-- -- ltj-lotf_aux.lua -- -- functions which access to caches by luaotfload gathered in this file. -- lines with marked by "-- HARFLOAD" are codes for harfload local aux = {} luatexja.lotf_aux = aux local font_metric_table = {} aux.font_metric_table = font_metric_table local function is_harf(t) return luaharfbuzz and package.loaded['harf'] and require("harf-base") end local getfont = font.getfont local provides_feature = luaotfload.aux.provides_feature function aux.exist_feature(id, name) local t = getfont(id) if t and t.properties then return provides_feature(id, t.properties.script, t.properties.language, name) else return false end end function aux.enable_feature(id, name) local t = getfont(id) if t and t.shared and t.shared.features then t.shared.features[name] = true elseif t and is_harf(t) then -- HARFLOAD local hb, tf = require("harf-base"), t.hb.spec.features tf[#tf+1] = hb.Feature.new(name) end end function aux.specified_feature(id, name) local t = getfont(id) return t and (t.shared and t.shared.features and t.shared.features[name]) or (t.hb and t.hb.spec and t.hb.spec.options and t.hb.spec.options[name]) -- HARFLOAD end do local nulltable = {} local function get_cidinfo(id) -- table local t = getfont(id) local a = t and (t.cidinfo or (t.resources and t.resources and t.resources.cidinfo)) or nulltable return a end aux.get_cidinfo = get_cidinfo end local function get_asc_des(id) local t, v = getfont(id), font_metric_table[id] local a, d if t and t.shared then local u = t.units local t2 = t.shared.rawdata.metadata if t2 then a, d = t2.ascender and t2.ascender/u, t2.descender and -t2.descender/u end -- HARFLOAD h_extents() returns "too large" value...? -- rawdata.metadata.horizontalmetrics is same end v.ascender, v.descender = (a or 0.88)*t.size, (d or 0.12)*t.size end local function get_ascender(id) -- scaled points if not font_metric_table[id].ascender then get_asc_des(id) end return font_metric_table[id].ascender end local function get_descender(id) -- scaled points if not font_metric_table[id].descender then get_asc_des(id) end return font_metric_table[id].descender end aux.get_ascender, aux.get_descender = get_ascender, get_descender do local dummy_vht, dummy_vorg = {}, {} setmetatable(dummy_vht, {__index = function () return 1 end } ) setmetatable(dummy_vorg, {__index = function () return 0.88 end } ) local function get_vmet_table(tfmdata, dest) if (not tfmdata) or (not tfmdata.shared) then dest = dest or {} dest.vorigin, dest.vheight = dummy_vorg, dummy_vht return dest end local rawdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata local ascender = rawdata.metadata.ascender or 0 local default_vheight = rawdata.metadata.defaultvheight or (rawdata.metadata.descender and (ascender+rawdata.metadata.descender) or units) local units = tfmdata.units local t_vorigin, t_vheight, t_ind_to_uni = {}, {}, {} for i,v in pairs(rawdata.descriptions) do t_ind_to_uni[v.index] = i if v.tsb then local j = v.boundingbox[4] + v.tsb if j~=ascender then t_vorigin[i]= j / units end end if v.vheight then if v.vheight~=default_vheight then t_vheight[i] = v.vheight / units end end end setmetatable(t_vheight, {__index = function () return default_vheight / units end } ) setmetatable(t_vorigin, {__index = function () return ascender / units end } ) dest = dest or {} dest.ind_to_uni = t_ind_to_uni dest.vorigin = t_vorigin -- designed size = 1.0 dest.vheight = t_vheight -- designed size = 1.0 return dest end aux.get_vmet_table = get_vmet_table end local function loop_over_duplicates(id, func) -- func: return non-nil iff abort this fn local t = (type(id)=="table") and id or getfont(id) if t and t.resources and t.resources.duplicates then for i,v in pairs(t.resources.duplicates) do func(i,v) end end end aux.loop_over_duplicates = loop_over_duplicates local function loop_over_feat(id, feature_name, func, universal) -- feature_name: like { vert=true, vrt2 = true, ...} -- func: return non-nil iff abort this fn -- universal: true iff look up all (script, lang) pair local t = (type(id)=="table") and id or getfont(id) if t and t.resources and t.resources.sequences then for _,i in pairs(t.resources.sequences) do if i.order[1] and feature_name[i.order[1]] then local f = i.features and i.features[i.order[1]] if i.type == 'gsub_single' and i.steps and f and (universal or (f[t.properties.script] and f[t.properties.script][t.properties.language])) then for _,j in pairs(i.steps) do if type(j)=='table' then if type(j.coverage)=='table' then for i,k in pairs(j.coverage) do local s = func(i,k); if s then return s end end end end end end end end end end aux.loop_over_feat = loop_over_feat local vert_vrt2 = { vert=true, vrt2=true } function aux.replace_vert_variant(id, c) return loop_over_feat(id, vert_vrt2, function (i,k) if i==c then return k end end) or c end --for name, func in pairs(aux) do -- if type(func)=="function" then -- aux[name] = function(...) -- print('LOTF_AUX', name, ...); -- local a = func(...); print('RESULT', a); return a -- end -- end --end local search search = function (t, key, prefix) if type(t)=="table" then prefix = prefix or '' for i,v in pairs(t) do if i==key then print(prefix..'.'..i, v) else search(v,key,prefix..'.'..tostring(i)) end end end end aux.t_search = search -- EOF