----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-notdef.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / notdef ----------------------------------------------------------------------- local ProvidesLuaModule = { name = "luaotfload-notdef", version = "3.12", --TAGVERSION date = "2020-02-02", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / color", license = "GPL v2.0", author = "Marcel Krüger" } if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then luatexbase.provides_module (ProvidesLuaModule) end local flush_node = node.direct.flush_node local getfont = font.getfont local getnext = node.direct.getnext local getwhd = node.direct.getwhd local insert = table.insert local insert_after = node.direct.insert_after local kern_id = node.id'kern' local nodenew = node.direct.new local otfregister = fonts.constructors.features.otf.register local protect_glyph = node.direct.protect_glyph local remove = node.direct.remove local setfont = node.direct.setfont local traverse_char = node.direct.traverse_char -- According to DerivedCoreProperties.txt, Default_Ignorable_Code_Point -- is generated from: -- Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point -- + Cf (Format characters) -- + Variation_Selector -- - White_Space -- - FFF9..FFFB (Interlinear annotation format characters) -- - 13430..13438 (Egyptian hieroglyph format characters) -- - Prepended_Concatenation_Mark (Exceptional format characters that should be visible) -- Based on HarfBuzz, we add the exclusion -- - Lo (Letter, Other) -- This affects Hangul fillers. local ignorable_codepoints do local sep = lpeg.P' '^0 * ';' * lpeg.P' '^0 local codepoint = lpeg.S'0123456789ABCDEF'^4/function(c)return tonumber(c, 16)end local codepoint_range = codepoint * ('..' * codepoint + lpeg.Cc(false)) local function multirawset(table, key1, key2, value) for key = key1,(key2 or key1) do rawset(table, key, value) end return table end local entry = lpeg.Cg(codepoint * ';' * (1-lpeg.P';')^0 * ';Cf;' * lpeg.Cc(true))^-1 * (1-lpeg.P'\n')^0 * '\n' local file = lpeg.Cf( lpeg.Ct'' * entry^0 , rawset) local f = io.open(kpse.find_file"UnicodeData.txt") ignorable_codepoints = file:match(f:read'*a') f:close() entry = lpeg.Cg(codepoint_range * sep * ('Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point' * lpeg.Cc(true) + 'Variation_Selector' * lpeg.Cc(true) + 'White_Space' * lpeg.Cc(nil) + 'Prepended_Concatenation_Mark' * lpeg.Cc(nil) ) * ' # ' * (1-lpeg.P'Lo'))^-1 * (1-lpeg.P'\n')^0 * '\n' file = lpeg.Cf( lpeg.Carg(1) * entry^0 , multirawset) f = io.open(kpse.find_file"PropList.txt") ignorable_codepoints = file:match(f:read'*a', 1, ignorable_codepoints) f:close() for i = 0xFFF9,0xFFFB do ignorable_codepoints[i] = nil end for i = 0x13430,0x13438 do ignorable_codepoints[i] = nil end end local function setnotdef(tfmdata, factor) local desc = tfmdata.shared.rawdata.descriptions -- So we have to find the .notdef glyph. We only know that it has GID -- 0, but we need it's Unicode mapping. Normally it isn't mapped in -- the font, so we auto-assigned the first private slot: local guess = desc[0xF0000] if guess and guess.index == 0 then tfmdata.notdefcode = 0xF0000 return end -- If this didn't happen, it might be mapped to one of the -- replacement characters: for code = 0xFFFC,0xFFFF do guess = desc[code] if guess and guess.index == 0 then tfmdata.notdefcode = code return end end -- Oh no, we couldn't find it. Maybe we can find it by name? local code = tfmdata.resources.unicodes[".notdef"] -- Better safe than sorry guess = code and desc[code] if guess and guess.index == 0 then tfmdata.notdefcode = code return end -- So the font didn't do the obvious things and then it lied to us. -- At this point we should think about sending an automated complain -- to the font author, but we probably can't trust the contact -- information either. -- We will fall back to brute force now: for code, char in pairs(desc) do if char.index == 0 then tfmdata.notdefcode = code return end end -- If we ever reach this point, something odd happened. Either there -- are no glyphs at all (then LuaTeX will complain anyway, so let's -- ignore that case) or someone tried to use this with a legacy font. -- In that case there most likely isn't a `.notdef` glyph anyway and -- inserting glyph 0 would insert a random character, so `notdefcode` -- better stays `nil`. end local glyph_id = node.id'glyph' local function donotdef(head, font, _, _, _) local tfmdata = getfont(font) local notdef, chars = tfmdata.unscaled.notdefcode, tfmdata.characters if not notdef then return end for cur, cid, fid in traverse_char(head) do if fid == font then local w, h, d = getwhd(cur) if w == 0 and h == 0 and d == 0 and not chars[cid] and not ignorable_codepoints[cid] then local notdefnode = nodenew(glyph_id, 256) setfont(notdefnode, font, notdef) insert_after(cur, cur, notdefnode) protect_glyph(cur) end end end end otfregister { name = "notdef", description = "Add notdef glyphs", default = 1, initializers = { node = setnotdef, }, processors = { node = donotdef, } } function fonts.handlers.otf.handlers.gsub_remove(head,char,dataset,sequence,replacement) local next head, next = remove(head, char) flush_node(char) if not head and not next then -- Avoid a double free if we were alone head = nodenew(kern_id) end return head, next, true, true end local sequence = { features = {invisible = {["*"] = {["*"] = true}}}, flags = {false, false, false, false}, name = "invisible", order = {"invisible"}, nofsteps = 1, steps = {{ coverage = ignorable_codepoints, index = 1, }}, type = "gsub_remove", } local function invisibleinitialiser(tfmdata, value) local resources = tfmdata.resources local sequences = resources and resources.sequences if sequences then -- Now we get to the interesting part: At which point should our new sequence be inserted? Let's do it at the end, then they are still seen by all features. insert(sequences, sequence) end end otfregister { name = 'invisible', description = 'Remove invisible control characters', default = true, initializers = { node = invisibleinitialiser, }, } --- vim:sw=2:ts=2:expandtab:tw=71