-- Chinese JFM for Traditional Chinese fonts (zh_TW) -- v1.0.1 local is_vt, is_qj, is_bj, is_km if luatexja.jfont.jfm_feature then is_vt = luatexja.jfont.jfm_feature.vert is_qj = luatexja.jfont.jfm_feature.quanjiao is_bj = luatexja.jfont.jfm_feature.banjiao is_km = luatexja.jfont.jfm_feature.kaiming end if not ((is_qj and not (is_bj or is_km)) or (is_bj and not (is_qj or is_km)) or (is_km and not (is_qj or is_bj))) then tex.error( 'You must specify ONLY ONE feature among "quanjiao", "banjiao" and ' .. '"kaiming"' ) end local function aki(wd, pr, km) -- 插入空白量 local p = pr or 0 return km and (is_bj and {0, wd, 0, priority = {p, -p}} or {wd, 0, wd, priority = {p, -p}}) or (is_qj and {wd, 0, wd, priority = {p, -p}} or {0, wd, 0, priority = {p, -p}}) end luatexja.jfont.define_jfm { version = 3, dir = is_vt and 'tate' or 'yoko', zw = 1, zh = 1, kanjiskip = {0.0, 0.25, 0}, xkanjiskip = {0.25, 0.25, .125}, [0] = { align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 1, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [1] = aki(0.5, -1), [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, 1, true) }, round_threshold = 0.01 }, [1] = { -- 开括号 chars = { '‘', '“', '〈', '《', '「', '『', '【', '〔', '〖', '〘', '〝', '(', '[', '{', '⦅' }, align = 'right', left = 0, down = 0, width = 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, 1, true) } }, [2] = { -- 闭括号 chars = { '’', '”', '〉', '》', '」', '』', '】', '〕', '〗', '〙', '〞', '〟', ')', ']', '}', '⦆' }, align = 'left', left = 0, down = 0, width = 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [0] = aki(0.5, -1), [1] = aki(0.5, -1), [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [5] = aki(0.25, -1), [51] = aki(0.25, -1), [52] = aki(0.25, -1) } }, [21] = { -- 逗号、顿号 chars = {'、', ','}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [0] = aki(0.25), [1] = aki(0.25), [2] = aki(0.25), [21] = aki(0.5), [22] = is_vt and aki(0.5) or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.5, -1), [4] = is_qj and {0.5, 0, 0.5, priority = {1, -1}} or (is_bj and {0, 0.5, 0, priority = {1, -1}} or {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, priority = {1, -1}}), [41] = aki(0.25), [5] = aki(0.25), [51] = aki(0.25), [52] = aki(0.25) } }, [22] = { -- 冒号、分号 chars = {':', ';'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = is_vt and 1 or 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [0] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [1] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [2] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [21] = is_vt and aki(0.25) or aki(0.5), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.5), [3] = is_vt and aki(0.25, -1) or aki(0.5, -1), [4] = is_vt and aki(0.25, 1, true) or (is_qj and {0.5, 0, 0.5, priority = {1, -1}} or (is_bj and {0, 0.5, 0, priority = {1, -1}} or {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, priority = {1, -1}})), [41] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [5] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [51] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [52] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25) } }, [3] = { -- 间隔号 chars = {'・', '·'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [0] = aki(0.25, -1), [1] = aki(0.25, -1), [2] = aki(0.25, -1), [21] = aki(0.5, -1), [22] = is_vt and aki(0.25, -1) or aki(0.5, -1), [3] = aki(0.5, 1), [4] = is_qj and {0.5, 0, 0.5, priority = {1, -1}} or (is_bj and {0, 0.5, 0, priority = {1, -1}} or {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, priority = {1, -1}}), [41] = aki(0.25, -1), [5] = aki(0.25, -1), [51] = aki(0.25, -1), [52] = aki(0.25, -1) } }, [4] = { -- 句号 chars = {'。', '.'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 0.5, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [0] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [1] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [2] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [21] = aki(0.5, 1, true), [22] = is_vt and aki(0.25, 1, true) or aki(0.5, 1, true), [3] = is_qj and {0.5, 0, 0.5, priority = {1, -1}} or (is_bj and {0, 0.5, 0, priority = {1, -1}} or {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, priority = {1, -1}}), [4] = is_qj and {0.5, 0, 0.5, priority = {1, -1}} or (is_bj and {0, 0.5, 0, priority = {1, -1}} or {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, priority = {1, -1}}), [41] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [5] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [51] = aki(0.25, 1, true), [52] = aki(0.25, 1, true) } }, [41] = { -- 问号、感叹号 chars = {'?', '!', '‼', '⁇', '⁈', '⁉'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 1, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, 1, true) } }, [5] = { -- 一字线、省略号、波浪线 chars = { '—', -- U+2014 '―', -- U+2015 '‥', '…', '〜', -- U+301C '~' -- U+FF5E }, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 1, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [1] = aki(0.5, -1), [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, -1, true) }, kern = { [5] = 0, [51] = 0, [52] = 0 } }, [51] = { -- U+2E3A TWO-EM DASH chars = {'⸺'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 2, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [1] = aki(0.5, -1), [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, -1, true) }, kern = { [5] = 0, [51] = 0, [52] = 0 } }, [52] = { -- U+2E3B THREE-EM DASH chars = {'⸻'}, align = 'middle', left = 0, down = 0, width = 3, height = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.88, depth = is_vt and 0.5 or 0.12, italic = 0, glue = { [1] = aki(0.5, -1), [21] = aki(0.25), [22] = is_vt and {} or aki(0.25), [3] = aki(0.25, -1), [4] = aki(0.25, -1, true) }, kern = { [5] = 0, [51] = 0, [52] = 0 } }, [6] = { -- box end chars = {'boxbdd', 'parbdd', 'glue'} } }