-- merged file : lualibs-extended-merged.lua -- parent file : lualibs-extended.lua -- merge date : Mon Aug 31 23:16:16 2020 do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-str']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } utilities=utilities or {} utilities.strings=utilities.strings or {} local strings=utilities.strings local format,gsub,rep,sub,find=string.format,string.gsub,string.rep,string.sub,string.find local load,dump=load,string.dump local tonumber,type,tostring,next,setmetatable=tonumber,type,tostring,next,setmetatable local unpack,concat=table.unpack,table.concat local P,V,C,S,R,Ct,Cs,Cp,Carg,Cc=lpeg.P,lpeg.V,lpeg.C,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cp,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc local patterns,lpegmatch=lpeg.patterns,lpeg.match local utfchar,utfbyte,utflen=utf.char,utf.byte,utf.len local loadstripped=function(str,shortcuts) if shortcuts then return load(dump(load(str),true),nil,nil,shortcuts) else return load(dump(load(str),true)) end end if not number then number={} end local stripzero=patterns.stripzero local stripzeros=patterns.stripzeros local newline=patterns.newline local endofstring=patterns.endofstring local anything=patterns.anything local whitespace=patterns.whitespace local space=patterns.space local spacer=patterns.spacer local spaceortab=patterns.spaceortab local digit=patterns.digit local sign=patterns.sign local period=patterns.period local ptf=1/65536 local bpf=(7200/7227)/65536 local function points(n) if n==0 then return "0pt" end n=tonumber(n) if not n or n==0 then return "0pt" end n=n*ptf if n%1==0 then return format("%ipt",n) end return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fpt",n)) end local function basepoints(n) if n==0 then return "0pt" end n=tonumber(n) if not n or n==0 then return "0pt" end n=n*bpf if n%1==0 then return format("%ibp",n) end return lpegmatch(stripzeros,format("%.5fbp",n)) end number.points=points number.basepoints=basepoints local rubish=spaceortab^0*newline local anyrubish=spaceortab+newline local stripped=(spaceortab^1/"")*newline local leading=rubish^0/"" local trailing=(anyrubish^1*endofstring)/"" local redundant=rubish^3/"\n" local pattern=Cs(leading*(trailing+redundant+stripped+anything)^0) function strings.collapsecrlf(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end local repeaters={} function strings.newrepeater(str,offset) offset=offset or 0 local s=repeaters[str] if not s then s={} repeaters[str]=s end local t=s[offset] if t then return t end t={} setmetatable(t,{ __index=function(t,k) if not k then return "" end local n=k+offset local s=n>0 and rep(str,n) or "" t[k]=s return s end }) s[offset]=t return t end local extra,tab,start=0,0,4,0 local nspaces=strings.newrepeater(" ") string.nspaces=nspaces local pattern=Carg(1)/function(t) extra,tab,start=0,t or 7,1 end*Cs(( Cp()*patterns.tab/function(position) local current=(position-start+1)+extra local spaces=tab-(current-1)%tab if spaces>0 then extra=extra+spaces-1 return nspaces[spaces] else return "" end end+newline*Cp()/function(position) extra,start=0,position end+anything )^1) function strings.tabtospace(str,tab) return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,tab or 7) end function string.utfpadding(s,n) if not n or n==0 then return "" end local l=utflen(s) if n>0 then return nspaces[n-l] else return nspaces[-n-l] end end local optionalspace=spacer^0 local nospace=optionalspace/"" local endofline=nospace*newline local stripend=(whitespace^1*endofstring)/"" local normalline=(nospace*((1-optionalspace*(newline+endofstring))^1)*nospace) local stripempty=endofline^1/"" local normalempty=endofline^1 local singleempty=endofline*(endofline^0/"") local doubleempty=endofline*endofline^-1*(endofline^0/"") local stripstart=stripempty^0 local intospace=whitespace^1/" " local noleading=whitespace^1/"" local notrailing=noleading*endofstring local p_prune_normal=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+normalempty )^0 ) local p_prune_collapse=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+doubleempty )^0 ) local p_prune_noempty=Cs (stripstart*(stripend+normalline+singleempty )^0 ) local p_prune_intospace=Cs (noleading*(notrailing+intospace+1 )^0 ) local p_retain_normal=Cs ((normalline+normalempty )^0 ) local p_retain_collapse=Cs ((normalline+doubleempty )^0 ) local p_retain_noempty=Cs ((normalline+singleempty )^0 ) local striplinepatterns={ ["prune"]=p_prune_normal, ["prune and collapse"]=p_prune_collapse, ["prune and no empty"]=p_prune_noempty, ["prune and to space"]=p_prune_intospace, ["retain"]=p_retain_normal, ["retain and collapse"]=p_retain_collapse, ["retain and no empty"]=p_retain_noempty, ["collapse"]=patterns.collapser, } setmetatable(striplinepatterns,{ __index=function(t,k) return p_prune_collapse end }) strings.striplinepatterns=striplinepatterns function strings.striplines(str,how) return str and lpegmatch(striplinepatterns[how],str) or str end function strings.collapse(str) return str and lpegmatch(p_prune_intospace,str) or str end strings.striplong=strings.striplines function strings.nice(str) str=gsub(str,"[:%-+_]+"," ") return str end local n=0 local sequenced=table.sequenced function string.autodouble(s,sep) if s==nil then return '""' end local t=type(s) if t=="number" then return tostring(s) end if t=="table" then return ('"'..sequenced(s,sep or ",")..'"') end return ('"'..tostring(s)..'"') end function string.autosingle(s,sep) if s==nil then return "''" end local t=type(s) if t=="number" then return tostring(s) end if t=="table" then return ("'"..sequenced(s,sep or ",").."'") end return ("'"..tostring(s).."'") end local tracedchars={ [0]= "[null]","[soh]","[stx]","[etx]","[eot]","[enq]","[ack]","[bel]", "[bs]","[ht]","[lf]","[vt]","[ff]","[cr]","[so]","[si]", "[dle]","[dc1]","[dc2]","[dc3]","[dc4]","[nak]","[syn]","[etb]", "[can]","[em]","[sub]","[esc]","[fs]","[gs]","[rs]","[us]", "[space]", } string.tracedchars=tracedchars strings.tracers=tracedchars function string.tracedchar(b) if type(b)=="number" then return tracedchars[b] or (utfchar(b).." (U+"..format("%05X",b)..")") else local c=utfbyte(b) return tracedchars[c] or (b.." (U+"..(c and format("%05X",c) or "?????")..")") end end function number.signed(i) if i>0 then return "+",i else return "-",-i end end local two=digit*digit local three=two*digit local prefix=(Carg(1)*three)^1 local splitter=Cs ( (((1-(three^1*period))^1+C(three))*prefix+C((1-period)^1))*(anything/""*Carg(2))*C(2) ) local splitter3=Cs ( three*prefix*endofstring+two*prefix*endofstring+digit*prefix*endofstring+three+two+digit ) patterns.formattednumber=splitter function number.formatted(n,sep1,sep2) if sep1==false then if type(n)=="number" then n=tostring(n) end return lpegmatch(splitter3,n,1,sep2 or ".") else if type(n)=="number" then n=format("%0.2f",n) end if sep1==true then return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,".",",") elseif sep1=="." then return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ",") elseif sep1=="," then return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1,sep2 or ".") else return lpegmatch(splitter,n,1,sep1 or ",",sep2 or ".") end end end local p=Cs( P("-")^0*(P("0")^1/"")^0*(1-period)^0*(period*P("0")^1*endofstring/""+period^0)*P(1-P("0")^1*endofstring)^0 ) function number.compactfloat(n,fmt) if n==0 then return "0" elseif n==1 then return "1" end n=lpegmatch(p,format(fmt or "%0.3f",n)) if n=="." or n=="" or n=="-" then return "0" end return n end local zero=P("0")^1/"" local plus=P("+")/"" local minus=P("-") local separator=period local trailing=zero^1*#S("eE") local exponent=(S("eE")*(plus+Cs((minus*zero^0*endofstring)/"")+minus)*zero^0*(endofstring*Cc("0")+anything^1)) local pattern_a=Cs(minus^0*digit^1*(separator/""*trailing+separator*(trailing+digit)^0)*exponent) local pattern_b=Cs((exponent+anything)^0) function number.sparseexponent(f,n) if not n then n=f f="%e" end local tn=type(n) if tn=="string" then local m=tonumber(n) if m then return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,m)) end elseif tn=="number" then return lpegmatch((f=="%e" or f=="%E") and pattern_a or pattern_b,format(f,n)) end return tostring(n) end local hf={} local hs={} setmetatable(hf,{ __index=function(t,k) local v="%."..k.."f" t[k]=v return v end } ) setmetatable(hs,{ __index=function(t,k) local v="%"..k.."s" t[k]=v return v end } ) function number.formattedfloat(n,b,a) local s=format(hf[a],n) local l=(b or 0)+(a or 0)+1 if #s0 then return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,f,n) else return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,f) end end local format_left=function(f) n=n+1 f=tonumber(f) if not f or f==0 then return format("(a%s or '')",n) end if f<0 then return format("utfpadding(a%s,%i)..a%s",n,-f,n) else return format("a%s..utfpadding(a%s,%i)",n,n,-f) end end local format_q=JITSUPPORTED and function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s ~= nil and format('%%q',tostring(a%s)) or '')",n,n) end or function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s ~= nil and format('%%q',a%s) or '')",n,n) end local format_Q=function() n=n+1 return format("escapedquotes(tostring(a%s))",n) end local format_i=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("format('%%%si',a%s)",f,n) else return format("format('%%i',a%s)",n) end end local format_d=format_i local format_I=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%s%%%si',signed(a%s))",f,n) end local format_f=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sf',a%s)",f,n) end local format_F=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then return format("(((a%s > -0.0000000005 and a%s < 0.0000000005) and '0') or format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%.9f',a%s))",n,n,n,n) else return format("format((a%s %% 1 == 0) and '%%i' or '%%%sf',a%s)",n,f,n) end end local format_k=function(b,a) n=n+1 return format("formattedfloat(a%s,%s,%s)",n,b or 0,a or 0) end local format_g=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sg',a%s)",f,n) end local format_G=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sG',a%s)",f,n) end local format_e=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%se',a%s)",f,n) end local format_E=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n) end local format_j=function(f) n=n+1 return format("sparseexponent('%%%se',a%s)",f,n) end local format_J=function(f) n=n+1 return format("sparseexponent('%%%sE',a%s)",f,n) end local format_x=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sx',a%s)",f,n) end local format_X=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%sX',a%s)",f,n) end local format_o=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%so',a%s)",f,n) end local format_c=function() n=n+1 return format("utfchar(a%s)",n) end local format_C=function() n=n+1 return format("tracedchar(a%s)",n) end local format_r=function(f) n=n+1 return format("format('%%%s.0f',a%s)",f,n) end local format_h=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('0x%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_H=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('0x%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_u=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('u+%%%sx',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_U=function(f) n=n+1 if f=="-" then f=sub(f,2) return format("format('%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) else return format("format('U+%%%sX',type(a%s) == 'number' and a%s or utfbyte(a%s))",f=="" and "05" or f,n,n,n) end end local format_p=function() n=n+1 return format("points(a%s)",n) end local format_b=function() n=n+1 return format("basepoints(a%s)",n) end local format_t=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("concat(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("concat(a%s)",n) end end local format_T=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("sequenced(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("sequenced(a%s)",n) end end local format_l=function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s and 'true' or 'false')",n) end local format_L=function() n=n+1 return format("(a%s and 'TRUE' or 'FALSE')",n) end local format_n=function() n=n+1 return format("((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s) or tostring(a%s))",n,n,n) end local format_N if environment.FORMAT then format_N=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then return format("FORMAT(a%s,'%%.9f')",n) elseif f==".6" or f=="0.6" then return format("FORMAT(a%s)",n) else return format("FORMAT(a%s,'%%%sf')",n,f) end end else format_N=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then f=".9" end return format("(((a%s %% 1 == 0) and format('%%i',a%s)) or lpegmatch(stripzero,format('%%%sf',a%s)))",n,n,f,n) end end local format_a=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("autosingle(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("autosingle(a%s)",n) end end local format_A=function(f) n=n+1 if f and f~="" then return format("autodouble(a%s,%q)",n,f) else return format("autodouble(a%s)",n) end end local format_w=function(f) n=n+1 f=tonumber(f) if f then return format("nspaces[%s+a%s]",f,n) else return format("nspaces[a%s]",n) end end local format_W=function(f) return format("nspaces[%s]",tonumber(f) or 0) end local format_m=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then f="," end if f=="0" then return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n) else return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,".")]],n,f) end end local format_M=function(f) n=n+1 if not f or f=="" then f="." end if f=="0" then return format([[formattednumber(a%s,false)]],n) else return format([[formattednumber(a%s,%q,",")]],n,f) end end local format_z=function(f) n=n+(tonumber(f) or 1) return "''" end local format_rest=function(s) return format("%q",s) end local format_extension=function(extensions,f,name) local extension=extensions[name] or "tostring(%s)" local f=tonumber(f) or 1 local w=find(extension,"%.%.%.") if f==0 then if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","") end return extension elseif f==1 then if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","%%s") end n=n+1 local a="a"..n return format(extension,a,a) elseif f<0 then if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.","") return extension else local a="a"..(n+f+1) return format(extension,a,a) end else if w then extension=gsub(extension,"%.%.%.",rep("%%s,",f-1).."%%s") end local t={} for i=1,f do n=n+1 t[i]="a"..n end return format(extension,unpack(t)) end end local builder=Cs { "start", start=( ( P("%")/""*( V("!") +V("s")+V("q")+V("i")+V("d")+V("f")+V("F")+V("g")+V("G")+V("e")+V("E")+V("x")+V("X")+V("o") +V("c")+V("C")+V("S") +V("Q") +V("n") +V("N") +V("k") +V("r")+V("h")+V("H")+V("u")+V("U")+V("p")+V("b")+V("t")+V("T")+V("l")+V("L")+V("I")+V("w") +V("W") +V("a") +V("A") +V("j")+V("J") +V("m")+V("M") +V("z") +V(">") +V("<") )+V("*") )*(endofstring+Carg(1)) )^0, ["s"]=(prefix_any*P("s"))/format_s, ["q"]=(prefix_any*P("q"))/format_q, ["i"]=(prefix_any*P("i"))/format_i, ["d"]=(prefix_any*P("d"))/format_d, ["f"]=(prefix_any*P("f"))/format_f, ["F"]=(prefix_any*P("F"))/format_F, ["g"]=(prefix_any*P("g"))/format_g, ["G"]=(prefix_any*P("G"))/format_G, ["e"]=(prefix_any*P("e"))/format_e, ["E"]=(prefix_any*P("E"))/format_E, ["x"]=(prefix_any*P("x"))/format_x, ["X"]=(prefix_any*P("X"))/format_X, ["o"]=(prefix_any*P("o"))/format_o, ["S"]=(prefix_any*P("S"))/format_S, ["Q"]=(prefix_any*P("Q"))/format_Q, ["n"]=(prefix_any*P("n"))/format_n, ["N"]=(prefix_any*P("N"))/format_N, ["k"]=(prefix_sub*P("k"))/format_k, ["c"]=(prefix_any*P("c"))/format_c, ["C"]=(prefix_any*P("C"))/format_C, ["r"]=(prefix_any*P("r"))/format_r, ["h"]=(prefix_any*P("h"))/format_h, ["H"]=(prefix_any*P("H"))/format_H, ["u"]=(prefix_any*P("u"))/format_u, ["U"]=(prefix_any*P("U"))/format_U, ["p"]=(prefix_any*P("p"))/format_p, ["b"]=(prefix_any*P("b"))/format_b, ["t"]=(prefix_tab*P("t"))/format_t, ["T"]=(prefix_tab*P("T"))/format_T, ["l"]=(prefix_any*P("l"))/format_l, ["L"]=(prefix_any*P("L"))/format_L, ["I"]=(prefix_any*P("I"))/format_I, ["w"]=(prefix_any*P("w"))/format_w, ["W"]=(prefix_any*P("W"))/format_W, ["j"]=(prefix_any*P("j"))/format_j, ["J"]=(prefix_any*P("J"))/format_J, ["m"]=(prefix_any*P("m"))/format_m, ["M"]=(prefix_any*P("M"))/format_M, ["z"]=(prefix_any*P("z"))/format_z, ["a"]=(prefix_any*P("a"))/format_a, ["A"]=(prefix_any*P("A"))/format_A, ["<"]=(prefix_any*P("<"))/format_left, [">"]=(prefix_any*P(">"))/format_right, ["*"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1+P("%%")/"%%")^1)/format_rest, ["?"]=Cs(((1-P("%"))^1 )^1)/format_rest, ["!"]=Carg(2)*prefix_any*P("!")*C((1-P("!"))^1)*P("!")/format_extension, } local xx=setmetatable({},{ __index=function(t,k) local v=format("%02x",k) t[k]=v return v end }) local XX=setmetatable({},{ __index=function(t,k) local v=format("%02X",k) t[k]=v return v end }) local preset={ ["%02x"]=function(n) return xx[n] end, ["%02X"]=function(n) return XX[n] end, } local direct=P("%")*(sign+space+period+digit)^0*S("sqidfgGeExXo")*endofstring/[[local format = string.format return function(str) return format("%0",str) end]] local function make(t,str) local f=preset[str] if f then return f end local p=lpegmatch(direct,str) if p then f=loadstripped(p)() else n=0 p=lpegmatch(builder,str,1,t._connector_,t._extensions_) if n>0 then p=format(template,preamble,t._preamble_,arguments[n],p) f=loadstripped(p,t._environment_)() else f=function() return str end end end t[str]=f return f end local function use(t,fmt,...) return t[fmt](...) end strings.formatters={} function strings.formatters.new(noconcat) local e={} for k,v in next,environment do e[k]=v end local t={ _type_="formatter", _connector_=noconcat and "," or "..", _extensions_={}, _preamble_="", _environment_=e, } setmetatable(t,{ __index=make,__call=use }) return t end local formatters=strings.formatters.new() string.formatters=formatters string.formatter=function(str,...) return formatters[str](...) end local function add(t,name,template,preamble) if type(t)=="table" and t._type_=="formatter" then t._extensions_[name]=template or "%s" if type(preamble)=="string" then t._preamble_=preamble.."\n"..t._preamble_ elseif type(preamble)=="table" then for k,v in next,preamble do t._environment_[k]=v end end end end strings.formatters.add=add patterns.xmlescape=Cs((P("<")/"<"+P(">")/">"+P("&")/"&"+P('"')/"""+anything)^0) patterns.texescape=Cs((C(S("#$%\\{}"))/"\\%1"+anything)^0) patterns.luaescape=Cs(((1-S('"\n'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\n')/'\\n"')^0) patterns.luaquoted=Cs(Cc('"')*((1-S('"\n'))^1+P('"')/'\\"'+P('\n')/'\\n"')^0*Cc('"')) add(formatters,"xml",[[lpegmatch(xmlescape,%s)]],{ xmlescape=patterns.xmlescape }) add(formatters,"tex",[[lpegmatch(texescape,%s)]],{ texescape=patterns.texescape }) add(formatters,"lua",[[lpegmatch(luaescape,%s)]],{ luaescape=patterns.luaescape }) local dquote=patterns.dquote local equote=patterns.escaped+dquote/'\\"'+1 local cquote=Cc('"') local pattern=Cs(dquote*(equote-P(-2))^0*dquote) +Cs(cquote*(equote-space)^0*space*equote^0*cquote) function string.optionalquoted(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str end local pattern=Cs((newline/(os.newline or "\r")+1)^0) function string.replacenewlines(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end function strings.newcollector() local result,r={},0 return function(fmt,str,...) r=r+1 result[r]=str==nil and fmt or formatters[fmt](str,...) end, function(connector) if result then local str=concat(result,connector) result,r={},0 return str end end end local f_16_16=formatters["%0.5N"] function number.to16dot16(n) return f_16_16(n/65536.0) end if not string.explode then local tsplitat=lpeg.tsplitat local p_utf=patterns.utf8character local p_check=C(p_utf)*(P("+")*Cc(true))^0 local p_split=Ct(C(p_utf)^0) local p_space=Ct((C(1-P(" ")^1)+P(" ")^1)^0) function string.explode(str,symbol) if symbol=="" then return lpegmatch(p_split,str) elseif symbol then local a,b=lpegmatch(p_check,symbol) if b then return lpegmatch(tsplitat(P(a)^1),str) else return lpegmatch(tsplitat(a),str) end else return lpegmatch(p_space,str) end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-fil']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local byte=string.byte local char=string.char utilities=utilities or {} local files={} utilities.files=files local zerobased={} function files.open(filename,zb) local f=io.open(filename,"rb") if f then zerobased[f]=zb or false end return f end function files.close(f) zerobased[f]=nil f:close() end function files.size(f) local current=f:seek() local size=f:seek("end") f:seek("set",current) return size end files.getsize=files.size function files.setposition(f,n) if zerobased[f] then f:seek("set",n) else f:seek("set",n-1) end end function files.getposition(f) if zerobased[f] then return f:seek() else return f:seek()+1 end end function files.look(f,n,chars) local p=f:seek() local s=f:read(n) f:seek("set",p) if chars then return s else return byte(s,1,#s) end end function files.skip(f,n) if n==1 then f:read(n) else f:seek("set",f:seek()+n) end end function files.readbyte(f) return byte(f:read(1)) end function files.readbytes(f,n) return byte(f:read(n),1,n) end function files.readbytetable(f,n) local s=f:read(n or 1) return { byte(s,1,#s) } end function files.readchar(f) return f:read(1) end function files.readstring(f,n) return f:read(n or 1) end function files.readinteger1(f) local n=byte(f:read(1)) if n>=0x80 then return n-0x100 else return n end end files.readcardinal1=files.readbyte files.readcardinal=files.readcardinal1 files.readinteger=files.readinteger1 files.readsignedbyte=files.readinteger1 function files.readcardinal2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b end function files.readcardinal2le(f) local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2) return 0x100*a+b end function files.readinteger2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return 0x100*a+b-0x10000 else return 0x100*a+b end end function files.readinteger2le(f) local b,a=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return 0x100*a+b-0x10000 else return 0x100*a+b end end function files.readcardinal3(f) local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end function files.readcardinal3le(f) local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3) return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end function files.readinteger3(f) local a,b,c=byte(f:read(3),1,3) if a>=0x80 then return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000 else return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end end function files.readinteger3le(f) local c,b,a=byte(f:read(3),1,3) if a>=0x80 then return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c-0x1000000 else return 0x10000*a+0x100*b+c end end function files.readcardinal4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end function files.readcardinal4le(f) local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4) return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end function files.readinteger4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000 else return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end end function files.readinteger4le(f) local d,c,b,a=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d-0x100000000 else return 0x1000000*a+0x10000*b+0x100*c+d end end function files.readfixed2(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then return (a-0x100)+b/0x100 else return (a )+b/0x100 end end function files.readfixed4(f) local a,b,c,d=byte(f:read(4),1,4) if a>=0x80 then return (0x100*a+b-0x10000)+(0x100*c+d)/0x10000 else return (0x100*a+b )+(0x100*c+d)/0x10000 end end if bit32 then local extract=bit32.extract local band=bit32.band function files.read2dot14(f) local a,b=byte(f:read(2),1,2) if a>=0x80 then local n=-(0x100*a+b) return-(extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0)) else local n=0x100*a+b return (extract(n,14,2)+(band(n,0x3FFF)/16384.0)) end end end function files.skipshort(f,n) f:read(2*(n or 1)) end function files.skiplong(f,n) f:read(4*(n or 1)) end if bit32 then local rshift=bit32.rshift function files.writecardinal2(f,n) local a=char(n%256) n=rshift(n,8) local b=char(n%256) f:write(b,a) end else local floor=math.floor function files.writecardinal2(f,n) local a=char(n%256) n=floor(n/256) local b=char(n%256) f:write(b,a) end end function files.writecardinal4(f,n) local a=char(n%256) n=rshift(n,8) local b=char(n%256) n=rshift(n,8) local c=char(n%256) n=rshift(n,8) local d=char(n%256) f:write(d,c,b,a) end function files.writestring(f,s) f:write(char(byte(s,1,#s))) end function files.writebyte(f,b) f:write(char(b)) end if fio and fio.readcardinal1 then files.readcardinal1=fio.readcardinal1 files.readcardinal2=fio.readcardinal2 files.readcardinal3=fio.readcardinal3 files.readcardinal4=fio.readcardinal4 files.readinteger1=fio.readinteger1 files.readinteger2=fio.readinteger2 files.readinteger3=fio.readinteger3 files.readinteger4=fio.readinteger4 files.readfixed2=fio.readfixed2 files.readfixed4=fio.readfixed4 files.read2dot14=fio.read2dot14 files.setposition=fio.setposition files.getposition=fio.getposition files.readbyte=files.readcardinal1 files.readsignedbyte=files.readinteger1 files.readcardinal=files.readcardinal1 files.readinteger=files.readinteger1 local skipposition=fio.skipposition files.skipposition=skipposition files.readbytes=fio.readbytes files.readbytetable=fio.readbytetable function files.skipshort(f,n) skipposition(f,2*(n or 1)) end function files.skiplong(f,n) skipposition(f,4*(n or 1)) end end if fio and fio.readcardinaltable then files.readcardinaltable=fio.readcardinaltable files.readintegertable=fio.readintegertable else local readcardinal1=files.readcardinal1 local readcardinal2=files.readcardinal2 local readcardinal3=files.readcardinal3 local readcardinal4=files.readcardinal4 function files.readcardinaltable(f,n,b) local t={} if b==1 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal1(f) end elseif b==2 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal2(f) end elseif b==3 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal3(f) end elseif b==4 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readcardinal4(f) end end return t end local readinteger1=files.readinteger1 local readinteger2=files.readinteger2 local readinteger3=files.readinteger3 local readinteger4=files.readinteger4 function files.readintegertable(f,n,b) local t={} if b==1 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger1(f) end elseif b==2 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger2(f) end elseif b==3 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger3(f) end elseif b==4 then for i=1,n do t[i]=readinteger4(f) end end return t end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tab']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } utilities=utilities or {} utilities.tables=utilities.tables or {} local tables=utilities.tables local format,gmatch,gsub,sub=string.format,string.gmatch,string.gsub,string.sub local concat,insert,remove,sort=table.concat,table.insert,table.remove,table.sort local setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring,rawget=setmetatable,getmetatable,tonumber,tostring,rawget local type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select=type,next,rawset,tonumber,tostring,load,select local lpegmatch,P,Cs,Cc=lpeg.match,lpeg.P,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc local sortedkeys,sortedpairs=table.sortedkeys,table.sortedpairs local formatters=string.formatters local utftoeight=utf.toeight local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(".") function utilities.tables.definetable(target,nofirst,nolast) local composed=nil local t={} local snippets=lpegmatch(splitter,target) for i=1,#snippets-(nolast and 1 or 0) do local name=snippets[i] if composed then composed=composed.."."..name t[#t+1]=formatters["if not %s then %s = { } end"](composed,composed) else composed=name if not nofirst then t[#t+1]=formatters["%s = %s or { }"](composed,composed) end end end if composed then if nolast then composed=composed.."."..snippets[#snippets] end return concat(t,"\n"),composed else return "",target end end function tables.definedtable(...) local t=_G for i=1,select("#",...) do local li=select(i,...) local tl=t[li] if not tl then tl={} t[li]=tl end t=tl end return t end function tables.accesstable(target,root) local t=root or _G for name in gmatch(target,"([^%.]+)") do t=t[name] if not t then return end end return t end function tables.migratetable(target,v,root) local t=root or _G local names=lpegmatch(splitter,target) for i=1,#names-1 do local name=names[i] t[name]=t[name] or {} t=t[name] if not t then return end end t[names[#names]]=v end function tables.removevalue(t,value) if value then for i=1,#t do if t[i]==value then remove(t,i) end end end end function tables.replacevalue(t,oldvalue,newvalue) if oldvalue and newvalue then for i=1,#t do if t[i]==oldvalue then t[i]=newvalue end end end end function tables.insertbeforevalue(t,value,extra) for i=1,#t do if t[i]==extra then remove(t,i) end end for i=1,#t do if t[i]==value then insert(t,i,extra) return end end insert(t,1,extra) end function tables.insertaftervalue(t,value,extra) for i=1,#t do if t[i]==extra then remove(t,i) end end for i=1,#t do if t[i]==value then insert(t,i+1,extra) return end end insert(t,#t+1,extra) end local escape=Cs(Cc('"')*((P('"')/'""'+P(1))^0)*Cc('"')) function table.tocsv(t,specification) if t and #t>0 then local result={} local r={} specification=specification or {} local fields=specification.fields if type(fields)~="string" then fields=sortedkeys(t[1]) end local separator=specification.separator or "," local noffields=#fields if specification.preamble==true then for f=1,noffields do r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,tostring(fields[f])) end result[1]=concat(r,separator) end for i=1,#t do local ti=t[i] for f=1,noffields do local field=ti[fields[f]] if type(field)=="string" then r[f]=lpegmatch(escape,field) else r[f]=tostring(field) end end result[i+1]=concat(r,separator) end return concat(result,"\n") else return "" end end local nspaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ") local function toxml(t,d,result,step) local r=#result for k,v in sortedpairs(t) do local s=nspaces[d] local tk=type(k) local tv=type(v) if tv=="table" then if tk=="number" then r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s"](s,k) toxml(v,d+step,result,step) r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s"](s,k) else r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>"](s,k) toxml(v,d+step,result,step) r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s"](s,k) end elseif tv=="string" then if tk=="number" then r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s%!xml!"](s,k,v,k) else r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>%!xml!"](s,k,v,k) end elseif tk=="number" then r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s%S"](s,k,v,k) else r=r+1 result[r]=formatters["%s<%s>%S"](s,k,v,k) end end end function table.toxml(t,specification) specification=specification or {} local name=specification.name local noroot=name==false local result=(specification.nobanner or noroot) and {} or { "" } local indent=specification.indent or 0 local spaces=specification.spaces or 1 if noroot then toxml(t,indent,result,spaces) else toxml({ [name or "data"]=t },indent,result,spaces) end return concat(result,"\n") end function tables.encapsulate(core,capsule,protect) if type(capsule)~="table" then protect=true capsule={} end for key,value in next,core do if capsule[key] then print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a in %a"]("inheritance",key,core)) os.exit() else capsule[key]=value end end if protect then for key,value in next,core do core[key]=nil end setmetatable(core,{ __index=capsule, __newindex=function(t,key,value) if capsule[key] then print(formatters["\ninvalid %s %a' in %a"]("overload",key,core)) os.exit() else rawset(t,key,value) end end } ) end end if JITSUPPORTED then local f_hashed_string=formatters["[%Q]=%Q,"] local f_hashed_number=formatters["[%Q]=%s,"] local f_hashed_boolean=formatters["[%Q]=%l,"] local f_hashed_table=formatters["[%Q]="] local f_indexed_string=formatters["[%s]=%Q,"] local f_indexed_number=formatters["[%s]=%s,"] local f_indexed_boolean=formatters["[%s]=%l,"] local f_indexed_table=formatters["[%s]="] local f_ordered_string=formatters["%Q,"] local f_ordered_number=formatters["%s,"] local f_ordered_boolean=formatters["%l,"] function table.fastserialize(t,prefix) local r={ type(prefix)=="string" and prefix or "return" } local m=1 local function fastserialize(t,outer) local n=#t m=m+1 r[m]="{" if n>0 then local v=t[0] if v then local tv=type(v) if tv=="string" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_string(0,v) elseif tv=="number" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_number(0,v) elseif tv=="table" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_table(0) fastserialize(v) m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_table(0) elseif tv=="boolean" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_boolean(0,v) end end for i=1,n do local v=t[i] local tv=type(v) if tv=="string" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_string(v) elseif tv=="number" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_number(v) elseif tv=="table" then fastserialize(v) elseif tv=="boolean" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_ordered_boolean(v) end end end for k,v in next,t do local tk=type(k) if tk=="number" then if k>n or k<0 then local tv=type(v) if tv=="string" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_string(k,v) elseif tv=="number" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_number(k,v) elseif tv=="table" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_table(k) fastserialize(v) elseif tv=="boolean" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_indexed_boolean(k,v) end end else local tv=type(v) if tv=="string" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_string(k,v) elseif tv=="number" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_number(k,v) elseif tv=="table" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_table(k) fastserialize(v) elseif tv=="boolean" then m=m+1 r[m]=f_hashed_boolean(k,v) end end end m=m+1 if outer then r[m]="}" else r[m]="}," end return r end return concat(fastserialize(t,true)) end else local f_v=formatters["[%q]=%q,"] local f_t=formatters["[%q]="] local f_q=formatters["%q,"] function table.fastserialize(t,prefix) local r={ type(prefix)=="string" and prefix or "return" } local m=1 local function fastserialize(t,outer) local n=#t m=m+1 r[m]="{" if n>0 then local v=t[0] if v then m=m+1 r[m]="[0]='" if type(v)=="table" then fastserialize(v) else r[m]=format("%q,",v) end end for i=1,n do local v=t[i] m=m+1 if type(v)=="table" then r[m]=format("[%i]=",i) fastserialize(v) else r[m]=format("[%i]=%q,",i,v) end end end for k,v in next,t do local tk=type(k) if tk=="number" then if k>n or k<0 then m=m+1 if type(v)=="table" then r[m]=format("[%i]=",k) fastserialize(v) else r[m]=format("[%i]=%q,",k,v) end end else m=m+1 if type(v)=="table" then r[m]=format("[%q]=",k) fastserialize(v) else r[m]=format("[%q]=%q,",k,v) end end end m=m+1 if outer then r[m]="}" else r[m]="}," end return r end return concat(fastserialize(t,true)) end end function table.deserialize(str) if not str or str=="" then return end local code=load(str) if not code then return end code=code() if not code then return end return code end function table.load(filename,loader) if filename then local t=(loader or io.loaddata)(filename) if t and t~="" then local t=utftoeight(t) t=load(t) if type(t)=="function" then t=t() if type(t)=="table" then return t end end end end end function table.save(filename,t,n,...) io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(t,n==nil and true or n,...)) end local f_key_value=formatters["%s=%q"] local f_add_table=formatters[" {%t},\n"] local f_return_table=formatters["return {\n%t}"] local function slowdrop(t) local r={} local l={} for i=1,#t do local ti=t[i] local j=0 for k,v in next,ti do j=j+1 l[j]=f_key_value(k,v) end r[i]=f_add_table(l) end return f_return_table(r) end local function fastdrop(t) local r={ "return {\n" } local m=1 for i=1,#t do local ti=t[i] m=m+1 r[m]=" {" for k,v in next,ti do m=m+1 r[m]=f_key_value(k,v) end m=m+1 r[m]="},\n" end m=m+1 r[m]="}" return concat(r) end function table.drop(t,slow) if #t==0 then return "return { }" elseif slow==true then return slowdrop(t) else return fastdrop(t) end end local selfmapper={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end } function table.twowaymapper(t) if not t then t={} else local zero=rawget(t,0) for i=zero and 0 or 1,#t do local ti=t[i] if ti then local i=tostring(i) t[i]=ti t[ti]=i end end end setmetatable(t,selfmapper) return t end local f_start_key_idx=formatters["%w{"] local f_start_key_num=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={"] or formatters["%w[%q]={"] local f_start_key_str=formatters["%w[%q]={"] local f_start_key_boo=formatters["%w[%l]={"] local f_start_key_nop=formatters["%w{"] local f_stop=formatters["%w},"] local f_key_num_value_num=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%s]=%q,"] local f_key_str_value_num=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%Q]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%Q]=%q,"] local f_key_boo_value_num=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%l]=%s,"] or formatters["%w[%l]=%q,"] local f_key_num_value_str=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%Q,"] or formatters["%w[%q]=%Q,"] local f_key_str_value_str=formatters["%w[%Q]=%Q,"] local f_key_boo_value_str=formatters["%w[%l]=%Q,"] local f_key_num_value_boo=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]=%l,"] or formatters["%w[%q]=%l,"] local f_key_str_value_boo=formatters["%w[%Q]=%l,"] local f_key_boo_value_boo=formatters["%w[%l]=%l,"] local f_key_num_value_not=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={},"] or formatters["%w[%q]={},"] local f_key_str_value_not=formatters["%w[%Q]={},"] local f_key_boo_value_not=formatters["%w[%l]={},"] local f_key_num_value_seq=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w[%s]={ %, t },"] or formatters["%w[%q]={ %, t },"] local f_key_str_value_seq=formatters["%w[%Q]={ %, t },"] local f_key_boo_value_seq=formatters["%w[%l]={ %, t },"] local f_val_num=JITSUPPORTED and formatters["%w%s,"] or formatters["%w%q,"] local f_val_str=formatters["%w%Q,"] local f_val_boo=formatters["%w%l,"] local f_val_not=formatters["%w{},"] local f_val_seq=formatters["%w{ %, t },"] local f_fin_seq=formatters[" %, t }"] local f_table_return=formatters["return {"] local f_table_name=formatters["%s={"] local f_table_direct=formatters["{"] local f_table_entry=formatters["[%Q]={"] local f_table_finish=formatters["}"] local spaces=utilities.strings.newrepeater(" ") local original_serialize=table.serialize local is_simple_table=table.is_simple_table local function serialize(root,name,specification) if type(specification)=="table" then return original_serialize(root,name,specification) end local t local n=1 local unknown=false local function do_serialize(root,name,depth,level,indexed) if level>0 then n=n+1 if indexed then t[n]=f_start_key_idx(depth) else local tn=type(name) if tn=="number" then t[n]=f_start_key_num(depth,name) elseif tn=="string" then t[n]=f_start_key_str(depth,name) elseif tn=="boolean" then t[n]=f_start_key_boo(depth,name) else t[n]=f_start_key_nop(depth) end end depth=depth+1 end if root and next(root)~=nil then local first=nil local last=#root if last>0 then for k=1,last do if rawget(root,k)==nil then last=k-1 break end end if last>0 then first=1 end end local sk=sortedkeys(root) for i=1,#sk do local k=sk[i] local v=root[k] local tv=type(v) local tk=type(k) if first and tk=="number" and k<=last and k>=first then if tv=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_num(depth,v) elseif tv=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,v) elseif tv=="table" then if next(v)==nil then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_not(depth) else local st=is_simple_table(v) if st then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_seq(depth,st) else do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1,true) end end elseif tv=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_boo(depth,v) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,tostring(v)) end elseif tv=="number" then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_num(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_num(depth,tostring(k),v) end elseif tv=="string" then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),v) end elseif tv=="table" then if next(v)==nil then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_not(depth,k) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_not(depth,k) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_not(depth,k) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_not(depth,tostring(k)) end else local st=is_simple_table(v) if not st then do_serialize(v,k,depth,level+1) elseif tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_seq(depth,k,st) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_seq(depth,tostring(k),st) end end elseif tv=="boolean" then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_boo(depth,k,v) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_boo(depth,tostring(k),v) end else if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_num_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif tk=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif tk=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_boo_value_str(depth,k,tostring(v)) elseif unknown then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_str_value_str(depth,tostring(k),tostring(v)) end end end end if level>0 then n=n+1 t[n]=f_stop(depth-1) end end local tname=type(name) if tname=="string" then if name=="return" then t={ f_table_return() } else t={ f_table_name(name) } end elseif tname=="number" then t={ f_table_entry(name) } elseif tname=="boolean" then if name then t={ f_table_return() } else t={ f_table_direct() } end else t={ f_table_name("t") } end if root then if getmetatable(root) then local dummy=root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_ root._w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r_=nil end if next(root)~=nil then local st=is_simple_table(root) if st then return t[1]..f_fin_seq(st) else do_serialize(root,name,1,0) end end end n=n+1 t[n]=f_table_finish() return concat(t,"\n") end table.serialize=serialize if setinspector then setinspector("table",function(v) if type(v)=="table" then print(serialize(v,"table",{ metacheck=false })) return true end end) end local mt={ __newindex=function(t,k,v) local n=t.last+1 t.last=n t.list[n]=k t.hash[k]=v end, __index=function(t,k) return t.hash[k] end, __len=function(t) return t.last end, } function table.orderedhash() return setmetatable({ list={},hash={},last=0 },mt) end function table.ordered(t) local n=t.last if n>0 then local l=t.list local i=1 local h=t.hash local f=function() if i<=n then local k=i local v=h[l[k]] i=i+1 return k,v end end return f,1,h[l[1]] else return function() end end end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sto']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local setmetatable,getmetatable,rawset,type=setmetatable,getmetatable,rawset,type utilities=utilities or {} utilities.storage=utilities.storage or {} local storage=utilities.storage function storage.mark(t) if not t then print("\nfatal error: storage cannot be marked\n") os.exit() return end local m=getmetatable(t) if not m then m={} setmetatable(t,m) end m.__storage__=true return t end function storage.allocate(t) t=t or {} local m=getmetatable(t) if not m then m={} setmetatable(t,m) end m.__storage__=true return t end function storage.marked(t) local m=getmetatable(t) return m and m.__storage__ end function storage.checked(t) if not t then report("\nfatal error: storage has not been allocated\n") os.exit() return end return t end function storage.setinitializer(data,initialize) local m=getmetatable(data) or {} m.__index=function(data,k) m.__index=nil initialize() return data[k] end setmetatable(data,m) end local keyisvalue={ __index=function(t,k) t[k]=k return k end } function storage.sparse(t) t=t or {} setmetatable(t,keyisvalue) return t end local function f_empty () return "" end local function f_self (t,k) t[k]=k return k end local function f_table (t,k) local v={} t[k]=v return v end local function f_number(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end local function f_ignore() end local f_index={ ["empty"]=f_empty, ["self"]=f_self, ["table"]=f_table, ["number"]=f_number, } function table.setmetatableindex(t,f) if type(t)~="table" then f,t=t,{} end local m=getmetatable(t) local i=f_index[f] or f if m then m.__index=i else setmetatable(t,{ __index=i }) end return t end local f_index={ ["ignore"]=f_ignore, } function table.setmetatablenewindex(t,f) if type(t)~="table" then f,t=t,{} end local m=getmetatable(t) local i=f_index[f] or f if m then m.__newindex=i else setmetatable(t,{ __newindex=i }) end return t end function table.setmetatablecall(t,f) if type(t)~="table" then f,t=t,{} end local m=getmetatable(t) if m then m.__call=f else setmetatable(t,{ __call=f }) end return t end function table.setmetatableindices(t,f,n,c) if type(t)~="table" then f,t=t,{} end local m=getmetatable(t) local i=f_index[f] or f if m then m.__index=i m.__newindex=n m.__call=c else setmetatable(t,{ __index=i, __newindex=n, __call=c, }) end return t end function table.setmetatablekey(t,key,value) local m=getmetatable(t) if not m then m={} setmetatable(t,m) end m[key]=value return t end function table.getmetatablekey(t,key,value) local m=getmetatable(t) return m and m[key] end function table.makeweak(t) if not t then t={} end local m=getmetatable(t) if m then m.__mode="v" else setmetatable(t,{ __mode="v" }) end return t end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-prs']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local lpeg,table,string=lpeg,table,string local P,R,V,S,C,Ct,Cs,Carg,Cc,Cg,Cf,Cp=lpeg.P,lpeg.R,lpeg.V,lpeg.S,lpeg.C,lpeg.Ct,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Cg,lpeg.Cf,lpeg.Cp local lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local concat,gmatch,find=table.concat,string.gmatch,string.find local tonumber,tostring,type,next,rawset=tonumber,tostring,type,next,rawset local mod,div=math.mod,math.div utilities=utilities or {} local parsers=utilities.parsers or {} utilities.parsers=parsers local patterns=parsers.patterns or {} parsers.patterns=patterns local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local sortedhash=table.sortedhash local sortedkeys=table.sortedkeys local tohash=table.tohash local hashes={} parsers.hashes=hashes local digit=R("09") local space=P(' ') local equal=P("=") local colon=P(":") local comma=P(",") local lbrace=P("{") local rbrace=P("}") local lparent=P("(") local rparent=P(")") local lbracket=P("[") local rbracket=P("]") local period=S(".") local punctuation=S(".,:;") local spacer=lpegpatterns.spacer local whitespace=lpegpatterns.whitespace local newline=lpegpatterns.newline local anything=lpegpatterns.anything local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring local nobrace=1-(lbrace+rbrace ) local noparent=1-(lparent+rparent) local nobracket=1-(lbracket+rbracket) local escape,left,right=P("\\"),P('{'),P('}') lpegpatterns.balanced=P { [1]=((escape*(left+right))+(1-(left+right))+V(2))^0, [2]=left*V(1)*right } local nestedbraces=P { lbrace*(nobrace+V(1))^0*rbrace } local nestedparents=P { lparent*(noparent+V(1))^0*rparent } local nestedbrackets=P { lbracket*(nobracket+V(1))^0*rbracket } local spaces=space^0 local argument=Cs((lbrace/"")*((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*(rbrace/"")) local content=(1-endofstring)^0 lpegpatterns.nestedbraces=nestedbraces lpegpatterns.nestedparents=nestedparents lpegpatterns.nested=nestedbraces lpegpatterns.argument=argument lpegpatterns.content=content local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0) local key=C((1-equal-comma)^1) local pattern_a=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value+key*C("")) local pattern_c=(space+comma)^0*(key*equal*value) local pattern_d=(space+comma)^0*(key*(equal+colon)*value+key*C("")) local key=C((1-space-equal-comma)^1) local pattern_b=spaces*comma^0*spaces*(key*((spaces*equal*spaces*value)+C(""))) local hash={} local function set(key,value) hash[key]=value end local pattern_a_s=(pattern_a/set)^1 local pattern_b_s=(pattern_b/set)^1 local pattern_c_s=(pattern_c/set)^1 local pattern_d_s=(pattern_d/set)^1 patterns.settings_to_hash_a=pattern_a_s patterns.settings_to_hash_b=pattern_b_s patterns.settings_to_hash_c=pattern_c_s patterns.settings_to_hash_d=pattern_d_s function parsers.make_settings_to_hash_pattern(set,how) if how=="strict" then return (pattern_c/set)^1 elseif how=="tolerant" then return (pattern_b/set)^1 else return (pattern_a/set)^1 end end function parsers.settings_to_hash(str,existing) if not str or str=="" then return {} elseif type(str)=="table" then if existing then for k,v in next,str do existing[k]=v end return exiting else return str end else hash=existing or {} lpegmatch(pattern_a_s,str) return hash end end function parsers.settings_to_hash_colon_too(str) if not str or str=="" then return {} elseif type(str)=="table" then return str else hash={} lpegmatch(pattern_d_s,str) return hash end end function parsers.settings_to_hash_tolerant(str,existing) if not str or str=="" then return {} elseif type(str)=="table" then if existing then for k,v in next,str do existing[k]=v end return exiting else return str end else hash=existing or {} lpegmatch(pattern_b_s,str) return hash end end function parsers.settings_to_hash_strict(str,existing) if not str or str=="" then return nil elseif type(str)=="table" then if existing then for k,v in next,str do existing[k]=v end return exiting else return str end elseif str and str~="" then hash=existing or {} lpegmatch(pattern_c_s,str) return next(hash) and hash end end local separator=comma*space^0 local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^0) local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0) patterns.settings_to_array=pattern function parsers.settings_to_array(str,strict) if not str or str=="" then return {} elseif type(str)=="table" then return str elseif strict then if find(str,"{",1,true) then return lpegmatch(pattern,str) else return { str } end elseif find(str,",",1,true) then return lpegmatch(pattern,str) else return { str } end end function parsers.settings_to_numbers(str) if not str or str=="" then return {} end if type(str)=="table" then elseif find(str,",",1,true) then str=lpegmatch(pattern,str) else return { tonumber(str) } end for i=1,#str do str[i]=tonumber(str[i]) end return str end local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+nestedbrackets+nestedparents+(1-comma))^0) local pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0) function parsers.settings_to_array_obey_fences(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end local cache_a={} local cache_b={} function parsers.groupedsplitat(symbol,withaction) if not symbol then symbol="," end local pattern=(withaction and cache_b or cache_a)[symbol] if not pattern then local symbols=S(symbol) local separator=space^0*symbols*space^0 local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace+C((nestedbraces+(1-(space^0*(symbols+P(-1)))))^0) if withaction then local withvalue=Carg(1)*value/function(f,s) return f(s) end pattern=spaces*withvalue*(separator*withvalue)^0 cache_b[symbol]=pattern else pattern=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0) cache_a[symbol]=pattern end end return pattern end local pattern_a=parsers.groupedsplitat(",",false) local pattern_b=parsers.groupedsplitat(",",true) function parsers.stripped_settings_to_array(str) if not str or str=="" then return {} else return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) end end function parsers.process_stripped_settings(str,action) if not str or str=="" then return {} else return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str,1,action) end end local function set(t,v) t[#t+1]=v end local value=P(Carg(1)*value)/set local pattern=value*(separator*value)^0*Carg(1) function parsers.add_settings_to_array(t,str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str,nil,t) end function parsers.hash_to_string(h,separator,yes,no,strict,omit) if h then local t={} local tn=0 local s=sortedkeys(h) omit=omit and tohash(omit) for i=1,#s do local key=s[i] if not omit or not omit[key] then local value=h[key] if type(value)=="boolean" then if yes and no then if value then tn=tn+1 t[tn]=key..'='..yes elseif not strict then tn=tn+1 t[tn]=key..'='..no end elseif value or not strict then tn=tn+1 t[tn]=key..'='..tostring(value) end else tn=tn+1 t[tn]=key..'='..value end end end return concat(t,separator or ",") else return "" end end function parsers.array_to_string(a,separator) if a then return concat(a,separator or ",") else return "" end end local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*Cg(C((1-S(", "))^1)*S(", ")^0*Cc(true))^1,rawset) function parsers.settings_to_set(str) return str and lpegmatch(pattern,str) or {} end hashes.settings_to_set=table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) local v=k and lpegmatch(pattern,k) or {} t[k]=v return v end) getmetatable(hashes.settings_to_set).__mode="kv" function parsers.simple_hash_to_string(h,separator) local t={} local tn=0 for k,v in sortedhash(h) do if v then tn=tn+1 t[tn]=k end end return concat(t,separator or ",") end local str=Cs(lpegpatterns.unquoted)+C((1-whitespace-equal)^1) local setting=Cf(Carg(1)*(whitespace^0*Cg(str*whitespace^0*(equal*whitespace^0*str+Cc(""))))^1,rawset) local splitter=setting^1 function parsers.options_to_hash(str,target) return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str,1,target or {}) or {} end local splitter=lpeg.tsplitat(" ") function parsers.options_to_array(str) return str and lpegmatch(splitter,str) or {} end local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+C(digit^1*lparent*(noparent+nestedparents)^1*rparent)+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1) local pattern_a=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0) local function repeater(n,str) if not n then return str else local s=lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) if n==1 then return unpack(s) else local t={} local tn=0 for i=1,n do for j=1,#s do tn=tn+1 t[tn]=s[j] end end return unpack(t) end end end local value=P(lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace)+(C(digit^1)/tonumber*lparent*Cs((noparent+nestedparents)^1)*rparent)/repeater+C((nestedbraces+(1-comma))^1) local pattern_b=spaces*Ct(value*(separator*value)^0) function parsers.settings_to_array_with_repeat(str,expand) if expand then return lpegmatch(pattern_b,str) or {} else return lpegmatch(pattern_a,str) or {} end end local value=lbrace*C((nobrace+nestedbraces)^0)*rbrace local pattern=Ct((space+value)^0) function parsers.arguments_to_table(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end function parsers.getparameters(self,class,parentclass,settings) local sc=self[class] if not sc then sc={} self[class]=sc if parentclass then local sp=self[parentclass] if not sp then sp={} self[parentclass]=sp end setmetatableindex(sc,sp) end end parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,sc) end function parsers.listitem(str) return gmatch(str,"[^, ]+") end local pattern=Cs { "start", start=V("one")+V("two")+V("three"), rest=(Cc(",")*V("thousand"))^0*(P(".")+endofstring)*anything^0, thousand=digit*digit*digit, one=digit*V("rest"), two=digit*digit*V("rest"), three=V("thousand")*V("rest"), } lpegpatterns.splitthousands=pattern function parsers.splitthousands(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) or str end local optionalwhitespace=whitespace^0 lpegpatterns.words=Ct((Cs((1-punctuation-whitespace)^1)+anything)^1) lpegpatterns.sentences=Ct((optionalwhitespace*Cs((1-period)^0*period))^1) lpegpatterns.paragraphs=Ct((optionalwhitespace*Cs((whitespace^1*endofstring/""+1-(spacer^0*newline*newline))^1))^1) local dquote=P('"') local equal=P('=') local escape=P('\\') local separator=S(' ,') local key=C((1-equal)^1) local value=dquote*C((1-dquote-escape*dquote)^0)*dquote local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*(Cg(key*equal*value)*separator^0)^1,rawset)^0*P(-1) function parsers.keq_to_hash(str) if str and str~="" then return lpegmatch(pattern,str) else return {} end end local defaultspecification={ separator=",",quote='"' } function parsers.csvsplitter(specification) specification=specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification local separator=specification.separator local quotechar=specification.quote local numbers=specification.numbers local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",") local whatever=C((1-separator-newline)^0) if quotechar and quotechar~="" then local quotedata=nil for chr in gmatch(quotechar,".") do local quotechar=P(chr) local quoteitem=(1-quotechar)^0 local quoteword=quotechar*(numbers and (quoteitem/tonumber) or C(quoteitem))*quotechar if quotedata then quotedata=quotedata+quoteword else quotedata=quoteword end end whatever=quotedata+whatever end local parser=Ct((Ct(whatever*(separator*whatever)^0)*S("\n\r")^1)^0 ) return function(data) return lpegmatch(parser,data) end end function parsers.rfc4180splitter(specification) specification=specification and setmetatableindex(specification,defaultspecification) or defaultspecification local numbers=specification.numbers local separator=specification.separator local quotechar=P(specification.quote) local dquotechar=quotechar*quotechar /specification.quote local separator=S(separator~="" and separator or ",") local whatever=(dquotechar+(1-quotechar))^0 local escaped=quotechar*(numbers and (whatever/tonumber) or Cs(whatever))*quotechar local non_escaped=C((1-quotechar-newline-separator)^1) local field=escaped+non_escaped+Cc("") local record=Ct(field*(separator*field)^1) local headerline=record*Cp() local morerecords=(newline^(specification.strict and -1 or 1)*record)^0 local headeryes=Ct(morerecords) local headernop=Ct(record*morerecords) return function(data,getheader) if getheader then local header,position=lpegmatch(headerline,data) local data=lpegmatch(headeryes,data,position) return data,header else return lpegmatch(headernop,data) end end end local function ranger(first,last,n,action) if not first then elseif last==true then for i=first,n or first do action(i) end elseif last then for i=first,last do action(i) end else action(first) end end local cardinal=lpegpatterns.cardinal/tonumber local spacers=lpegpatterns.spacer^0 local endofstring=lpegpatterns.endofstring local stepper=spacers*(cardinal*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(cardinal+Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1 local stepper=spacers*(cardinal*(spacers*S(":-")*spacers*(cardinal+(P("*")+endofstring)*Cc(true) )+Cc(false) )*Carg(1)*Carg(2)/ranger*S(", ")^0 )^1*endofstring function parsers.stepper(str,n,action) if type(n)=="function" then lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,false,n or print) else lpegmatch(stepper,str,1,n,action or print) end end local pattern_math=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+P("^")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+anything)^0) local pattern_text=Cs((P("%")/"\\percent "+(P("^")/"\\high")*Cc("{")*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("}")+anything)^0) patterns.unittotex=pattern function parsers.unittotex(str,textmode) return lpegmatch(textmode and pattern_text or pattern_math,str) end local pattern=Cs((P("^")/""*lpegpatterns.integer*Cc("")+anything)^0) function parsers.unittoxml(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end local cache={} local spaces=lpegpatterns.space^0 local dummy=function() end setmetatableindex(cache,function(t,k) local separator=P(k) local value=(1-separator)^0 local pattern=spaces*C(value)*separator^0*Cp() t[k]=pattern return pattern end) local commalistiterator=cache[","] function parsers.iterator(str,separator) local n=#str if n==0 then return dummy else local pattern=separator and cache[separator] or commalistiterator local p=1 return function() if p<=n then local s,e=lpegmatch(pattern,str,p) if e then p=e return s end end end end end local function initialize(t,name) local source=t[name] if source then local result={} for k,v in next,t[name] do result[k]=v end return result else return {} end end local function fetch(t,name) return t[name] or {} end local function process(result,more) for k,v in next,more do result[k]=v end return result end local name=C((1-S(", "))^1) local parser=(Carg(1)*name/initialize)*(S(", ")^1*(Carg(1)*name/fetch))^0 local merge=Cf(parser,process) function parsers.mergehashes(hash,list) return lpegmatch(merge,list,1,hash) end function parsers.runtime(time) if not time then time=os.runtime() end local days=div(time,24*60*60) time=mod(time,24*60*60) local hours=div(time,60*60) time=mod(time,60*60) local minutes=div(time,60) local seconds=mod(time,60) return days,hours,minutes,seconds end local spacing=whitespace^0 local apply=P("->") local method=C((1-apply)^1) local token=lbrace*C((1-rbrace)^1)*rbrace+C(anything^1) local pattern=spacing*(method*spacing*apply+Carg(1))*spacing*token function parsers.splitmethod(str,default) if str then return lpegmatch(pattern,str,1,default or false) else return default or false,"" end end local p_year=lpegpatterns.digit^4/tonumber local pattern=Cf(Ct("")*( (Cg(Cc("year")*p_year)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("month")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("day")*cardinal) )+(Cg(Cc("day")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("month")*cardinal)*S("-/")*Cg(Cc("year")*p_year) ) )*P(" ")*Cg(Cc("hour")*cardinal)*P(":")*Cg(Cc("min")*cardinal)*(P(":")*Cg(Cc("sec")*cardinal))^-1 ,rawset) lpegpatterns.splittime=pattern function parsers.totime(str) return lpegmatch(pattern,str) end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-dim']={ version=1.001, comment="support for dimensions", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local format,match,gsub,type,setmetatable=string.format,string.match,string.gsub,type,setmetatable local P,S,R,Cc,C,lpegmatch=lpeg.P,lpeg.S,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.C,lpeg.match local allocate=utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local formatters=string.formatters local texget=tex and tex.get or function() return 65536*10*100 end local p_stripzeros=lpeg.patterns.stripzeros number=number or {} local number=number number.tonumberf=function(n) return lpegmatch(p_stripzeros,format("%.20f",n)) end number.tonumberg=function(n) return format("%.20g",n) end local dimenfactors=allocate { ["pt"]=1/65536, ["in"]=(100/7227)/65536, ["cm"]=(254/7227)/65536, ["mm"]=(2540/7227)/65536, ["sp"]=1, ["bp"]=(7200/7227)/65536, ["pc"]=(1/12)/65536, ["dd"]=(1157/1238)/65536, ["cc"]=(1157/14856)/65536, ["nd"]=(20320/21681)/65536, ["nc"]=(5080/65043)/65536 } local f_none=formatters["%s%s"] local f_true=formatters["%0.5F%s"] local function numbertodimen(n,unit,fmt) if type(n)=='string' then return n else unit=unit or 'pt' n=n*dimenfactors[unit] if not fmt then fmt=f_none(n,unit) elseif fmt==true then fmt=f_true(n,unit) else return formatters[fmt](n,unit) end end end number.maxdimen=1073741823 number.todimen=numbertodimen number.dimenfactors=dimenfactors function number.topoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"pt",fmt) end function number.toinches (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"in",fmt) end function number.tocentimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cm",fmt) end function number.tomillimeters (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"mm",fmt) end function number.toscaledpoints(n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"sp",fmt) end function number.toscaledpoints(n) return n.."sp" end function number.tobasepoints (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"bp",fmt) end function number.topicas (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n "pc",fmt) end function number.todidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"dd",fmt) end function number.tociceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"cc",fmt) end function number.tonewdidots (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nd",fmt) end function number.tonewciceros (n,fmt) return numbertodimen(n,"nc",fmt) end local amount=(S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*P(".")^0*R("09")^0)+Cc("0") local unit=R("az")^1+P("%") local dimenpair=amount/tonumber*(unit^1/dimenfactors+Cc(1)) lpeg.patterns.dimenpair=dimenpair local splitter=amount/tonumber*C(unit^1) function number.splitdimen(str) return lpegmatch(splitter,str) end setmetatableindex(dimenfactors,function(t,s) return false end) local stringtodimen local amount=S("+-")^0*R("09")^0*S(".,")^0*R("09")^0 local unit=P("pt")+P("cm")+P("mm")+P("sp")+P("bp")+P("in")+P("pc")+P("dd")+P("cc")+P("nd")+P("nc") local validdimen=amount*unit lpeg.patterns.validdimen=validdimen local dimensions={} function dimensions.__add(a,b) local ta,tb=type(a),type(b) if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end return setmetatable({ a+b },dimensions) end function dimensions.__sub(a,b) local ta,tb=type(a),type(b) if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end return setmetatable({ a-b },dimensions) end function dimensions.__mul(a,b) local ta,tb=type(a),type(b) if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end return setmetatable({ a*b },dimensions) end function dimensions.__div(a,b) local ta,tb=type(a),type(b) if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end if tb=="string" then b=stringtodimen(b) elseif tb=="table" then b=b[1] end return setmetatable({ a/b },dimensions) end function dimensions.__unm(a) local ta=type(a) if ta=="string" then a=stringtodimen(a) elseif ta=="table" then a=a[1] end return setmetatable({-a },dimensions) end function dimensions.__lt(a,b) return a[1]0 then for i=1,l do if type(tt[i])=="table" then return false end end local nn=n n=n+1 t[n]="[ " for i=1,l do if i>1 then n=n+1 t[n]=", " end local v=tt[i] local tv=type(v) if tv=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=v elseif tv=="string" then n=n+1 t[n]='"' n=n+1 t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v n=n+1 t[n]='"' elseif tv=="boolean" then n=n+1 t[n]=v and "true" or "false" elseif v then n=n+1 t[n]=tostring(v) else n=n+1 t[n]="null" end end n=n+1 t[n]=" ]" local s=concat(t,"",nn+1,n) n=nn return s end return false end local function tojsonpp(root,name,depth,level,size) if root then local indexed=size>0 n=n+1 if level==0 then if indexed then t[n]=f_start_array(depth) else t[n]=f_start_hash(depth) end elseif name then if tn=="string" then name=lpegmatch(escaper,name) or name elseif tn~="number" then name=tostring(name) end if indexed then t[n]=f_start_array_key(depth,name) else t[n]=f_start_hash_key(depth,name) end else if indexed then t[n]=f_start_array_new(depth) else t[n]=f_start_hash_new(depth) end end depth=depth+1 if indexed then for i=1,size do if i>1 then n=n+1 t[n]="," end local v=root[i] local tv=type(v) if tv=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_num(depth,v) elseif tv=="string" then v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_str(depth,v) elseif tv=="table" then if next(v) then local st=is_simple_table(v) if st then n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_seq(depth,st) else tojsonpp(v,nil,depth,level+1,#v) end else n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_empty(depth) end elseif tv=="boolean" then n=n+1 if v then t[n]=f_val_yes(depth,v) else t[n]=f_val_nop(depth,v) end else n=n+1 t[n]=f_val_null(depth) end end elseif next(root) then local sk=sortedkeys(root) for i=1,#sk do if i>1 then n=n+1 t[n]="," end local k=sk[i] local v=root[k] local tv=type(v) local tk=type(k) if tv=="number" then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_num(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="string" then k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_num(depth,k,v) end elseif tv=="string" then if tk=="number" then v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_str(depth,k,v) elseif tk=="string" then k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k v=lpegmatch(escaper,v) or v n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_str(depth,k,v) end elseif tv=="table" then local l=#v if l>0 then local st=is_simple_table(v) if not st then tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,l) elseif tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st) elseif tk=="string" then k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_seq(depth,k,st) end elseif next(v) then tojsonpp(v,k,depth,level+1,0) end elseif tv=="boolean" then if tk=="number" then n=n+1 if v then t[n]=f_key_val_yes(depth,k) else t[n]=f_key_val_nop(depth,k) end elseif tk=="string" then k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k n=n+1 if v then t[n]=f_key_val_yes(depth,k) else t[n]=f_key_val_nop(depth,k) end end else if tk=="number" then n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_null(depth,k) elseif tk=="string" then k=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k n=n+1 t[n]=f_key_val_null(depth,k) end end end end n=n+1 if indexed then t[n]=f_stop_array(depth-1) else t[n]=f_stop_hash(depth-1) end end end local function tojson(value,n) local kind=type(value) if kind=="table" then local done=false local size=#value if size==0 then for k,v in next,value do if done then n=n+1;t[n]=',"' else n=n+1;t[n]='{"' done=true end n=n+1;t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,k) or k n=n+1;t[n]='":' t,n=tojson(v,n) end if done then n=n+1;t[n]="}" else n=n+1;t[n]="{}" end elseif size==1 then n=n+1;t[n]="[" t,n=tojson(value[1],n) n=n+1;t[n]="]" else for i=1,size do if done then n=n+1;t[n]="," else n=n+1;t[n]="[" done=true end t,n=tojson(value[i],n) end n=n+1;t[n]="]" end elseif kind=="string" then n=n+1;t[n]='"' n=n+1;t[n]=lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value n=n+1;t[n]='"' elseif kind=="number" then n=n+1;t[n]=value elseif kind=="boolean" then n=n+1;t[n]=tostring(value) else n=n+1;t[n]="null" end return t,n end local function jsontostring(value,pretty) local kind=type(value) if kind=="table" then if not escaper then local escapes={ ["\\"]="\\u005C", ["\""]="\\u0022", } for i=0,0x1F do escapes[utfchar(i)]=format("\\u%04X",i) end escaper=Cs(( (R('\0\x20')+S('\"\\'))/escapes+P(1) )^1 ) end t={} n=0 if pretty then tojsonpp(value,name,0,0,#value) value=concat(t,"",1,n) else t,n=tojson(value,0) value=concat(t,"",1,n) end t=nil n=0 return value elseif kind=="string" or kind=="number" then return lpegmatch(escaper,value) or value else return tostring(value) end end json.tostring=jsontostring function json.tojson(value) return jsontostring(value,true) end end return json end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['trac-inf']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to trac-inf.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local type,tonumber,select=type,tonumber,select local format,lower,find=string.format,string.lower,string.find local concat=table.concat local clock=os.gettimeofday or os.clock local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex local serialize=table.serialize local formatters=string.formatters statistics=statistics or {} local statistics=statistics statistics.enable=true statistics.threshold=0.01 local statusinfo,n,registered,timers={},0,{},{} setmetatableindex(timers,function(t,k) local v={ timing=0,loadtime=0,offset=0 } t[k]=v return v end) local function hastiming(instance) return instance and timers[instance] end local function resettiming(instance) timers[instance or "notimer"]={ timing=0,loadtime=0,offset=0 } end local ticks=clock local seconds=function(n) return n or 0 end if os.type~="windows" then elseif lua.getpreciseticks then ticks=lua.getpreciseticks seconds=lua.getpreciseseconds elseif FFISUPPORTED then local okay,kernel=pcall(ffi.load,"kernel32") if kernel then local tonumber=ffi.number or tonumber ffi.cdef[[ int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency); int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount); ]] local target=ffi.new("__int64[1]") ticks=function() if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target)==1 then return tonumber(target[0]) else return 0 end end local target=ffi.new("__int64[1]") seconds=function(ticks) if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target)==1 then return ticks/tonumber(target[0]) else return 0 end end end else end local function starttiming(instance,reset) local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"] local it=timer.timing if reset then it=0 timer.loadtime=0 end if it==0 then timer.starttime=ticks() if not timer.loadtime then timer.loadtime=0 end end timer.timing=it+1 end local function stoptiming(instance) local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"] local it=timer.timing if it>1 then timer.timing=it-1 else local starttime=timer.starttime if starttime and starttime>0 then local stoptime=ticks() local loadtime=stoptime-starttime timer.stoptime=stoptime timer.loadtime=timer.loadtime+loadtime timer.timing=0 timer.starttime=0 return loadtime end end return 0 end local function benchmarktimer(instance) local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"] local it=timer.timing if it>1 then timer.timing=it-1 else local starttime=timer.starttime if starttime and starttime>0 then timer.offset=ticks()-starttime else timer.offset=0 end end end local function elapsed(instance) if type(instance)=="number" then return instance else local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"] return timer and seconds(timer.loadtime-2*(timer.offset or 0)) or 0 end end local function currenttime(instance) if type(instance)=="number" then return instance else local timer=timers[instance or "notimer"] local it=timer.timing if it>1 then else local starttime=timer.starttime if starttime and starttime>0 then return seconds(timer.loadtime+ticks()-starttime-2*(timer.offset or 0)) end end return 0 end end local function elapsedtime(instance) return format("%0.3f",elapsed(instance)) end local function elapsedindeed(instance) return elapsed(instance)>statistics.threshold end local function elapsedseconds(instance,rest) if elapsedindeed(instance) then return format("%0.3f seconds %s",elapsed(instance),rest or "") end end statistics.hastiming=hastiming statistics.resettiming=resettiming statistics.starttiming=starttiming statistics.stoptiming=stoptiming statistics.currenttime=currenttime statistics.elapsed=elapsed statistics.elapsedtime=elapsedtime statistics.elapsedindeed=elapsedindeed statistics.elapsedseconds=elapsedseconds statistics.benchmarktimer=benchmarktimer function statistics.register(tag,fnc) if statistics.enable and type(fnc)=="function" then local rt=registered[tag] or (#statusinfo+1) statusinfo[rt]={ tag,fnc } registered[tag]=rt if #tag>n then n=#tag end end end local report=logs.reporter("mkiv lua stats") function statistics.show() if statistics.enable then local register=statistics.register register("used platform",function() return format("%s, type: %s, binary subtree: %s", os.platform or "unknown",os.type or "unknown",environment.texos or "unknown") end) register("used engine",function() return format("%s version: %s, functionality level: %s, banner: %s", LUATEXENGINE,LUATEXVERSION,LUATEXFUNCTIONALITY,lower(status.banner)) end) register("used hash slots",function() return format("%s of %s + %s",status.cs_count,status.hash_size,status.hash_extra) end) register("callbacks",statistics.callbacks) if JITSUPPORTED then local jitstatus=jit.status if jitstatus then local jitstatus={ jitstatus() } if jitstatus[1] then register("luajit options",concat(jitstatus," ",2)) end end end register("lua properties",function() local hash=2^status.luatex_hashchars local mask=load([[τεχ = 1]]) and "utf" or "ascii" return format("engine: %s %s, used memory: %s, hash chars: min(%i,40), symbol mask: %s (%s)", jit and "luajit" or "lua",LUAVERSION,statistics.memused(),hash,mask,mask=="utf" and "τεχ" or "tex") end) register("runtime",statistics.runtime) logs.newline() for i=1,#statusinfo do local s=statusinfo[i] local r=s[2]() if r then report("%s: %s",s[1],r) end end statistics.enable=false end end function statistics.memused() local round=math.round or math.floor return format("%s MB, ctx: %s MB, max: %s MB", round(collectgarbage("count")/1000), round(status.luastate_bytes/1000000), status.luastate_bytes_max and round(status.luastate_bytes_max/1000000) or "unknown" ) end starttiming(statistics) function statistics.formatruntime(runtime) return format("%s seconds",runtime) end function statistics.runtime() stoptiming(statistics) local runtime=lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics) return statistics.formatruntime(runtime) end local report=logs.reporter("system") function statistics.timed(action,all) starttiming("run") action() stoptiming("run") local runtime=tonumber(elapsedtime("run")) if all then local alltime=tonumber(lua.getruntime and lua.getruntime() or elapsedtime(statistics)) if alltime and alltime>0 then report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds of %0.3f seconds",runtime,alltime) return end end report("total runtime: %0.3f seconds",runtime) end function statistics.tracefunction(base,tag,...) for i=1,select("#",...) do local name=select(i,...) local stat={} local func=base[name] setmetatableindex(stat,function(t,k) t[k]=0 return 0 end) base[name]=function(n,k,v) stat[k]=stat[k]+1 return func(n,k,v) end statistics.register(formatters["%s.%s"](tag,name),function() return serialize(stat,"calls") end) end end function status.getreadstate() return { filename=status.filename or "?", linenumber=status.linenumber or 0, iocode=status.inputid or 0, } end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-lua']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", comment="the strip code is written by Peter Cawley", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local rep,sub,byte,dump,format=string.rep,string.sub,string.byte,string.dump,string.format local load,loadfile,type,collectgarbage=load,loadfile,type,collectgarbage utilities=utilities or {} utilities.lua=utilities.lua or {} local luautilities=utilities.lua local report_lua=logs.reporter("system","lua") local report_mem=logs.reporter("system","lua memory") local tracestripping=false local tracememory=false luautilities.stripcode=true luautilities.alwaysstripcode=false luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=0 luautilities.nofstrippedbytes=0 local strippedchunks={} luautilities.strippedchunks=strippedchunks if not LUATEXENGINE then LUATEXENGINE=status.luatex_engine and string.lower(status.luatex_engine) JITSUPPORTED=LUATEXENGINE=="luajittex" or jit CONTEXTLMTXMODE=CONTEXTLMTXMODE or (LUATEXENGINE=="luametatex" and 1) or 0 end luautilities.suffixes={ tma="tma", tmc=(CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and "tmd") or (jit and "tmb") or "tmc", lua="lua", luc=(CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and "lud") or (jit and "lub") or "luc", lui="lui", luv="luv", luj="luj", tua="tua", tuc=(CONTEXTLMTXMODE and CONTEXTLMTXMODE>0 and "tud") or (jit and "tub") or "tuc", } local function register(name) if tracestripping then report_lua("stripped bytecode from %a",name or "unknown") end strippedchunks[#strippedchunks+1]=name luautilities.nofstrippedchunks=luautilities.nofstrippedchunks+1 end local function stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip) local code=io.loaddata(luafile) if code and code~="" then code=load(code) if code then code=dump(code,strip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode) if code and code~="" then register(name) io.savedata(lucfile,code) return true,0 end else report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",1,luafile) end else report_lua("fatal error %a in file %a",2,luafile) end return false,0 end function luautilities.loadedluacode(fullname,forcestrip,name,macros) name=name or fullname if macros then macros=lua.macros end local code,message if macros then code,message=macros.loaded(fullname,true,false) else code,message=loadfile(fullname) end if code then code() else report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",fullname,message or "no message") code,message=loadfile(fullname) end if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode then if type(forcestrip)=="function" then forcestrip=forcestrip(fullname) end if forcestrip or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then register(name) return load(dump(code,true)),0 else return code,0 end elseif luautilities.alwaysstripcode then register(name) return load(dump(code,true)),0 else return code,0 end end function luautilities.strippedloadstring(code,name,forcestrip) local code,message=load(code) if not code then report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message") end if forcestrip and luautilities.stripcode or luautilities.alwaysstripcode then register(name) return load(dump(code,true)),0 else return code,0 end end function luautilities.loadstring(code,name) local code,message=load(code) if not code then report_lua("loading of file %a failed:\n\t%s",name,message or "no message") end return code,0 end function luautilities.compile(luafile,lucfile,cleanup,strip,fallback) report_lua("compiling %a into %a",luafile,lucfile) os.remove(lucfile) local done=stupidcompile(luafile,lucfile,strip~=false) if done then report_lua("dumping %a into %a stripped",luafile,lucfile) if cleanup==true and lfs.isfile(lucfile) and lfs.isfile(luafile) then report_lua("removing %a",luafile) os.remove(luafile) end end return done end function luautilities.loadstripped(...) local l=load(...) if l then return load(dump(l,true)) end end local finalizers={} setmetatable(finalizers,{ __gc=function(t) for i=1,#t do pcall(t[i]) end end } ) function luautilities.registerfinalizer(f) finalizers[#finalizers+1]=f end function luautilities.checkmemory(previous,threshold,trace) local current=collectgarbage("count") if previous then local checked=(threshold or 64)*1024 local delta=current-previous if current-previous>checked then collectgarbage("collect") local afterwards=collectgarbage("count") if trace or tracememory then report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB, afterwards %r MB", previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold,afterwards) end return afterwards elseif trace or tracememory then report_mem("previous %r MB, current %r MB, delta %r MB, threshold %r MB", previous/1024,current/1024,delta/1024,threshold) end end return current end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-deb']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local type,next,tostring,tonumber=type,next,tostring,tonumber local format,find,sub,gsub=string.format,string.find,string.sub,string.gsub local insert,remove,sort=table.insert,table.remove,table.sort local setmetatableindex=table.setmetatableindex utilities=utilities or {} local debugger=utilities.debugger or {} utilities.debugger=debugger local report=logs.reporter("debugger") local ticks=os.gettimeofday or os.clock local seconds=function(n) return n or 0 end local overhead=0 local dummycalls=10*1000 local nesting=0 local names={} local initialize=false if lua.getpreciseticks then initialize=function() ticks=lua.getpreciseticks seconds=lua.getpreciseseconds initialize=false end elseif not (FFISUPPORTED and ffi) then elseif os.type=="windows" then initialize=function() local kernel=ffilib("kernel32","system") if kernel then local tonumber=ffi.number or tonumber ffi.cdef[[ int QueryPerformanceFrequency(int64_t *lpFrequency); int QueryPerformanceCounter(int64_t *lpPerformanceCount); ]] local target=ffi.new("__int64[1]") ticks=function() if kernel.QueryPerformanceCounter(target)==1 then return tonumber(target[0]) else return 0 end end local target=ffi.new("__int64[1]") seconds=function(ticks) if kernel.QueryPerformanceFrequency(target)==1 then return ticks/tonumber(target[0]) else return 0 end end end initialize=false end elseif os.type=="unix" then initialize=function() local C=ffi.C local tonumber=ffi.number or tonumber ffi.cdef [[ /* what a mess */ typedef int clk_id_t; typedef enum { CLOCK_REALTIME, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID } clk_id; typedef struct timespec { long sec; long nsec; } ctx_timespec; int clock_gettime(clk_id_t timerid, struct timespec *t); ]] local target=ffi.new("ctx_timespec[?]",1) local clock=C.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID ticks=function () C.clock_gettime(clock,target) return tonumber(target[0].sec*1000000000+target[0].nsec) end seconds=function(ticks) return ticks/1000000000 end initialize=false end end setmetatableindex(names,function(t,name) local v=setmetatableindex(function(t,source) local v=setmetatableindex(function(t,line) local v={ total=0,count=0,nesting=0 } t[line]=v return v end) t[source]=v return v end) t[name]=v return v end) local getinfo=nil local sethook=nil local function hook(where) local f=getinfo(2,"nSl") if f then local source=f.short_src if not source then return end local line=f.linedefined or 0 local name=f.name if not name then local what=f.what if what=="C" then name="" else name=f.namewhat or what or "" end end local data=names[name][source][line] if where=="call" then local nesting=data.nesting if nesting==0 then data.count=data.count+1 insert(data,ticks()) data.nesting=1 else data.nesting=nesting+1 end elseif where=="return" then local nesting=data.nesting if nesting==1 then local t=remove(data) if t then data.total=data.total+ticks()-t end data.nesting=0 else data.nesting=nesting-1 end end end end function debugger.showstats(printer,threshold) local printer=printer or report local calls=0 local functions=0 local dataset={} local length=0 local realtime=0 local totaltime=0 local threshold=threshold or 0 for name,sources in next,names do for source,lines in next,sources do for line,data in next,lines do local count=data.count if count>threshold then if #name>length then length=#name end local total=data.total local real=total if real>0 then real=total-(count*overhead/dummycalls) if real<0 then real=0 end realtime=realtime+real end totaltime=totaltime+total if line<0 then line=0 end dataset[#dataset+1]={ real,total,count,name,source,line } end end end end sort(dataset,function(a,b) if a[1]==b[1] then if a[2]==b[2] then if a[3]==b[3] then if a[4]==b[4] then if a[5]==b[5] then return a[6]50 then length=50 end local fmt=string.formatters["%4.9k s %3.3k %% %4.9k s %3.3k %% %8i # %-"..length.."s %4i %s"] for i=1,#dataset do local data=dataset[i] local real=data[1] local total=data[2] local count=data[3] local name=data[4] local source=data[5] local line=data[6] calls=calls+count functions=functions+1 name=gsub(name,"%s+"," ") if #name>length then name=sub(name,1,length) end printer(fmt(seconds(total),100*total/totaltime,seconds(real),100*real/realtime,count,name,line,source)) end printer("") printer(format("functions : %i",functions)) printer(format("calls : %i",calls)) printer(format("overhead : %f",seconds(overhead/1000))) end local function getdebug() if sethook and getinfo then return end if not debug then local okay okay,debug=pcall(require,"debug") end if type(debug)~="table" then return end getinfo=debug.getinfo sethook=debug.sethook if type(getinfo)~="function" then getinfo=nil end if type(sethook)~="function" then sethook=nil end end function debugger.savestats(filename,threshold) local f=io.open(filename,'w') if f then debugger.showstats(function(str) f:write(str,"\n") end,threshold) f:close() end end function debugger.enable() getdebug() if sethook and getinfo and nesting==0 then running=true if initialize then initialize() end sethook(hook,"cr") local function dummy() end local t=ticks() for i=1,dummycalls do dummy() end overhead=ticks()-t end if nesting>0 then nesting=nesting+1 end end function debugger.disable() if nesting>0 then nesting=nesting-1 end if sethook and getinfo and nesting==0 then sethook() end end local function showtraceback(rep) getdebug() if getinfo then local level=2 local reporter=rep or report while true do local info=getinfo(level,"Sl") if not info then break elseif info.what=="C" then reporter("%2i : %s",level-1,"C function") else reporter("%2i : %s : %s",level-1,info.short_src,info.currentline) end level=level+1 end end end debugger.showtraceback=showtraceback end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-tpl']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } utilities.templates=utilities.templates or {} local templates=utilities.templates local trace_template=false trackers.register("templates.trace",function(v) trace_template=v end) local report_template=logs.reporter("template") local tostring,next=tostring,next local format,sub,byte=string.format,string.sub,string.byte local P,C,R,Cs,Cc,Carg,lpegmatch,lpegpatterns=lpeg.P,lpeg.C,lpeg.R,lpeg.Cs,lpeg.Cc,lpeg.Carg,lpeg.match,lpeg.patterns local formatters=string.formatters local replacer local function replacekey(k,t,how,recursive) local v=t[k] if not v then if trace_template then report_template("unknown key %a",k) end return "" else v=tostring(v) if trace_template then report_template("setting key %a to value %a",k,v) end if recursive then return lpegmatch(replacer,v,1,t,how,recursive) else return v end end end local sqlescape=lpeg.replacer { { "'","''" }, { "\\","\\\\" }, { "\r\n","\\n" }, { "\r","\\n" }, } local sqlquoted=Cs(Cc("'")*sqlescape*Cc("'")) lpegpatterns.sqlescape=sqlescape lpegpatterns.sqlquoted=sqlquoted local luaescape=lpegpatterns.luaescape local escapers={ lua=function(s) return lpegmatch(luaescape,s) end, sql=function(s) return lpegmatch(sqlescape,s) end, } local quotedescapers={ lua=function(s) return format("%q",s) end, sql=function(s) return lpegmatch(sqlquoted,s) end, } local luaescaper=escapers.lua local quotedluaescaper=quotedescapers.lua local function replacekeyunquoted(s,t,how,recurse) if how==false then return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse) else local escaper=how and escapers[how] or luaescaper return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)) end end local function replacekeyquoted(s,t,how,recurse) if how==false then return replacekey(s,t,how,recurse) else local escaper=how and quotedescapers[how] or quotedluaescaper return escaper(replacekey(s,t,how,recurse)) end end local function replaceoptional(l,m,r,t,how,recurse) local v=t[l] return v and v~="" and lpegmatch(replacer,r,1,t,how or "lua",recurse or false) or "" end local function replaceformatted(l,m,r,t,how,recurse) local v=t[r] return v and formatters[l](v) end local single=P("%") local double=P("%%") local lquoted=P("%[") local rquoted=P("]%") local lquotedq=P("%(") local rquotedq=P(")%") local escape=double/'%%' local nosingle=single/'' local nodouble=double/'' local nolquoted=lquoted/'' local norquoted=rquoted/'' local nolquotedq=lquotedq/'' local norquotedq=rquotedq/'' local nolformatted=P(":")/"%%" local norformatted=P(":")/"" local noloptional=P("%?")/'' local noroptional=P("?%")/'' local nomoptional=P(":")/'' local args=Carg(1)*Carg(2)*Carg(3) local key=nosingle*((C((1-nosingle)^1)*args)/replacekey)*nosingle local quoted=nolquotedq*((C((1-norquotedq)^1)*args)/replacekeyquoted)*norquotedq local unquoted=nolquoted*((C((1-norquoted)^1)*args)/replacekeyunquoted)*norquoted local optional=noloptional*((C((1-nomoptional)^1)*nomoptional*C((1-noroptional)^1)*args)/replaceoptional)*noroptional local formatted=nosingle*((Cs(nolformatted*(1-norformatted )^1)*norformatted*C((1-nosingle)^1)*args)/replaceformatted)*nosingle local any=P(1) replacer=Cs((unquoted+quoted+formatted+escape+optional+key+any)^0) local function replace(str,mapping,how,recurse) if mapping and str then return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str else return str end end templates.replace=replace function templates.replacer(str,how,recurse) return function(mapping) return lpegmatch(replacer,str,1,mapping,how or "lua",recurse or false) or str end end function templates.load(filename,mapping,how,recurse) local data=io.loaddata(filename) or "" if mapping and next(mapping) then return replace(data,mapping,how,recurse) else return data end end function templates.resolve(t,mapping,how,recurse) if not mapping then mapping=t end for k,v in next,t do t[k]=replace(v,mapping,how,recurse) end return t end end -- closure do -- begin closure to overcome local limits and interference if not modules then modules={} end modules ['util-sta']={ version=1.001, comment="companion to util-ini.mkiv", author="Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright="PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license="see context related readme files" } local insert,remove,fastcopy,concat=table.insert,table.remove,table.fastcopy,table.concat local format=string.format local select,tostring=select,tostring local trace_stacker=false trackers.register("stacker.resolve",function(v) trace_stacker=v end) local stacker=stacker or {} utilities.stacker=stacker local function start(s,t,first,last) if s.mode=="switch" then local n=tostring(t[last]) if trace_stacker then s.report("start: %s",n) end return n else local r={} for i=first,last do r[#r+1]=tostring(t[i]) end local n=concat(r," ") if trace_stacker then s.report("start: %s",n) end return n end end local function stop(s,t,first,last) if s.mode=="switch" then local n=tostring(false) if trace_stacker then s.report("stop: %s",n) end return n else local r={} for i=last,first,-1 do r[#r+1]=tostring(false) end local n=concat(r," ") if trace_stacker then s.report("stop: %s",n) end return n end end local function change(s,t1,first1,last1,t2,first2,last2) if s.mode=="switch" then local n=tostring(t2[last2]) if trace_stacker then s.report("change: %s",n) end return n else local r={} for i=last1,first1,-1 do r[#r+1]=tostring(false) end local n=concat(r," ") for i=first2,last2 do r[#r+1]=tostring(t2[i]) end if trace_stacker then s.report("change: %s",n) end return n end end function stacker.new(name) local report=logs.reporter("stacker",name or nil) local s local stack={} local list={} local ids={} local hash={} local hashing=true local function push(...) for i=1,select("#",...) do insert(stack,(select(i,...))) end if hashing then local c=concat(stack,"|") local n=hash[c] if not n then n=#list+1 hash[c]=n list[n]=fastcopy(stack) end insert(ids,n) return n else local n=#list+1 list[n]=fastcopy(stack) insert(ids,n) return n end end local function pop() remove(stack) remove(ids) return ids[#ids] or s.unset or -1 end local function clean() if #stack==0 then if trace_stacker then s.report("%s list entries, %s stack entries",#list,#stack) end end end local tops={} local top=nil local switch=nil local function resolve_reset(mode) if #tops>0 then report("resetting %s left-over states of %a",#tops,name) end tops={} top=nil switch=nil end local function resolve_begin(mode) if mode then switch=mode=="switch" else switch=s.mode=="switch" end top={ switch=switch } insert(tops,top) end local function resolve_step(ti) if not top then return end local result=nil local noftop=#top if ti>0 then local current=list[ti] if current then local noflist=#current local nofsame=0 if noflist>noftop then for i=1,noflist do if current[i]==top[i] then nofsame=i else break end end else for i=1,noflist do if current[i]==top[i] then nofsame=i else break end end end local plus=nofsame+1 if plus<=noftop then if plus<=noflist then if switch then result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist) else result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,plus,noflist) end else if switch then result=s.change(s,top,plus,noftop,current,nofsame,noflist) else result=s.stop(s,top,plus,noftop) end end elseif plus<=noflist then if switch then result=s.start(s,current,nofsame,noflist) else result=s.start(s,current,plus,noflist) end end top=current else if 1<=noftop then result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop) end top={} end return result else if 1<=noftop then result=s.stop(s,top,1,noftop) end top={} return result end end local function resolve_end() if #tops>0 then local result=s.stop(s,top,1,#top) remove(tops) top=tops[#tops] switch=top and top.switch return result end end local function resolve(t) resolve_begin() for i=1,#t do resolve_step(t[i]) end resolve_end() end s={ name=name or "unknown", unset=-1, report=report, start=start, stop=stop, change=change, push=push, pop=pop, clean=clean, resolve=resolve, resolve_begin=resolve_begin, resolve_step=resolve_step, resolve_end=resolve_end, resolve_reset=resolve_reset, } return s end end -- closure