local alloc = require ('minim-alloc') local cb = require('minim-callbacks') local pdfres = require('minim-pdfresources') alloc.remember ('minim-mp') local M = {} -- 1 AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS -- 2 state metatable -- q Q store/restore graphics state -- In what follows, ‘append’ is a structure that contains a (tex) node list -- that will become the picture that is being constructed and an internal -- graphics state. -- -- We can call append:somefunction(...) to append a node or append:somevariable -- to query the graphics state. These go via its metatable: local A = { } -- appending functions local append_meta = { -- Either return an appending function or an entry in the graphics state. __index = function(table, key) return A[key] or table.state[#table.state][key] end, __newindex = function(table, key, value) table.state[#table.state][key] = value end } local function init_append() return setmetatable({ head = false, tail = false, -- node list baseline = false, -- internal state node_count = 0, -- node count state = { }, -- graphics state variables user = { }, -- user data for extensions }, append_meta) end function A.node(append, nd) append.node_count = append.node_count + 1 append.head, append.tail = node.insert_after(append.head or nil, append.tail or nil, nd) end function A.save(append) local st = append.state[#append.state] or { } append.state[#append.state+1] = { linewidth = st.linewidth, miterlimit = st.miterlimit, linejoin = st.linejoin, linecap = st.linecap, dashed = st.dashed, stroke = st.stroke, fill = st.fill } append:node(node.new(8, 30)) -- q end function A.restore(append) append.state[#append.state] = nil append:node(node.new(8, 31)) -- Q end -- The following callback is executed just before the final step of surrounding -- the image in properly-dimensioned boxes. It receives the processed image -- object as argument. That object has the following fields: -- head the head of the node list -- name the image name -- user the image user table -- wd, ht, dp tex dimensions -- x0, y0 position of (0,0) w.r.t. tex dimension -- bbox original metapost bounding box -- discard whether not to save this image cb.new_callback('finish_mpfigure', 'simple') -- 2 debugging local debugging = false function M.enable_debugging() debugging = true pdf.setcompresslevel(0) pdf.setobjcompresslevel(0) end local function print_prop(append, obj, prop) if obj[prop] then local val = string.gsub(tostring(obj[prop]), '\r', '') append:literal('%% %s: %s', prop, val) end end local function print_multi(append, obj, prop) if obj[prop] then local x = '' for i = 1,#obj[prop] do x = x .. tostring(obj[prop][i])..' ' end append:literal('%% %s: %s', prop, x) end end local function print_knots(append, obj, ptype) if obj[ptype] then append:literal('%% %s: see below', ptype) for i = 1, #obj[ptype] do local a,b = obj[ptype][i].left_type or 'joined', obj[ptype][i].right_type or 'joined' append:literal('%% -+- knot: %s-%s', a, b) append:literal('%% | x_coord: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].x_coord)) append:literal('%% | y_coord: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].y_coord)) append:literal('%% | right_x: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].right_x)) append:literal('%% | right_y: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].right_y)) append:literal('%% | left_x: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].left_x)) append:literal('%% | left_y: %s', tostring(obj[ptype][i].left_y)) end end end function A.printobj(append, obj) if not debugging then return end local nc = append.node_count append:literal('%%Object Type: %s', obj.type) print_prop(append, obj, 'text') print_prop(append, obj, 'font') print_prop(append, obj, 'dsize') print_prop(append, obj, 'width') print_prop(append, obj, 'height') print_prop(append, obj, 'depth') print_multi(append, obj, 'transform') print_multi(append, obj, 'color') print_knots(append, obj, 'path') print_knots(append, obj, 'htap') if obj.pen then local x = obj.pen.type or 'not elliptical' append:literal('%% pen: see below, form: %s', x) local x = mplib.pen_info(obj) append:literal('%% | width: %s', tostring(x.width)) append:literal('%% | sx: %s', tostring(x.sx)) append:literal('%% | sy: %s', tostring(x.sy)) append:literal('%% | rx: %s', tostring(x.rx)) append:literal('%% | ry: %s', tostring(x.ry)) append:literal('%% | tx: %s', tostring(x.tx)) append:literal('%% | ty: %s', tostring(x.ty)) print_knots(append, obj, 'pen') end if obj.dash then local d = '' for i = 1,#obj.dash.dashes do d = d ..tonumber(obj.dash.dashes[i]).. ' ' end append:literal('%% dashes: %s', d) append:literal('%%dash offset: %s', tostring(obj.dash.offset)) end print_prop(append, obj, 'prescript') print_prop(append, obj, 'postscript') print_prop(append, obj, 'miterlimit') print_prop(append, obj, 'linejoin') print_prop(append, obj, 'linecap') append.node_count = nc end -- 2 pdf literal helpers local function format_numbers(...) return (string.format(...) :gsub('[.]0+ ', ' ') :gsub('([.][1-9]+)0+ ', '%1 ')) end -- Only to be used for coordinates: ‘cm’ parameters should not be rounded. local function pdfnum(operator, ...) local fmt = string.format('%%.%sf %s', pdf.getdecimaldigits(), operator) return format_numbers(fmt, ...) end local function point_fmt(operator, ...) local dd = pdf.getdecimaldigits() local fmt = string.format('%%.%sf %%.%sf %s', dd, dd, operator) return format_numbers(fmt, ...) end local function bbox_fmt(...) local dd = pdf.getdecimaldigits() local fmt = string.format('/BBox [ %%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf ]', dd, dd, dd, dd) return format_numbers(fmt, ...) end local function curve_fmt(...) local dd = pdf.getdecimaldigits() local fmt = string.format('%%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf %%.%sf c', dd, dd, dd, dd, dd, dd) return format_numbers(fmt, ...) end function A.literal(append, fmt, ...) local lit = node.new(8,16) -- pdf_literal lit.data = fmt:format(...) append:node(lit) end -- 2 colour conversion local function rgb_to_gray (r,g,b) return ( tex.count['RtoG'] * r / 10000 + tex.count['GtoG'] * g / 10000 + tex.count['BtoG'] * b / 10000 ) end local function cmyk_to_rgb (c,m,y,k) return (1-k)*(1-c), (1-k)*(1-m), (1-k)*(1-y) end local function rgb_to_cmyk (r, g, b) local k = 1 - math.max(r, g, b) if k == 1 then return 0, 0, 0, k else return (1-r-k)/(1-k), (1-g-k)/(1-k), (1-b-k)/(1-k), k end end local function convert_colour(cr) -- always write rgb or cmyk black as grayscale if cr[1] == 0 and cr[2] == 0 and cr[3] == 0 and (cr[4] == 1 or not cr[4]) then return { 0 } end -- see if we must convert to another colour space local n = #cr local convert = tex.count['convertmpcolours'] if convert == 1 then if n == 3 then return { rgb_to_gray(table.unpack(cr)) } elseif n == 4 then return { rgb_to_gray(cmyk_to_rgb(table.unpack(cr))) } end elseif convert == 3 and n == 4 then return { cmyk_to_rgb(table.unpack(cr)) } elseif convert == 4 and n == 3 then return { rgb_to_cmyk(table.unpack(cr)) } end -- otherwise return the colour unchanged return cr end -- 2 colour literals -- MetaPost supports colour models with 1, 3 or 4 parameters. The corresponding -- pdf operators are -- RG rg RGB colour model for stroke/filling -- K k CMYK colour model for stroke/filling -- G g Grayscale colour model for stroke/filling -- ... CS cs select colourspace for stroke/filling -- ... SCN scn select colour in colourspace for stroke/filling -- In order to prevent duplicate colour settings, ‘append’ contains the state -- variables ‘stroke’ and ‘fill’ that record the last-used colour settings. -- preload device colour pattern colour spaces pdfres.add_resource('ColorSpace', 'PsG', { value = '[ /Pattern /DeviceGray ]' }) pdfres.add_resource('ColorSpace', 'PsRG', { value = '[ /Pattern /DeviceRGB ]' }) pdfres.add_resource('ColorSpace', 'PsK', { value = '[ /Pattern /DeviceCMYK ]' }) local colour_template = { '%.3f ', '%.3f %.3f ', '%.3f %.3f %.3f ', '%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f ' } local colour_stroke_operators = { 'G', nil, 'RG', 'K' } local colour_fill_operators = { 'g', nil, 'rg', 'k' } local colour_pattern_spaces = { 'PsG', nil, 'PsRG', 'PsK' } local function get_colour_params(cr) return format_numbers(colour_template[#cr], table.unpack(cr)) end local function get_stroke_colour(cr) return get_colour_params(cr)..colour_stroke_operators[#cr] end local function get_fill_colour(append, cr) local params = get_colour_params(cr) if append.pattern then local ptype, pname = table.unpack(append.pattern) if ptype == 2 then -- coloured pattern local space = colour_pattern_spaces[#cr] append:node(pdfres.use_resource_node('ColorSpace', space)) return string.format('/%s cs %s%s scn', space, params, alloc.pdf_name(pname)) elseif ptype == 1 then -- uncoloured pattern return string.format('/Pattern cs %s scn', alloc.pdf_name(pname)) else -- should be unreachable alloc.err('Unknown pattern paint type %s', ptype) end end return params..colour_fill_operators[#cr] end -- TODO We should allow the user access to the internals here, so that support -- for other colour spaces may be added. Then, pattern support could also be -- moved into a plugin. function A.colour(append, cr, otype) if cr and #cr > 0 then cr = convert_colour(cr) -- stroke colour if otype ~= 'fill' then local stroke = get_stroke_colour(cr) if stroke ~= append.stroke then append.stroke = stroke append:literal(stroke) end end -- fill colour (possibly a pattern) if otype ~= 'outline' then local fill = get_fill_colour(append, cr) append.pattern = nil -- patterns only apply to one object if fill ~= append.fill then append.fill = fill append:literal(fill) end end end end -- 2 stroke setting literals -- M miterlimit -- j linejoin -- J linecap -- d dash -- As with colour, we record the last-used settings in ‘append’. This function -- is only called for fill/outline objects. function A.linestate (append, object) local ml = object.miterlimit local res = { } if ml and ml ~= append.miterlimit then append.miterlimit = ml table.insert(res, pdfnum('M', ml)) -- TODO is pdfnum here correct? end local lj = object.linejoin if lj and lj ~= append.linejoin then append.linejoin = lj table.insert(res, string.format('%i j', lj)) end local lc = object.linecap if lc and lc ~= append.linecap then append.linecap = lc table.insert(res, string.format('%i J', lc)) end local dl = object.dash if dl then local d = string.format('[%s] %i d', table.concat(dl.dashes or {},' '), dl.offset) if d ~= append.dashed then append.dashed = d table.insert(res, d) end elseif append.dashed then append.dashed = false table.insert(res, '[] 0 d') end append:literal(table.concat(res, ' ')) end -- 2 path literals -- MetaPost only gives us curved lines; if some of the segments are straight, -- we have to find out ourselves: local bend_tolerance = 131/65536 -- context uses this value, presumably with good reasons local function curved (a,b) local d = b.left_x - a.right_x if math.abs(a.right_x - a.x_coord - d) <= bend_tolerance and math.abs(b.x_coord - b.left_x - d) <= bend_tolerance then d = b.left_y - a.right_y if math.abs(a.right_y - a.y_coord - d) <= bend_tolerance and math.abs(b.y_coord - b.left_y - d) <= bend_tolerance then return false end end return true end -- Write the path as list of points. -- m move to this point without drawing anything -- c make a curved line (two control points) -- l make a straight line function A.curve(append, path, open, concat) -- The ‘concat’ function transforms the given coordinate pairs -- according to the current transformation. concat = concat or function(px, py) return px, py end local res = { } local append_line = function(to, op) table.insert(res, point_fmt(op, concat(to.x_coord, to.y_coord))) end local append_curve = function(from, to) local a, b = concat(from.right_x, from.right_y) local c, d = concat(to.left_x, to.left_y) table.insert(res, curve_fmt(a,b,c,d,concat(to.x_coord, to.y_coord))) end local append_knot = function(from, to) if not from then append_line(to, 'm') elseif curved(from, to) then append_curve(from, to) else append_line(to, 'l') end end local knot, prev_knot for i=1, #path do knot = path[i] append_knot(prev_knot, knot) prev_knot = knot end if not open then append_knot(knot, path[1]) elseif #path == 1 then append_line(path[1], 'l') -- special case: draw a point end append:literal(table.concat(res, ' ')) end -- And actually draw the path. -- S draw the path -- h close the path -- s close and draw the path (equivalent to h S) -- f fill the path (implies h) -- f* fill the path, use even/odd rule -- b close, fill and draw the path (equivalent to h B) -- b* close, fill and draw, use even/odd rule -- n do nothing (used for clipping paths) local function get_path_operator(otype, open) if otype == 'fill' then return 'f' elseif otype == 'outline' then return (open and 'S') or 's' elseif otype == 'both' then return 'b' elseif otype == 'nofill' then return '' elseif otype == 'eofill' then return 'f*' elseif otype == 'eofilldraw' then return 'b*' else alloc.err('Unknown path type ‘%s’', otype) return 'f' end end -- -- 1 PROCESSING OBJECTS -- Our processors are located in two tables: one that contains a processor for -- each object and one that contains processors for certain ‘special’ statements. Every -- table contains functions that take the ‘append’ structure and the current -- object as arguments. The tables are indexed by object/special name. -- The treatment of pre- and postscripts is like this: -- * Pre- and postscripts should be of the form ‘type: instruction’. -- * If the type of a prescript is present in the ‘specials’ table, the -- corresponding function will be used in place of the default handling. -- * Execution of other prescripts and of all postscripts will be given by the -- entries in the ‘prescripts’ and ‘postscripts’ table corresponding to the -- type. local process = {} local specials = {} M.specials = specials local prescripts = {} local postscripts = {} M.prescripts = prescripts M.postscripts = postscripts -- 2 choosing a parser local function split_specials(specials) if not specials then return function() return end end local l = specials:explode('\r') local i, n = 0, #l return function() if i < n then i = i + 1 else return end local sp, instr = l[i]:match('^([a-zA-Z_]+): *(.*)') return sp, instr or l[i] end end local function parse_object(append, object) append.object_info = { } append:printobj(object) local processor = nil for sp, instr in split_specials(object.prescript) do if not sp then alloc.err('Unrecognised prescript: %s', instr) append:literal('%% unsupported special excluded (see log file)') elseif specials[sp] then processor = function() specials[sp](append, instr, object) end elseif prescripts[sp] then prescripts[sp](append, instr, object) else alloc.err('Unrecognised prescript ‘%s’ with instruction: %s', sp, instr) append:literal('%% unsupported special excluded (see log file)') end end if processor then processor() else process[object.type](append, object) end for sp, instr in split_specials(object.postscript) do if not sp then alloc.err('Unrecognised postscript: %s', instr) append:literal('%% unsupported special excluded (see log file)') elseif postscripts[sp] then postscripts[sp](append, instr, object) else alloc.err('Unrecognised postscript ‘%s’ with instruction: %s', sp, instr) append:literal('%% unsupported special excluded (see log file)') end end end -- 2 start/stop bounds -- These can be ignored, because they are taken into account by MetaPost when -- it reports the bounding box of the picture. process.start_bounds = function(append, object) end process.stop_bounds = function(append, object) end -- 2 clipping -- W clipping operator -- n path no-op process.start_clip = function(append, object) append:save() append:curve(object.path, false) append:literal('W n') end process.stop_clip = function(append, object) append:restore() end -- 2 fill and outline process.fill_or_outline = function(append, object, otype) append:linestate(object) local t, appendpath if object.pen and object.pen.type == 'elliptical' then -- metapost includes nonelliptical pens in the outline t = mplib.pen_info(object) if t.width ~= append.linewidth then append:literal(pdfnum('w', t.width)) append.linewidth = t.width end if otype == 'fill' then otype = 'both' end -- for in append:colour local transformed = not ( t.sx == 1 and t.rx == 0 and t.ry == 0 and t.sy == 1 and t.tx == 0 and t.ty == 0 ) t = transformed and t end append:colour(object.color, otype) -- otype is 'fill' 'outline' or 'both' otype = append.object_info.otype or otype -- 'eofill' etc. local open = object.path and object.path[1].left_type and object.path[#object.path].right_type local operator = get_path_operator(otype, open) if t then local d = t.sx * t.sy - t.rx - t.ry local concat = function(px, py) return (t.sy*px - t.ry*py)/d, (t.sx*py - t.rx*px)/d end appendpath = function(path) append:save() append:literal('%f %f %f %f %f %f cm', t.sx, t.rx, t.ry, t.sy, t.tx, t.ty) append:curve(path, open, concat) append:literal(operator) append:restore() end else appendpath = function(path) append:curve(path, open) append:literal(operator) end end if object.path then appendpath(object.path) end if object.htap then appendpath(object.htap) end -- reversed trajectory end process.fill = function(append, object) process.fill_or_outline(append, object, 'fill') end process.outline = function(append, object) process.fill_or_outline(append, object, 'outline') end -- 2 specials -- this will be pointed to the right table at the start of each run local current_instance = false -- pure specials are already taken care of in parse_object (they only have -- a ‘prescript’ field). process.special = function(append, object) end prescripts.pdf = function(append, special, object) append:literal(special) end postscripts.pdf = prescripts.pdf prescripts.pdfcomment = function(append, str, object) append:literal('%% %s', str) end postscripts.pdfcomment = prescripts.pdfcomment prescripts.latelua = function(append, str, object) local n = node.new(8,7) -- late_lua n.data = str append:node(n) end postscripts.latelua = prescripts.latelua prescripts.OTYPE = function(append, str, object) append.object_info.otype = append.object_info.otype or str end specials.BASELINE = function(append, str, object) -- object is a ‘fill’ statement with only a single point in its path (and -- will thus not have to be transformed). append.baseline = object.path[1].y_coord end -- 2 patterns -- Saved patterns have the following fields: -- attr the pattern attributes -- stream the pattern drawing statements -- painttype the paint type of the pattern (1 or 2) local function write_pattern_object(pat) local objnum = pat.objnum or pdf.reserveobj() pdf.obj(objnum, 'stream', pat.stream, pat.attr) pdf.refobj(objnum) return string.format('%d 0 R', objnum) end prescripts.fillpattern = function(append, str, object) local name = 'MnmP'..tonumber(str) local pat = pdfres.get_resource('Pattern', name) if not pat then alloc.err('Unknown pattern %s', name) else append.pattern = { pat.painttype, name } append:node(pdfres.use_resource_node('Pattern', name)) end end specials.definepattern = function(append, str, object) local nr, tiling, paint, xs, ys, xx, xy, yx, yy = table.unpack(str:explode()) append.user.pattern_info = { nr = nr, xstep = xs, ystep = ys, tilingtype = tiling, painttype = paint, matrix = { xx = xx, xy = xy, yx = yx, yy = yy, x = 0, y = 0 } } end local function make_pattern_xform(head, bb) -- regrettably, pdf.refobj does not work with xforms, so we must -- write it to the pdf immediately, whether the pattern will be -- used or not. local xform = tex.saveboxresource(node.hpack(node.copy_list(head)), '/Subtype/Form '..bb, nil, true, 4) return string.format(' /Resources << /XObject << /PTempl %d 0 R >> >>', xform), '/PTempl Do' end local function definepattern(head, user, bb) local bb = bbox_fmt(table.unpack(bb)) local pat, literals, resources = { write = write_pattern_object }, { } -- pattern content for n in node.traverse(head) do -- try if we can construct the content stream ourselves; otherwise, -- stuff the pattern template into an xform. if n.id == 8 then -- try if we can simply concatenate pdf statements if n.subtype == 16 then -- literal table.insert(literals, n.data) elseif n.subtype == 30 then -- save table.insert(literals, 'q') elseif n.subtype == 31 then -- restore table.insert(literals, 'Q') else resources, pat.stream = make_pattern_xform(head, bb) goto continue end else resources, pat.stream = make_pattern_xform(head, bb) goto continue end pat.stream = table.concat(literals, '\n') end ::continue:: -- construct the pattern object local i = user.pattern_info local m = i.matrix pat.painttype = tonumber(i.painttype) pat.attr = table.concat({ string.format('/PatternType 1 /PaintType %d /TilingType %s /XStep %f /YStep %f\n', i.painttype, i.tilingtype, i.xstep, i.ystep), string.format('%s\n/Matrix [ %s %s %s %s %s %s ]', bb, m.xx, m.xy, m.yx, m.yy, m.x, m.y), resources }, '') -- remember the pattern pdfres.add_resource('Pattern', 'MnmP'..i.nr, pat) end cb.register('finish_mpfigure', function(img) if img.user.pattern_info then definepattern(img.head, img.user, img.bbox) img.discard = true end end) -- 2 text process.text = function(append, object) alloc.err('Text figure primitives are not supported (this message should not occur)') end local function get_transform(rect) -- reconstruct the applied transformation by examining a unit square, i.e. -- ‘rect’ was originally the path (0,0) -- (0,1) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) local ll, lr, ul = rect[1], rect[2], rect[4] -- determine translation from (0,0) local tx, ty = ll.x_coord, ll.y_coord -- determine rotation and scaling from the diagonals local sx, rx = lr.x_coord - tx, lr.y_coord - ty local ry, sy = ul.x_coord - tx, ul.y_coord - ty return sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty end local function make_surrounding_box(nd_id, head) local nd = node.new(nd_id) nd.dir, nd.head = 'TLT', head return nd end local function wrap_picture(head, tx, ty) local horizontal = make_surrounding_box(0, head) local vertical = make_surrounding_box(1, horizontal) local outer = make_surrounding_box(0, vertical) vertical.shift = tex.sp('-'..ty..'bp') horizontal.shift = tex.sp(''..tx..'bp') return outer end local function apply_transform(rect, box) local sx, rx, ry, sy, tx, ty = get_transform(rect) local transform = node.new(8,29) -- pdf_setmatrix transform.next, box.prev = box, transform transform.data = string.format('%f %f %f %f', sx, rx, ry, sy) return wrap_picture(transform, tx, ty) end function A.box(append, object, box) box.width = 0 ; box.height = 0 ; box.depth = 0; local outer = apply_transform(object.path, box) append:colour(object.color, 'fill') append:save() append:node(outer) append:restore() end specials.TEXBOX = function(append, box, object) local box = tex.getbox(tonumber(box)) append:box(object, node.copy_list(box)) end specials.CHAR = function(append, data, object) local char, font, xo, yo = table.unpack(data:explode(' ')) local n = node.new(29) -- glyph n.char, n.font, n.xoffset, n.yoffset = tonumber(char), tonumber(font), tonumber(xo), tonumber(yo) append:box(object, node.hpack(n)) end specials.BOXRESOURCE = function(append, resource, object) local rule = tex.useboxresource(tonumber(resource)) append:box(object, rule) end -- -- 1 METAPOST INSTANCES local instances = { } M.instances = instances -- 2 small instance helper functions local default_catcodes = alloc.registernumber('minim:mp:catcodes') -- parameters: wd, ht+dp, dp local function make_transform(w, h, d) return string.format('identity xscaled %fpt yscaled %fpt shifted (0,-%fpt)', w/65536, (h+d)/65536, d/65536) end local status_names = { [0] = 'good', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal' } local function print_status(st) return string.format('status %d (%s)', st, status_names[st]) end M.on_line = false local function print_log (nr, res, why) local i = instances[nr] -- only write to term if on_line or if exit status increases local log, alog if M.on_line or res.status > i.status then local nrlines, maxlines = 0, 16 alog = alloc.amsg log = function(...) if M.on_line or nrlines < maxlines then nrlines = nrlines + 1 alloc.msg(...) else alloc.log(...) alloc.term('╧ [... see log file for full report ...]') log, alog = alloc.log, alloc.alog end end else log, alog = alloc.log, alloc.alog end -- split log into lines; discard empty lines at the end local report = res.log and res.log:explode('\n') or { } while report[#report] == '' do report[#report] = nil end -- write out the log log('┌ %smetapost instance %s (%d)', why or '', i.jobname, i.nr) for _,line in ipairs(report) do log('│ '..line) end log('└ %s', print_status(res.status)) -- generate error or warning if needed if res.status > i.status then if res.status == 3 then alloc.err('Metapost instance now defunct') elseif res.status == 2 then alloc.err('Error in metapost code. Further errors will be ignored') elseif res.status == 1 then alloc.msg('Metapost code caused warning') end end -- save the exit status for later comparison i.status = res.status end local function finder (name, mode, ftype) if mode == 'w' then return name else return kpse.find_file(name,ftype) end end -- 2 processing results local function process_results(nr, res) local pictures = {} if res.fig then alloc.alog (' (%d figures)', #res.fig) for i=1, #res.fig do local fig = res.fig[i] local name = fig:filename() local append = init_append() -- parse and append all objects append:save() local objects = fig:objects() for j=1, #objects do parse_object (append, objects[j]) end append:restore() -- bounding box and baseline information local bb = fig:boundingbox() local llx, lly, urx, ury = table.unpack(bb) local bas = append.baseline or lly local pic = { head = append.head , user = append.user , name = name , bbox = bb } if llx > urx and lly > ury then pic.discard = true -- picture is empty pic.wd, pic.ht, pic.dp, pic.x0, pic.y0 = 0,0,0,0,0 else pic.wd = tex.sp(string.format('%s bp', urx - llx)) pic.ht = tex.sp(string.format('%s bp', ury - bas)) pic.dp = tex.sp(string.format('%s bp', bas - lly)) pic.x0 = tex.sp(string.format('%s bp', -llx )) pic.y0 = tex.sp(string.format('%s bp', -bas )) end cb.call_callback('finish_mpfigure', pic) if not pic.discard then pic.head = wrap_picture(append.head, -llx, -bas) end if debugging then alloc.msg('┌ image %s, with %s objects, %s nodes', name, #objects, append.node_count) alloc.msg('│ dimensions (%fpt+%fpt)x%fpt', pic.ht/65536, pic.dp/65536, pic.wd/65536) alloc.msg('└ origin (%fpt,%fpt)', pic.x0/65536, pic.y0/65536) if pic.discard then alloc.amsg(' [discarded]') end end table.insert(pictures, pic) end else alloc.alog (' (no figures)') end return pictures end -- 2 running lua scripts -- Code run with runscript may return a value; we will try and convert it to -- a string that metapost can understand. -- -- Tables of the form { 'box_size', width, height, depth, margin } are -- converted to a transformation. (The margin will be ignored for now, this may -- change in the future.) local function default_env() local env = { } for k,v in pairs(_G) do env[k] = v end return env end local function runscript(code) local f, msg = load(code, current_instance.jobname, 't', current_instance.env) if f then local result = f() if result == nil then return else local t = type(result) if t == 'number' then return string.format('%.16f', result) elseif t == 'string' then return result elseif t == 'table' and t[1] == 'box_size' then -- TODO: take the margin into account if present (t[5])? return make_transform(t[2], t[3], t[4]) elseif t == 'table' and #t < 5 then local fmt = #t == 1 and '%.16f' or #t == 2 and '(%.16f, %.16f)' or #t == 3 and '(%.16f, %.16f, %.16f)' or #t == 4 and '(%.16f, %.16f, %.16f, %.16f)' return fmt:format(table.unpack(t)) else return tostring(result) end end else local mp_msg = string.gsub(msg, '"', '"&ditto&"') -- TODO: provide errhelp once the echo is gone return string.format('hide(errmessage "Lua error: %s")', mp_msg) end end -- 2 typesetting with tex -- The result of the maketext function is fed back into metapost; on that side, -- the representation of a will be expected for btex...etex -- and an empty string for verbatimtex...etex. maketext is indistinguishable -- from btex...etex. -- -- We return here an image() containing a single path; it is that path that -- will be replaced with a stored node list later on. -- -- The path itself is a unit rectangle: from the rectangle we will be able to -- reconstruct how the tex box will have been transformed. We indicate with -- a prescript that the rectangle should be replaced. -- -- The size of the picture is communicated to MetaPost by a ‘setbounds’ -- instruction. local function maketext(text, mode) if mode == 0 then -- btex or maketext local nr = alloc.new_box() table.insert(current_instance.boxes, nr) local assignment = string.format('\\global\\setbox%s=\\hbox{%s}', nr, text) tex.runtoks(function() tex.print(current_instance.catcodes, assignment:explode('\n')) end) local box = tex.box[nr] return 'image ( fill unitsquare withprescript "TEXBOX:' ..nr..'";'.. 'setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare transformed '.. make_transform(box.width, box.height, box.depth) .. ';)' elseif mode == 1 then -- verbatimtex tex.runtoks(function() tex.print(current_instance.catcodes, text:explode('\n')) end) end end local function getfontid(fnt) return tonumber(fnt) or font.id(fnt) end local typeset_box = alloc.new_box('infont box') local function process_typeset(text, fnt, sep, fn) tex.runtoks(function() tex.sprint(default_catcodes, string.format( '\\setbox%d=\\hbox{\\setfontid%d\\relax', typeset_box, getfontid(fnt))) tex.sprint(-2, text); tex.sprint(default_catcodes, '}') end) local res, x = { }, 0 for n in node.traverse(tex.box[typeset_box].list) do if n.id == 29 then -- glyph fn(res, n, x) x = x + n.width elseif n.id == 12 then -- glue x = x + n.width elseif n.id == 13 then -- kern x = x + n.kern end end return table.concat(res, sep) end function M.infont(text, fnt) return process_typeset(text, fnt, '', function(res, n, x) table.insert(res, string.format( 'draw image ( fill unitsquare shifted (%fpt,0) withprescript "CHAR:%d %d %d %d";' ..'setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare transformed %s shifted (%fpt,0););', x/65536, n.char, n.font, n.xoffset, n.yoffset, make_transform(n.width, n.height, n.depth), x/65536)) end) end -- 2 glyph contours function M.make_glyph(glyphname, fnt) -- gather information if not luaotfload then alloc.err('Luaotfload required for glyph of operator') return { }, 10 end local fontid = getfontid(fnt) local thefont = font.getfont(fontid) local fontname = thefont.psname local gid = luaotfload.aux.gid_of_name(fontid, glyphname) if not gid then alloc.err('Font %s has no glyph named %s', thefont.psname, glyphname) return { }, 10 end local segments = fonts.hashes.shapes[fontid].glyphs[gid].segments if #segments == 0 then return { }, 10 end local q = 1000 / (thefont.units_per_em or 1000) -- retrieve the contours local path, paths = { '(' }, { } for _, s in ipairs(segments) do local op = s[#s] if op == 'm' then if #path > 1 then table.insert(path, '--cycle)') table.insert(paths, table.concat(path, '')) path = { '(' } end table.insert(path, string.format('(%f, %f)', q*s[1], q*s[2])) elseif op == 'l' then table.insert(path, string.format('--(%f, %f)', q*s[1], q*s[2])) elseif op == 'c' then table.insert(path, string.format('..controls (%f, %f) and (%f, %f) .. (%f, %f)', q*s[1], q*s[2], q*s[3], q*s[4], q*s[5], q*s[6])) end end table.insert(path, '--cycle)') table.insert(paths, table.concat(path, '')) return paths, thefont.size end function M.get_named_glyph(name, fnt) local res, contours, size = {}, M.make_glyph(name, fnt) for _, c in ipairs(contours) do table.insert(res, string.format( '%s scaled %f', c, size/65536000)) end return table.concat(res, ', ') end local function get_glyphname(c_id) return luaotfload.aux.name_of_slot(c_id) end function M.get_glyph(c_id, fnt) return M.get_named_glyph(get_glyphname(c_id), fnt) end function M.get_contours(text, fnt) return process_typeset(text, fnt, ', ', function(res, n, x) local contours, size = M.make_glyph(get_glyphname(n.char), n.font) for _, c in ipairs(contours) do table.insert(res, string.format( '%s scaled %f shifted (%fpt, %fpt)', c, size/65536/1024, (x + n.xoffset)/65536, n.yoffset/65536)) end end) end -- 2 opening, running and and closing instances local function apply_default_instance_opts(t) return { ini_version = true , error_line = (texconfig.error_line or 79) - 5 , extensions = 1 , find_file = finder --, script_error = ... , job_name = t.jobname , math_mode = t.math or 'scaled' , random_seed = t.seed or nil -- , file_line_error_style , make_text = maketext , run_script = runscript } end local function save_image_list(self, res) for _, img in ipairs(res) do if img.discard then node.flush_list(img.head) else self.results.count = self.results.count + 1 img.prev, img.next = self.results.last, nil self.results.by_name[img.name] = img if nil == self.results.first then self.results.first = img else self.results.last.next = img end self.results.last = img end end end function M.run (nr, code) local self = instances[nr] if self.status == 3 then alloc.msg('metapost instance %s (%s) is defunct and will not run', self.jobname, nr) return end current_instance = self local res = self.instance:execute(code) print_log(nr, res) local picts = process_results(nr, res) save_image_list(self, picts) end M.init_code = { 'let dump=endinput;', 'input INIT;', 'input minim.mp;' } function M.open (t) local nr = #instances + 1 t.jobname = t.jobname or ':metapost:' -- creating instance options local init = string.gsub(table.concat(M.init_code, ''), 'INIT', t.format or 'plain.mp') local opts = apply_default_instance_opts(t) local instance = mplib.new(opts) -- adding the instance instances[nr] = { nr = nr , instance = instance , jobname = t.jobname , results = { first = nil, last = nil, by_name = {}, count = 0 } , status = 0 , catcodes = t.catcodes or default_catcodes , boxes = { } -- allocated by maketext , env = t.env or default_env() } print_log(nr, instance:execute(init), 'opening ') return nr end function M.close (nr) local i = instances[nr] if i.instance then local res = i.instance:finish() print_log(nr, res, 'closing ') end for _, nr in ipairs(i.boxes) do -- remove allocated boxes tex.box[nr] = nil end instances[nr] = false end -- 2 retrieving and using results local function retrieve(nr, name) local results = instances[nr].results local image if name then image = results.by_name[name] results.by_name [name] = nil else image = results.first end results.count = results.count - 1 if image.prev then if image.next then image.prev.next = image.next image.next.prev = image.prev else image.prev.next = nil results.last = image.prev end elseif image.next then results.first = image.next image.next.prev = nil else results.first = nil results.last = nil end return image end function M.left (nr) return instances[nr].results.count end function M.get_image(nr, name) local image = retrieve(nr, name) if image then local box = node.hpack(image.head) box.width = image.wd box.height = image.ht box.depth = image.dp return box end end function M.shipout(nr) local ox, oy = pdf.getorigin local ho, vo = tex.hoffset, tex.voffset pdf.setorigin() tex.hoffset = 0 while M.left(nr) > 0 do local image = retrieve(nr) tex.pageheight = (image.ht + image.dp) tex.pagewidth = image.wd tex.voffset = image.ht tex.box[255] = node.vpack(node.hpack(image.head)) tex.shipout(255) tex.count[0] = tex.count[0] + 1 end pdf.setorigin(ox, oy) tex.hoffset, tex.voffset = ho, vo end -- 2 tex interface local scan_int = token.scan_int local scan_string = token.scan_string alloc.luadef('closemetapostinstance', function() M.close(scan_int()) end) alloc.luadef('runmetapost', function() M.run(scan_int(), scan_string()) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('runmetapostimage', function() local i = scan_int() M.run(i, 'beginfig(0); '..scan_string()..' endfig;') node.write(M.get_image(i)) end, 'protected') alloc.luadef('getnextmpimage', function() node.write(M.get_image(scan_int())) end) alloc.luadef('getnamedmpimage', function() node.write(M.get_image(scan_int(), scan_string())) end) alloc.luadef('boxnextmpimage', function() local i = scan_int() local b = scan_int() tex.box[b] = M.get_image(i) end) alloc.luadef('boxnamedmpimage', function() local i = scan_int() local b = scan_int() local n = scan_string() tex.box[b] = M.get_image(i, n) end) alloc.luadef('remainingmpimages', function() tex.sprint(M.left(scan_int())) end) -- -- return M