delimiters (); message "Loading the minim extension macros"; % interaction with tex def baseline expr o = fill if numeric o: (0,o) else o fi -- cycle withprescript "BASELINE:"; enddef; def boxresource expr nr = image( fill unitsquare withprescript "BOXRESOURCE:" & decimal nr ; setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare transformed runscript ("return { 'box_size', tex.getboxresourcedimensions(" & decimal nr & ") }"); ) enddef; primarydef t infont f = image( runscript( "return require('minim-mp').infont("&ditto&t&ditto&", " &if numeric f: decimal(f) else: ditto&f&ditto fi&")" ) ) enddef; % interaction with lua vardef hexadecimal expr n = % TODO: support other number systems save d, a, m; a = ASCII("a"); m := abs n; if n < 0: "-0x" else: "0x" fi for i = 1 upto 7: & hide(d := floor m div 256; m := 16(m - 256d);) if d < 10: decimal d else: char(a+d-10) fi if i = 3: & "." fi endfor enddef; vardef scaledpoints expr n = % use the fact that 800bp = 803pt save a, m; m := abs n; a1 = m div (1025/1024); % 1025/1024 = 800epsilon * 82 m := m mod (1025/1024); a2 = m div 800epsilon; % max 82 m := (m mod 800epsilon) div epsilon; a3 = floor(m*803/800 + 1/2); if n < 0: "-(" else: "(" fi & decimal(a1) & "*803*82 + " & decimal(a2) & "*803 + " & decimal(a3) & ")" enddef; % reporting def debug_pdf = runscript ("require('minim-mp').enable_debugging()") enddef; def texmessage expr msg = runscript ("texio.write_nl("&ditto&msg&ditto&")") enddef; % patterns def withpattern(suffix s) = withprescript ("fillpattern: " & decimal(_patterns_.s)) enddef; def beginpattern(suffix s) = begingroup clearxy; clearit; interim defaultcolormodel:=1; charcode:=incr _patterns_._last_; _patterns_.s:=charcode; drawoptions(); pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt; save painttype; painttype:=2; save _withcolor; let _withcolor = withcolor; save withcolor; def withcolor = hide(painttype:=1) _withcolor enddef; save matrix; transform matrix; enddef; def endpattern (expr xstep, ystep) = if unknown matrix : matrix:=identity; fi special "definepattern:" for e = charcode, tilingtype, painttype, xstep, ystep, xxpart matrix, xypart matrix, yxpart matrix, yypart matrix: & " " & decimal(e) endfor; shipit; endgroup enddef; newinternal tilingtype; tilingtype:=1; _patterns_._last_ := 0; % so that we can load after this let dump = endinput ;