----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FILE: luaotfload-features.lua -- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / font features ----------------------------------------------------------------------- assert(luaotfload_module, "This is a part of luaotfload and should not be loaded independently") { name = "luaotfload-features", version = "3.19", --TAGVERSION date = "2022-02-24", --TAGDATE description = "luaotfload submodule / features", license = "GPL v2.0", author = "Hans Hagen, Khaled Hosny, Elie Roux, Philipp Gesang, Marcel Krüger", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", } local type = type local next = next local tonumber = tonumber local lpeg = require "lpeg" local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local P = lpeg.P local R = lpeg.R local S = lpeg.S local C = lpeg.C local lower = string.lower local table = table local tabletohash = table.tohash local tablesort = table.sort local stringunpack = string.unpack --- this appears to be based in part on luatex-fonts-def.lua local fonts = fonts local definers = fonts.definers local handlers = fonts.handlers local fontidentifiers = fonts.hashes and fonts.hashes.identifiers local otf = handlers.otf local config = config or { luaotfload = { run = { } } } local as_script = config.luaotfload.run.live local normalize if as_script then function normalize(features) return { axis = features and features.axis, instance = features and features.instance, } end else normalize = otf.features.normalize end --[[HH (font-xtx) -- tricky: we sort of bypass the parser and directly feed all into the sub parser --HH]]-- function definers.getspecification(str) return "", str, "", ":", str end local log = luaotfload.log local report = log.report local stringgsub = string.gsub local stringformat = string.format local stringis_empty = string.is_empty local function cmp_by_idx (a, b) return a.idx < b.idx end local defined_combos = 0 local function handle_combination (combo, spec) defined_combos = defined_combos + 1 if not combo [1] then report ("both", 0, "features", "combo %d: Empty font combination requested.", defined_combos) return false end if not fontidentifiers then fontidentifiers = fonts.hashes and fonts.hashes.identifiers end local chain = { } local fontids = { } local n = #combo tablesort (combo, cmp_by_idx) --- pass 1: skim combo and resolve fonts report ("both", 2, "features", "combo %d: combining %d fonts.", defined_combos, n) for i = 1, n do local cur = combo [i] local id = cur.id local idx = cur.idx local fnt = fontidentifiers [id] if fnt then local chars = cur.chars if chars == true then report ("both", 2, "features", " *> %.2d: fallback font %d at rank %d.", i, id, idx) else report ("both", 2, "features", " *> %.2d: include font %d at rank %d (%d items).", i, id, idx, (chars and #chars or 0)) end chain [#chain + 1] = { fnt, chars, idx = idx } fontids [#fontids + 1] = { id = id } else report ("both", 0, "features", " *> %.2d: font %d at rank %d unknown, skipping.", n, id, idx) --- TODO might instead attempt to define the font at this point --- but that’d require some modifications to the syntax end end local nc = #chain if nc == 0 then report ("both", 0, "features", " *> no valid font (of %d) in combination.", n) return false end local basefnt = chain [1] [1] if nc == 1 then report ("both", 0, "features", " *> combination boils down to a single font (%s) \z of %d initially specified; not pursuing this any \z further.", basefnt.fullname, n) return basefnt end local basechar = basefnt.characters local baseprop = basefnt.properties baseprop.name = spec.name baseprop.virtualized = true basefnt.fonts = fontids for i = 2, nc do local cur = chain [i] local fnt = cur [1] local def = cur [2] local src = fnt.characters local cnt = 0 local function pickchr (uc, unavailable) local chr = src [uc] if unavailable == true and basechar [uc] then --- fallback mode: already known return end if chr then chr.commands = { { "slot", i, uc } } basechar [uc] = chr cnt = cnt + 1 end end if def == true then --> fallback; grab all currently unavailable for uc, _chr in next, src do pickchr (uc, true) end else --> grab only defined range for j = 1, #def do local this = def [j] if type (this) == "number" then report ("both", 2, "features", " *> [%d][%d]: import codepoint U+%.4X", i, j, this) pickchr (this) elseif type (this) == "table" then local lo, hi = unpack (this) report ("both", 2, "features", " *> [%d][%d]: import codepoint range U+%.4X--U+%.4X", i, j, lo, hi) for uc = lo, hi do pickchr (uc) end else report ("both", 0, "features", " *> item no. %d of combination definition \z %d not processable.", j, i) end end end report ("both", 2, "features", " *> font %d / %d: imported %d glyphs into combo.", i, nc, cnt) end spec.lookup = "combo" spec.file = basefnt.filename spec.name = stringformat ("luaotfload<%d>", defined_combos) spec.features = { normal = { spec.specification } } spec.forced = "evl" spec.eval = function () return basefnt end return spec end ---[[ begin excerpt from font-ott.lua ]] local function swapped (h) local r = { } for k, v in next, h do r[stringgsub(v,"[^a-z0-9]","")] = k -- is already lower end return r end local tables = otf.tables local scripts = tables.scripts local languages = tables.languages local verbosescripts = swapped(scripts ) local verboselanguages = swapped(languages) ---[[ end excerpt from font-ott.lua ]] --[[doc-- As discussed, we will issue a warning because of incomplete support when one of the scripts below is requested. Reference: https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/31 --doc]]-- local support_incomplete = tabletohash({ -- "deva", "beng", "guru", "gujr", "orya", "taml", "telu", "knda", "mlym", "sinh", }, true) --[[doc-- Which features are active by default depends on the script requested. --doc]]-- --- (string, string) dict -> (string, string) dict local function apply_default_features (rawlist) local speclist = {} for k, v in pairs(rawlist) do if type(v) == 'string' then v = ({['true'] = true, ['false'] = false})[lower(v)] or v end speclist[k] = v end local default_features = luaotfload.features speclist = speclist or { } speclist[""] = nil --- invalid options stub --- handle language tag local language = speclist.language if language then language = stringgsub(lower(language), "[^a-z0-9]", "") language = rawget(verboselanguages, language) -- srsly, rawget? or (languages[language] and language) or "dflt" else language = "dflt" end speclist.language = language --- handle script tag local script = speclist.script if script then script = stringgsub(lower(script), "[^a-z0-9]","") script = rawget(verbosescripts, script) or (scripts[script] and script) or "dflt" if support_incomplete[script] then report("log", 0, "features", "Support for the requested script: " .. "%q may be incomplete.", script) end else script = "dflt" end speclist.script = script report("log", 2, "features", "Auto-selecting default features for script: %s.", script) local requested = default_features.defaults[script] if not requested then report("log", 2, "features", "No default features for script %q, falling back to \"dflt\".", script) requested = default_features.defaults.dflt end for feat, state in next, requested do if speclist[feat] == nil then speclist[feat] = state end end for feat, state in next, default_features.global do --- This is primarily intended for setting node --- mode unless “base” is requested, as stated --- in the manual. if speclist[feat] == nil then speclist[feat] = state end end return speclist end local import_values = { --- That’s what the 1.x parser did, not quite as graciously, --- with an array of branch expressions. -- "style", "optsize",--> from slashed notation; handled otherwise { "lookup", false }, { "sub", false }, } local supported = { b = "b", i = "i", bi = "bi", r = "r", aat = false, icu = false, gr = false, } --- (string | (string * string) | bool) list -> (string * number) local function handle_slashed (modifiers) local style, optsize for i=1, #modifiers do local mod = modifiers[i] if type(mod) == "table" and mod[1] == "optsize" then --> optical size optsize = tonumber(mod[2]) elseif mod == false then --- ignore report("log", 0, "features", "unsupported font option: %s", v) elseif supported[mod] then style = supported[mod] elseif not stringis_empty(mod) then style = stringgsub(mod, "[^%a%d]", "") end end return style, optsize end local extract_subfont do local eof = P(-1) --- Theoretically a valid subfont address can be up to ten --- digits long. Additionally we allow names local sub_expr = P"(" * C((1 - S"()")^1) * P")" * eof local full_path = C(P(1 - sub_expr)^1) extract_subfont = full_path * sub_expr end --- spec -> spec local function handle_request (specification) local request = lpegmatch(luaotfload.parsers.font_request, specification.specification) ----inspect(request) if not request then --- happens when called with an absolute path --- in an anonymous lookup; --- we try to behave as friendly as possible --- just go with it ... report("log", 1, "features", "invalid request %q of type anon", specification.specification) report("log", 1, "features", "use square bracket syntax or consult the documentation.") --- The result of \fontname must be re-feedable into \font --- which is expected by the Latex font mechanism. Now this --- is complicated with TTC fonts that need to pass the --- number of the requested subfont along with the file name. --- Thus we test whether the request is a bare path only or --- ends in a subfont expression (decimal digits inside --- parentheses). --- https://github.com/lualatex/luaotfload/issues/57 local fullpath, sub = lpegmatch(extract_subfont, specification.specification) if fullpath and sub then specification.sub = tonumber(sub) or sub specification.name = fullpath else specification.name = specification.specification end specification.lookup = "path" return specification end local lookup, name = request.lookup, request.name if lookup == "combo" then return handle_combination (name, specification) end local features = specification.features if not features then features = { } specification.features = features end features.raw = request.features or {} request.features = apply_default_features(features.raw) if name then specification.name = name specification.lookup = lookup or specification.lookup end if request.modifiers then local style, optsize = handle_slashed(request.modifiers) specification.style, specification.optsize = style, optsize end for n=1, #import_values do local feat = import_values[n][1] local keep = import_values[n][2] local newvalue = request.features[feat] if newvalue then specification[feat] = request.features[feat] if not keep then request.features[feat] = nil end end end --- The next line sets the “rand” feature to “random”; I haven’t --- investigated it any further (luatex-fonts-ext), so it will --- just stay here. features.normal = normalize (request.features) if features.normal.instance then if features.normal.axis then report("term and log", 0, "features", "instance and axis provided, instance will be ignored") else specification.instance = features.normal.instance end end specification.sub = request.sub or specification.sub or false local forced_mode = request.features and request.features.mode if forced_mode then forced_mode = lower(forced_mode) if fonts.readers[forced_mode] then specification.forced = forced_mode end end return specification end fonts.names.handle_request = handle_request if as_script == true then --- skip the remainder of the file report ("log", 5, "features", "Exiting early from luaotfload-features.lua.") return end do local helpers = fonts.handlers.otf.readers.helpers local axistofactors = helpers.axistofactors local cleanname = helpers.cleanname local getaxisscale = helpers.getaxisscale local function search(table, term, key_field, value_field) if not table then return end for i=1, #table do local entry = table[i] if cleanname(entry[key_field]) == term then return entry[value_field] end end end function helpers.getfactors(tfmdata, instance) -- `instance` might refer to an `axis` value here assert(instance == true or type(instance) == "string", "Fontloader changed interface of helpers.getfactors. This is a bug, please notify the luaotfload maintainers.") local variabledata = tfmdata.variabledata if not variabledata or instance == "" then return end local instances = variabledata.instances local axis = variabledata.axis local designaxis = variabledata.designaxis local segments = variabledata.segments if not axis then return end local factors = {} if instance == true then for i=1, #axis do local cur = axis[i] local default = cur.default factors[i] = getaxisscale(segments, cur.minimum, default, cur.maximum, default) end return factors end local values = search(instances, instance, "subfamily", "values") if values then for i=1, #axis do local cur = axis[i] factors[i] = getaxisscale(segments, cur.minimum, cur.default, cur.maximum, values[i].value) end return factors end values = axistofactors(instance) for i=1, #axis do local cur = axis[i] local default = cur.default local value = cur.name and values[cur.name] or values[cur.tag] value = tonumber(value) or (value and search(search(designaxis, cur.tag, "tag", "variants"), cleanname(value), "name", "value")) or default factors[i] = getaxisscale(segments, cur.minimum, default, cur.maximum, value) end return factors end -- Additionally we patch trytosharefont to ensure that variable fonts work -- with default values whenever no explicit values are passed. local original_trytosharefont = fonts.constructors.trytosharefont function fonts.constructors.trytosharefont(target, tfmdata) original_trytosharefont(target, tfmdata) if not target.streamprovider and tfmdata.resources.variabledata then local format = tfmdata.properties.format target.streamprovider = format == 'opentype' and 1 or format == 'truetype' and 2 or 0 end end end -- MK: Added function fonts.definers.analyze (spec_string, size) return handle_request { size = size, specification = spec_string, } end -- /MK -- We assume that the other otf stuff is loaded already; though there’s -- another check below during the initialization phase. local tlig_specification = { { type = "substitution", features = everywhere, data = { --- quotedblright: --- " (QUOTATION MARK) → ” (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x0022] = 0x201D, --- quoteleft: --- ' (APOSTROPHE) → ’ (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x0027] = 0x2019, --- quoteright: --- ` (GRAVE ACCENT) → ‘ (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x0060] = 0x2018, }, flags = noflags, order = { "tlig" }, prepend = true, }, { type = "ligature", features = everywhere, data = { --- endash: --- [--] (HYPHEN-MINUS, HYPHEN-MINUS) → – (EN DASH) [0x2013] = {0x002D, 0x002D}, --- emdash: --- [---] (HYPHEN-MINUS, HYPHEN-MINUS, HYPHEN-MINUS) → — (EM DASH) [0x2014] = {0x002D, 0x002D, 0x002D}, --- quotedblleft: --- [''] (GRAVE ACCENT, GRAVE ACCENT) → “ (LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x201C] = {0x0060, 0x0060}, --- quotedblright: --- [``] (APOSTROPHE, APOSTROPHE) → ” (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x201D] = {0x0027, 0x0027}, --- exclamdown: --- [!'] (EXCLAMATION MARK, GRAVE ACCENT) → ¡ (INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK) [0x00A1] = {0x0021, 0x0060}, --- questiondown: --- [?'] (QUESTION MARK, GRAVE ACCENT) → ¡ (INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK) [0x00BF] = {0x003F, 0x0060}, --- next three originate in T1 encoding (Xetex applies them too) --- quotedblbase: --- [,,] (COMMA, COMMA) → ¡ (DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK) [0x201E] = {0x002C, 0x002C}, --- LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: --- [,,] (LESS-THAN SIGN, LESS-THAN SIGN) → ¡ (LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x00AB] = {0x003C, 0x003C}, --- RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK: --- [,,] (GREATER-THAN SIGN, GREATER-THAN SIGN) → ¡ (RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK) [0x00BB] = {0x003E, 0x003E}, }, flags = noflags, order = { "tlig" }, prepend = true, }, } local rot13_specification = { type = "substitution", features = everywhere, data = { [65] = 78, [ 97] = 110, [78] = 65, [110] = 97, [66] = 79, [ 98] = 111, [79] = 66, [111] = 98, [67] = 80, [ 99] = 112, [80] = 67, [112] = 99, [68] = 81, [100] = 113, [81] = 68, [113] = 100, [69] = 82, [101] = 114, [82] = 69, [114] = 101, [70] = 83, [102] = 115, [83] = 70, [115] = 102, [71] = 84, [103] = 116, [84] = 71, [116] = 103, [72] = 85, [104] = 117, [85] = 72, [117] = 104, [73] = 86, [105] = 118, [86] = 73, [118] = 105, [74] = 87, [106] = 119, [87] = 74, [119] = 106, [75] = 88, [107] = 120, [88] = 75, [120] = 107, [76] = 89, [108] = 121, [89] = 76, [121] = 108, [77] = 90, [109] = 122, [90] = 77, [122] = 109, }, flags = noflags, order = { "rot13" }, prepend = true, } local interrolig_specification = { { type = "ligature", data = { [0x203d] = {0x21, 0x3f}, [0x2e18] = {0xa1, 0xbf}, }, }, { type = "ligature", data = { [0x203d] = {0x3f, 0x21}, [0x2e18] = {0xbf, 0xa1}, }, }, } local autofeatures = { --- always present with Luaotfload; anum for Arabic and Persian is --- predefined in font-otc. { "tlig" , tlig_specification , "tex ligatures and substitutions" }, { "rot13", rot13_specification, "rot13" }, { "!!??", interrolig_specification, "interrobang substitutions" }, } local function add_auto_features () local nfeats = #autofeatures report ("both", 5, "features", "auto-installing %d feature definitions", nfeats) for i = 1, nfeats do local name, spec, desc = unpack (autofeatures [i]) spec.description = desc otf.addfeature (name, spec) end end luaotfload.apply_default_features = apply_default_features do local function mathparaminitializer(tfmdata, value, features) if not next(tfmdata.mathparameters) then return end if value == 'auto' then if features.script == 'math' then return end end tfmdata.mathparameters = {} end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'nomathparam', description = 'Set Math parameters based on this font', default = 'auto', initializers = { base = mathparaminitializer, node = mathparaminitializer, -- plug = mathparaminitializer, }, } end do local function mathfontdimen(tfmdata, _, value) if not (tfmdata.mathparameters and next(tfmdata.mathparameters)) then return end local parameters = tfmdata.parameters local mathparameters = tfmdata.mathparameters if value == 'xetex' then parameters[10] = mathparameters.ScriptPercentScaleDown parameters[11] = mathparameters.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown parameters[12] = mathparameters.DelimitedSubFormulaMinHeight parameters[13] = mathparameters.DisplayOperatorMinHeight parameters[14] = mathparameters.MathLeading parameters[15] = mathparameters.AxisHeight parameters[16] = mathparameters.AccentBaseHeight parameters[17] = mathparameters.FlattenedAccentBaseHeight parameters[18] = mathparameters.SubscriptShiftDown parameters[19] = mathparameters.SubscriptTopMax parameters[20] = mathparameters.SubscriptBaselineDropMin parameters[21] = mathparameters.SuperscriptShiftUp parameters[22] = mathparameters.SuperscriptShiftUpCramped parameters[23] = mathparameters.SuperscriptBottomMin parameters[24] = mathparameters.SuperscriptBaselineDropMax parameters[25] = mathparameters.SubSuperscriptGapMin parameters[26] = mathparameters.SuperscriptBottomMaxWithSubscript parameters[27] = mathparameters.SpaceAfterScript parameters[28] = mathparameters.UpperLimitGapMin parameters[29] = mathparameters.UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin parameters[30] = mathparameters.LowerLimitGapMin parameters[31] = mathparameters.LowerLimitBaselineDropMin parameters[32] = mathparameters.StackTopShiftUp parameters[33] = mathparameters.StackTopDisplayStyleShiftUp parameters[34] = mathparameters.StackBottomShiftDown parameters[35] = mathparameters.StackBottomDisplayStyleShiftDown parameters[36] = mathparameters.StackGapMin parameters[37] = mathparameters.StackDisplayStyleGapMin parameters[38] = mathparameters.StretchStackTopShiftUp parameters[39] = mathparameters.StretchStackBottomShiftDown parameters[40] = mathparameters.StretchStackGapAboveMin parameters[41] = mathparameters.StretchStackGapBelowMin parameters[42] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorShiftUp parameters[43] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp parameters[44] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorShiftDown parameters[45] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown parameters[46] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorGapMin parameters[47] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleGapMin parameters[48] = mathparameters.FractionRuleThickness parameters[49] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorGapMin parameters[50] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleGapMin parameters[51] = mathparameters.SkewedFractionHorizontalGap parameters[52] = mathparameters.SkewedFractionVerticalGap parameters[53] = mathparameters.OverbarVerticalGap parameters[54] = mathparameters.OverbarRuleThickness parameters[55] = mathparameters.OverbarExtraAscender parameters[56] = mathparameters.UnderbarVerticalGap parameters[57] = mathparameters.UnderbarRuleThickness parameters[58] = mathparameters.UnderbarExtraDescender parameters[59] = mathparameters.RadicalVerticalGap parameters[60] = mathparameters.RadicalDisplayStyleVerticalGap parameters[61] = mathparameters.RadicalRuleThickness parameters[62] = mathparameters.RadicalExtraAscender parameters[63] = mathparameters.RadicalKernBeforeDegree parameters[64] = mathparameters.RadicalKernAfterDegree parameters[65] = mathparameters.RadicalDegreeBottomRaisePercent -- parameters[66] = mathparameters.MinConnectorOverlap -- parameters[67] = mathparameters.SubscriptShiftDownWithSuperscript -- parameters[68] = mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize -- parameters[69] = mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize -- parameters[70] = mathparameters.NoLimitSubFactor -- parameters[71] = mathparameters.NoLimitSupFactor elseif value == 'tex2' then parameters[8] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorDisplayStyleShiftUp parameters[9] = mathparameters.FractionNumeratorShiftUp parameters[10] = mathparameters.StackTopShiftUp parameters[11] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorDisplayStyleShiftDown parameters[12] = mathparameters.FractionDenominatorShiftDown parameters[13] = mathparameters.SuperscriptShiftUp parameters[14] = mathparameters.SuperscriptShiftUp parameters[15] = mathparameters.SuperscriptShiftUpCramped parameters[16] = mathparameters.SubscriptShiftDown parameters[17] = mathparameters.SubscriptShiftDown parameters[18] = mathparameters.SuperscriptBaselineDropMax parameters[19] = mathparameters.SubscriptBaselineDropMin parameters[20] = mathparameters.FractionDelimiterDisplayStyleSize parameters[21] = mathparameters.FractionDelimiterSize parameters[22] = mathparameters.AxisHeight elseif value == 'tex3' then parameters[8] = mathparameters.Defa parameters[9] = mathparameters.UpperLimitGapMin parameters[10] = mathparameters.LowerLimitGapMin parameters[11] = mathparameters.UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin parameters[12] = mathparameters.LowerLimitBaselineDropMin parameters[13] = 0 end end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'mathfontdimen', description = 'Set fontdimen values for compatibility with other engines', manipulators = { base = mathfontdimen, -- node = mathfontdimen, -- plug = mathfontdimen, }, } end do local function restore(tfmdata, value, features) if not tfmdata.properties.monospaced then return end if features.fixedspace then return end -- In this case, 'auto' is true local parameters = tfmdata.parameters local space = parameters.space parameters.space_stretch, parameters.space_shrink = space/2, space/3 end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'internal__variablespace', default = true, initializers = { base = restore, node = restore, }, } local function node_fixedspace(tfmdata, value, features) if value == 'auto' then return end if tfmdata.properties.monospaced then return end -- handled by internal__variablespace local parameters = tfmdata.parameters parameters.space_stretch, parameters.space_shrink = 0, 0 end local hb = luaotfload.harfbuzz local post_tag = hb and hb.Tag.new'post' local function harf_fixedspace(tfmdata, value, features) if value == 'auto' then -- We have to determine if we have a monospace font. -- Let's be honest, it would be boring if that were easy. local post_table = tfmdata.hb.shared.face:get_table(post_tag):get_data() if #post_table < 16 then -- Invalid OpenType font... Let's assume that it's not -- monospaced: return end local monospaced = string.unpack('>I4', post_table, 13) ~= 0 if not monospaced then return end -- FIXME: How to determine? end local parameters = tfmdata.parameters parameters.space_stretch, parameters.space_shrink = 0, 0 end fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'fixedspace', description = 'Do not stretch or shrink spaces', default = 'auto', initializers = { base = node_fixedspace, node = node_fixedspace, plug = harf_fixedspace, }, } end local uni_normalize = require'lua-uni-normalize'.direct local normalize_lookup = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t, f) local fontdir = assert(font.getfont(f)) local normalize_func = t[fontdir] local characters = fontdir.characters local function result(head) return normalize_func(head, f, characters, true) end t[fontdir] = result return result end}) local normalize_funcs = { nfc = uni_normalize.NFC, nfd = uni_normalize.NFD, nfkd = uni_normalize.NFKD, } fonts.constructors.features.otf.register { name = 'normalize', default = 'nfc', description = 'Normalize text to NFC before shaping', manipulators = { node = function(fonttable, _, value) if value == true then value = 'nfc' end local func = normalize_funcs[value] if not func then report ("report", 0, "features", "Unsupported normalization method replaced by NFC") func = normalize_funcs.nfc end normalize_lookup[fonttable] = func end, }, processors = { node = function(head, f, _, _, _) return normalize_lookup[f](head) end, }, } return function () if not fonts and fonts.handlers then report ("log", 0, "features", "OTF mechanisms missing -- did you forget to \z load a font loader?") return false end add_auto_features () return true end -- vim:tw=79:sw=4:ts=4:expandtab