_element(), false if strict then open = current.struct == stype and current.parent else open = get_ancestor_of_type(current, stype) end if open then tex.setattribute(current_struct, open.index) elseif strict then alloc.err('Cannot close structure element %s: %s still open', stype, current.struct) elseif raiseerror then alloc.err('Cannot close structure element %s: no open tag found', stype) end end alloc.luadef('tagging:stopelement', function() M.close_structure_node(token.scan_string(), true) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:ensurestopelement', function() M.close_structure_node(token.scan_string(), false) end, 'protected') function M.open_structure_node(n) local info = structure_types[n.struct] if not info then alloc.err('Unknown structure type %s replaced by NonStruct', n.struct) n.struct, info = 'NonStruct', structure_types.NonStruct end info.inuse = true if info.attributes then n.attributes = n.attributes or { } for k,v in pairs(info.attributes) do n.attributes[k] = n.attributes[k] or v end end if n.block then n.type = 'block' n.attributes = n.attributes or { } n.attributes.Placement = '/Block' elseif n.inline then n.type = 'inline' n.attributes = n.attributes or { } n.attributes.Placement = '/Inline' end n.index = #structure + 1 n.children = { } -- order and parent can be forced (needed for asynchronous elements) n.order = n.order or tex.getattribute(current_order) n.parent = (n.parent and structure[n.parent]) or determine_parent_node(current_structure_element(), n) table.insert(structure, n) if n.lang then n.lang = get_language_code(n.lang) else local lang = tex.getattribute(current_lang) n.lang = language_codes[lang] end if not n.hidden then table.insert(n.parent.children, n) end if not n.async then tex.setattribute(current_struct, #structure) end end alloc.luadef('tagging:startelement', function() local s = M.options_scanner() :string('type') -- 'section', 'group', 'block' etc. :argument('alt') :argument('actual') :string('lang') :keyword('block') :keyword('inline') :scan() s.struct = token.scan_string() M.open_structure_node(s) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('tagging:alt', function() current_structure_element().alt = token.scan_string() end) alloc.luadef('tagging:actual', function() current_structure_element().actual = token.scan_string() end) -- 1 marking content items -- All content items should be explicitly opened and closed, per page, by the -- late_lua nodes constructed beneath. After the page is finished, the MCIDs -- will be stored in the parent tree entry associated to the page. -- For the insertion of these late_lua nodes, see the next section; this one -- only deals with the bookkeeping mechanics. -- Note that we do not nest artifacts within marked content items. This would -- be allowed by the spec, but confuses some pdf readers (e.g. poppler). local mcid_list, pageobj local function clear_page_tagging_parameters() mcid_list, pageobj = { }, nil _open_mci_node_ = function (se_num, order) pageobj = pageobj or pdf.getpageref(status.total_pages + 1) local se = structure[se_num] pdf.print(string.format('/%s <> BDC ', se.struct, #mcid_list)) table.insert(se.children, { mcid = #mcid_list, order = order, pageobj = pageobj }) table.insert(mcid_list, se) -- unhide hidden parents (done here to preserve the correct order) if se.hidden then table.insert(se.parent.children, se) se.hidden = false end end end clear_page_tagging_parameters() local function new_open_mci_node(se, order) local n = node.new(8,7) -- late_lua n.token = string.format('_open_mci_node_(%d, %d)', se, order) return n end local function new_open_art_node(atype) local n = node.new(8,16) -- pdf_literal n.mode, n.token = 1, string.format('/Artifact << /Type/%s >> BDC', atype) return n end local function new_emc_node() local n = node.new(8,16) -- pdf_literal n.mode, n.token = 1, 'EMC' return n end cb.register('finish_pdfpage', function(shippingout) if shippingout then local pageattr = string.gsub(pdf.getpageattributes() or '', ' */StructParents %d+', '' ) if #mcid_list > 0 then pageattr = pageattr..string.format('/StructParents %d', #parent_tree) table.insert(parent_tree, mcid_list) end pdf.setpageattributes(pageattr) clear_page_tagging_parameters() end end) -- 1 content item boundaries and linking function M.mark_content_items(box) local se, order, open local start_node, end_node, parent_node local pageobj = pdf.getpageref(status.total_pages + 1) -- inserting mci markers local insert_tags = function(end_parent) if not open then return end parent_node.list = node.insert_before(parent_node.list, start_node, open) node.insert_after(end_parent.list, end_node, new_emc_node()) start_node, end_node, parent_node, open = nil, nil, nil, nil end local start_content = function(n, b) se, order = n[current_struct], n[current_order] start_node, end_node, parent_node = n, n, b end -- traversing all nodes for n, b in full_traverse(box) do local marker = n.id == 8 and n.subtype == 8 and n.user_id == marker_whatsit and n.value if marker and marker.what == 'art_start' then -- first we start with marking artifacts insert_tags(b); start_content(n, b) open = new_open_art_node(marker.it) elseif marker and marker.what == 'art_stop' then end_node = n insert_tags(b); elseif n[current_status] then -- inside artifact, do nothing elseif n.id == 8 and n.subtype == 19 then -- pdf_start_link -- then attach links to Link elements local _se, _order = n[current_struct], n[current_order] local link = structure[_se] if link.struct == 'Link' then table.insert(link.children, { objnum = n.objnum, order = _order, pageobj = pageobj }) n.link_attr = string.format('%s /StructParent %d', n.link_attr, #parent_tree) table.insert(parent_tree, _se) else alloc.err('Link found outside Link structure element (see pdf)') pdf_err(n, 'unmarked link') end elseif marker and marker.what == 'mci_start' then -- explicit start and stop nodes insert_tags(b); start_content(n, b) open = new_open_mci_node(se, order) elseif marker and marker.what == 'mci_stop' then end_node = end_node and n; insert_tags(b) elseif n.id == 2 or n.id == 29 -- rule, glyph or content marker or marker and marker.what == 'content' then -- now see if we need to intervene between content nodes local _se, _order = n[current_struct], n[current_order] if n.id == 2 and (n.width == 0 or n.height == 0 and n.depth == 0) then -- ignore invisible rules elseif not _se or not _order then -- unmarkable content should not be possible (but is) alloc.err('Unmarkable content on page %d (see pdf)', status.total_pages + 1) pdf_err(n, 'possible unmarked content') elseif se ~= _se or order ~= _order or not end_node then -- new content item on changing attributes insert_tags(b); start_content(n, b) open = new_open_mci_node(se, order) else -- nothing changed: continue current mci end_node = n end elseif n.id == 12 and n.subtype > 2 and n.subtype < 8 then -- parskip or displayskip always closes mci insert_tags(b) end end -- close the last mci if start_node and start_node.user_id and start_node.value and start_node.value.what == 'art_start' then alloc.err('Page %d ends with a broken artifact', status.total_pages+1) end insert_tags(box) end cb.register('pre_shipout', function(nr) if tagging_enabled() then M.mark_content_items(tex.box[nr]) end end) -- 1 destinations local dest_count = alloc.new_count('link dest count') local function new_dest_name() local dest_nr = tex.count[dest_count] + 1 tex.setcount('global', dest_count, dest_nr) return 'hyper:dest:'..dest_nr end local function last_dest_name() return 'hyper:dest:'..tex.count[dest_count] end local function write_new_dest() local name = new_dest_name() tex.sprint(string.format('\\nameddestination{%s}', name)) return name end -- make available as \newdestinationname, \lastdestinationname alloc.luadef('newdestinationname', function() tex.sprint(new_dest_name()) end) alloc.luadef('lastdestinationname', function() tex.sprint(last_dest_name()) end) -- 1 bookmarks -- start with a dummy top-level bookmark local bookmarks = { { count = 0 } } structure[1].bookmark = bookmarks[1] local function write_bookmarks() if #bookmarks == 1 then return end -- reserve objects in a row for i=1, #bookmarks do bookmarks[i].outline_obj = pdf.reserveobj() end -- write outlines object add_to_catalog('/Outlines %s 0 R', bookmarks[1].outline_obj) pdf.immediateobj(bookmarks[1].outline_obj, string.format( ' <> ', bookmarks[2].outline_obj, bookmarks[1].last.outline_obj, #bookmarks - 1)) -- write bookmark objects for i=2, #bookmarks do local bm, res = bookmarks[i], { } insert_formatted(res, '<< /Title %s\n/Parent %s 0 R /Dest (%s)', M.pdf_string(bm.title), bm.parent and bm.parent.outline_obj or bookmarks[1].outline_obj, bm.dest) if bm.next then insert_formatted(res, '/Next %s 0 R', bm.next.outline_obj) end if bm.prev then insert_formatted(res, '/Prev %s 0 R', bm.prev.outline_obj) end if bm.struct and bm.struct.objnum then insert_formatted(res, '/SE %s 0 R', bm.struct.objnum) end if bm.count > 0 then insert_formatted(res, '/First %s 0 R /Last %s 0 R /Count %s%s', bm.first.outline_obj, bm.last.outline_obj, bm.open and '' or '-', bm.count) end pdf.immediateobj(bm.outline_obj, table.concat(res,'\n')..' >>') end end function M.add_bookmark(bm) local se = current_structure_element() bm.parent, bm.count = false, 0 bm.dest = bm.dest or write_new_dest() se.bookmark, bm.struct = bm, se -- find and update the parent bookmarks local p = se.parent while p do local pbm = p.bookmark if pbm then if not bm.parent then if pbm.last then pbm.last.next = bm end bm.parent, bm.prev = pbm, pbm.last pbm.first, pbm.last = pbm.first or bm, bm end -- update the count until the first closed bookmark pbm.count = pbm.count + 1 p = pbm.open and pbm.parent else p = p.parent end end table.insert(bookmarks, bm) end alloc.luadef('outline', function() local s = M.options_scanner() :keyword('open') :keyword('closed') -- default; ignored :string('dest') :scan() s.title = token.scan_string() M.add_bookmark(s) end, 'protected') -- 1 associated files local attached_files = { } local function write_fileattachments() if #attached_files > 0 then table.sort(attached_files, function(a,b) return a.name < b.name end) local afs = { '/AF [' } local nms = { '<< /Names [' } for _, t in ipairs(attached_files) do insert_formatted(afs, '%d 0 R', t.objnum) insert_formatted(nms, '%s %d 0 R', t.name, t.objnum) end table.insert(afs, ']') table.insert(nms, '] >>') add_to_catalog(table.concat(afs, ' ')) local efs = pdf.immediateobj(table.concat(nms, ' ')) add_to_names('/EmbeddedFiles %d 0 R', efs) end end function M.embed_file(t) -- default moddate if not t.moddate then tex.runtoks(function() tex.print('\\csname minim:makedefaultmoddate\\endcsname') end) local moddate = tex.toks['embeddedfiles:moddate'] if moddate ~= '' then t.moddate = moddate end end -- embed the file local attr = { '/Type/EmbeddedFile' } if t.mimetype then insert_formatted(attr, '/Subtype/%s', string.gsub(t.mimetype, '/', '#2F')) end if t.moddate then insert_formatted(attr, '/Params << /ModDate %s >>', M.pdf_date(t.moddate)) end local ef = pdf.obj { immediate = true, compresslevel = t.uncompressed and 0 or nil, type = 'stream', file = t.file and kpse.find_file(t.file), string = t.string, attr = table.concat(attr, ' ') } -- write the filespec local res = { '<< /Type/Filespec' } insert_formatted(res, '/F %s /UF %s /EF << /F %d 0 R /UF %d 0 R >>', t.name, t.name, ef, ef) if t.desc then insert_formatted(res, '/Desc %s', M.pdf_string(t.desc)) end if t.relation then insert_formatted(res, '/AFRelationship /%s', t.relation) end table.insert(res, '>>') local fs = pdf.immediateobj(table.concat(res, ' ')) -- (globally) attach the file return fs, ef end alloc.luadef('embedfile', function() local t = M.options_scanner() :string('desc') :string('file') :string('string') :string('mimetype') :string('moddate') :string('relation') :string('name') :keyword('global') :keyword('uncompressed') :scan() if not t.name then t.name = t.file or aloc.err('No name specified for embedded file stream') end t.name = M.pdf_string(t.name or '(unnamed)') local fs, ef = M.embed_file(t, t.global) -- where to attach? if t.global then table.insert(attached_files, { name = t.name, objnum = fs } ) elseif tagging_enabled() then local se = current_structure_element() se.files = se.files or { } table.insert(se.files, fs) else alloc.err('In untagged pdf, \\embedfile must be used with ‘global’ keyword') table.insert(attached_files, { name = t.name, objnum = fs } ) end end, 'protected') -- 1 hyphenation function M.mark_discretionaries(head, gc) if not spaces_enabled() then return end for disc in node.traverse_id(7, head) do if disc.subtype ~= 2 then -- ‘automatic’ (exclude explicit hyphens) local pre, post, replace = disc.pre, disc.post, disc.replace local se, order = disc[current_struct], disc[current_order] -- get the replacement text local actual = { } for c in node.traverse_id(29, replace) do table.insert(actual, c.char) end -- special case: a single hyphen if #actual == 0 and pre.char and pre.char == 0x2D then actual = '­' -- soft hyphen U+00AD elseif #actual > 0 then actual = string.utfcharacter(table.unpack(actual)) else goto continue end -- reserve a structure element (but hide it) M.open_structure_node { hidden = true, async = true, struct = 'Span', parent = se, order = order, actual = actual } -- apply the new se to pre and post for n, _ in full_traverse(pre) do n[current_struct] = #structure end for n, _ in full_traverse(past) do n[current_struct] = #structure end end ::continue:: end return true end cb.register('pre_linebreak_filter', M.mark_discretionaries) -- 1 spaces local space_attr = alloc.new_attribute('space insertion marker') function M.mark_spaces(head, gc) if not spaces_enabled() then return end for g in node.traverse_id(12, head) do -- glue if g.prev and g.subtype == 13 or g.subtype == 14 then -- (x)spaceskip local p = g.prev p[space_attr] = p.id == 29 and p.font or g.next and g.next.id == 29 and g.next.font or font.current() end end return true end local function create_space(n) local s = node.new(29) -- glyph s.char, s.font, s.attr = 0x20, n[space_attr], n.attr local b = node.hpack(s) b.width, b.height, b.depth = 0, 0, 0 return b end local function insert_spaces(head) for n in node.traverse(head) do if n[space_attr] then node.insert_after(head, n, create_space(n)) end end end function M.insert_spaces(head, gc) if not spaces_enabled() then return end for line in node.traverse_id(0, head) do insert_spaces(line.head) end return true end function M.mark_and_insert_spaces(head, gc, ...) if not spaces_enabled() then return end M.mark_spaces(head, gc) insert_spaces(head) return true end cb.register('pre_linebreak_filter', M.mark_spaces) cb.register('post_linebreak_filter', M.insert_spaces) cb.register('hpack_filter', M.mark_and_insert_spaces) -- 1 page labels local pagelabels = { } function M.page_labels(abs_nr, nr, style, prefix) table.insert(pagelabels, { start = abs_nr, st = nr, s = style, p = prefix }) end local pagelabel_styles = { Decimal = 'D', Roman = 'R', roman = 'r', Alphabetic = 'A', alphabetic = 'a', none = false } alloc.luadef('setpagelabels', function() local prefix = token.scan_keyword('prefix') and token.scan_string() local style = token.scan_word() local nr = token.scan_int() local st = pagelabel_styles[style] if st == nil then alloc.err('Unknown page label style »%s«', style) end M.page_labels(status.total_pages, nr, st, prefix) end, 'protected') local function write_pagelabels() if #pagelabels == 0 then return end if pagelabels[1].start ~= 0 then table.insert(pagelabels, 1, { start = 0, st = 1, s = 'D' }) end local res = { '/PageLabels << /Nums [' } for _, l in ipairs(pagelabels) do local s, p = l.s and '/S/'..l.s, l.p and ' /P '..M.pdf_string(l.p) table.insert(res, string.format('%d << /St %d %s%s >>', l.start, l.st, s or '', p or '')) end table.insert(res, ']') add_to_catalog(table.concat(res, ' ')) end -- 1 output intents local output_intents = { } function M.add_output_intent(t) table.insert(output_intents, t) end local function write_output_intents() if #output_intents == 0 then return end local res = { '[' } for _, oi in ipairs(output_intents) do local p = pdf.obj { type = 'stream', file = kpse.find_file(oi.path), compresslevel = 9, attr = string.format('/N %d', oi.N), immediate = true } insert_formatted(res, '<< /Type/OutputIntent /DestOutputProfile %d 0 R', p) insert_formatted(res, '/S/%s /OutputConditionIdentifier (%s)', oi.subtype, oi.id) if oi.info then insert_formatted(res, '/Info (%s)', oi.info) end if oi.condition then insert_formatted(res, '/OutputCondition (%s)', oi.condition) end if oi.registry then insert_formatted(res, '/RegistryName (%s)', oi.registry) end table.insert(res, '>>') end table.insert(res, ']') local objnum = pdf.immediateobj(table.concat(res, ' ')) add_to_catalog('/OutputIntents %d 0 R', objnum) end function M.add_default_rgb_output_intent(t) t = t or {} M.add_output_intent { subtype = t.subtype or 'GTS_PDFA1', info = t.info or 'IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB', condition = t.condition, registry = 'http://www.iev.ch', id = 'IEC sRGB', N = 3, path = 'sRGB.icc' } end function M.add_default_cmyk_output_intents(t) t = t or {} M.add_output_intent { subtype = t.subtype or 'GTS_PDFA1', info = t.info or 'FOGRA39L Coated', condition = t.condition or 'FOGRA39L Coated', registry = 'http://www.fogra.org', id = 'Offset printing, according to ISO 12647-2:2004/Amd 1, OFCOM, paper type 1 or 2 = coated art, 115 g/m2, tone value increase curves A (CMY) and B (K)', N = 4, path = 'FOGRA39L_coated.icc' } end alloc.luadef('minim:default:rgb:profile', function() M.add_default_rgb_output_intent() end) alloc.luadef('minim:default:cmyk:profile', function() M.add_default_cmyk_output_intent() end) -- cb.register ('finish_pdffile', function() if tagging_enabled() then write_language() write_structure() end write_bookmarks() write_pagelabels() write_output_intents() write_fileattachments() end) return M